Charity huffs out a sigh as she plops down on the couch. Harry's cries can still be heard from the other room. He had wanted to play with Draco today but Charity and Severus had said no. Yes, they were glad he made a friend, but they were going to visit a school today to see if Harry would be able to go there. Upon hearing this, Harry promptly burst into tears. He doesn't want to be away from Charity and Severus even if it was just a few hours a day.
They understand where Harry was coming from but they need to get him interacting with others and on the right path to becoming a normal child. Plus having a young child is a lot of work and sometimes it's nice to take a break every once in a while. Right now, Severus is upstairs with Harry trying to get him into a shirt. Charity had given up and was ready to call the school and cancel the meeting when Severus waltzes downstairs holding a sniffling Harry. Severus had finally given Harry the pacifier to calm him down a bit and he took to it like a duck to water. Charity got the car ready and they headed off to the school soon after. Oliver and Thomas are hanging out with their friends so they didn't come along this time. A few minutes later, they arrived at Hogwarts Elementary for Special Children. The three of them walked into the school and into the main office.
"Good afternoon! I'm Mr. Hagrid! How may I help you?"
"Hi. I'm Charity and this is my husband, Severus. And this is our son, Harry. We had a meeting here to talk about enrolling Harry in this school?"
"Ah yes. Come with me."
They followed the man named Hagrid down a few hallways in the school and into a classroom. The walls were covered in bright posters and artwork made by kids. There are about 10 or so kids in the classroom all around Harry's age. There was a teacher talking to a few of the kids. Mr. Hagrid knocks on the open door.
"Excuse me, Ms. Mcgonagall? You have a few people here to see you."
"Of course, come in!"
The three walk into the classroom towards the teacher. A few seconds later, soft chimes sound throughout the class. Harry flinches at the sudden noise and lunges for Severus's leg. The kids all rush out of the classroom on their way to lunch.
"So is this Harry then?" Ms. Mcgonagall asks.
Harry turns his face into Severus's leg nervously. Severus picks the boy up and faces him towards the teacher.
"Say hi, Harry."
"Hewo," Harry speaks shyly raising his small hand in a short wave.
Ms. Mcgonagall smiles kindly at him and waves back. Severus and Charity talk to Ms. Mcgonagall for a bit while Harry hesitantly explores the classroom. There are chairs fit for kids his size and a book corner on one side of the room. There is also a large whiteboard on one wall with the teacher's desk leaning against the opposite wall. There are large tables with multiple chairs at each one for the kids to sit at. Coloring and art supplies are in small dividers on each table. Harry sits at one of the small tables and started coloring a Paw Patrol coloring page he found. About an hour later, the meeting comes to an end. Charity and Severus find Harry still at one of the tables coloring. He had made tons of pictures all addressed to the people he knew. He made one for Draco, Charity, Severus (who are referred to as mummy and daddy on the page), Thomas, and was currently working on one for Oliver.
"Oh, how sweet of you Harry. C'mon it's time to go home now."
"We have cwayons at home?"
"Yes, we have a few boxes at home. You can color when we get home okay?"
Harry agreed with this and they all say goodbye to Harry's soon-to-be teacher and left the school.
Once they got home, Charity immediately goes to the closet to find some crayons for Harry. She manages to find an old box with the promise to buy new ones later. They also find some old coloring books. They weren't Paw Patrol but Harry doesn't mind too much. Harry colors for about three hours before it was time for dinner.
Thomas and Oliver had gotten home a while ago and are now happily coloring with Harry. The family of five had dinner before finally relaxing on the couch and watching Spiderman. Harry loved the movie and sipped happily on his bottle of milk all throughout it. He was put to bed after the movie and Severus and Charity sat downstairs with Thomas and Oliver to enjoy one more film.
Just before they all went to bed, Charity heard Harry softly crying in his bedroom. She quickly rushes up the stairs to check on him and finds him almost exactly as he had been when they had first taken him in. He was standing next to the side of his bed taking the sheets off.
"Oh Harry, you don't need to do that honey. Did you wet the bed?"
Harry turned around with tear-filled eyes and nodded.
"Harry that's alright sweetheart. You don't have to do that. You could've called me or Sev to do it. We aren't mad at you."
No matter how much she said it, Harry wouldn't get that no one was mad at him for that. He continues to cry even as Charity pulls him into her arms and hugs him gently. She places him on the changing table and he flinched when the cold wipe hit his bum.
"I know it's cold, sorry Harry it'll only be a minute."
After changing Harry into a new nighty and a fresh shirt, Charity takes him off the table and places him back onto the floor.
"Harry you wait here for a minute I'm going to go get some new sheets."
Harry silently nods and wipes at his running nose.
"I'll also bring some tissues."
A few minutes later, Charity returned with new sheets and a box of tissues. She put the sheets on the bed and gently cleans Harry's face with the tissues. She quickly tucks him back into bed and kisses his forehead.
"Goodnight Harry. Sleep well."
"Night, mummy."
This is my gift to you all for getting the previous chapter out too late.
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