Chapter 11
"Hongjoong, Eden wants to speak with you." Hongjoong looked up from the book he was reading to see Yunho walking over. Yunho could tell the Prince was busy, he's been busy a lot lately, always going to the library and looking through endless amounts of books. He's been acting odd the last few days.
"I'll go see him later," Hongjoong said, turning his attention back to the book.
"Joong, you need to go see him now," Yunho said.
"I'm busy, I'll go see him later," Hongjoong said. Yunho frowned and snatched the book from his hands, making Hongjoong stand up and slam his hands on the table.
"GIVE IT BACK," he yelled, shocking Yunho. Hongjoong never yells at them, never really gets angry at them and certainly not over something so small. Hongjoong blinked quickly, realising what he just did.
"I'm sorry," he said quietly. Yunho shook his head quickly and put the book down, moving around and sliding between Hongjoong and the table, sitting down and facing him.
"You want a hug," he asked softly. Hongjoong deflated before stepping forwards into Yunho's arms. Yunho hugged him tightly, allowing the Prince to bury his head into his chest.
"What's going on Hongjoong. You've been so uptight these past few days. You've been acting off and you're fixated on whatever it is you're in here doing," Yunho said. He leaned over and grabbed the book, lifting it up to check the title. The minute he did, everything made perfect sense and he let out a sigh, hugging Hongjoong tighter.
"The History of Slavery," he whispered. Hongjoong tensed and squeezed his eyes shut, burying his head further against Yunho's chest.
"This is about what happened with Seonghwa a couple of days ago," Yunho said softly. They had all talked it out together that night on the bed and he thought everything was fine, but it must've hit Hongjoong harder than they realised. He didn't think about how Hongjoong would feel, seeing someone he cares so much for about to go through something so terrifying. Hongjoong sniffled slightly and Yunho cursed himself internally.
"I've got you, everything's ok," Yunho whispered, rubbing his hand up and down the smaller boys back. Hongjoong took a shuddering breath and turned his head so it was still resting on Yunho's chest but not buried in it so he'd be able to hear him.
"San mentioned something about changing things. If I, if I become King," he said quietly. Yunho sighed and shuffled back slightly, scooping Hongjoong up and sitting him down next to him on the table, slipping an arm around his waist.
"I don't want to give you false hope Hongjoong. I'm not sure if you can get rid of something that's engraved into our history so much. I wish you could, but I don't think all of the people will take very kindly to it," Yunho said sadly. Hongjoong sniffled and rests his head on Yunho's shoulder.
"You love Mingi right," Hongjoong asked quietly.
"You know I do," Yunho replied with a nod.
"How does it feel," Hongjoong asked, looking up at him. Yunho furrowed his eyebrows slightly, not understanding why Hongjoong was asking about it.
"Well whenever I see him, I'm happy, the world seems a little bit brighter. If I'm upset, I know I can always go to him and everything will be better. When he's hurt, it's the worst feeling in the world, like my heart is just breaking. I'd do anything to protect him and keep him safe," Yunho said softly, smiling fondly at the memories. Hongjoong looked down slightly, thinking over what Yunho said. Yunho glanced at the older boy, curiosity filling him.
"Why did you want to know," he asked slowly. Hongjoong glanced up at him, his eyes going slightly wide before he shrugged. Yunho raised an eyebrow, running his eyes over the Prince. He knows that Hongjoong has never had a relationship, never expressed interest in anyone and probably never learnt anything about it before either.
"Do you think you're in love with someone," Yunho asked him gently, trying not to be too intrusive. Hongjoong's breath caught in his throat and he shook his head quickly.
"Wh-What, no. I was just, w-wondering," he said quickly. Yunho smiled softly and reassuringly.
"When I told you how I felt with Mingi, you thought of someone right," Yunho said softly, still trying not to scare him too much. Hongjoong frowned, lifting his head to rub at the back of his neck. It doesn't mean anything right, that he thought of someone?
"Look Joong, it's not hard to see how much you care for him alright. I know that Seonghwa holds a special place in your heart, and whether that special place is a different kind of love, that's for you to figure out. There's no rush to it and there's certainly no reason for you to panic about it or stress over it. Feelings evolve with time," Yunho said gently. Hongjoong bit his lip nervously before nodding.
"Let's go see Eden, you said he wanted to talk," Hongjoong said. Yunho nodded and stood up, pulling Hongjoong up as well.
"We'll protect them Hongjoong, we'll keep them safe," Yunho said softly.
"I hope so, I really hope so," Hongjoong said quietly.
"Hey, you." Seonghwa jumped and spun around, his heart pounding slightly as a Knight walked towards him. He held tightly to the rag in his hand, trying not to panic as the Knight continued to walk towards him.
"What is it that you want." Seonghwa turned his head in confusion, relaxing as he saw San walking up and standing in front of him.
"No need to be so uptight San, I'm just hungry and want him to make me some food," the Knight said. San frowned angrily, stepping back slightly to cover Seonghwa more. Seonghwa let out a breath and stepped up against San's back, clutching tightly to the belt around his robe.
"He's not your slave, go make yourself something or get it from the kitchens," San said firmly.
"San, he's a servant. That's literally a slave, he can do whatever I want him to," the Knight said walking forwards. San pushed Seonghwa further behind him and swiftly untied his robe, placing his hand on the hilt of his sword.
"Back. Off," he growled. The Knight froze and looked San up and down but he remained where he was.
"Huh, looks like you're fucking him too," the Knight said. San went to lunge forwards but Seonghwa stopped him quickly by grabbing the robe tighter. San seethed, but remained where he was, not wanting to startle Seonghwa more. The Knights scoffed before walking off, leaving the two of them alone. San quickly spun around and hugged Seonghwa tightly, Seonghwa reciprocating swiftly.
"Are you ok," San asked softly, leaning back so he could look at Seonghwa and make sure he's ok.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I don't think he was going to do anything to me, some people just want us to do their bidding. I just got a little scared for a second," Seonghwa admitted.
"That's ok, you're safe. You know that right," San said softly.
"I know," Seonghwa said quietly. He went to pull away, but then he realised something.
"San," he asked slowly. San nodded and looked at him closely.
"Yeah, what's up," he asked quickly.
"How did you know I needed help," Seonghwa asked, raising an eyebrow. San's face immediately turned red and he stepped back from the hug, fiddling with his fingers.
"Um, about that," he said sheepishly.
"Have you seriously been following me for three days," Seonghwa asked with a chuckle. It was endearing that the younger boy was that worried about him he was keeping an eye on him to make sure everything was ok.
"I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright and you were safe," San said quietly.
"Plus it wasn't me yesterday, it was Mingi," he said with a shrug.
"You guys are looking out for me," Seonghwa said, smiling softly. San frowned worriedly, wondering if maybe they had overstepped in what they were doing.
"I'm sorry we didn't mean to be overbearing or anything, we were just worried for you," San said worriedly.
"Don't be sorry San, you haven't done anything wrong. It's nice that you guys are trying to look after me. It probably takes a lot but I appreciate you doing it," he said softly. San let out a breath of relief and grinned.
"It's never a lot if it means protecting you Hwa. You and Wooyoung are our babies. Well Wooyoung is, you're older than all of us, but we still worry about looking after you just as much," San said.
"I know. We all care for each other, that's how it goes," Seonghwa said.
"Having said that, you have your own life and your own duties. You don't need to be babysitting me all the time, I can protect myself if I really need to. I was sick a few days ago, that's why I was weaker," Seonghwa explained. San nodded, knowing that was probably true. For something within the castle like a stupid, disgusting Knight, he could protect himself. If it's someone trying to kill him though, that's quite different but then again, it is for everyone.
"We'll back off," San said with a chuckle.
"It's not necessarily needing to back off. It's just that you guys have your own life, I don't need you to watch over me forever," Seonghwa said with a chuckle.
"Like for instance. I happen to know that a certain someone is on stable duty right now, all alone," Seonghwa said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
"Seonghwa! Get your mind out of the gutter," San scoffed.
"But, are you sure," he added quickly. Seonghwa giggled and nodded as San's eyes lit up.
"Positive. Go have fun, but not too much fun," Seonghwa said as San turned around and started walking away.
"Stop with your dirty mind Hwa," San said, rolling his eyes as Seonghwa laughed. He's glad he was able to step in and make Seonghwa feel safer. He walked down the halls quickly, making his way outside and over to the stables. When he got there, he peaked inside to see Wooyoung down the end talking to a horse. He smiled softly and quietly made his way inside, not wanting to startle Wooyoung and also possibly just wanting to watch the boy be carefree.
"Aren't you just a gorgeous little horsie," Wooyoung said softly, running his hand up and down the horse's neck.
"Yes you are. Such a beautiful horse," he said, giggling as the horse pushed his nose up to brush against his face. San smiled and leant against a stable door, just watching Wooyoung continue to talk to the horse.
"You are one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen, my little horsie. Well, other than your owner of course," Wooyoung said, running his fingers down the horse's mane. San raised an eyebrow in confusion, but then he glanced at the horse and smiled.
"Remember, you aren't allowed to tell anyone that you get special treatment from me. No telling the other horsies that Wooyoungie gives you extra oats cos then they'll get jealous," Wooyoung said. Ok, so maybe it's a bit much giving San's horse more attention than the others, but he just likes that horse as well. It's got nothing to do with San. San smiled as he watched Wooyoung interact with the horse and talk to it like it was a human. He has a habit of talking to animals like that, it's rather endearing.
"What do you like so much about his owner," San asked quietly.
"He's beautiful and caring. And crazy hot," Wooyoung replied before freezing and spinning around.
"Sannie, what're you doing here? Why didn't you say anything," Wooyoung asked, smiling happily.
"I just did," San shrugged.
"Yeah, asking what's so good about yourself. Narcissistic much," Wooyoung scoffed. San grinned and walked over to him, placing his arms against the stable door and trapping him in against it.
"Why do I need to care about how beautiful I am, when I have the most beautiful thing right in front of my very eyes," he whispered, tucking a strand of the youngers hair behind his ear. Wooyoung blushed and giggled shyly.
"You are so annoying you know that. You can't just say things like that," Wooyoung whined, pouting.
"Why not? It's not like it's a lie. You are gorgeous baby," San whispered, placing a soft kiss to Wooyoung's neck. Wooyoung whined and wrapped his arms around San's neck gently.
"Sannie, we're in the open," Wooyoung said. San hummed and kissed his neck again before slipping an arm under his thighs and lifting him about. Wooyoung squeaked, wrapping his legs quickly around San's waist just in case he dropped him.
"San, what're you doing," he asked with a gasp.
"Taking you somewhere not in the open," San whispered. He spun Wooyoung around and carried him further down the stables, nudging open a door to an empty stable and slipping inside. The stable was clean and stacked with hay, making a comfortable and padded landing for San as he dropped down, sitting comfortably with Wooyoung in his lap.
"Really, hiding in a horse stall," Wooyoung chuckled.
"I'm sorry, are you complaining," San asked, nuzzling his nose against Wooyoung's.
"Not at all," Wooyoung whispered before leaning the rest of the way and capturing San's lips with his own. San quickly slipped his hands down to hold onto Wooyoung's waist, squeezing it gently. Wooyoung kissed him harder and San accepted it easily, slipping his hands under Wooyoung's shirt to caress his sides softly. After kissing for a little longer, they parted needing to take in a breath of air. San quickly lowered his head down and trailed gentle kiss along Wooyoung's neck, the younger turning his head to the side to give him more access.
"You're so beautiful baby, you know that right," San murmured against his neck.
"Love you, I love you so much," San said whispered. Wooyoung whimpered and lowered his head down, tucking it into San's neck and kissing it softly. San smiled softly and wrapped his arms around his waist gently.
"I love you too Sannie," Wooyoung whispered.
"I'd tell the whole Kingdom you were mine if I could. Tell them how much I love my baby," San said softly.
"It's ok, I don't need the whole Kingdom to know. It's enough just knowing I'm yours and you love me," Wooyoung said, hugging San tightly.
"And don't ever forget that," San said. Wooyoung lifted his head and leaned back to look into his eyes.
"Never," he whispered for leaning back down and kissing him lovingly. San continued to hold him close, feeling content with having him in his arms.
"I don't get it. I thought Balhae invaded them ages ago," Hongjoong said as he sat at the table, Yunho next to him as they talked to Eden.
"They did, a few weeks ago I think," Eden nodded.
"Then why is Valkyrie still standing? They should've been overrun ages ago," Yunho said thoughtfully.
"That's what I was thinking, but obviously they seem to be holding their own well. There have been reports that Balhae haven't even gotten that far, just taken over a few towns," Eden explained.
"That makes no sense," Yunho said, shaking his head.
"I know, that's why I asked to talk to you two. Something doesn't seem right to me and I want to make sure you guys stay on alert," Eden said.
"What, you think they might be planning something still," Hongjoong asked with a frown.
"It's possible, but not certain. Either way I want to make sure you stay protected your Highness," Eden said. Hongjoong furrowed his eyebrows and glanced at Yunho who was already looking at him worriedly.
"You think they might try to kill me," Hongjoong asked.
"Or your brother. People already tried to kill him not long ago and the only reason he's still alive right now is because he had a very good guard looking after him. Yunho, you need to make sure you're that guard," Eden said sternly.
"You already know I will protect to Jo-his Highness with my life. No one is touching him when I'm around," Yunho said firmly. Hongjoong rolled his eyes but held back a small smile at the Knights protectiveness.
"Not to mention the fact that I'm also a trained fighter and can protect myself quite sufficiently," Hongjoong pointed out.
"Not when it comes to hand to hand contact you aren't," Yunho pointed out. Hongjoong clenched his jaw and looked at Yunho pointedly, raising an eyebrow. Does he seriously always have to bring that up.
"I am still adequate in hand to hand combat and can protect myself if need be, but I'm always going to have this anyway," Hongjoong said, pulling out his sword and waving it slightly.
"Not always your Highness, you can't just bank on that all the time," Yunho said shaking his head worriedly. Hongjoong always goes on about how it's fine and he will always have his sword and that's not true. One day he won't be able to find it, and that's not going to end well.
"It's fine," Hongjoong shrugged. Yunho desperately wanted to say something, about how much he cared for him, how much he wanted to protect him but can't always do that. How he shouldn't take things so lightly, but he can't say it in front of Eden. Instead he moved his hand over and laid it on the Prince's thigh, squeezing it softly. Hongjoong startled slightly in surprise at the contact and glanced over in confusion. His eyes met Yunho's worried once, fear flashing through them. He could tell what he said had a bad effect on Yunho and he didn't wanted him worrying too much.
"I'll take more practice with San, I promise," he said, grabbing Yunho's hand and squeezing it softly. Yunho let out a breath and nodded, giving him a small smile.
"Is there anything else you need to tell us," Hongjoong asked.
"No, that's it. Just keep safe. I've talked to Jongho but he's already keeping a close eye on Yeosang after what happened. He's taken to sleeping on the armchair in his room," Eden said. To be honest that doesn't surprise Hongjoong, Jongho is very protective over Yeosang. That's why he trusts him so much to look after his little brother.
"Thank you for letting us know Eden," Hongjoong said standing up.
"Of course your Highness," Eden replied bowing down. Hongjoong and Yunho quickly left the room and begun walking down the halls.
"You're dismissed for now Yunho, thank you. I'm going to go find San and get some more practice in, work on my hand to hand combat," Hongjoong said.
"Ok. Do you know where he is," Yunho asked.
"Yeah, he was with Seonghwa. Or well, he was following Seonghwa to keep an eye on him," Hongjoong said. Yunho nodded, not bothering to ask if he knew where Seonghwa is as he's already mentioned knowing his duties schedule.
"I'll see you tonight then. Don't go getting into any trouble," Yunho said before walking off. Hongjoong quickly turned and walked down the halls until he found the one he was looking for, seeing Seonghwa rubbing down a small table with flowers on it.
"Star," he called out. Seonghwa turned around quickly, hearing Hongjoong's voice and smiled when he saw the Prince walking over.
"Hongjoong, everything ok," he asked, glancing around to make sure no one was following him.
"Yeah, everything's fine. I wanted to ask if you've seen San at all? He's kind of been following you around to keep an eye on you," Hongjoong said, not sure if he should be saying that.
"Yeah, I saw him earlier. A Knight wanted to me to make him food and I kind of freaked out a little, he stepped in to look after me," Seonghwa said. Any thoughts of finding San left his mind as he registered what Seonghwa said.
"Are you ok," he asked worriedly, stepping forwards and grabbing his hand gently. Seonghwa smiled and squeezed it back.
"I'm fine Joong, promise," he said softly.
"Are you sure," Hongjoong asked.
"Positive. San went down to the stables to see Wooyoung, you can find him there," Seonghwa told him.
"Thanks Hwa, you're a star," he said, leaning forwards and kissing his cheek softly. He froze as he pulled back, his eyes going wide as he realised what he unconsciously did. Seonghwa's cheeks went bright red, his heart skipping a beat before speeding up slightly.
"Um, I gotta find San. I'll see you tonight," Hongjoong said before spinning around quickly and hurrying off down the halls. He cringed internally at himself, not sure why he just did that. Sure, he's kissed Seonghwa cheek quite a few times over the years but mostly for comfort, or when they were tired and wanting to say goodnight. He's never done it so unprompted and in the open before and he's just hoping he didn't do anything to scare him or make him uncomfortable. He went down to the stables like Seonghwa said and looked inside, trying to find San but no one was there, not even Wooyoung. He walked further in and was about to leave when he heard noises from a stall further down the stables. He frowned and walked over, pushing it open before yelping.
"Seriously guys," he yelled, turning around quickly. San and Wooyoung parted quickly, Wooyoung squeaking in embarrassment.
"Hongjoong! What're you doing here," San asked, quickly grabbing Wooyoung's top shirt and wrapping it around him, buttoning it up.
"Are you guys seriously doing it in a horse stable," Hongjoong groaned.
"No, we were just kissing and we're decent now," Wooyoung said quickly. Hongjoong turned around to face them again and raised an eyebrow. Just kissing?
"You were doing a lot more than just kissing," he scoffed, wanting to tease them a little. San quickly stood up, pulling Wooyoung up as well.
"Ok, so kissing intensely, but we weren't going to do anything," Wooyoung groaned.
"Uh huh, and that involves no shirt," Hongjoong pointed out. San blushed and grabbed Wooyoung's hand.
"I just, like his, skin," San said, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. Hongjoong chuckled and rolled his eyes, thinking he teased them enough.
"I'm just messing with you Darling," he said, making the other two let out a breath of relief.
"But seriously, please only do it on a bed, it's unsanitary," Hongjoong said.
"Oh my god, what is with you and Seonghwa. You're supposed to be like the parental figures with the good influence, not being so vulgar," San groaned.
"Whatever. I actually came here to find you San," Hongjoong said.
"Ok, what's up," San asked.
"I wanted to see if we could do some more hand to hand combat training for a few hours," Hongjoong asked.
"Oh, yeah sure," he said with a nod.
"Wooyoung, you should probably keep working alright," Hongjoong said. Wooyoung nodded quickly.
"I'm sorry," he said quickly, moving to walk past him. He didn't mean to be a bother and stop doing his job. Hongjoong's hand quickly shot out and he grabbed Wooyoung's wrist.
"Hey, look at me," he said quickly. He knows that Wooyoung sometimes has a habit of being self-deprecating and always assuming he's doing something wrong. Wooyoung turned to face him, his eyes wide in confusion.
"Why're you sorry? You've done nothing wrong Sweetheart," Hongjoong said softly. Wooyoung opened his mouth to answer but couldn't find a good one so closed it once again.
"You're fine Sweetheart, there's nothing wrong with spending time with Sannie. I was just joking before," Hongjoong assured him. Wooyoung smiled happily, relieved he didn't upset the Prince and nodded quickly.
"Come on Joong, let's go have some fun," San said with a grin. Hongjoong glanced at the younger and saw his mischievous smirk. Oh shit, here we go again.
5 hours later saw Hongjoong hobbling tiredly back up to his room after the intense session with San. He was just ready to collapse on his bed and fall asleep, who cares about dinner. He grabbed the handle to his door and swung it open quickly, stumbling inside. Seonghwa looked up from where he was making Hongjoong's bed and saw him stumbling inside. His eyes widened and he lunged forwards catching Hongjoong as his knees buckled slightly.
"Joong! Joongie, look at me. Are you ok? Are you hurt? Hongjoong," Seonghwa rushed out, looking over him worriedly.
"Shh, I'm not hurt Hwa, just exhausted," Hongjoong said tiredly. Seonghwa let out a breath of relief and hugged Hongjoong tightly.
"You scared the shit out of me," Seonghwa whispered.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you," Hongjoong said.
"That's ok. I'll get you ready to have some dinner," Seonghwa said, standing up and pulling Hongjoong up as well.
"Not tonight please. I just want to sleep. San and I trained pretty hard, even he was exhausted," Hongjoong said with a sigh. Seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows worriedly, wondering if there was a reason they were training so hard. He pushed the thought away quickly though, choosing to get Hongjoong ready for bed instead. He moved him to sit down on the bed before grabbing a change of clothes from the cupboard. He came back over and placed them on the bed beside Hongjoong before kneeling down. Hongjoong just blinked tiredly, falling back slowly so he was laying on the bed. Seonghwa chuckled fondly as he untied Hongjoong's shoes and took them off gently. He quickly stood up and pulled Hongjoong back up, pulling off his robe and lifting his shirt so he could take off his belt and sword, placing them on the chair next to the bed.
"Alright, arms up for me Lucky," he whispered. Hongjoong yawned but did as asked, lifting his arms up. Seonghwa chuckled and grabbed the bottom of his shirt, pulling it off swiftly before replacing it with his nightshirt.
"Ok for this part I need you to stand. I can change your pants if you're sitting," Seonghwa said. Hongjoong whined and flopped back again, his eyes slipping closed.
"Hongjoong," Seonghwa yelped, being pulled to lay on top of him as he arms were still wrapped around him slightly. Hongjoong hummed and slipped his arms around Seonghwa's waist.
"Come on my sleepy little Lucky, I gotta finish getting you changed," Seonghwa said, trying to get up but even though he was sleepy, Hongjoong was still strong.
"Bedtime," he mumbled.
"The quicker you help me help you, the quicker you get to relax and sleep peacefully," Seonghwa said. Hongjoong groaned but removed his arms and allowed Seonghwa to get up. He tiredly pushed himself into a sitting position before standing. Hongjoong quickly helped him change out of his pants and into his sleeping pair.
"There we go, all good," Seonghwa said, clapping happily. Hongjoong nodded before closing his eyes and flopping back onto the bed again.
"Oh my-. Hongjoong," Seonghwa whined before chuckling. Hongjoong was terribly endearing and adorable when he was tired. He quickly moved the smaller boy so he was laying down properly, his head on his pillow and tucked him under the blankets.
"There we go. Now you can get some sleep Hongjoong," Seonghwa said, ruffling his hair softly before turning to leave. He was stopped suddenly when a hand enclosed around his wrist and he turned back around.
"What's up? Everything ok," he asked quickly.
"Stay," Hongjoong whispered, holding tightly to Seonghwa's wrist to stop him from leaving.
"Uh, are you sure? I was just gonna go back to the servant's room," Seonghwa said slowly.
"No, don't. The beds are so stiff and uncomfortable, stay here tonight. Please, for me," Hongjoong whispered. Seonghwa blinked slowly before nodding.
"Ok," he said quietly. Hongjoong let go of his wrist and Seonghwa quickly pulled off his shoes before climbing on to the bed and over Hongjoong, laying down under the blankets next to him. Hongjoong yawned and rolled over, flopping an arm over Seonghwa's waist and tucking his head onto his chest. Seonghwa smiled softly and slipped an arm around Hongjoong's shoulder, hugging him tightly. Hongjoong let his eyes closed and cuddled up close to Seonghwa.
"Sleep time my little Lucky," Seonghwa whispered, placing a delicate kiss to Hongjoong's forehead before closing his eyes and drifting off as well.
Here is Chapter 11 everyone. I wasn't too run down today so I had plenty of time to write for you guys
This chapter was a bit more lighthearted and fluffy, especially near the end (some Seongjoong fluff), and I hope you guys liked it. Let me know what you thought
Thank you for reading everyone!
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