Hours later
"I should have known this was going to happen!" Natasha's voice rang out through Shield's private hospitals as the nurses check on their kids in separate rooms along with Nick. Though all of the kids were now conscious and okay the parents were anything but okay.
"You knew that all of our kids would mess with a crazy invention from the future than get weird crazy abilities?" Sam asked. "Because if so, you should go into the fortune-telling business."
"Nat calm down-" Steve tried to say but she turned straight around glaring at him.
"Calm down? Tell me to calm down one more time Rogers! I can't calm down for the simple reason that my kid my baby! Was just in a freak accident and now has the same strength as his super-soldier father!" she cried.
"Your baby?!" Sarah exclaimed, "I am your youngest kid!" she frowned. "Aren't I the baby."
"I'd shut if I were you kid." Clint muttered to his niece. "when your mother gets like this it's best not to argue with her." The parents watched as Natasha continued to yell at Steve while he stood there taking it all in.
"Did someone bring popcorn?" Nick's voice filled the room. "Romanoff can it for a moment would you?"
"What the hell is wrong with my son Nick?" She cried. "You have been with those kids for hours!" she yelled in frustration.
"Let's not turn this into something more than it is," Nick said.
"If I could interrupt, her name is Rogers now it's not Romanoff" Steve shut up the moment Natasha glared at him. "You know what? It's not important. Continue... you were saying about the kids. But seriously it is Rogers now and I'd appreciate if-"
"Do you want to be murdered punk?" Bucky asked. "If not, then I suggest you shut up."
"Nick the kids! What is going on with them?" Maria asked frustrated with everyone.
"I suggest you come and talk to Ms. Stark." He said and led the couples into Morgan's room. Morgan was sitting up now and was trying to get out of the bid.
"I don't need to rest!" Morgan said. "I'll rest when I'm dead."
"Definitely Stark's daughter," Sam muttered.
"Okay, Morgan. Talk what was the device." Natasha started right away. "What happened down in the lab."
"Oh, I am fine." Morgan rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, my life was not threatened or anything." She said.
"Don't talk to your godmother like that." Tony reminded.
"Godmother?" Sam asked. "Wait let me get this straight, you are the godmother of Nate, Morgan, Nicole, and Willa?"
"Yes, Sam." She rolled her eyes. "I am also the godmother of Miles, Elliot, and Hugh."
"Well, should I have her the godmother of my daughter too?" Thor asked. "I can kick Darcy out."
"Let's be honest here," Tony said. "The only reason she is our kids' godmothers because if we were all in a fight she'd logically be the one to survive."
"Can we just get back to the matter at hand before we discuss who gets who when you all die." He rolled his eye. "Stark explains the device would you."
"Okay well, basically when I went back in time with my time machine I punched in the wrong dates, and I was suddenly in like 1980 or something and Hank Pym's lab. This device was on his desk, I wanted to know what it was so I stole it. When I got back I started to trying and figure out what it was. I never did find out but I start to modify it to create a shield but as you can see it didn't work out." she shook her head. "I never tested it and it wasn't ready to be tested. James just had to go and touch everything."
"How are you feeling Morgan?" Bucky asked.
"Thank you!" She said. "Finally someone who cares about me. I am fine thank you very much. I actually feel better than ever, this thing," Tapping the device on her chest that was keeping her stable. "Is kind of annoying not going to lie. How are the others?"
"Better," Tony said. "They are just in shock."
"None of this would have happened it Rogers left things alone." Morgan rolled her eyes bitterly. She looked past the group of parents and saw Torunn casually walking towards James's room. She frowned.
"Stop that," Natasha said not needing to look over her shoulder to see what Morgan was looking at, "Your face is gonna freeze like that,"
"I don't know what you're talking about." She muttered.
"So I'd hate to be the one to bring back the issues but um our kids have powers now. What are we going to do about that?" Scott asked.
"Excellent question," Maria said. "Nothing." Fury motioned for them all to leave Morgan so she could rest and doctor Cho could check on her.
"Excuse me?" Pepper asked. "I know I know nothing about powers and all but shouldn't we umm you know prepare them for what's to come?"
"No," Nick said. "These kids are well... kids. They are, and I am sure we can all agree with this, are not mature, your kid," He looked at Stark, "Has been looking at Torunn like she's gonna murder her."
"What are you saying, Nick?" Steve asked. Nick gave them all of a look.
"No," Natasha said. "I will not let you experiment on my son."
"This won't be an experiment Natasha," Maria muttered. "it's been tested."
"There is no fucking way you can be on board with this!" She said, and Steve put his hand on the small of her back, a thing that always seemed to calm her down.
"Nat, let them speak, and once we hear it all we can decide."
"How could any of you being fucking considering this?" She yelled removing herself from Steve's touch. "They aren't science experiments. They are kids. Our kids." She shook her head as no one made a move to agree with her. "Seriously? Not one of you are going to object to this?"
"I think our kids just aren't ready for this sort of power," Hope said, she had a pained look on her face.
"I think had the time been different, maybe under different circumstances, we wouldn't have to do this," Sam said.
"You two don't understand what it means to be experimented on! if we do this, and they find out one day they would never forgive us!" She cried.
"Memory wipe is hardly experimenting on," Tony said. "Small procedure and the best part is they won't even know."
"I have to agree with Natasha on this one," Bucky said, "experimenting on our kids is just something we shouldn't be considering, it does something to a person, something that I don't want my kid going through."
"We aren't experimenting on anyone," Tony said. "The device works so it doesn't actually count as experimenting."
"Well murder doesn't actually count as murder if I don't kill you," Natasha said.
"Whoa Mrs. Rogers, chill out would you?"
"I agree with Natasha," Wanda said. "And bucky, I don't think we should do that with the kids."
"I think everyone's heart is in the right places." Steve said. "Some of us think that erasing their memory is for the best while others us just don't want to relive old memories," Steve said. "But the truth in the matter is we have to do nothing, knowing our luck they will eventually remember and their powers will go out of control. No one is experimenting on anyone. We all just need to calm down."
"Yeah um, I don't know what I was saying," Tony scratched his neck. "If we are being honest I am actually really scared and confused." Steve just nodded his head. "So the question is, what are we supposed to do?"
"These kids have been given the gift of power, but if they don't know how to handle it then it will cause a whole lot of problems. I say we train them," Nick said. "Teach the kids how to handle their powers for their own protection."
"Say we do train them, is this us giving them permission to go into our business?" Natasha asked.
"No of course not," Hope said. "We train them now so they don't hurt themselves and in the meanwhile we try working on reversing the affects."
"It's still an experimental process," Natasha muttered.
"But if we want to reverse the affects than we are going to have to do this," Sam sighed. "So are we all in agreement? Because we should probably all go and be with our kids. They need us now more than ever."
"Can't believe I am saying this, but Bird brain is right, this is the way." Bucky said taking Wanda's hand. "We will be there for them and who's better to help them understand their new abilities then the people who love them."
"Okay, we have to do this," Steve nodded before looking over at Natasha, "Are you in?"
"I don't like this...but I don't want them to be in danger and having these powers will prove dangerous so I am in."
"Okay," Nick said, "I will bring in the biggest minds from all over the world."
"No." Tony said. "This stays between us, no one else but those we trust should know. I'll make my team and then we will begin working on this."
"I am guessing you know someone?" Steve asks.
"Yeah I do, let's get Queens, Mini Lang and mini Barton, and the Wakanda princess over here," he smirked. "We need the greatest minds in the world right now." he began walking away but turned around "oh and someone find me Banner."
Looks like Peter created his own group.
So I am adding to my wonderful cast
Mark Ruffalo as
Bruce Banner
Liv Tyler as
Betty Ross
Bailee Madison as
Brandy Banner
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