Part 2
Khusi feeding shravan
Arnav was smiling seeing it…
Shravan:- enough maa how much you feed me.
Khusi:- you became so lean just shut up and eat.
Sumo coughs and karthik too laughs.
Kanchi:- why you both were laughing.
Sumo:- come on naa mami cracked joke cant i laugh.
Khusi:- what joke..
Sumo:- aaa..
Sharavan:- u said naa maa i became lean thats why..
Suman and karthik laughs loudly
While kanchi hits on their heads..
Both pouts this time shravan laughs…..
Laksh:- hi dont hit on their heads…
They have small brains what if they lose that also.
All laughs..
Sumo:- thats not fair dad .i am good student 78% .
Laksh:- your mom used to ger 95 percent.
Shaleen:- what she will do she went on her dad..
Laksh:- babhi.
Teju:- shaleen dont you dare to say anything to laksh. haa if ypu want you can scold remainig but not my brother , devars, sister and babhi and their kids..
Shaleen:- you else left ..
Teju:- think.
Shaleen and remaing thinks for a while and says .
Hmm you mean to say i should scold my self…
Teju:- no only i have rights to svold you no one else.
Shaleen:- wow what a honour ..
All laughs..
Karthik:- ok i am leaving.
Come preethi snd sumo i will drop you both to your college, hospital .
Prethi and sumo says bye to all and goes..
Teju:- so what else shravan.
Shravan:- nothing mami everything is fine before as you peoplecwant me to take up bussiness i want to assist under you mami..
Teju:- me but why . You were good enough you can start babu.
Arjun:- oye my place towards dii is permanent one dont u dare to take.
Shravan:- dont worry chotai papa i wont take and no one can replave it also..
I just need your all guidances all not only mami.
Arjun:- then ok.
Danny:- shravan its better if u seek guidance from bhai , arnav bhai and bhabhi ..
Kanchi:- haa what ever today these were because of them only.
Arnav:- you became more efficent than us so guide him.
Khushi:- oh come why you three were saying no to him.
First u three should guide him.late r he will seek their help.
I want my son grown up with you three ethics..
Shravan:- please mami mama and dad..
They all says ok.
Arjun:- i dont knew when my son will stop running after photography and join bussiness.
Radhika:- arjun.
Arjun:- shit..
Arnav:- what photography…
Arjun:- nothing bhai.
Shaleen:- arjun and radhika atleast you say something…
All looks at each other and then looks at arjun.
Kusum:- bhai speak some thing.
Teju:- did karthik like to take up our business or not arjun.
Arjun looks at teju with tension.
Karthik leaves preethi to hospital and starts to go sumo college.
Karthik:- by sumo..
Sumo:- bye..
Karthik starts to take back his car but hits with another vehicle.
Karthik gets down immediatedly and sees a girl laying down by holding leg and her fallen bike aside and goes and sits near to her.
Karthik:- i am really sorry i didnt see you ..sorry.
Girl :- what do u mean by sorry what if you dont apply break on time .will rush from on me.
Karthik:- what how can i do it ..i didnt saw you..
And sees her massaging her leg.
Karthik:- is it paining alot. May i help you.
Girl faces him..
Karthik gets mesmerized and girl too.
Girl:- no i am fine . I will manage by going to our college dispearency.
Karthik:- i will help you to walk come.
Girl:- no i am fine…
Karthik:- atleast take my hand as support to get up…
Girl looks at him and his hand thinks for a while and takes his hand as support and stands up..
He sees that she unable to walk..
Karthik:- let me help you.
Girl:- no i will manage..
Karthik nodes his head in disbelief and lifts her up..
Girl:- hi what are you doing..
Karthik:- helping you.
Girl:- but i didnt ask you right.
Karthik while walking by holding her :- my mami says to help someone their is no need to take their permission just do it and reduce their pain without heting them.
Girl:- mami or mama.
Karthik:- mami. My fathers sister..
I love her so much …
Girl:- oh ..well disperancy is that side.
Karthik makes her sit on bed and waits untill her treatment got over..
Girl:- so my self naira chopra…
Karthik:- my self karthik singh raizada..
Naira:- are you studying on this colz..
Karthik:- no , i came here to drop my cousion.she is studying here final year
Naira:-oh whats her name..
Karthik:- suman malhotra…
Naira:- oh final year computer..i am arts final year…
Mean while both lisens bell sound
Naira:- ok my classes are going to start bye i have to leave now as my pain is gone .
Karthik:- are you sure.
Naira:- yaa..
Karthik:- ok then bye..nice meeting you.
Naira:- you mee.. bye..
Karthik goes from their..
Scene changes with arjun keeping his head down.
Teju:- i sm asking you something arjun..did you pressuraize him to join our business.
Arjun:- haa dii..
Arnav:- how can you do that when you well knew that we will leave our kids free to choose their careers naa.
Arjun:- i want him to be a shadow to dii like me. I want him to be your support and he also agree to it.
Teju:- why wont he agree arjun when you said the reason behind my condition to him and made him to agree to you.
Do you think that you sister became handicapped and dependent on others
Teju tries to get up…
Shaleen tries to help her but teju stops him from doing that..
By seeing her anger all stood from
Arjun:- no dii..i doesnt mean it i just.
Teju:- i knew your intenstions are not bad but just that is i losty leg but not my confidence and i pefer to die rather being dependent on others…
Arjun:- i doesnt mean it dii..
Before that teju starts waking away…
Arnav comes to him and sits next to him.
Arnav:- you were not wrong arjun but you hurted us..
i knew that u three are grown up and even you were having your own family..
Although you and we have kids but for me and teju . You three were always kids to us. We are happy that you people still ask us opinion before you take decision in your lifes..although we opposed u from doing that..
One more thing.
One question to you all as a parent
Do you share all your difficulties which you faced to bring happiness in your kids face.
All nodes in no.
Shravan looks on.
Arjun:- me and teju had many secrets and hidden pains which is only known to us and can never be known to you three.
Never and ever arjun because you all were our first kids later these kids understand and dont worry i will talk to your dii ok.
Arjun nodes.
Shaleen:- hmm your dii can be anger on me but not on you not even for second also.
Arjun smiles..
Shravan in mind:- no one can be like you sibbling may be not we also..
Teju mami , dad , mama you three were main pillar to our family….
Arjun:- i hurted dii alot but it happen un intensionally…
Arnav:- we will handle it arjun dont worry.
Preethi walking near collidor suddenly a door opened and hits on nose of her..
She immediatedly jerks about to fall back in mean time a pair of hands stops her..
Both were lost into each other but soon composes them selfs.
Preethi:- what are you doing pushkar..
Pushkar:- what else i will do. Watching my beauty lover..
Preethi:- shhhh any one will lisen…
Pushkar:- let them lisen. I wont care.
Preethi:- i too dont care but not right now.
Pushkar:- ok jaan.
Preethi sees her angrily.
Pushkar:- ok doctor preethi.
Both laughs….
Scenes changes..
Teju sitting in balcony and lost in thoughts..
Shaleen silently comes from back about to talk but stop by seeing.
teju touching her injured leg and her stomach tears were rolling from her eyes.
Shaleen to gets teardy and sits next to her..
Teju:- did i became burden..
Shaleen:- why are you talking like that.
Teju:- first time in my life i was feeling that i lost my leg and ofcourse our baby.
Voice:- kya my kids are not your kids teju.
Both turns and finds arnav.
He too comes and sits next to them.
Arnav:- i knew he hurted you but ..
They are small yar you would have befaved matured.
Teju:- now he is a father bhai. He have to respect karthik view and dreams infact being a father he have to fullfill..
Arnav:- now you explained him right he will understand ok..
Teju:- hmm.
Arnav:- lets go outside all were waiting for..
Teju:- you goo bhai i want to be alone and haa if karthik comes ask him to meet me.
Arnav:- ok take care.. chaloo shaleen.
Shaleen:- dont stay alone for hours ok..
Teju nodes..
They both leaves from their…
Teju takes laptop and searches something after that she makes a call and talks something..
While all were waiting outside..
Shaleen and arnav reaches to them and says she is fine..
Arnav:- all of you get ready we have to leave for office.
Arjun:- will di wont come.
Voice:- who said that i wont come..
They finds teju coming..
Teju:- arjun lets go ok.
Arjun hugs her and says i am really sorry di.
Teju:- you were crying arjun. Come on you grown up old and still crying by hugging me..
Arjun:- i dont care how much old i am and i will always younger to you..
Shravan:- dad..
Arnav:- hmm.
Shravan:- why you both didnt give a elder sister like mami.
Arnav:- sry beta this time i will ask you and i will plan ok.
All laughs..
Arjun:- how many of you may come but no one can beat me and my dii..
Precap:- shravan meeting sameera and nakul , shaurya..
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