Chapter 1
Hello everyone, welcome to my new story and thankyou so much for coming here to read it. This story is written a little bit different from any of my other ones as it isn't in first person point of view, but I hope you all still like it nonetheless. I've been waiting a while to begin posting this so I can already have about 7 or 8 chapters done to begin with. I will probably update this another 2 times within the next week but after that, it will change to me posting once a week. I haven't really written anything like this before so I apologise if it's not the best, but I hope you guys still enjoy it :)
"Again. Your father told me you need to refine your hand to hand combat skill." Hongjoong groaned and took deep breaths where he was laying on his back on the dirt, internally cursing the knight who was teaching him.
"Are you sure you don't just like beating me San," Hongjoong said as he heaved himself to his feet. San chuckled at the Prince's whining, smiling innocently.
"Now why would I enjoy that your Highness," he said, the innocent smile turning into a mischievous grin.
"I've told you not to call me that Sannie," Hongjoong said, frowning at the younger knight.
"You realise we're in public right now? This is a training room and anyone could walk in. I could be punished for calling you anything but your Highness," San said. Hongjoong sighed, not liking the fact that even his friends had to call him by his title. San could tell it was bothering the Prince so he gave him a small smile and walked closer to him.
"No one's going to tell father on you, they all know you're a close companion of mine," Hongjoong said.
"It's fine Hongjoong, let's just keep training," San said, knowing how much the topic of his royalty annoyed him sometimes. Not to mention the fact that as a Prince, he should be able to defend himself in hand to hand combat, something San was advanced in, however Hongjoong was not.
"Can't we just stop, we've been at this for hours," Hongjoong groaned.
"No, we can't. You know that things have been stirring in the Kingdom of Balhae and if those assholes decide they want a war, you need to be able to protect yourself," San said. Hongjoong rolled his eyes, annoyed at how adamant the younger was.
"That's what I have Yunho for. You know, my personal guard," he pointed out. Yunho was assigned as Hongjoong's guard once he turned 18. His job is protect the Crown Prince whenever he goes out of the grounds of the castle, and even sometimes within the castle.
"Yunho can only do so much Hongjoong. If something happens and he can't protect you, you need to be able to defend yourself as well," San said in exasperation.
"I can protect myself. I happen to be quite advanced in sword fighting," Hongjoong said with a frown, not liking that the young knight was making out he couldn't handle himself at all.
"But you aren't always going to have a weapon with you. What happens if you're disarmed," San said. He grabbed the Prince's wrist an dragged him back to the middle of the training room.
"When am I ever not going to have Yunho or my sword San. I just want to go to my room and have a nice bath. Father's away, this is like the one time I get to relax," Hongjoong said as he pulled his wrist from San's grip. San sighed as he looked over at the smaller, trying to think of a way to get him to stop whining and continue practicing. Then it came to him, Hongjoong's biggest weakness. San has his own little brother and he would do anything he could to protect him, no matter what.
"Well, what if you were out with Yeosang, alone without weapons. And then someone attacked him, wanting to kidnap him, or kill hi-." San wasn't even able to finish his sentence before Hongjoong was lunging forwards, anger present in his eyes. San grinned to himself as he quickly blocked the punch, glad to finally have the Crown Prince's undivided attention on practice.
"That certainly got you going," San said, ducking under Hongjoong's swinging arm.
"You brought my brother into this, of course it got me going," Hongjoong said. San noticed an opening and quickly grabbed Hongjoong's arm, flipping him around before kicking his legs out from underneath him. Hongjoong fell flat on his back, his breath knocked out of him, groaning once again.
"Again, let's go," San said. Hongjoong took a deep breath but stood up immediately, the thought of his little brother getting hurt, spurring him on to continue practicing.
Hongjoong winced slightly as he walked down the halls towards his room, his muscles aching from the intense hours of training he endured. Even as the Crown Prince, raised as a warrior and fighter, hours of training with no break was hard. As he was walking, he saw one of the servants cleaning a painting in the hall. He cleared his throat, gaining her attention as they spun around quickly.
"Your Highness," she squeaked out, bowing down quickly.
"I need you to go find Seonghwa for me. Tell him to hurry as I would like a bath," Hongjoong said. The servant bowed once again before hurrying off down the hall. Hongjoong continued to his room, opening his door and slipping inside. He sat down on his bed before laying back and letting out a sigh of relief, his muscles relaxing slightly. He let his eyes slip closed and basked in the calmness of the room, finally able to relax for however long it would be.
Not far off, Seonghwa had been informed of Hongjoong's request for him and was swiftly walking down the halls towards the Crown Prince's room. He opened the door quickly and stepped inside, smiling fondly at what he saw. The young Prince was sprawled out on the bed, eyes closed as he breathed evenly. He looked so peaceful, and small where he was laying on the big bed. Seonghwa shook his head quickly, stopping himself from getting carried away. As Hongjoong's personal servant, he was here to serve him and right now it was his job to give him a bath. Seonghwa quickly walked into the attatched bathroom and begun to run the bath, placing his hands under the water to get it to the right temperature. He went to the cupboard and grabbed the brown container of gel, pouring some into the water as it helped Hongjoong to relax whenever he bathed. Once the bath was finally filled, he stopped the water and walked back out to the bedroom where Hongjoong was still sleeping. Seonghwa sighed before walking to the edge of the bed.
"Your Highness, it's time to wake up," he said. He sighed when the Prince didn't even stir.
"Your Highness, your bath is ready. It's time to wake up," he said, raising his voice slightly. Once again though, Hongjoong remained asleep. As a servant, Seonghwa isn't allowed to touch the Prince. In doing so, he would be punished by having to place his hands into boiling water. It's an old punishment, but King hasn't gotten rid of it. So yes, as a servant Seonghwa cannot touch Hongjoong unless given permission and to help with his duties, however as Hongjoong's best friend, Seonghwa can get away with it. He rolled his eyes, before grabbing the Prince's shoulders and shaking them harshly.
"Wake up Hongjoong," he said.
Hongjoong's eye snapped opened, and he felt the hands grabbing his shoulders. His instincts kicked in and he grabbed the wrist, yanking hard. His hand slipped beside his bed and grasped his sword and spun around, pinning the intruder to the bed and placing the sword against his throat.
Seonghwa gasped and froze as the metal was placed against his neck, the Prince pinning him down. He wasn't expecting Hongjoong to react like this, although it made sense as the Prince has been trained in self-defence, to protect himself from those who want him dead. He cursed himself at his own stupidity.
Hongjoong's eyes widened as he realised it was Seonghwa that he was threatening with his sword. The older looked terrified beneath him and he quickly pulled his sword away, discarding it to the floor. He slid off him quickly and pulled him up.
"Seonghwa, hey. I am so sorry," Hongjoong said, his heart pounding at the thought of accidentally killing his closest friend.
"It's fine," Seonghwa said, not wanting Hongjoong to feel guilty for something that is purely instinct for him.
Hongjoong was still a bit rattled from the incident and knew how sensitive Seonghwa could be so he quickly pulled him into his arms.
"Your Highness you can't, anyone could walk in," Seonghwa gasped, glancing at the door. If he was caught being so close to the Crown Prince like this, he would be severely punished, possibly even executed. It doesn't matter that Seonghwa has grown up looking after Hongjoong, not many people knew of their friendship.
"It's fine Hwa," Hongjoong whispered, letting out a sigh and resting his head on the other's shoulder. He knows the consequences for Seonghwa if he was caught doing something as small as hugging him, and it disgusts him, but he can't change it. He wouldn't risk something like this, but they're in his room and no one is allowed in without knocking and gaining permission. The only people who would are a few of his close friends so that's not an issue.
"I'm really sorry for that by the way. I didn't mean to scare you," Hongjoong said, pulling away. Seonghwa smiled and stood up.
"It's fine your Highness-."
"Ugh, we're in my room Seonghwa, don't call me that," Hongjoong interrupted quickly.
"Whatever. Your bath is ready though so I need to get you washed before it gets cold," Seonghwa said. Hongjoong got up quickly, excited to finally relax in the bath after the long day he's had. The two of them walked into the bathroom and Seonghwa quickly pulled the curtain across the entrance. Hongjoong pulled off his robes quickly, discarding them to the floor before gently sliding down into the water. Seonghwa remained in the doorway, glancing at the wall until he heard Hongjoong enter the water. Despite being his servant and good friend for many years, he still doesn't like to do things without Hongjoong's permission, like looking at him when undressed. He turned around and walked over, grabbing the body soap and a sponge before kneeling beside the tub. Hongjoong leaned back in the water, letting out a deep sign of relief, resting his head back and letting his eyes slip closed.
"Do you want to just rest for a bit, or do you want me to get you cleaned up and you can lay down on your bed. It's probably going to be more comfortable on your bed though your Highness," Seonghwa said. Hongjoong slipped his eyes open and turned his head to look over at Seonghwa.
"I said to stop calling me that Hwa. When we're alone anyway," Hongjoong said, moving his hand and holding it out to Seonghwa. Seonghwa sighed and lifted his hand, slipping it into Hongjoong's outstretched one.
"You're my friend Seonghwa. You don't need to call me your Highness when we're alone or with the other's," Hongjoong said, squeezing his hand gently.
"I know. Now, do you want me to get you clean, or do you want just rest in the water for a bit," Seonghwa asked. As much as Hongjoong wanted to stay in the water, he also wouldn't mind paying his brother a visit, see what he's been up to.
"I need to go have a talk with Yeosang, so I'd rather finish quickly," Hongjoong said, sitting up and turning around so that Seonghwa had access to his back to clean. Seonghwa swallowed, blinking quickly as his heart clenched slightly. He still couldn't believe how much trust Hongjoong put in him. Him, a mere servant and the Crown Prince showed him his back without a second thought, vulnerable and open to be hurt. Seonghwa would never hurt him, not Hongjoong. He quickly dunked the sponge into the water, lathering it up with the soap before he begun to clean Hongjoong's back.
"So how did it go with San. I heard he was pushing you hard in practice today," Seonghwa said, thinking back to the gossip between the servants earlier.
"It was agonising, the little fox had me on my feet for hours. My bones are aching from the amount of time he threw me onto the ground," Hongjoong said, pouting at the wall. Seonghwa smiled softly at the whine in his voice. Hongjoong doesn't get much time to be himself, to be unprofessional. As the Crown Prince, he has to act accordingly and has many responsibilities around the castle. Seonghwa continued to wash his back with one hand but moved his other hand to the back of Hongjoong's neck, massaging it gently. Hongjoong let out a soft moan of relief and Seonghwa blushed slightly, making sure to keep focused on what he was supposed to be doing.
"Is that helping your muscles feel better," Seonghwa asked.
"Uh huh," Hongjoong replied softly, feeling the tension leak from his shoulders.
"I'm surprised Sannie was able to keep you motivated for so long. We all know how much you hate hand to hand combat. You prefer having a sword," Seonghwa said. He doesn't really understand how he can hate it so much as they're basically the same thing.
"He has smooth powers of motivation," Hongjoong said, thinking back to the thought of not being able to protect his baby brother. There's many people he would protect in this Kingdom, but no one more than his little brother.
"Uh huh, what was it this time," Seonghwa asked as he finished washing Hongjoong's back. He tapped his shoulder to signal for him to turn around. Hongjoong did as asked and turned around, allowing Seonghwa to begin washing his chest.
"He pointed out that if I was alone with Yeosang without a weapon, I wouldn't be able to protect him. It would be extremely unlikely, but not impossible," Hongjoong said with a sigh. Seonghwa could tell this was weighing on him and knows how much he cares about Yeosang. They're only half brothers, not having the same mother. Yeosang was born from a mistress of their father and is sort of treated as an outcast. He doesn't get the training Hongjoong does, doesn't get to be as involved in what happens throughout the Kingdom.
"We all know no one will ever be able to lay a hand on Yeosang with you around," Seonghwa said, moving to clean his arms next.
"I hope not. He's to innocent and helpless for the world he's been born into. He needs to be protected," Hongjoong said with a sigh. It's true, his brother is sweet, naïve, and unable to protect himself.
"What do you think he's doing at the moment," Seonghwa asked. Hongjoong thought about what Yeosang could possibly be doing. There were numerous things the younger boy could be doing, the matter of which one is the question though.
"Come on Sangie, can't we do something else, this is boring." Yeosang glanced up from the book he was reading to see the younger boy laying sprawled out on his bed next to him, his black hair fanned out across the bedsheets.
"You know, if anyone walked into this room and saw what you were doing, or heard what you were saying, you'd be punished right," he pointed out, raising an eyebrow. Wooyoung giggled at the words of his best friend and moved over, flopping his head into his lap.
"You'd never let anyone hurt me, right Yeosangie," he said with a pout, watching the boy try to act nonchalant.
"I'd let them take you in a heartbeat," Yeosang said, acting as if the very thought of the sweet boy in his lap getting hurt because of him didn't sit badly with him. In all honestly just the mere knowledge that Wooyoung could be hurt for being his closest friend upset him very much, and even scared him sometimes. Wooyoung has been his personal servant since they were children, almost a gift for him when he was younger to keep him entertained. The idea repulsed him, that his father basically bought him someone so he wouldn't have to deal with him. But that wasn't the fact that he hated the most, it was that most people saw Wooyoung as a low-life and someone who just needed to keep his mouth shut and follow orders. That's what most people thought about servants, but Yeosang could never think that about Wooyoung.
"Penny for your thought," Wooyoung said quietly, noticing that the young Prince was deep in thought.
"I'd never let them take you, you know that right," Yeosang said, moving his hand to run gently through the younger boy's hair. Wooyoung smiled softly, knowing Yeosang was being genuine and how much he cared for him.
"I know, of course I do. But you also know you'd never be able to stop them if they wanted to punish me," Wooyoung pointed out. Even though he's a Prince, he wouldn't be able undermine the rules. Yeosang frowned at the thought and scooped Wooyoung up into his lap. Wooyoung smiled and quickly straddled him, hugging him gently and snuggling down into his arms. Yeosang rubbed his back softly, resting his head on top of him.
"If they wanted to punish you, they'd have to go through me and punish me as well," Yeosang said honestly. "Which means they wouldn't be able to, because Hongjoong would have their heads if they tried to hurt me."
"Aww, so sweet Yeosangie," Wooyoung said, leaning up to kiss his cheek. Yeosang decided not to think about how given the rules that haven't changed in years, Wooyoung could be killed for what he just did. Wooyoung frowned as he noticed that Yeosang once again seemed to be troubled by his thoughts. He has a habit of getting lost in his head. Luckily Wooyoung is here for this exact purpose, to look after Yeosang, keep him happy. He slowly and discretely moved his hands down, resting the over Yeosang's sides. The older boy was too far in his head to notice what was happening. Wooyoung grinned to himself before squeezing his hands as he begun to tickle the Prince. Yeosang was caught off guard, not expecting Wooyoung to begin tickling him and he couldn't do anything to shove him off as he was trapped. He squealed slightly, trying but failing to squirm away. Wooyoung giggled at the elders struggles, smiling at the laughs he was letting out. Yeosang tried to shove him off, but Wooyoung tightened his legs around his waist to keep him pinned down. They shifted slightly and Yeosang slipped down from the headboard, laying flat down on the bed. Wooyoung started to tickle him harder and Yeosang grabbed his wrists to try and at least slow him down. They were having a lot of fun, until the door was suddenly swung opened. Yeosang's blood ran cold as all of his fears were about to become reality. Wooyoung was shocked, not thinking anyone would come inside the young Prince's room without at least knocking. Yeosang felt Wooyoung's grip loosen and quickly pushed him off, sitting up and pulling the younger behind him for protection. He turned to the doorway and let out a breath of relief.
Once Hongjoong finished from his bath, he stepped out and Seonghwa quickly wrapped him up in a towel. The younger moved closer to the older for warmth, curling up into his side and resting his head on his shoulder, his hair thankfully dry. Seonghwa let him rest against him as he dutifully dried him off. He smiled softly at his friend who was leaning against him. It's gentle moments like these that makes Seonghwa thankful that he was given the job of being Hongjoong's servant, instead of a regular servant. Servants are the lowest of society, especially in the castle. Everyone looks down on them and treat them like dirt. Well, not everyone, some people are still kind-heart, even to the low-life. People like Hongjoong. Seonghwa couldn't ask for a better person for him to serve.
"You ready to get changed," Seonghwa asked.
"Ok. Can you hand me my robes please," Hongjoong asked, nodding to the new robes Seonghwa had laid out for him. Seonghwa walked over and grabbed them, holding them out. Hongjoong discarded his towel and Seonghwa looked to the side. Hongjoong begun to get changed, before slipping into his robes. Seonghwa wrapped it around him, tying it up tightly and making sure everything was in place. Hongjoong double checked the robe, making sure everything was in place, even though he knew how efficient Seonghwa was.
"Can you fix my hair please. It's probably wild from practice earlier," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa nodded and stepped forwards, running his fingers through Hongjoong's hair, styling it up slightly and pulling a few strands to lay gently across his forehead.
"How do I look," Hongjoong asked. As the Crown Prince, he always has to look his best when out and about. Seonghwa looked over at him and sighed before smiling.
"You look beautiful," Seonghwa said truthfully. Hongjoong grinned happily at his friend.
"Time to go see what trouble my little brother is getting into," Hongjoong said, grabbing Seonghwa's hand and pulling him out into the bedroom. He pulled him towards the doorway to the room but Seonghwa quickly yanked his hand from his grasp. He knows that if he were to leave that room and be seen holding the Crown Prince's hand, things wouldn't end well. Hongjoong knew as well so he didn't say anything, just opened the door and walked into the hall.
"Come on," he said. Seonghwa nodded and followed him out. It wasn't a problem for Seonghwa to be accompanying Hongjoong around, so neither really cared. As they got closer to Yeosang's room, a few halls down, they could hear odd sounds. Laughing it seemed. Hongjoong rolled his eyes, realising Yeosang was no doubt mucking around with none other than Jung Wooyoung. It's stupid and reckless, given how loud they are and how anyone could walk in. No one is allowed into the Prince's rooms without permission, but given how loud they were, anyone could get away with it for fear of the 2nd Prince's life. Stupidity like this is what will get Wooyoung thrown into the dungeons for the rest of his life. Seonghwa could tell Hongjoong was annoyed and he understood his possible thinking. Wooyoung and Yeosang's are like little brothers to him, so he's just as worried and protective over them. Wooyoung, like him, is a servant for the other Prince. The two are clearly best friends, but once again, like Seonghwa, Wooyoung would be punished for being that close to the Prince as a mere servant. Seonghwa was about to knock on the door to let the boys know they were there, but Hongjoong just grabbed the doorhandle and swung it open. Seonghwa tried not to laugh at the action, knowing it would most likely give the two boys quite the scare. It was necessary though, as they were being far too reckless. Just how reckless, he realised as he looked inside. The two younger boys weren't able to move away quick enough at the interruption and the other two were able to see why they were laughing so much. Wooyoung had Yeosang pinned down on the bed and was tickling him. Seonghwa was shocked, knowing if someone else caught the two mucking around like this, Wooyoung could be executed, not to mention someone might kill him right there as it might be misunderstood as Wooyoung attacking Yeosang. Hongjoong on the other hand, he was furious. Yeosang was quick to grab Wooyoung and pull him behind him, but the damage would have already been done. He grabbed Seonghwa's hand and pulled him inside before closing the door quickly.
"Yeosang, are you crazy," Hongjoong said angrily. Yeosang knew his brother was upset, and he knew it was warranted.
"Seonghwa, watch the door for a bit," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa nodded and stayed back, knowing Hongjoong was going to be having a brotherly talk. Hongjoong walked over to the bed swiftly and Wooyoung looked down at the ground, ready for the Prince to scold him. He knew he deserved it, given that he was being a bad influence on his brother, his pride and joy. Both Wooyoung and Yeosang were caught off guard when Hongjoong climbed onto the bed between them. Wooyoung glanced at Yeosang but the older shrugged, unsure what his brother was doing.
"Come here you two," Hongjoong said, beckoning to the younger boys. Wooyoung may not be his brother, but he's been with Yeosang since childhood so he cares a lot for the younger servant. The two boys quickly crawled closer and leaned against either side of him. He wrapped his arms around their shoulders and squeezed them closer. Wooyoung rested his head on Hongjoong's shoulder, leaning his head up to look at him.
"Are you mad at us your Highness," he asked quietly. Hongjoong looked down at the youngers guilty face and sighed.
"Not really, I'm just worried for you," he said.
"Because of what we were doing," Wooyoung asked. Hongjoong sighed and glanced at his brother, Yeosang already looking at him.
"You can't be this reckless Yeosang. It's not your life you're bargaining. If anyone else had walked through that door, Wooyoung would be gone, his life would be over," Hongjoong said. Yeosang frowned, knowing every word his brother was saying was true.
"I know dads never treated you the best, but you're still a Prince. And as much as I hate it, Wooyoung is still a servant. You need to be more careful," Hongjoong said, glancing down at the youngest in the room. Wooyoung felt bad that Yeosang was getting in trouble because of him, but it also felt nice to have the older Prince being so protective of him.
"I will be careful brother, I promise. This won't happen again, I'll be more wary of my actions," Yeosang said sincerely.
"Good. Now, that doesn't mean you two can't be your usual cuddly selves. You just need to make sure you aren't so loud and you won't get caught," Hongjoong told them.
"Thank you your Highness," Wooyoung said, cuddling closer to him.
"You don't have to call me you Highness when we're in this company Wooyoung," Hongjoong said. Wooyoung smiled and nodded happily, knowing he would still use his title most times.
"How come you came here anyway? Was there something you wanted to talk about," Yeosang asked, realising the older didn't just come to scold them.
"Hongjoong wanted to check in on his little brother, make sure everything was ok," Seonghwa spoke up from where he was watching leaned against the door. He always found it cute how Hongjoong was with the younger boys around the castle, especially the ones they were closest to. Yeosang smiled at his brother, knowing how protective his big brother was over him.
"What did someone say this time," he asked with a chuckle.
"Nothing, I just wanted to come and say hello," Hongjoong shrugged. Yeosang didn't believe it for a second, knowing times like this when he just hurried over to see him, it meant someone had said something about him that upset his older brother. Hongjoong sighed but knew that his brother wouldn't let it go until he came clean.
"I was practicing with San earlier and he mentioned that if I was with you and didn't have my sword with me, I wouldn't be able to protect you," Hongjoong said with a sigh. Yeosang frowned and furrowed his eyebrows at his brother's words. He knows how much pressure Hongjoong puts on himself to look after him, make him feel loved, and he truly appreciates it.
"Hongjoong, it's fine. I have Jongho to protect me when I'm out and you have Yunho. The two of them would never let anyone near us and even if they did, you would do everything to protect me," Yeosang said, sitting up slightly to look at his brother. Hongjoong smiled softly at his brother and kissed his cheek softly.
"I just don't want you hurt," he said with a sigh.
"I'm fine Joong, it's you that you should worry about. You're the Crown Prince, heir to the thrown once father is gone. No one will bother with me when you're around," Yeosang pointed out. They were all interrupted when there was a sudden knock on the door. Wooyoung immediately moved to scramble away from Hongjoong but the older had much quicker reflexes than any of the others. He shot up and pulled Wooyoung with him, standing up and placing him on the floor beside him. Seonghwa glanced over at Yeosang and the younger Prince jerked his head to tell him to move.
"Come in," Yeosang called out once he was sure everyone was in a decent place. The door opened and in walked Jongho, Yeosang's personal bodyguard. He raised an eyebrow as he noticed how tense everyone seemed.
"Damn guys, it's just me. No need to be all uptight. Sorry for interrupting whatever little talk or cuddle sessions you were having, but Hongjoong, your father is back early and he requested your presence. Yunho is waiting for you," Jongho said. Hongjoong sighed, knowing he would be in for a long night now that his father was back. Seonghwa could tell he wasn't too happy and he felt bad that he had so little time without the pressure his father put on him.
"I'll head off then. Maybe stay here and make sure these little ones don't cause too many problems. Seonghwa, let's go," Hongjoong said. Jongho stepped to the side as Hongjoong and Seonghwa left the room, closing the door behind them.
"Good luck with your father. I'll see you in your room later to get you ready for bed," Seonghwa said as they paused outside the room. Servants aren't allowed in the meetings between the royalty. Hongjoong glanced around the halls before pulling Seonghwa into a quick hug. Seonghwa was shocked, but hugged him back tightly, knowing it would help him relax a bit more probably. Hongjoong pulled away quickly afterwards, knowing the danger he put Seonghwa in.
"Sorry, I just needed a hug," Hongjoong whispered guiltily.
"Don't worry about it Joong. I know you wanted more time to relax, but duties calls. I'll make you some tea tonight alright, I promise," Seonghwa said softly. Hongjoong smiled thankfully at his friend before turning and walking down the hall, heading to his father's meeting room.
So here is chapter 1 everyone, thank you so much for reading and I really hope you guys liked it even though it's a bit different to what I usually do.
So we've been introduced to most of the character already, what can you guys remember about them and what do you think the remaining ones will be?
Let me know if there's certain aspects you guys really enjoyed, stuff you might want to read more of or perhaps things you think did to be improved. I'm always happy for feedback
Once again, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy this story
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