Ch.8: Shinsou's Fight pt.2
"What did you do to hi-?"
While Jirou spoke to Shinsou, Yoayorozu took that time to run up behind her and push her over, closer to Kaminari and Shinsou. Immediately Kaminaris hand raised towards the purple haired girl. Quirk activated. As if commanding an order he let his quirk loose the moment Jirous arm touched his hand, sending the girl to jump back from the intense shock.
She cradled her upper arm and immediately activated her quirk again. Making all three classmates in front of her push back a little. When each person got pushed back Kaminaris feet tripped over themselves, causing him to fall and hit his head against one of the walls.
"Shit" Shinsous voice spoke quietly, but loudly enough for Jirou to hear. Immediately she ran in front of Kaminari as a shield.
Without looking behind her she taps her foot to slightly kick Kaminari in a silent question; is he okay? She gets no response back. That's when she realizes that his breathing changed to calm breathing.That answers her own question in the end; hes unconscious.
Putting her thoughts aside, she knew she had to win somehow. Two (2) against One (1). She quickly looks over her opponents. Shinsou on her right, supporting a bruise on his left arm and what looks to be a slight burn on his cheek. Yaoyorozu on the left, having no injuries and holding what seems to be the capture tape. The bomb stands right behind them both, almost tall enough to touch the ceiling.
Jirou slides her right foot to face Shinsou directly and plugs her ear jack in her boot. Making the noise even louder than before to make a bigger impact on the boy.
Shinsou falls back against a pile of boxes. A few toppled on top of him due to the force of the fall. Making him unable to get back up.
Jirou redirected her attention to Yaoyorozu (briefly aware of the fact that Shinsou was trying to get her attention, and Kaminari looked to be waking up) and did the same but with her left foot but slightly less powerful.
'Quirk exhaustion' She thought, realizing she put a little too much of her energy in the blast before.
When the black haired boy was pushed back far enough for Jirou to be comfortable, she quickly made a dash for Shinsou instead of the bomb.
'Yaoyorozu is too close for me to get a good hit without getting captured.'
Right when she reached Shinsou, Jirou grabbed the capturing tape and wrapped it both of his wrists, taking out of the trial.
"Shinsou Hitoshi from the Villain Team is Out!"
The Buildings speakers yelled out.
"Kaminari Denki from the Hero Team is Out!"
Immediately she looked over to the wall. Yaoyorozu was crouched next to a fully awake (and confused) Kaminari who had his wrist tied up to by the tape.
Both girls looked at each other in silence. Jirou takes the opportunity to quickly run towards the bomb. In the corner of her let eye, she sees a small canister be thrown. Smoke quickly filled her vision, making her unable to predict where the bomb is. Assuming it's in front of her she continues to run forward. Keeping one of ear jacks focused on any movement behind her. So focused on trying to get the bomb, Jirou didnt see the piece of yarn raised a few inches off the ground. They were intended to make someone trip. They did. Jirou fell forward, moving her arms in front of her to soften the blow to her face. Hearing footsteps behind her, she turns to see Yaoyorozu jogging towards her. She quickly gets to her feat to run. When all of a sudden the building's speakers turn on.
"Times Up! Please Head to Recovery Girl for Any Injuries That Need Assisting. Otherwise Head Back to the Viewing Room to Know the Final Results!"
Yaoyorozu and Jirou both make small talk while heading to the captured boys. Once the boys' wrists were free, they all started walking towards the viewing room (well Shinsou and Kaminari are going to Recovery Girl).
Once outside of the nurses office, Jirou got Shinsous attention.
"Hey? What did you do to Kaminari to get him to attack me?" She asked with curiosity in her voice. No longer creeped out.
Shinsous face showed to be contemplating on telling her or not.
"Um, it's my quirk. I...I can tell you about it later." With that Shinsou went to get his injuries checked
Jirou and Yaoyorozu walked back to the viewing room just in time to hear All Might talking about their fight.
"Ah! Young Jirou and Young Yaoyorozu, I was just explaining who won." He turned to address the entire class. "The winners were the Villain Team."
Jirou knew that they didnt get the bomb in time.They didnt capture both of the members of the opposing team. She hoped that her time in U.A can make her better.
"Now the next battle will be Team E, as the Heroes, and Team F, as the villains. You get 5 minutes to plan how to win your battle good luck!"
"The Hero Team won!"
"Team H, as the Heroes, and Team J, as the Villians"
"The Villain Team was successful!..."
"Now Team B, as the Heroes and Team I, as the Villians. Like before you have 10 minutes to get your plan ready! Good Luck."
Shinsou, who has come back, and Midoriya look at the villain team this round and say their support.
Team B: Todoroki Shoto and Mezo Shoji
Team I Oijiro Mashirao and Toga Himiko
(Behind the Scene: Shinsou versus Kaminari)
"Sorry dude, it looks like you lost. No offense, right?" Kaminari spoke.
An emotion passed by Shinsous eyes, but Kaminari couldnt tell what it was. Without taking his eyes away from the purple headed boy. He spoke to Jirou.
"I dont think we have much time left. It's probably best if you went to the top floor and find the bomb."
"As much as you sound cocky right now it's not a bad sure you got this?" She responded.
"Yep! Now lets win this game!"
After Jirou continued running up the stairs, Shinsou decided to speak.
"Let's fight now, shall we?"
Kaminari without saying another word, sets his quirk at Shinsou. The purple haired boy doged the attack but a nick of his arm got hit. Immediately ignoring the shock, Shinsou runs towards the blonde fist reeled back. Once in range he drops his first and crouches sliding his leg out. Kaminari not expecting the quick change attacks gets tripped over the other boy's leg.
Once seeing his attack works, Shinsou quickly scrambles to hold Kaminari down. Immediately ready for his next attack, hoping it will work.
Shinsou was not disappointed with what happened next.
"Triva-" Kaminari answers the innocent question, but gets caught off buy an unknown force.
Shinsou smiles once again. "Gotcha"
Authors Note: Incase you forgot whose team is on what here you go.
(Note: The Teams; underlined are for the ones that changed)
A: Midoriya and Uraraka
B: Todoroki and Shoji
C: Yaoyorozu and Shinsou
D: Bakugou and Iida
E: Aoyama and Ashido
F: Sato and Kota
G: Kaminari and Jirou
H: Tokoyami and Asui
I: Ojiro and Toga
J:Kirishima and Sero
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