Chapter 15
Trigger Warning
Blood and Violence
"Joong, did you hear that," Yunho asked. They had been riding for close to an hour and a half when Yunho picked up the sound of more hooves from behind them.
"Do you think it's the others," Hongjoong asked as they continued to ride. God, he hopes it's the others and not riders from Balhae.
"I don't-. I'm not sure, just keep riding guys," Yunho said. Hongjoong pulled his horse back slightly, positioning it to ride behind Seonghwa. Seonghwa glanced back in confusion and raised an eyebrow.
"Just keep going," Hongjoong said quickly. Out of the three of them, Seonghwa is the one who is most vulnerable so he'll do whatever he can to keep him safe.
"We need to go quicker, we don't know if they're getting closer to us," Yunho said.
"We can't make the horses go any faster, they're already galloping as fast as they can," Hongjoong said. He strained his ears, trying to ignore the sounds of their horses, and listen to see if the others were getting closer. They were, it was clear they were getting louder. Shit.
"Seonghwa listen to me right now ok," Hongjoong said quickly. Seonghwa glanced back briefly before nodding and continuing to ride.
"No matter what happens, you will not stop until you get to the castle o-."
"I'm not doing that. I'm not going to leave either of you," Seonghwa said, cutting him off. They are his family and if they're going to fight, he's going to be there to help as best as he can.
"As the Crown Prince of Fantasia, that is an order," Hongjoong said firmly. He never likes pulling rank, but he will never forgive himself if something happens to Seonghwa.
"As someone he cares about you Kim Hongjoong, I'm defying that order and the answer is still no," Seonghwa replied angrily. He's not going to abandon his family when they're in danger. Hongjoong has taught him how to defend himself, how to use a sword and he can use that knowledge to help them if anything happens. Hongjoong's jaw tightened but he didn't say anything, knowing how stubborn his friend is and that nothing he says can change his mind. Yunho glanced behind to check on the other two but his heart stopped at what he saw. There were 4 riders of Balhae emerging from the bushes behind them. There's no way they're making it back to the castle without being attacked. He groaned before unsheathing his sword and spinning his horse around, galloping past Hongjoong and towards the Knights. Hongjoong's eyes widened in shock as Yunho sped by and he turned his head to see the enemy. He cursed himself and reared his horse back, turning and riding towards them to give Yunho some back up. Yunho made it to the first Knight and blocked their sword with his own before slicing their arm slightly. That got the Knights attention and he quickly rode off to take them away from the others. As he rode, he glanced back to see two following him, the others going to Hongjoong. If it was someone else, he would be worried and try to get back but Hongjoong can handle two and he can handle two. This is the safest way to deal with things. He rode quickly, dodging in and out between the trees to try and lose the two tailing him. When he saw an opening, he quickly darted through the trees, circling back and coming back out between the two who didn't seem to notice he had turned around. He made quick work of slicing the first Knights neck and then stabbing the second in the back, killing both of them. He quickly reached out and grabbed the two horses reins, slowing them both down. He quickly cut off the saddles and bridles, before letting them both go. The horses rode off and he quickly turned back around, racing through the trees to get back to where he had left the others, his heart pounding in anxiety. He knows Hongjoong can protect himself but it's his duty to make sure he's safe and he can't let anything happen to him, not to mention Seonghwa is there as well. If something happens to them, it's on him.
After watching Yunho ride off, taking two of the Knights with him, Hongjoong was quick to do the same thing, deliberately making sure they could see the crest on his robes so they'd be able to identify him as the Prince, the important one to go after. He rode off quickly to draw them away from Seonghwa and make sure he was going to be safe. After riding for a minute or two, he turned around and drew his sword, but his stomach dropped at what he saw. There was only one Knight. Only one of them followed him. The other one was still with Seonghwa. Defenceless and alone Seonghwa. He rode towards the knight, blocking his sword and riding beside the horse. He swung his leg over the side of his horse and lunged at the enemy, tackling him and pulling him off his horse, landing harshly on the ground. The Balhae Knight almost got the upper hand, rolling over and pinning Hongjoong to the ground with a hand on his neck but Hongjoong instantly drove his knee up and smashing it into his ribs, hearing a crack as the other knight cried out. He threw him off and grabbed his sword again, stabbing it through his chest. He quickly got back off and pulled his sword out, running back to his horse and jumping back on again.
"Go Alexa, fast," Hongjoong said, spurring the horse on. His heart was pounding as he weaved through the bushes. He should've looked back earlier, realised quicker that only one was following him. He just hopes that Yunho got back quickly.
"YUNHO," Hongjoong yelled out, finally making it back to where they previously were to see Yunho there.
"Where's Seonghwa," Yunho asked him looking behind him quickly. Hongjoong felt sick to his stomach and whimpered, looking around quickly.
"Yunho he isn't with me. I-I rode off thinking the other two followed me, but there was only o-one," Hongjoong said. Yunho's eyes went wide and he gasped, his eyes scanning the tree line quickly.
"Oh my god," Hongjoong gasped, his hand covering his mouth as his eyes started to water, realising just how bad this was.
"Hongjoong don't panic, we'll find him," Yunho said quickly.
"Y-Yun he was alone and d-defenceless," Hongjoong said. If something happened to Seonghwa, if he's gone, Hongjoong will never forgive himself. He needs Seonghwa in his life, he needs him to be safe. He cares about him. He lo-.
"Y-Yunho," Hongjoong cried out, tears beginning to fall down his face. Yunho's head snapped towards him, his eyes widening as he noticed the tears on his eyes and the way he was beginning to panic. He quickly pulled his horse over and placed a hand on Hongjoong's, squeezing it softly.
"Hongjoong, you need to calm down so we can find him," Yunho said softly.
"Yunho I love him. I like, I love, love him. Not like, like how I love the rest of you," Hongjoong rushed out before choking on a sob. Yunho nodded, having already realised a while back that the Prince had deeper feelings for the servant, in fact most of the others realised it, it was just a matter of time until Hongjoong finally figured things out. He just wished it was in better circumstances where he would be able to console him and help him sort out how he's feeling but Seonghwa is most likely in danger in right now, so they need to hurry.
"I know, I know you do. And right now, we need to find him and make sure he's ok and then you can tell him alright. You can have him in your arms, and you can keep him safe," Yunho said quickly. Hongjoong sniffled but nodded, calming down as he realised Yunho was right, he needs to find him now. They both quickly scanned the tree line, trying find any clue as to which way they could have gone.
"There, there's a break in the trees but none of us went that way," Yunho pointed out. Hongjoong immediately rode through there, following the path that had been made. He felt his heart stop once again when he noticed something up ahead and he rode over, pausing next to the horse laying on its side on the ground, not moving.
"That's Yeosang's horse," Yunho whispered in shock.
"No. No, no, no," Hongjoong cried, his head snapping up as he looked around.
"SEONGWHA. SEONGHWA WHERE ARE YOU," Hongjoong screamed, the tears streaming down his face. He quickly rode forwards, hoping beyond hope that he'd be able to find him, that'd he'd be ok.
"Hongjoong wait," Yunho cried out, rushing to follow him. After about 10 seconds, Hongjoong noticed two bodies on the ground and he sobbed, bringing the horse two a stop and jumping off, sprinting over. It was easy to tell which one was Seonghwa as he wasn't wearing all black, but he was laying on the ground unmoving.
"Star," Hongjoong cried, dropping to his knees harshly and pulling the older boy into his arms.
Seonghwa panicked when he heard the sound of hurried footsteps and he kept his eyes closed, trying to act dead so they wouldn't hurt him, but then he heard Hongjoong's voice and he was pulled into familiar arms. His eyes snapped open and he looked to see Hongjoong above him, his eyes read as tears streamed down his face. He quickly sat up and wrapped his arms around the youngers neck, hugging him tightly.
"I'm ok. Joong, I'm alright," he whispered hurriedly. Hongjoong sobbed openly, clinging tightly to the boy in his arms and crawling closer. His heart was racing and the fear of Seonghwa being gone was still running through his veins. He was overwhelmed and pulled away, lifting Seonghwa's face by his chin and peppering soft kisses around his face. Seonghwa was shocked at how rattled and upset Hongjoong was but just let him do what he wanted for comfort. His heart swelled slightly as Hongjoong placed soft but wet kisses over his face and he held him tightly. He pulled Hongjoong closer and the smaller climbed onto his lap, curling up in his arms.
"I'm ok Joong. I managed to knock him out before he could hurt me," he whispered. Hongjoong let out another sob at the revelation that Seonghwa was forced to defend himself, alone, scared and with no weapon.
"I'm so sorry Star. Lucky's so sorry," he whispered before choking out a cry. Seonghwa felt bad for scaring the younger boy so much and he moved to nuzzle his nose softly against his cheek before placing a soft kiss there.
"I'm alright Hongjoong, we're both ok," Seonghwa said. He suddenly remembered about Yunho and glanced up worriedly, relaxing when he saw Yunho standing against a tree quietly, watching the two of them. Yunho gave him a reassuring smile and nodded that he was ok, so he turned back to the crying and shaking boy curled in his arms. He brushed his fingers through his hair, trying to calm him down a little.
"I thought something happened, I thought you were gonna be gone," Hongjoong cried.
"I'm still here," Seonghwa assured him.
"It felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest," Hongjoong whispered. Seonghwa froze slightly at his words, not really understand the meaning but Hongjoong continued.
"I thought you were dead, and it felt like my world just collapsed, and I, I didn't know why. I've lost many people before and I was never as scared as I was just then. I just, I need you to know how much I care about you Seonghwa. You are the best person I have in my life and I can't lose you, I don't want to lose you," Hongjoong said. He does know why, he knows exactly why but now isn't the time, nor the place to try and figure it out. Seonghwa smiled softly despite the situation, letting out a breath and holding Hongjoong tightly.
"I think if you died, my world would collapse as well. Actually no, it definitely would collapse. I can't even think of a life without you," Seonghwa said thoughtfully.
"Don't ever do that again Park Seonghwa, you scared the shit out of me," Hongjoong said quickly.
"Just repaying the favour," Seonghwa said with a soft chuckle.
"Please don't do it a-again," Hongjoong begged, his voice cracking slightly. Seonghwa's eyes widened and he felt bad for joking around, tightening his hold on Hongjoong.
"I won't," he whispered in reassurance.
"Yunho," Hongjoong called out. Yunho pushed himself off the tree and walked over to them, kneeling down and hugging both of them.
"Are you ok," Hongjoong asked him quickly.
"I'm fine, they didn't touch me," Yunho nodded. Hongjoong took a deep breath, finally calming down and lifting his hands to wipe his eyes. Seonghwa beat him to it though, wiping the tears from his face.
"We need to get back to the castle," Yunho said.
"Yeosang's horse, the Knight stabbed it's side," Seonghwa said quietly, feeling guilty at the thought of the second Princes beloved Horse dying.
"They're vile and disgusting human beings," Yunho said angrily. If it's one thing he won't do, it's kill the animal the enemy is using, only if it's a last resort. It's not the animals fault they're used for these kinds of things.
"You're gonna ride with me Hwa, it'll be fine, but we need to go," Hongjoong said, agreeing with Yunho's earlier statement. Seonghwa nodded and they all quickly got up. Hongjoong slipped his hand into Seonghwa's, guiding him over to his horse.
"You get on first," he told him. Seonghwa nodded and quickly got onto the horse, Hongjoong following after. He wrapped his arms around Seonghwa's waist to grab the reins before sitting up straight and hooking his head over his shoulder. Seonghwa relaxed back into him and Hongjoong placed a soft kiss to his shoulder before taking a deep breath. Seonghwa is ok, he's right here with him.
"We need to go straight to Eden, let him know what happened and get our defences up right away. Who knows how many Knights are out there. We are raising the alarm for invasion," Hongjoong said as they galloped into the castle grounds. They stopped outside of the doors to the castle, dismounting quickly. Hongjoong paused and quickly helped Seonghwa down before the three of them ran inside. The horses will be fine, they won't run off. They ran quickly through the halls, eventually getting to the door to Eden's room and pounding quickly.
"Eden, open up," Hongjoong yelled. There were a few seconds of silent before the door swung open to show a puzzled Eden.
"Your Highness? I thought you weren't coming back until tomorrow. What're you do-."
"Balhae is mounting an invasion," Hongjoong interrupted quickly.
"What do you mean," Eden asked, his eyes widening in shock.
"We were staying about a two-hour ride from here and they found us," Hongjoong explained.
"Two hours," Eden questioned.
"Yes, two hours. We need all the Knights on duty and prepared for a possible fight hours ago," Hongjoong said.
"I'm on it Your Highness. Your father is still away and won't be back for a few days, but we'll send word to him and let him know of the invasion. Right now, you need to go to your quarters and stay safe until we get a better idea of what is happening," Eden said.
"The second Prince and the others we left with are on their way as well, they shouldn't be too far behind but make sure to send them to my quarters when they arrive," Hongjoong said quickly.
"Of course Your Highness," Eden said, bowing before hurrying down the halls.
"Come on, we need to go to my room," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa nodded and the three of them walked swiftly down the halls, making it to Hongjoong's room after a few minutes.
"You two go inside, I will stand guard," Yunho said. Seonghwa was going to protest, but Hongjoong grabbed his hand and yanked him inside, slamming the door closed behind them. Hongjoong tugged him over to the bed and threw him down softly. Seonghwa squeaked when his back hit the bed but accepted Hongjoong easily between his arms as the younger collapsed down on top him.
"I've already said I'm ok Hongjoong, I wasn't hurt," Seonghwa said softly.
"I know, but you scared me," Hongjoong whispered, tucking his head into Seonghwa's shoulder and taking a deep breath.
"I'm sorry for scaring you so much Joong. I tried to get away, but he caught up, so I knocked him out with a rock," Seonghwa explained. Hongjoong took a breath before pushing himself up, bracing his arms on either side of Seonghwa head, his legs resting on either side of Seonghwa's body as he looked down at him. Seonghwa blinked up in surprise, looking up at Hongjoong in confusion. Hongjoong chuckled fondly at the cute and confused expression on Seonghwa's face. He lifted his hand and gently brushed the hair away from Seonghwa's face, tucking it behind his ear. Seonghwa was puzzled at what Hongjoong was doing but he understood that the younger was scared, plus it felt nice.
"Seonghwa," Hongjoong whispered, resting his palm on the elder's face, brushing his thumb gently on his cheek. Seonghwa felt like he stopped breathing as the Prince looked down at him with an unreadable expression.
"Hongjoong," he said slowly, raising an eyebrow. Hongjoong took a deep breath to school his confidence. He needs to tell him, and this might be the only chance he has to do something before everything turns to shit.
"I want to do something, but I have to ask first," he said.
"Okay. I'm sure whatever it is, it'll be fine. There isn't much you can do that will upset me," Seonghwa said truthfully.
"I need you to promise you'll say no if you don't want it. It doesn't matter who I am, you'll say no," Hongjoong said sternly.
"I'll say no if I want to. I know you'll stop if I ask," Seonghwa said with a nod.
"Promise me no matter what I ask, it won't make you hate me," Hongjoong whispered, his hand on the bed clenching down on the sheets in worry.
"Hongjoong, I highly doubt there is anything you can do that will make me hate you," Seonghwa admitted. There really isn't, he likes the small Prince far too much.
"Promise," Hongjoong asked, his voice small. Seonghwa frowned worriedly, wondering what could be worrying the Prince this much.
"I promise," he said firmly with a nod.
"Seonghwa I want to kiss you," Hongjoong rushed out. Seonghwa blinked, his mouth dropping open in shock and his eyes widening. He's dreaming right? This isn't real, he's just imagining it right?
"Y-You wh-what," he stuttered.
"I want to kiss you," Hongjoong repeated.
"Like, on my forehead," Seonghwa asked slowly.
"No, on your lips," Hongjoong said, nibbling his lower lip nervously. Seonghwa's reaction so far hasn't been too promising. Maybe he just shouldn't have said anything.
"You want to kiss me on the lips," Seonghwa said slowly, trying to run it over in his brain and understand it. Hongjoong wants to kiss him?
"I mean, I did just say that," Hongjoong pointed out.
"Oh yeah, I know. I kind of thinking I'm dreaming right now though. Maybe I hit my head earlier. Yeah that's probably right. I hit my head and I'm currently unconsc-. Ow," Seonghwa yelped as Hongjoong pinched his cheek.
"That hurt Hongjoong," he whined.
"You aren't dreaming Star. It's ok if you aren't comfortable and don't wan-."
"NO! No, I want to," Seonghwa interrupted, blushing out how loud he was. Hongjoong's eyes widened and his lips parted slightly.
"Y-You want to," he asked. Seonghwa blushed shyly before slowly nodding.
"Like actually kiss me," Hongjoong repeated.
"Yes Hongjoong, I want you to kiss me so I can kiss you back. Don't turn into me now," Seonghwa said. Hongjoong chuckled fondly and shook his head slightly.
"I'm not turning into you, I just really didn't expect you to say yes," Hongjoong admitted.
"You didn't? I kind of thought it's been obvious how much I want to kiss you," Seonghwa said thoughtfully.
"You want to kiss me," Hongjoong asked.
"I just said yes to that so yeah," Seonghwa said slowly.
"No like, before I asked you if you did, you already wanted to," Hongjoong asked him. Seonghwa blushed and nodded shyly.
"Why didn't you say anything," Hongjoong asked softly.
"I mean, it's probably not a good idea for a servant to walk around talking about how he's fallen in love with the Crown Prince, the same Prince he's supposed to be serving and being in close proximity to. I'd most definitely be hung for that," Seonghwa pointed out.
"Y-You're in love with me," Hongjoong sputtered. Seonghwa groaned and blushed even more, trying to curl up in embarrassment. He wasn't supposed to say that, him and his stupid mouth. Hongjoong quickly tightened his legs around his waist and placed a hand on his shoulder to keep him pinned down.
"I'm surprised you haven't noticed the way I look at you, how I act with you. And you call Yeosangie naïve," Seonghwa said quietly.
"Why wouldn't you tell me you're in love with me," Hongjoong asked sadly. How long has Seonghwa been feeling this way without telling him.
"Because I'm a servant Joong, and you're the Crown Prince. My duty is to serve you, not to panic whenever I see you without a shirt, not to wish I could kiss you properly goodnight before you go to bed," Seonghwa said.
"And I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. I bathe you and help you change, I didn't want you thinking I was deliberately ogling you," he added.
"You look away whenever my pants come off Seonghwa, and you try not to look at me too much in the bath. You're too much of a gentleman for me to ever think that," Hongjoong chuckled.
"Wait, is this why you get so flustered sometimes," Hongjoong asked, his eyebrows furrowing.
"I can't help it, you're gorgeous and have no sense of personal space sometimes and it makes me panic too much," Seonghwa whined. Hongjoong blushed at his words, smiling softly.
"I happen to think you're very beautiful my little Star. So perfect and pretty, like god sculptured you himself," Hongjoong whispered, caressing his face softly with his thumb. Seonghwa blushed even more and fell silent, his heart fluttering at Hongjoong's words.
"M'not," he whispered.
"Oh, but you are Star, so beautiful. I would look at you all day if I could," Hongjoong whispered, his eyes trailing over his face before landing on his lips.
"Oh my god, just kiss me already before I die of embarrassment," Seonghwa whined, causing Hongjoong to laugh softly.
"Kim Hongjoong, stop laughing," Seonghwa scolded before pouting.
"Sorry, you're just adorable," Hongjoong said softly.
"Hongjoong, either you kiss me right now or I use one of those moves you taught me and disarm you and then I will go drown myself in despair," Seonghwa said pointedly.
"No, don't do that. Then I won't have your pretty face to look at all the time," Hongjoong pouted.
"Sorry, sorry. I'm just kidding," Hongjoong said quickly, panicking that he was actually going to leave but Seonghwa just sighed and remained where he was.
"Can I tell you something," Hongjoong asked softly.
"There's more. What, are you gonna tell me you were joking the entire time," Seonghwa asked quietly. Hongjoong smiled and leaned down, his nose just lightly brushing against Seonghwa's.
"I love you too my Star, more than anyone else in this world," he whispered before leaning down and finally pressing his lips to Seonghwa's. Seonghwa's eyes instantly slipped closed, his body relaxing as his arms moved up to loosely wrap around Hongjoong's neck as he kissed him back. His entire body felt like it was buzzing, his heart racing as he finally got to kiss the person he's been wanting to for the since they were 17. Hongjoong tilted his head to the side, deepening it but also keeping it soft and gentle. He cradled Seonghwa's face in his hand softly as they moved their lips in synch. After a few more seconds, he slowly pulled back and glanced down at the boy below him. He looked ethereal and Hongjoong's heart soared. His eyes were closed, and his face was relaxed, his cheeks flushed red but a small smile graced his lips. Seonghwa peeled his eyes open before frowning slightly and pulling Hongjoong back down, kissing him once again. Hongjoong held back a chuckle and kissed him gently, not wanting to rush it too much. As they kissed though, he couldn't help himself from letting his hand trail down and slip beneath Seonghwa's shirt, softly trailing his fingers over his stomach. Seonghwa whined and pulled away, squirming in worry at Hongjoong reacting badly to his flat tummy.
"Shh, it's ok," Hongjoong whispered, nosing under his chin and kissing his neck softly as he continued, to trail his fingers over his stomach, before placing his entire hand on it. Seonghwa's breath caught in his throat and he looked up helplessly at Hongjoong.
"It's disgusting," he whispered.
"I already told you I think it's beautiful. I love everything about you Seonghwa, even your pretty little stomach," Hongjoong whispered. Seonghwa tried to protest but Hongjoong silenced him off with another kiss and his mind blanked, the only thoughts being the feeling of Hongjoong's lips against his. Hongjoong moved his hand down to Seonghwa's waist and just let it rest there delicately, not doing anything more as he didn't want to move things too quickly with the other boy. When they finally pulled away again, Hongjoong climbed off Seonghwa to instead lay down beside him, propping his head up on his hand and resting his other hand back on Seonghwa's waist. Seonghwa quickly rolled over and cuddled closer to Hongjoong.
"I'm glad I got to do that at least once in my life," he whispered after a little while. Hongjoong furrowed his eyebrows and glanced down at the other.
"You can do that as much as you want. I'm not going to say no if you ask," he pointed out. Seonghwa scoffed and rolled his eyes making Hongjoong frown and sit up, pulling him up as well.
"What was that for? Did you not like it," Hongjoong asked.
"Oh trust me, I liked it," Seonghwa said with a nod.
"Then why the scoff," Hongjoong asked. Seonghwa was confused. How could Hongjoong not realise?
"Have you forgotten the part where I'm a worthless serva-."
"Don't say th-."
"I'm a worthless servant and you're the Crown Prince, heir to the throne of Fantasia," Seonghwa finished firmly.
"I don't care about that Seonghwa, you know I don't," Hongjoong said, shaking his head.
"But you should, and everyone else does," Seonghwa said.
"Why should I? And why should I base my life on what other's want. I love you, that's all that matters," Hongjoong said.
"Hongjoong you came to that revelation all of what, an hour ago. You can't just throw your life away over something so stupid," Seonghwa said angrily.
"Why're you getting angry at me? Aren't you supposed to be happy that I love you," Hongjoong asked with a frown. Seonghwa shook his head and willed away the tears that he felt wanting to surface.
"Yeah, I'm ecstatic. I'm so happy that the person I have loved for almost eight years finally loves me back. I'm overjoyed that I'm being shown what could've been if I wasn't born as who I am. I am so damn happy that I'm lucky enough to be in love with someone that I can never have," Seonghwa said, tears of frustration brimming at his eyes. Hongjoong frowned at the sight of Seonghwa's watery eyes and his heart clenched at the thought of how long Seonghwa has been holding his feelings inside.
"You can have me Seonghwa, I don't care what others think. If I have to choose between you or the throne, I will choose you every time," Hongjoong said softly.
"You can't just say that," Seonghwa said, standing up angrily.
"You barely even know what love is Hongjoong and loving me out of everyone is just stupid. I can't give you anything Hongjoong. All I can do is make people despise you, think of you badly. You can never just walk away from who you are, and you would never do that because then Yeosang would be thrown to the wolves. You can't just say things that will never happen," Seonghwa said, his voice rising slightly.
"You're saying me loving you is stupid," Hongjoong asked, feeling hurt by his words.
"Yes Hongjoong, it's stupid. A servant and a prince cannot be together. San and Wooyoung get away with it because San is just a guard, Yeosang and Jongho can barely get away with it because your father doesn't care about Yeosang, but you and I, we can never happen. No one would stand for it and I would be dead the second anyone found out," Seonghwa ranted in frustration, pacing up and down slightly.
"I would never let them kill you and you know that," Hongjoong said quietly.
"YOU CAN'T STOP IT HONGJOONG," Seonghwa yelled.
"If anyone tried to lay a hand on you, I would kill them, I don't care who they are. If they wanted to get to you, they would have to go through me," Hongjoong said, standing up quickly.
"Really? Even your father, the King," Seonghwa said, rolling his eyes.
"If I had to, yes. He's a terrible king anyway and I'm probably the only person who could get away with it," Hongjoong said without hesitation. Seonghwa paused at his words, not expecting him to agree so quickly. But they still didn't change anything.
"As much as I appreciate the sentiment, it still can't ever happen," Seonghwa said shaking his head.
"Why? Why can't it happen," Hongjoong asked with furrowed eyebrows. Why can everyone be with the people they care about, but he can't.
"I've already said why Hongjoong. This isn't something we should even be discussing," Seonghwa said, shaking his head once again. Hongjoong doesn't understand why he won't just accept it, won't let him in. He frowned before striding forwards quickly, placing a hand on Seonghwa's waist and pushing him back until his back gently hit the wall and bracing his other hand against it just next to his head. Seonghwa gulped, his breath catching in his throat as Hongjoong looked at him intensely. Hongjoong is usually smaller than Seonghwa but with how he was holding himself and how Seonghwa was slouched, they were at the same level and Hongjoong was giving off an aura of power. Seonghwa's been in this situation before and if it was anyone other than Hongjoong, he'd be feeling trapped and uncomfortable, but it is Hongjoong, so he felt at ease. Hongjoong leaned forwards, stopping as his mouth was inches away from Seonghwa's.
"Why should we have to hold back when we care so much about each other? If you're scared of other's reactions and them taking drastic measures which is valid, we could hide it. It won't be any different than us hiding how close we are now except we get to be even closer," Hongjoong whispered. Seonghwa gulped, holding himself back from surging forwards.
"It's too risky Hongjoong," he said quietly.
"Are you scared for your life or is it me you're worried about," Hongjoong asked him. He cares for Seonghwa a lot, and he respects him, so if he's worried for his life then Hongjoong will let it go but if it's him Seonghwa is worried about then he is willing to take that risk. Seonghwa kept silent for a few seconds, already knowing the answer but also knowing what Hongjoong's reaction was going to be.
"They will despise you for consorting with a low-life slave," Seonghwa said with a sigh. He knows he could be killed for it, but that's not the issue he is worried about, he can live with that risk.
"I don't care, you know I don't Seonghwa. I've never thought of you as a servant, only my friend," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa nibbled his lip and shook his head.
"We can't Joong," he said, but his voice sounded slightly uncertain. Hope built in Hongjoong, that perhaps Seonghwa would give in, wouldn't be too scared.
"I love you Seonghwa and I want to be able to tell you all the time," Hongjoong said softly. He leaned forwards and captured Seonghwa's lips in his own, kissing him gently and slipping his arm properly around Seonghwa's waist. Seonghwa melted instantly into the kiss, his legs giving out slightly at the sensation but Hongjoong held him up easily. Hongjoong kissed him softly for a few more seconds before pulling away. Seonghwa panted slightly, trying to catch his breath as he leaned back against the wall. He squeezed his eyes closed tightly and tried his best not to cry. He wants this so badly, but he doesn't want to jeopardize Hongjoong in any way.
"I want to be able to do that as well Star, whenever I want, even if it's only when we're alone," Hongjoong said softly. A few tears started to slip out and trail down his cheek, making Hongjoong coo softly. He stepped forwards and wrapped his arms softly around Seonghwa's waist, hugging him gently. Seonghwa sniffled and hugged him back, resting his head on the youngers shoulder.
"It's ok Seonghwa," Hongjoong whispered.
"I don't want you getting hurt," Seonghwa said quietly.
"We're about to go to war Hwa, I can't guarantee nothing will happen, but I won't let anything happen to you ok and I won't be hurt for being with you," Hongjoong said softly.
"I really want to be with you, but Hongjoong we can't," Seonghwa said, opening his eyes and shaking his head.
"I don't want to miss this opportunity because of others and their stupid ways of thinking. What we could have is too precious to lose. Please Seonghwa I'm begging you, just give us a chance," Hongjoong said gently.
"I want to, I really want to," Seonghwa said.
"Then let go Hwa, we can keep this a secret if we need to," Hongjoong whispered, resting his head against the elders. Seonghwa took a deep breath and held Hongjoong tighter, sniffling before pulling back. Hongjoong let him go, stepping back to give him space and watching as Seonghwa quickly wiped his tears.
"I don't want to force you to do something you don't want to, but you said you do, and I don't want to lose something that could be so beautiful. I have never felt this way with anyone before you Seonghwa, never. I want to be able to kiss you, to hold you in my arms and to protect you with everything I have," Hongjoong said firmly, reaching out and slipping his hand into Seonghwa's and holding it lightly. Seonghwa chuckled wetly and wiped the last of the tears off his face.
"You're very persistent," Seonghwa said.
"This is something worth fighting for. You're worth fighting for," Hongjoong said firmly.
"Are you sure," Seonghwa asked, his voice small.
"Positive. I'm still working out my feelings fully, but I know how much I love you and I know I want to be with you, no matter what your status is. I love you for you, not where you've come from," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa smiled softly, squeezing Hongjoong's hand softly.
"Are you positive this is going to be worth it. You're not going to get bored of me," Seonghwa asked. Hongjoong immediately shook his head vigorously.
"I'm not going to get bored of you," Hongjoong said.
"I am positive Seonghwa. You are worth it," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa smiled softly before moving forwards and pulling Hongjoong into a tight hug.
"Ok," he whispered. Hongjoong's face lit up and he grinned happily, hugging him back just as tightly.
"You're willing to be with me," Hongjoong asked quietly.
"Hongjoong, I've been in love with you for eight years. I would be a fool not to try and let something happen, especially when you're so adamant about me being your number one," Seonghwa said with a light chuckle.
"You have just made me the happiest person in the world Park Seonghwa," Hongjoong said happily, pulling back and looking at him. Seonghwa blushed and shook his head, giggling softly.
"I'm sorry for panicking Hongjoong. I don't want you to th-."
"Don't be, your feelings are valid and so were your concerns. You were just scared, and you were worried for me," Hongjoong interrupted gently. Seonghwa bit his lip nervously before nodding his head.
"Everything's going to be ok," Hongjoong said softly. Seonghwa sighed and relaxed, hugging Hongjoong gently. They just stood there in each other's embrace, holding each other calmly. After a few minutes there was a pounding on the door, and it swung open. Hongjoong didn't panic, already knowing it was Yunho, but he turned his head to look over at him. Yunho's heart was racing and he was so worried that he didn't even flinch at the way the two were holding each other, nor did he bring up the arguing he heard.
"Hongjoong they aren't here yet. It's been almost an hour since we arrived back, they should be here by now," Yunho said quickly. Hongjoong froze and let go of Seonghwa in shock.
"What do you mean they aren't back," he asked quickly.
"They never got back to the castle. I think something's wrong, they wouldn't just not come back," Yunho said worriedly. Hongjoong cursed himself and ran his hands through his hair worriedly.
"What do we do," Yunho asked worriedly.
"We find them," Hongjoong said quickly. He ran to the cupboard beside his bed, swinging it open and pulling out a spare belt with a sword.
"Seonghwa, put this on. I want you to stay but you're stubborn and I know you're just going to follow us anyway, so I want you to have protection," Hongjoong said, holding out to him. Seonghwa grabbed it quickly and slipped it on, agreeing instantly with his words. If something has happened with the boys, he's going to be there to find them and get them back home.
"You want us to go out in the woods in the middle of an invasion," Yunho asked raising an eyebrow for confirmation.
"Family doesn't leave anyone behind," Hongjoong said firmly.
"Then let's go make sure they're ok. I remember the way he went," Yunho said. Hongjoong nodded and they quickly left the room. Yunho just hopes that when they find them, they'll all be in once piece.
Here is Chapter 15 everyone, I hope you enjoy it
Let me know what you guys thought as always, what parts you enjoyed reading as I love to hear your opinions
Thank you for reading and I hope you're all happy and healthy
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