Short Story: Incorrect Quotes Edition
(All of these are apart of the plot of the book and have already happened or has happened at one point in the timeline of the story)
Midoriya: Since I am going on patrol and will not be here for the next few hours, and I know damn well no one will go to sleep. Ive left you all a complimentary bowl of advice
Midoriya, picks one paper out of the bowl: For instance, "Shinsou and Toga, stop doing" that just applies to everything
Midoriya: Dont worry, Ive got a few knives up my sleeve.
Shiroi Kori: I think you mean cards.
Toshiko Adachi and Shinsou: He did not.
Midoriya, pulling out knives: I did not.
Vlad, teaching Sally to drive: Okay, youre driving and Shiroi and Monoma walk into the road. Quick, what do you hit?
Sally: Oh, definitely Monoma. I could never hit Kori.
Vlad, massaging his temples: The brakes, Smith. You hit the brakes.
Midoriya staring at Dabi: You had one job, how could you do this to the family.
Dabi, placed down +4 card: Uno bitch.
Dabi: I dont even know why I hang out with you guys, I am way too cool/emo for you.
Also Dabi, participating in karaoke night: sO tELL mE wHaT YoU wAnT, WhAt yOu ReaLLy, rEaLLy wANt
Shinsou: I want to sleep for like 40 hours.
Toga: Yeah, you know that's a coma right?
Aizawa: mood
Midoriya: If you ever get caught by the police for being a vigilant, and they catch you right there while you punch a villain. You say to them who, what, when, where, why and how.
[Redacted], playing along: But they saw you doing it
Midoriya: No they didnt. Cause who, what, when, where, why and how
Random Villain on the ground: The fu-
All Might: Ah, Young Mid-
Shinsou, Adachi, and basically everyone who knows Midoriya: Stay away from the precious broccoli
Midoriya: Yeah no.I- dont actually know how this happened
Dabi, looks down: It happens to the best of us
[Redacted], looks at the knife: Welcome to the club
Author's Note: So no chapter today and instead this. The reason why is simply because I wanted to do a lot of incorrect quotes but didn't have a way to add it. Next update will be a chapter of the story.
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