Part 15
shaleen is showing whole office to tejaswii….
This is danny’s cabin and this is namish cabin and sees guitar..
Tej:-does he play guitar.
Tej:-thats why he asked me that day that i play it or not..
Shaleen:-he plays average.
Tej:-even i am not professional.
Shaleen:-cant say that untill i hear to u …they were a lot things about u to be open.
Tej:-it seems u were very interested in knowing me.
Shaleen:-i love to solve puzzles and u were one of the toughest puzzle i had..and i will solve it.
Tej:-forward hand and says all the best..
He too shakes hand with her and they both shares a eyelock.
But comes to senses by a knock sound and they both take their hands back and sees namish.
Namish:-sorry for disturbing uuu..
Tejaswii jii your brother arjun came to meet u..
Tej:-arjun here…..
Namish:-hmmm where ever u goo arjun will follow u ..
Tej smiles and says very funny namish and goes from their.
Shaleen has a little smile on his face by thinking about tej ..
Namish:-wat r u thinking about bhai…and winks at him.
Shaleen:-gets into his senses and says haa thinking about kaanchi..
Namish widen his eyes soon shaleen laughs and brushes namish hair..
Namish:-bhai app bhi naa..
Shaleen:-let go to..
Shaleen:-hmmm.outside in canteen..
Namish:-i thougth something else..and runs from their..
Shaleen chases him…..
Teju goes to dp cabin
Where arjun dp and danny were Present snd talking..
Teju entres and arjun why r u here..
Arjun:-shows a file and says need ur signs…
Tej:-if u call me i will come naa.
Arjun:-u were forgetting after this we have to invite few people for party u asked me to come.
Tej:-haa yaa how did i forget about that…
Arjun:-come dii sometimes it happens and yaa a parcel came your name and its from court…
Tej takes it and ok and reads it ..
Dp:-is everything ok court notice..
Tej:-dont worry uncle its a witness for site illegation some one buyed a site which was already sold to us and they filed a complaint against them and we r helping them thats it…
Danny:-in real estate these type of problem are common right.
Tej:-haa not only that infact we will get many enemies also ….
Dp:-real estate means risky only..
Tej:-haa uncle..
Arjun:-a big head ache also…
Tej cell rings and she lifts the call.
Tej:-haa shower …seriously thank u yar …and cuts the call and says
They found that girl father uncle ..
He killed his wife and left his child like that ….
Dp:-wat how can people be like that..
Danny:-today society is like that only.
Arjun:-bastard ..
Tej:-arjun wat was that.
Arjun:-i am not wrong diii every men cant be a father because he is responsible for that girl birth that doest meant that..
Tej:-in ears calm down we r infront of someone else do u remember.
Arjun:-sorry uncle i just got my anger out of control actually i remembered my …
Stops by tejjj.
Tej:-ok so uncle we will leave so u and your whole family should attend tomorrow party ..
Tej and arjun gets up and shakes hands with them.
Tej:-bye danny..
Arjun:-bye danny..
Tej:-wat arjun cant u control… wat if u spoke and hits a person with her head…and shoutsss ahhh my head wat the hell cant u see and walk….
Arjun:-sorry shaleen ji even dii didnt see u as she is busy in scolding me..
Tej:-wat the hell if he hits me then why r u saying sorry to shaleen.
Namish:-because here he is my brother shaleen whom u collide with.
Tej lifts head and smiles and says sorry ..
Shaleen:-even i am sorry…
Namish:-are u leaving.
Arjun:-do u want my sister to stay here…
Namish:-ofcourse if it possible i will take her to my home permentally.
Arjun:-excuse me u cant we wont allow u to do that..
Namish:-if i take u also then.
Tej:-hey i am not new phone that u both are sharing ..
Arjun and namish smiles ..and they leaves from their by waving them bye…
At evening…
Raizadas goes to goenkas house…..
Kusum and kaanchi were talking with goenkas..
Sakshi:-when returned from london.
Kusum:-2 days before aunty..
Raj:-tej said that u were preparing for indian doctor licenses exam.
How is your preparations.
Kusum:-all fine uncle..
Kaanchi:-no one is asking me ..
They all smilez and says..
Payal:-we knew that u were shocalar student wat need to ask..
Kaachi:-then u can ask me how i am..
Shaurya:-oh my beautifull young lady when we are seeing that u were looking stunning and still if we ask how are u then people will think us mad.
Kaanchi:-dii was right u were awesome in making people agree with u.
Shaurya:-born talent baby…
Tej:-comes with arjun and says if u were born talent then we r talented in baring u…
Tej takes blessing from sakshi
And hugs rajnath.
Rajnath:-hi princess how r u..
Tej:-u missed u so much patner..
Raj:-i came na so we both will back to action.
And sees arjun and says oh my god how much tall he became….
Arjun smiles and takes blessing from all.
Tej :-how r u payal.
payal:-fine teju.
Shaurya:- streches hands and come on ash baby lets have a hug and drags her..
They both hug.
Tej:-i really missed u yar
Shaurya:-mee too..
Tej:-where is khusi..i have not see n her for long time.
Shaurya:-she is coming….
Raj:-where is arnav…
Tej:-he is on the way…..
Arnav is driving car he stop as he reached home but suddenly someone hits from back of his car.
He turns and sees a car .he get down and sees a girl driving and asks her to get down..
Girl:-before he scold me i should put all blame on him and again hears a knock on car window..
She gets down and both looks at each other and removes their goggles…
Arnav:-when u dont knew how to drive car then why u drive.
Khushi:-when u dont knew where to stop car then why u stop.
Arnav:-giving weird expression wat r u talking.
Khushi:-i mean fault was yours..
Arnav:-how…by keeping hand in his pockets…
Khushi:-i am driving first time in india that too soo slowly i was searching house also when i find i was about stop but u stopped car all of sudden and i hitted your car sorry..
Arnav:-smiles little and says its ok.
Whom house u r searching.
Khushi:-raizada house.
Arnav:-may i knew your name.
Khushi:-khusi goenka..and u
Arnav:-arnav singh raizada..
Khushi:-nice to meet u uuuu mean U were that raizada for whom i am searching…..
Arnav:-yes and u were rajnath uncle daughter right..but why were u alone where are remaining.
Khushi:-they already reached your home..
Arnav:-shaurya ..
Khushi:-he is also in your home only.
Arnav:-oh come lets go inside…
They both entres and says hello uncle hello aunty and about to take their blessing raj stops him and says ur place was in my heart arnav just hug me…
Arnav hugs raj.
Takes blessing from sakshi.
And hugs shaurya..
Arnav:-how is your health payal and yaa u can tell me if your so called husband irritates i will shoot him and signs with hand….
Tej goes and hugs khushi.
Khushi:-how r u teju..
Khushi shake hands with all..
All sits and having fun…
Precap:-dance masti and romances…
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