Once the family arrives at the shops they split up. It'll be faster and much easier for them to tackle everything at once. There's also a lower of a chance of Harry becoming too overwhelmed with everything going on.
After they paid for all of Harry's new clothing, Severus and Harry started to head to Mothercare, where the man's wife and sons were hopefully still looking around for necessary items instead of waiting on them.
Once they got there, after putting the shopping in the car and Severus lifting Harry onto his hip due to the boy not liking strangers or crowds, they grabbed another shopping cart for him. Making sure he was settled, Severus pushes him around in search of the rest of their family.
They had started off with looking for booster seats and high chairs, which were much needed as neither Severus or Charity wanted Harry to be moving around in the back of the car or getting a rash from the seat-belt rubbing on his neck. Severus spots Oliver, Thomas, and Charity in the pacifiers, bibs, and nappy section. He gives a quick wave as Oliver calls for him, making Harry hide his face in Severus's chest.
Severus starts to walk down the aisle, but stops when he spots a suitable high chair for Harry. It was white on the outside and dark grey inside, and the foot rest seemed to be quite low so his little boy wouldn't feel all cramped up.
He then went to where the booster seats were and looked to Harry to ask him what color he preferred. "What color would you like, Harry? They have it in red, black, or blue," Severus asks cheerily, pointing to each one as he spoke the color.
Harry simply shrugs, looking down at his lap. "You're not sure? Well, how about the red one?" Severus suggests as he encouraged the boy into choosing a color. He doesn't get the child to speak, but in the end he points at the one he wants. "The black one?" Severus questioned, and Harry nodded
As he sticks his thumb into his mouth again."Well, there's just one more thing we need, and then we can go find the others and help them out, yeah?" the boy nodded, smiling a little when he spotted a cute blue penguin on the shelf next to him.
However, he does not speak up. Severus notices the longing on his face, though, and shakes his head, amused though rather sympathetic.
"You like the penguin, Harry?" Severus suggests. Harry shrugs adorably, though he really does want it he would never ask. Severus sighs and picks the penguin up off of the shelf. He hands it over to Harry, and the boy instantly begins to snuggle it to his chest.
The man then pushes the cart down the aisles in search of Charity and the boys. He soon finds them in the clothes section. They were looking at a set of pajamas for Harry. Charity hears the cart and turns.
"How cute," she smiles warmly.
"Hm?" Severus raises an eyebrow, confused.
Charity pointed at Harry. Following his wife's finger, he glanced down to find Harry sound asleep hunched over and snuggling the stuffed penguin.
Severus looks down at the boy. He hadn't realized that he had nodded off. He guesses that nap time is near enough. He checks his watch, which reads 11:47am.
It was indeed nearing nap time.
"Take him out, Sev. I don't think he'll be comfy sleeping in the trolley," Charity fusses. It was good that she had managed to find a suitable pushchair. They would be more convenient for times like these. Severus does as he's told and carefully lifts the boy out of the trolley. "Shhh, go back to sleep," he coos as the boy opens his eyes at the sudden movement.
He lays his head on the man's broad shoulder, shoving his face into the crook of his neck before falling back asleep, cuddling the penguin under his chin with one arm, the other wrapped over Severus' shoulder lazily. "Oh, he's so sweet. Thomas, do you mind pushing the trolley while your dad carries Harry, please?" Charity requested, giving the sleeping boy's cheek a loving stroke.
"Sure," Thomas replies, pushing the trolley.
"Right, I was thinking on getting a bedside board so he won't fall out of bed. We don't want any broken bones- oh and how about baby gates?" Charity worries her lip in thought.
"I think we should only get the basics and then leave some things to order online. This little one will be exhausted if we continue any longer, and that's including having a nap. Plus he's drooling all over me," Severus chuckles.
They pay for the things they had gotten before Harry fell asleep and before beginning to head home. Severus placed Harry into his new car seat, and the boy fit perfectly. Guiding his arms through the straps, Severus fastens and secures the boy before shutting the door and sitting in the driver's seat.
Once they got home, Severus carries Harry upstairs and tucks him into his and Charity's bed, a pillow on either side of the boy so he doesn't fall out. Oliver and Thomas retire back into their rooms after helping to bring the shopping in.
Meanwhile, Charity and Severus began to watch a movie.
Half an hour into it, though, Harry is brought down the stairs by Oliver, who struggles a bit but managed nonetheless to carry the slight boy. "He woke up, so I thought I'd bring him down here," the boy explains, smiling as Harry trusts him to bring him to his —now their— parents.
"Why, thank you, love. That was nice of you," Charity smiles.
Oliver, with the help of Severus, places Harry in between the man and wife before heading back upstairs. Severus changed the channel to Paw Patrol, as he remembers how much Harry enjoyed the show earlier.
Harry is quickly mesmerized by the show, loving all of the doggies and laughing at the one called Marshall. He was his favorite doggie out of all of them. "Do you like the show, baby boy?" Charity coos, stroking the boy's shaggy hair out of his face. Harry faces the woman and nods shyly. "D-doggie. H-Hawwy yike," Harry replies shakily before shoving a few fingers into his mouth, a but of drool travelling down his chin. He shuffles around a bit to get comfy again.
"You like Marshall? He's a cute doggie, isn't he? I like Rocky," Charity coos back, frowning when the boy continues to shuffling around, beginning to get fussy.
Severus notices as well and lifts the boy up onto his lap, one of his legs on either side of him as he faces him. "What's the matter, hm? Are you still tired?" Severus asks, jostling him a bit and therefore causing him to become rather agitated. "No?" Charity raises an eyebrow, sharing a look with her husband. "Maybe he's just being fussy. Rub his back, Sev, and calm him down," the woman suggests, stroking the boy's mop of hair as said boy's head rested within the crook of her husband's neck.
Severus rubs the boy's back and bounces him a bit, growing concerned when he begins groaning and tightening his fists on his shirt. However, it soon clicked what is wrong with the boy and why he suddenly became so fussy. He needed to use the toilet.
Severus knows they had put a pull-up on the lad, but that doesn't mean he needed to use it. They were trying to encourage him to ask to go. The pull-up was there just in case. "Hey, love. I know what the problem is," Severus speaks, sending his wife a look.
"Poo?" Charity mouthed as to not upset Harry.
Severus only nodded his head and kept rubbing Harry's lower back, standing up with him in his arms. He keeps groaning and gripping the man's shirt meanwhile, who quickly rushes to the bathroom. They don't have the training toilet set up as they decided to order it online, so he simply sat Harry on the normal toilet and held him so he didn't fall in.
The boy's breathing picks up a bit as he's set down after ripping off the pull-up. He grips onto his new father nervously but it was alright as long as he's being held.
Just in time, too, because Harry began to go just as he was placed down on the seat.
Once he was finished, Severus picked him back up and headed back to Charity after helping the boy wipe up and wash his hands. "Did he make it?" she asks, a bit worried.
"Just barely," Severus replies, sitting back down on the sofa with the boy cuddled into the man's chest.
It's just turning 6:30pm when Charity finishes up making dinner. They don't have a highchair yet (another product that will arrive by post), so they put a pillow on a chair to help Harry reach the table. Severus calls Oliver and Thomas down before they all sit at the table together.
They were having soup that night, so they had to teach Harry how to properly use a spoon. It was difficult and dare say it entertaining at first for him, but he soon gets the hang of it. Some lands on his clothes and around his mouth, but he managed it with Charity's help here and there.
Once the family is finished eating, they settle down on the couch to a family movie. Scrolling through the kids' movies, Severus finds one called Despicable Me. He clicks on it, and they begin to watch it. Yet again, Harry becomes mesmerized by the screen.
The movie ends just before 8. Thomas then points out that Harry fell asleep, the lad having been placed in-between Charity and Severus but leaning heavily on the latter throughout the film. Charity picks him up and brings him upstairs to change him into a fresh pull-up and pajamas that actually fit him.
After he's changed, she put him to bed (their bed as his they gotten the bed railings built onto his own yet). She didn't want to take the chance of him falling out of bed. Pecking his forehead, she then heads back downstairs.
"Is he alright, Mum?" Thomas asks, seeing his mum come into the living room and plop onto the sofa, blowing some hair from her face. "Yes, love. He stayed asleep, bless him. We must've tired him out earlier," Charity chuckles, bringing Oliver into her side, who was sat a few inches from her and Severus.
"Speaking of which, in an hour you're both going to bed," Severus told the two, internally smiling at his sons' groans. "I know, such torture. With a little one around, me and your mum need rest. And you know, you two, being big brothers is hard work. You need your sleep," Severus states to the both of them, smirking when it had a working effect.
"Oh, Severus, I have the date of the hospital visit. They rang me while I was in Mothercare and you were still paying. They want us to bring him in on Saturday," Severus sighs heavily, his eyes shining.
If he were being honest, he'd say he was worried. He knew about the bad rashes on the boy's ankles from the chains, but they were nothing cream couldn't take care of, and he could already tell it was working. It was just the fact that he might have something wrong internally- mentally or emotionally, or even... sexually.
He could barely fathom it.
It really hit home, especially when he himself had gone through abuse from his own father. Now he had to fix a broken little boy who had gone through so much that it amazed him that he was still able to display plenty of fight, bravery and love.
He truly is the boy who lived.
Lived through abuse of the worst kinds.
Lived through being hated.
Lived through not being able to experience the tender love of a parent.
Lived through thinking so lowly of himself that it shouldn't be possible that he is still standing.
The boy truly is something, and now they can give him all that he's missed. So what if he acts younger than he is and needs help in every day tasks? That's what they are there for. To help, to nurture, and to love.
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