Part 37
All arrangements were taking place.
Kusum was standing on outside stairs and decorating front door.
Danny was coming inside by seeing his phone with out seeing he hits her stairs which makes her to loose balance and she shouts..
Kusum:- ahhh
By this voice danny immediately looks up and in fraction of seconds he catches her in arms.
Kusum slowly opens her one eye and then opens her second eye and finally realises she was in arms pf danny.
Kusum:- thank u ..
But finds him staring at her and feels shy…
She taps on his shoulder.
Kusum:- danny plss leave me down .
Danny:- smiles at her.
Kusum shouts danny i am fine plss leave me down.
By this danny gets senses and makes her down.
And both avoids eye contact and go in different ways…
Namish comes out and sees kaanchi doing rangoli…
And her hair is flying in air.
He gets mesmerised and walks towards her with out sensing wats coming in his way….
While shaurya coming with a bowl full of water covering his face.
Both collides and water falls on kanchi rangoli.
Shaurya and namish both watches each other with open mouth and shocking expressions.
And see towards kanchi who is watching them angrily…
And soon tears forms in her eyes..
They both runs towards her and tries to calm her…
Shaurya:- dont cry kanchu ..
Namish:- haa plzz dont cry..
Shaurya:- if u hitler dii came to knew that u were crying because of us she will kill us..
Kanchi:- beats him and says u spoiled my rangoli from one hour i am doing it and u both with in seconds spoiled it …and pouts her face…
Namish feels bad and says.
Namish:- lets make it again this time we will help u.
Shaurya:- yes we will help u lets do a big rangoli but plz dont tell to your sister…
Kanchi:- i will decide to say dii or not after completing rangoli..
Both says done…
Three completes a big rangoli and three stairs at rangoli and then at each other and hi fives.
Namish:- so wat u decided…
Shaurya:- plzz plzzz.
Kanchi:- done i wont say anything to dii ok.and by the way shaurya untill now i dont knew that u were this much afraid of my dii…i can use it in future…
Shaurya and namish keeps shocking expressions ..
Kanchi laughs and goes from their…
Shaurya and namish looks on….
Teju comes out of her room talking in phone about some arrangements and collides with ap..
Teju:- sorry sorry
Ap:- its ok but why u were not ready untillnow..
Teju:- actually untill now caterring didnot reach and i am giving them address and also looking for Priest..
Ap:- oh he will reach on time dont worry otherwise lets send shaleen to bring him
Just then shaleen comes their and looks handsome in his sherwani.
Teju smiles and he does also..
Ap:- shaleen u go and bring priest.
Teju:- haa actually arjun went to bring him u dont worry.
Ap:- and wat about khusi and arnav who were making them ready.
Shaleen:- danny and shaurya were helping arnav.
Teju:- radhika and kanchi kusum were making khusi ready ..
Sakshi:- when u will ready teju look at you still at night toursers.
Teju:- once i will talk to arjun and then i will immediatedly get ready before they reach.
Sakshi:- lets make a change and catches her hand and says let me make you ready.
Teju:- aunty its ok i will get ready
Sakshi:- u cant escape today and drags her to room.
Teju pouts and goes behind sakshi like a kid…
Shaleen and ap laughs…
Ap:- are u waiting to see her in saree..
Shaleen:- maaa and leaves from their…being shy
Ap laughs ..
Dp comes and asks her wats the matter.
Ap:- my son is becoming shy and turning into red in love.
Dp:- ofcourse he selected the bestest in the world…..and ofcourse cutest..
They both leaves to hall…
Teju is finally gets ready in saree which was selected by shaleen.
She seeing on her phone and her hair was falling down from one side and shaleen is watching her lovingly and gets mesmerised by her..
Teju senses someone seeing her and looks around and sees shaleen seeing her..
And he signal his fingers and says beautiful to her while she feel shy and gestures him threw her eyes thank u…
They both converstion was disturbed by arrival of arjun with priest
They made him sit near stage..
Arjun comes and stands with teju.
Arjun:- dii u were looking so pretty and cute dii and pulls her cheeks.
Teju:- u were looking like my prince charming…and kisses his forehead…..
Teju gets a msg and sees shaleen message.
Shaleen:- if he is prince charming then wat i am.
Teju smiles and types.
Teju:- u were my life.
Shaleen:- i want to hug u
Teju:- now how can that possible..
Before shaleen could type ..
Arnav and khusi arrives..
All and arnav and khusi gets mesmerised by their stunning looks..
Precap:- engagement and some romance…
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