Chapter 17
So, I've only got one more chapter to write before I finish this story completely and that will be chapter 22 so I've got quite a few chapters lined up. I probably won't finish that chapter for another couple of days but I will do it on the weekend. Because that means I'm basically all done, I am going to be posting a chapter a day until I've posted the entire story, so enjoy some regular updates for once :)
Trigger Warning
There is torture in this chapter and it's a little detail so if you aren't go with that, then please don't read. It is mainly just waterboarding, if you don't know what that is then please look up a brief description so you know what will be happening and if you're comfortable reading
"You realise there's nothing we can do for Wooyoung if we don't know where they will have taken him," Jongho pointed out as we all sat around San's bed later that night, brainstorming ideas. San whimpered and curled up slightly but Seonghwa quickly shifted on the bed to pull San closer to his side.
"Jjong, you're freaking San out," Yeosang said quickly. Jongho hurriedly looked over at his brother and instantly felt bad for what he said as it clearly freaked San out.
"It's fine because he's right, but luckily we do know," Yunho said. Everyone but Mingi turned to look at him quickly.
"How would you know that," Hongjoong asked in confusion.
"We had a walk around the town, started talking to some people to figure out what the hell is going on," Mingi said.
"Ok, so what did you find out," San asked quickly, hopefully.
"Do you guys remember one of our towns, Aurora," Yunho asked.
"Yeah, it borders on the edge of Fantasia and Balhae, but it's in Fantasia and quite far from civilisation in Balhae," Hongjoong said with a nod.
"Well word has it that they've gone dark for a few weeks now, no word from what's happening in there. What's more is that the forest that we were in for our getaway extends for quite a while and eventually links up with another forest that stems out from Aurora," Yunho said.
"So they've based themselves there," Hongjoong said with a nod. It makes sense and out of all places in Fantasia, a pretty good vantage point.
"Yeah, that's what we've figured. If they've taken Youngie anywhere, it will be there," Yunho said with a nod.
"So we can go now right," San asked quickly.
"No we can't Darling, not yet. First of all, it's night and we need to wait until sunrise to proceed. Second of all, we don't know how many Knights they have there, we're going to need backup," Hongjoong said.
"We can't keep waiting. Promise we can go the minute sunrise begins," San asked the Prince quickly.
"We are sending for back up, but I promise back up or not we will leave as soon as we can. I'm not just going to leave Wooyoung to fend for himself for so long," Hongjoong said.
"How're we sending for back up," Yunho asked.
"I want you and Mingi to go back to the castle, ride as fast as you can and gather 75% of our Knights and have them ride to aurora. Leave the other 25% of the Knights on high alert and keep the castle in lockdown. Tell them I ordered it and then get back as quick as you can," Hongjoong said.
"We're on it Your Highness," Yunho said, standing up quickly.
"Stop calling me that," Hongjoong groaned as the two Knights left the room quickly. He just sighed and slumped back on his chair, turning back to the others in the room.
"Hwa, Angel, you two are going to need to stay out of this fight," Hongjoong said.
"Hongjoong he's my best friend," Yeosang said shaking his head.
"I know. We all love Youngie and we all want him to be safe, but we can't bring you two along. This is going to be dangerous and we can't afford to be worrying about you and Seonghwa getting hurt," Hongjoong said.
"Because that's what got us into this mess in the first place. Me being incompetent and forcing Sannie to protect me," Yeosang said sadly, his eyes welling up with tears. San looked over at him quickly, worry seeping into his veins as he saw the self-deprecating look of guilt in Yeosang's eyes.
"Sangie, come here," San said softly. Yeosang glanced over tearfully, trying to blink the tears away but they began to fall. San held out his hand quickly and Yeosang slipped his hand into it. San gently tugged Yeosang on to the bed and over into his lap. He hugged him tightly, letting out a breath as the Prince settled in his arms. He loves Wooyoung so much, he's the love of his life, but Yeosang's always been there. Yeosang is the reason they met, the reason they got so close and he was the one that helped encourage them to be together. He wouldn't have the love of his life if it wasn't for the boy in his arms.
"Yeosang, I love you so much," San whispered. Yeosang let out a small sob, cuddling closer in San's embrace that had become so familiar over the years due to him being the lover of his best friend.
"Wooyoung always loved you and so did I. I would never have forgiven myself if they took you or killed you. You're the second Prince and you would've been in so much more danger than Youngie. If you were taken, he would've killed me himself," San said softly, running his fingers through the Prince's hair. Yeosang sniffled and buried his head in San's neck, clinging to him tightly.
"None of this is your fault Yeosang. I would feel much more at ease if I knew you were going to be somewhere safe while this goes down," San said softly.
"I'm sorry," Yeosang whispered.
"It's ok, you have nothing to be sorry for," San said gently.
"Look at me for a second my love," Jongho said quietly. Yeosang lifted his head and turned to look over at him quietly.
"Please just sit this one out, for me," Jongho whispered. Yeosang sniffled before nodding his head and cuddling back into San.
"Star, I need you to sit this one out as well," Hongjoong said.
"I can help Hongjoong. I've been taught how to defend myself and I'm quite good with a sword," Seonghwa said.
"Seonghwa, remember that conversation we had earlier," Hongjoong asked. Seonghwa looked over at him and sighed when he saw the worry in his eyes.
"I can stay and look after Sangie, just in case," Seonghwa said with a nod. Hongjoong let out a breath of relief, thankful that Seonghwa was going to step back without a fight. If Seonghwa went with them, all he would be worried about was keeping him safe and it would probably distract him too much.
"San, Jongho, we'll all be going so I want you guys to rest up and be in as good condition as you can in the morning," Hongjoong said. San and Jongho both nodded quickly and Hongjoong relaxed back into the chair he was sitting in. Seonghwa got up quickly from the bed, allowing Jongho to replace him and cuddle up to the still upset Yeosang. Seonghwa walked over to Hongjoong's chair and pulled him up before sitting down and pulling him back into his lap. Hongjoong breathed out as his breath relaxed, leaning his head back to rest on Seonghwa's shoulder. Seonghwa slipped his arms around his waist softly and rested his head against his, his nose lightly brushing against his neck. The time is ticking down and soon enough half of the boys will be leaving to fight against who knows how many enemies while trying to find their missing brother who will most likely be a bit worse for wear. Jongho and Yeosang were distracted, wanting to be close to each other to console and prepare themselves. San however, glanced over at the duo on the chair and rose an eyebrow in curiosity. Seonghwa and Hongjoong are close, sure, but never this close. He watched curiously as Seonghwa placed a delicate kiss to Hongjoong's neck and the Prince arched into the touch slightly before curling up more in the elder's lap, wrapping his arms around his neck. San smiled softly, thankful that despite everything going on, at least something else good as come from it. Everyone's been waiting ages for the two of them to realise how much they love each other. He just needs to wait a little bit longer and he can be with Wooyoung again, he can have him close like that again.
Yunho and Mingi arrived back into town about an hour before sunrise, along with over 50 other Knights, all riding their horses. The town was in shock and whispering as the Knights of their Kingdom rode through their streets. Mingi and Yunho quickly dismounted, walking into the infirmary and finding the room San was staying in once again. Seonghwa and Hongjoong quickly stood, while the three on the bed sat up.
"We're ready your Highness," Yunho said, standing up straight.
"How many men," Hongjoong asked.
"Approximately 57 men without including the five of us," Mingi informed him.
"Alright, we can work with that. Did you bring some extra horses and robes for San," Hongjoong asked.
"We did, there's adding all up enough for all of us to ride out and one for Seonghwa and Yeosang to take. Here's clothes for San," Yunho said.
"Alright, get everyone prepared, I'll make sure San is good to go," Hongjoong said as he grabbed the clothes. Mingi and Yunho nodded before leaving the room.
"Jongho, go as well," Hongjoong said. Jongho glanced at Yeosang before sighing and placing a quick kiss to his lips.
"I love you. Stay safe and I'll see you again soon," he whispered. Yeosang sniffled but nodded, knowing Jongho needed to go and he didn't want to be holding him back.
"I love you too. Don't you dare die out there," he said quietly.
"I wouldn't dream of it," Jongho said softly, squeezing him one last time before leaving the room. Seonghwa quickly walked over and pulled Yeosang into a hug to help keep him calm, knowing he was going to worry about Jongho's safety. Hongjoong walked to the other side of the bed as San shuffled over and dangled his legs over the side of the bed.
"Let me see your stomach," Hongjoong said. San quickly untied his robes and pulled them to the side, showing Hongjoong the nasty cut that was stitched over. Hongjoong winced slightly, thankful he wasn't there to see it as he would've completely freaked out, not wanting to see one of his kids hurt so badly.
"I need you to be honest and tell me how much this hurts," Hongjoong said. San nodded quickly in reply. Hongjoong reached out and gently placed his hand over San stomach, lightly brushing the injury, making San jolt.
"That bad," Hongjoong asked worried.
"No, it wasn't the pain. Your hands are just really cold," San said with a soft chuckle.
"Right, sorry," Hongjoong apologised. He quickly pulled his hand away and rubbed them together to warm them up before placing it back down. He pressed down gently and San winced slightly but otherwise didn't protest.
"How does it feel," he asked the Knight softly.
"It's like a dull ache, but nothing I can't push through. I'm ok to do this," San said quickly.
"You were stabbed in a possibly fatal spot like 12 hours ago Darling. The ointment you were given was truly amazing, but it hasn't been used a whole lot and I want to make sure you're going to be ok," Hongjoong said. San understands how he was feeling and he knows how protective Hongjoong can get of them.
"I am good to go Joong. I want to get Youngie back, to protect him. If I thought I was going to become a burden, I would back to give you guys a better chance," he said firmly. Hongjoong sighed but nodded, knowing San wouldn't do anything to put Wooyoung's life in jeopardy.
"If you feel wrong, if it starts hurting, you find me do you understand me. You find me and you stay behind me," Hongjoong said firmly. San smiled softly and nodded.
"I promise Hongjoong, I'll find you straight away," San replied. Hongjoong nodded and pulled him into a soft hug before pulling away quickly.
"Go get changed and meet me outside," Hongjoong said, handing San the clothes. San nodded and grabbed the clothes before hurrying off. Hongjoong then turned back to Yeosang and Seonghwa who were still hugging. He sighed softly before walking over to him. The two people standing in front of him are two of the most important and precious people in his life, two people he holds closest to his heart. He wrapped them both up in a tight hug, pulling them close. Yeosang latched on to him quickly, wanting the comfort of his brother to tell him everything was going to be alright, even if it wasn't.
"I love you Angel, just stay safe for me," Hongjoong said softly.
"You're the one going into a war, not me," Yeosang whispered.
"I know, but I still want you safe," Hongjoong replied.
"I'll be safe, I promise. Just don't go dying on me please. I can't lose you," Yeosang said desperately.
"You'll never lose me Yeosang. No matter what, I will always be with you. If I die one day, I will still be here with you, even if you can't see me," Hongjoong said, ruffling his hair softly.
"Fine, but don't die," Yeosang said, looking up with a pout. Hongjoong chuckled but nodded. Yeosang let out a breath before pulling away, leaving Hongjoong with his arm around Seonghwa's waist. He took a deep breath before pulling Seonghwa into a proper hug. Seonghwa held him tightly, almost desperately as the worry for what was going to happen hit him fully. Hongjoong picked up on the stress and fear in the tenseness of Seonghwa's body and he let out a sigh.
"Star, I've just got you, there's no way I'm leaving so soon," Hongjoong whispered. Seonghwa sucked in a breath and held him tighter.
"You better not. I didn't go through the stress of going over ever possible scenario of punishment I could get just for you to die the next day," Seonghwa said quietly. Hongjoong chuckled but nodded before pulling back slightly.
"I promise I'll be back," he said softly. Seonghwa let out a deep breath before nodding. He glanced briefly at Yeosang who sitting on the bed before deciding to just go for it. He lifted his hand and gently slipped it to cup Hongjoong's neck, leaning down and kissing him desperately. Hongjoong smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Seonghwa's neck and tilting his head to deepen the kiss slightly. Yeosang's eyes went wide, his jaw dropping as he watched the two eldest kiss in front of him, something he was not expecting and apparently a very recent development. He blinked a few times before looking down quickly as the kiss deepened, not wanting to intrude too much on a clearly intimate moment. After a few more seconds, Hongjoong pulled away breathlessly.
"Yeah, I definitely gotta come back for more of that," he said with a small smirk.
"Hongjoong, I did not need to hear that," Yeosang squeaked, his face bright red. Hongjoong glanced over and smiled sheepishly at his brother, having forgotten slightly that he was there.
"Sorry Sang," he said quickly before turning back to Seonghwa and resting his forehead against the elders.
"I'll be back, and I'll do everything I can to keep them all safe," he whispered.
"I know you will. I'll be waiting for you to come back, so don't let me down," Seonghwa said quietly. Hongjoong closed his eyes tight for a few seconds before nodding quickly.
"I'll see you on the other side my Star," he said softly. He placed one last kiss to Seonghwa's cheek before pulling away completely. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pouch filled with coins, handing it to Seonghwa.
"I don't want you going back to the castle yet. If something happens, that's the first place they'll raid. I want you guys to stay in a lodging somewhere here. Don't flash the money too much, stay in one that isn't too high profile and get some food. You'll know when we come back," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa nodded quickly and Hongjoong turned back to Yeosang. He quickly walked over and yanked the Kim crest from the front of his robe.
"You two stay safe and Seonghwa, look after Yeosang," he said. They both nodded and Hongjoong gave them one last reassuring smile before leaving, knowing if he didn't leave now, then he'd have trouble getting himself to leave later. He walked out of the infirmary and over to the reception.
"I currently have a duty I have to attend to but I will come back to pay in full for Choi San's operation and stay," he said.
"Of course, Your Highness," the lady said, bowing down quickly. He quickly left the infirmary, walking out to where all the Knights were waiting on their horses for him. Yunho was at the front, his hand holding the reins to Hongjoong's horse. Hongjoong quickly mounted the horse and grabbed the reins from Yunho's hand, turning the horse around to face the other Knights.
"I'm sure Yunho's already briefed you all but I'll remind you what happening.
"We're riding to Aurora which is about a one to two-hour ride. We are expecting to be met by Knights of Balhae. We don't know how many, but there will definitely be an ensuing fight. We kill those who try to kill us, take hostages if they wish to surrender and we don't give up. If there's any civilians, then we protect them. I'm want there to be, but don't be hopeful, we all know what Balhae is like. They are vile and disgusting, ruthless killers," Hongjoong paused once he finished that sentence, debating on whether to continue with what he wanted to say. It could change their opinion on him, get him in trouble later. But family is family, even without blood and he will do everything to protect family.
"There is someone there, a servant by the name of Jung Wooyoung. He was kidnapped early yesterday, this is how we found out we were being invaded. If any of you come across him, you will protect him with your life. If you figure out where he is, alert me, my guard or San. Other than that, my other instructions still stand," Hongjoong said. San's eyes went wide at Hongjoong's words, not expecting him to speak up at Wooyoung given peoples views on servants but it warmed his heart that Hongjoong was risking his reputation to do as much as he could to protect the younger boy.
"Does anyone have a problem with any of those orders," Hongjoong asked.
"Not a single one, let's go kick some Balhaenian ass," Maddox said with a grin, receiving affirmative nods and murmurs from the other Knights. Hongjoong smiled softly, nodding in thanks to Maddox who just winked back.
"Let's go everyone," Hongjoong said and they all immediately turned around and started galloping off down the road. They're on their way now, Hongjoong just hopes they'll be there in time to find Wooyoung in once piece.
Wooyoung felt numb, both physically and mentally. After the Knights had taken him, they were riding for ages, his vision blocked by the bag over his head. The only thing he could think about for the entire ride was replaying the image of San getting stabbed over, and over, and over. He cried so much that the tears eventually ran out and he just slumped in their hold. San was dead. The love of his life is gone, all because of him. When they finally stopped, the bag remained over his head and he dragged somewhere. He didn't put up a fight, just let them drag him along to wherever they wanted. His lost the brightest light in his life, he doesn't know what he's supposed to do now. He figures he must've been pulled into some sort of room because it seemed darker through the bag. He was thrown on top of some sort of table or something before chains were shackled over his wrists and ankles, pulled tight to keep him restrained. It was silent for a bit except for some footsteps before the bag was ripped from over his head. He glanced around to see that there were three men standing around the table he was on. The walls were concrete and bare and he was chained to some sort of bench.
"These Knights of Fantasia are sucks sooks. Look at this one crying like a baby from being captured. He barely even put up a fight, they're getting weak," one of them said. Wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding what they were talking about. A Knight? That's when he realised. The robes he is wearing were San's, the robes of a Knight. His eyes welled up with tears at the thought that he was currently wearing his dead lovers clothes and they slowly trailed down his cheeks.
"Look, the whimp is crying again," another one said. A hand was suddenly enclosed around his throat and he whimpered struggling to get away but there was nowhere he could go, so he just tugged at his restraints. The hand tightened slightly around his throat before it was slapped away.
"We can't kill him yet, we still need information," the first Knight said. Information? Information about what? Hongjoong? Fantasia? The one that was previously about to choke him let go and stepped back.
"So, Knight. I'm guessing you know why you're here," first said. You see Wooyoung doesn't have much to live for anymore, but he still has his family. And if he's going to die, he's gonna die fighting and protecting them. There's no way he is going to tell them any information that can possibly hurt his family.
"Why don't you enlighten me," Wooyoung said snarkily. He surprised himself by how put together he managed to sound despite realistically dying inside.
"Huh, so he does have some guts. What's your name little Fantasian," first asked.
"Wouldn't you like to know," Wooyoung said with a smirk. The smirk was immediately replaced with a grimace as something smashed into his stomach, pain blooming from it. He cried out in pain, the tears flowing once again.
"Oh this is gonna be fun," choker said.
"You were seen out in the woods with the Crown Prince and the second Prince of Fantasia, along with a maximum of 7 other people. That means you're close with the Prince, and that means you have information you can give us," first said. Wooyoung managed to school his expression slightly to glare at the other.
"So this is how this is going to work. We're going to ask you some questions and you're going to answer them. If you don't answer the questions truthfully, then we're going to have some fun," he said. Wooyoung's heart pounded at the implication but he tried his hardest not to let the fear show much.
"First question, how well do you know the Crown Prince," he asked. Right Wooyoung should've known this is going to be focused on Hongjoong.
"I don't know him well," Wooyoung replied.
"Well, well, well, strike one already. Hyunjae, you're up," first said. Wooyoung's heart started pounding and his heart was gripped by fear as the choking one, Hyunjae, moved closer with a sickening grin, his hand gripping and twirling a dagger.
"Where shall we start," Hyunjae asked.
"Start with his pretty little face shall we," first said. Wooyoung panicked at their words and the sight of the dagger.
"N-No, please don't. I don't know him, I swear," he whimpered.
"Bullshit. You were seen with him and you definitely know more than you're letting on. You're a Knight for god's sake. Hyunjae teach him a lesson," first said. Before Wooyoung could register, there was a sharp pain slicing down his face and he let out a scream. It was painful, very painful but he couldn't move away from it, no matter how hard he tried.
"STOP, PLEASE STOP," he screamed, the pain getting worse. He doesn't know how long Hyunjae was slicing his face but by the time he finished, he was a sobbing mess.
"There, that should've loosened your tongue up a bit," first said with a chuckle. Wooyoung just continued to sob in pain, his face stinging.
"Now I'm going to ask you again. What do you know about Kim Hongjoong," first said.
"I d-don't know h-him. N-Not well. I sw-swear," Wooyoung cried.
"Clearly that wasn't enough to loosen his tongue," Hyunjae said.
"N-No please. I d-don't, I don't know him well. I'm not even a Kn-Knight, I'm a s-servant," Wooyoung said, desperate to give away any information to stop him from being killed, only if it doesn't put the others in danger.
"What do you mean you aren't a Knight," Hyunjae asked.
"I'm n-not one. I'm a s-servant, always have b-been," Wooyoung cried.
"Then why are you wearing Knights clothes, why were you with the Knights and the Prince's," first asked. He could talk about San, it wouldn't put him in any more danger because he's dead now, he's gone.
"My lover, he's a, he w-was a Knight. His name was S-San," Wooyoung said before breaking into more tears.
"You say was? What happened to him? Is he alive," the spare one asked.
"You guys killed him," Wooyoung whispered, breaking into more sobs.
"Ugh seriously. This is useless Jangwoo. We were supposed to grab someone we could use as leverage on the Prince or the King, or at least someone with information on them but all we get is a useless, pathetic servant who can't give us anything," Hyunjae grumbled.
"We may as well just kill him now. Or maybe I can just have some fun with him first," Hyunjae added.
"Wait a second. We don't know that he doesn't know anything," spare said.
"Yeonjun he's a servant, how is he supposed to know something," Hyunjae asked.
"He was still with that group. They were a small group you said right? So obviously they all knew each other well. If he doesn't talk, then he's obviously trying to cover for them, protect them," the spare, Yeonjun said.
"Fine. We'll try this again. Hyunjae, get the water, Yeonjun get the cloth," Jangwoo said. Water and cloth? That doesn't sound good.
"You're going to waterboard him," Yeonjun asked. Wooyoung was confused at the slight outburst. Yeonjun almost sounded alarmed, concerned. Why would he be concerned for someone from Fantasia. From what he's heard from Hongjoong and the Knights, the people of Balhae don't care about anyone, they're just out for blood.
"Have you got a problem with that," Jangwoo asked. Yeonjun glanced down at Wooyoung before shaking his head and moving off. Wooyoung sniffled and shifted nervously, waiting for what was obviously to come. Yeonjun returned and handing Jangwoo the cloth while Hyunjae returned with what looked like some sort of hose.
"Open wide sweethe-."
"Go to hell," Wooyoung spat, anger seeping into his veins at what Jangwoo was saying. Only Hongjoong calls him Sweetheart, not some vile enemy.
"Ooo, struck a nerve there did I. What, did your little lover call you that," Jangwoo asked patronizingly.
"No, Hong-." Wooyoung cut himself off quickly, realising his mistake but it was too late.
"Hongjoong calls you Sweetheart? But why would the Prince call a lowlife servant that he doesn't even know Sweetheart," Hyunjae said slowly.
"I think you were on to something Yeonjun," Jangwoo said with an evil grin.
"Obviously this little one is holding back more than we realised," he added. Wooyoung cursed himself for his stupidity but he kept his mouth shut, not wanting to accidentally let anymore information slip out.
"Stubborn one isn't he. Shall we," Hyunjae asked, holding up the hose. Jangwoo nodded and before Wooyoung could react, the cloth was shoved into his mouth. He whimpered in fear, not knowing what was to come but hoping it wasn't as bad as the knife. Oh how it was way worse. The minute the water was poured on his face, he felt like he couldn't breath. It went into his mouth but he couldn't swallow, into his nose and dripped down his face. He tried to breathe but it caused him to choke and he felt like he was drowning. He tried to struggle, to move so he could turn his head and get some air but it didn't work. He felt like he was dying, his lungs burning and just as he felt like he was going to pass out, it all stopped. The cloth was pulled from his mouth and he turned his head to the side, choking and spluttering, water spewing from his mouth. Even once it was done, his lungs still hurt and he couldn't breathe properly, his nose slightly clogged.
"Now we're going to ask you again. What do you know about Kim Hongjoong," Jangwoo asked. Wooyoung sobbed, desperately wanting to just give in but this is his family. He's the weakest physically out of all of them. The least he could do is just protect them with what he has left.
"I'm not t-telling you sh-shit," he panted out.
"Wrong answer. Hyunjae," Jangwoo said, shoving the cloth back in his mouth. Wooyoung started sobbing again, dreading what was to come. He tried to turn his head away but Jangwoo grabbed his chin and held it in place, allowing Hyunjae to pour the water on him again. He gasped and instantly started choking, the feeling of drowning coming quicker and harder than before. He struggled but couldn't get away and his vision blurred at the intense sensations, his chest feeling tighter. The feeling stopped again suddenly and he was expelling a heap of water off to the side the minute the cloth was gone from his mouth.
"Now, tell us something we want to know. A weakness of the Princes perhaps. Something or someone who can throw him off," Jangwoo asked.
"Seo-." Wooyoung instinctively went to say Seonghwa's name, wanting to end the pain but he stopped himself.
"S-Son of a bitch," he said breathlessly. Hyunjae growled and punched his stomach, making him groan and gasp in pain. It couldn't really get much worse though, because he was already in the most pain he's been in before. He doesn't even know how he's still conscious.
"Again," Jangwoo said. He placed the cloth back in Wooyoung's mouth, even as he tried to avoid it. The water was back on instantly and it felt ten times worse than before. Wooyoung felt something stirring in the pit of his stomach, bile rising up his throat. This time when the water was off and the cloth came out, he expelled the water but also heaved and threw up slightly. The problem with that though, was that he couldn't turn his head far enough to get rid of all of the vomit, meaning some of it got lodged in his throat and he started to aspirate slightly.
"Talk. Now," Jangwoo said.
"Never," Wooyoung choked out between choking on his own vomit.
"Fine. We'll end this for now. Hyunjae come with me, we need to discuss something with Beomho but we'll be back later for more fun. Yeonjun just make sure the little shit doesn't die before we finish with him," Jangwoo said. Wooyoung would've let out a breath of relief but he was still aspirating and choking on his vomit, his chest heaving harshly. He watched as Hyunjae and Jangwoo left the room, the door slamming shut behind them. The minute they were gone, Yeonjun was lunging forwards and desperately undoing the chains around his wrists, yanking him up into a sitting position. He shoved two fingers down Wooyoung's throat and Wooyoung gagged before, throwing up onto the floor, vomiting harshly and getting rid of what was clogging up his airways. By the time he was done he was exhausted and flopped forwards, but to his surprise Yeonjun's arms tightened on him and he pulled him closer in his arms. Wooyoung was caught off-guard but also scared he was going to hurt him so he tried to pull away but his legs were still chained up.
"Hey, it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise," Yeonjun said gently. Wooyoung whined in confusion, not understanding what was going on. Is this some sort of reverse tactic?
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry they just did that to you. But you're safe, for now anyway. They'll be gone for a few hours. Just try to take some deep breaths," Yeonjun said. Wooyoung was utterly confused, in pain and overwhelmed, he didn't know what to do so he started sobbing. Yeonjun just continued to shock him and held him tighter, rubbing his back so softly, it felt like the comfort he would receive from one of his friends.
"Wh-What are you d-doing," he cried. He isn't supposed to be nice. He isn't supposed to be helping him.
"Trying to make sure you're as ok as you can be right now," Yeonjun said quietly.
"Wh-Why," Wooyoung asked.
"I don't, I don't agree with what's happening. I hate what we're doing. When I became a Knight, this isn't what I thought I would be doing, this isn't what I signed up for. You're just a servant, you even seem like one in your mannerisms alone. I don't like what they just did to you," Yeonjun whispered. Wooyoung was surprised once again. He thought everyone from Balhae enjoyed the pain and suffering from others.
"Y-You're supposed to h-hate us," Wooyoung whimpered, shivering slightly. Yeonjun pulled him slightly closer, using his jacket to cover Wooyoung's body slightly and this time he didn't protest.
"I don't hate you guys, not at all. My parents actually used to live here. I lived here until I was five, then we left," Yeonjun said quietly. Wooyoung just nodded mutely.
"I um, I had two cousins from here. My dad's sister, she had two sons," Yeonjun whispered. Wooyoung made a noise of confusion, not understanding why Yeonjun was saying this.
"My name, uh, my name is Choi Yeonjun," he said and Wooyoung tensed, his heart starting to pound.
"My cousins, the younger one's name is Jongho and the older one is-."
"Sannie," Wooyoung whimpered before bursting into tears. Yeonjun's arms wrapped around him tighter and Wooyoung gave in, slipping his arms around Yeonjun's waist, squeezing tightly. He knows he shouldn't trust him so easily, but he never said San's last name and he never mentioned Jongho, which means Yeonjun isn't lying.
"I'm sorry to hear about Sannie. Even as a child he was a ray of sunshine," Yeonjun said quietly. Wooyoung sobbed harder into his chest.
"I'm glad he found someone who could make him happy," Yeonjun said softly. Wooyoung continued to cry, thinking back to moments when it was just, he and San and San was smiling so brightly. It waxs his favourite thing in the world.
"A-Am I gonna d-die," he whispered. At least if he dies, he can be with San again.
"I promise I'll do my best to keep them from killing you, for Sannie. I can't stop them from hurting you, I wish I could but it would raise too much suspicion. Hongjoong, he cares about you right," Yeonjun asked. Wooyoung tensed at his words, worrying that he was just trying to lull him into a false sense of security.
"Right, bad idea to ask that. I just mean, people will come for you right? They will want you back" Yeonjun said. Wooyoung bit his lip nervously before slowly nodding.
"My family will come," he whispered.
"Ok, that's good. I will do my best to keep you as safe as I can until they come, but you're going to end up in a bit of pain unfortunately," Yeonjun said with a sigh.
"I won't tell them anything. Not about Joong, or any of the others," Wooyoung said.
"You're strong, I admire that. Not many people can withstand torture like that, not like you have. You just need to hold on a bit longer ok," Yeonjun said.
"Are you going to try and kill them when they come," Wooyoung asked worriedly.
"No, I'm not. Both my parents are dead now, the only family I have left is here. And what I've seen lately, I don't want any part of that," Yeonjun said.
"J-Jjongie. Jongho will come. You can see him again," Wooyoung told him.
"I look forward to it. You're close with him too," Yeonjun asked.
"He's like my little brother. Or big brother who's actually my little brother," Wooyoung replied. Yeonjun nodded and pushed the hair from his face softly.
"W-Wooyoung," Wooyoung whispered.
"Pardon," Yeonjun said in confusion.
"My name is Wooyoung," Wooyoung said quietly.
"It's nice to meet you Wooyoung. Your secret is safe with me. Now let's just hope we both make it through these next few hours and let's hope your family get here fast. Otherwise I don't know what I can do," Yeonjun said with a sigh. Wooyoung sniffled and nodded, cuddling slightly closer. He'll talk all the comfort he can get, even if it's from some nice random stranger who he barely knows. His family care about him, they'll come.
Here is Chapter 17 everyone, I hope you enjoyed it even though it's a little bleak. I promise you things will get better. Eventually
Let me know what you thought and what parts you liked or which specific parts mad you sad or excited, I dunno
Was the new character a surprise for you?
Thank you for reading and I hope you're all doing well
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