Ch. 15: Hey one question: What the Hell
3rd P.O.V
Shinsou was fucking confused, okay. One moment there are villains attacking, then the next they are doing the rescue training at the USJ. On top of that, Shinsou seemed to be the only one to think villains were attacking. Okay, that statement can be proven, because literally everyone kept on giving him looks filled with concern.
On one hand, Shinsou appreciated the concern, it meant that they werent like any of his classmates from before U.A.
Although, on the other hand, why was he the only one to remember the attack? What happened to the villains? Where did they come from? Who the fuck is the 'League of Villains'?
Basically, Shinsou was mentally freaking out. Calming himself down, Shinsou focused his mind to listen to 13s voice.
"As I was saying, all of you will be split up into groups of 5 and attend one of the simulation sections. You will have 10 minutes to save one of the robots, they will be playing the civilian, and your group will have to come up with a safe way to save the 'civilian'. After those 10 minutes, you will move to a different section and repeat the same thing. Everyone has to play the civilian at least once. This will show Eraserhead and me how much you guys know about rescuing someone, while not endangering anybody!"
"We will also be going around to each section and watching the security cameras to tell you what youre doing right. We will also tell you what youre doing wrong and give you advice to fix your mistakes." Aizawa continued after 13, glaring at the students. "There will be no joking around. If it were a real life scenario you would be serious, so treat it as such. Am I understood?"
"Yes, sensei!", the class yelled in unison. Nodding his head once, Aizawa walked towards one of the doors by the entrance of the building. He opened the door and inside looked to be an office, Aizawa proceeded to press multiple buttons and pull switches.
The sudden noise around the building caused the students to look away from their teacher. Looking around, they could see all of the different simulations whir to life.
The shipwreck zone seemed to turn into a whirlpool, causing the ship stationed there to rock back and forth; sometimes violently or softly. The landside zone did exactly what it was called, it created a miniature version of a landslide. Then was the fire zone, smoke filled the area above that station. Some of the buildings had fire sporting through the window with a few groups on the ground. Lastly, was the windstorm simulation. The trees in that area seemed to bend towards one way, some of the objects in the simulation seemed to be overturned or to be sliding around.
"Alright, now that you know what you're going to be doing for this training session. You can decide who you are going to group up with. Let this be another way to get to know each other and see how creative and safe you can be. This will also allow you to learn how to work in teams. Even heroes need to work with others in the most desired situations. Now that's all, get moving everyone, you only have 3 minutes to get into your groups!" 13 spoke out.
Once being told to 'get moving', all the teens except a few, started to walk up to others to make a group. Obviously that meant, Uraraka and Toga grouped up taking Asui with them as well. In the end these were all the groups:
Group 1; Uraraka, Toga, Asui, Shinsou, and Midoriya
Group 2; Bakugou, Kirishima, Ojiro, Sato, and Shoji
Group 3; Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Jiro, Koda, and Aoyama
Group 4; Iida, Mina, Kaminari, Sero, and Tokoyami
Group 1: The Shipwreck Zone
Shinsou stood next to Asui, "Call me Tsu, kero", listening to her describing her quirk.
"Obviously, I can jump high and cling to stuff like-"
"-pretty much any wall-"
"-and of course theres my tongue. I can stick it about 20 meters. Really that's all that can help us in this situation, I think."
"Okay, what about you, Uraraka?" Midoriya spoke up.
"Oh, my quirk allows me to nullify gravity on solid objects" While Uraraka explained her quirk, Shinsous mind started to drift.
'Why are there five (5) people here-'
'-why arent we being surrounded by villains-'
"-Your turn Toshi" Togas voice brings him back into focus.
"Oh, um my quirk is called brainwashing. I dont think it will be helpful in this situation. Izuku?"
"Okay, I think I have a plan." Izuku started to say, only to be questioned by Asui.
"Whats your quirk Midoriya, kero?"
"I dont have one, as I was saying"
Shinsou sees Izuku run around to the side of the boat, looking over. "There are a few villains there, waiting for us to make a move."
"I think I can use my tongue to try and throw someone to the main center, kero," Asui said.
"No, you need to get out of here too. Maybe we can find a way to turn on the whirlpool from here. There has to be something right?" Shinsou brings up.
Time skip: 15 minutes later
"That was really cool, Tsu!" Toga cheers.
"Thank you, I want to be a water hero cause its my specialty and beneficial with my quirk."
"That's a good idea, though youll need to practice with other areas as well." Aizawas voice cuts in from behind the group.
The group turns around to face their homeroom teacher. Once he is sure he has their attention, Aizawa starts to give out advice.
"Toga, you need to work on-"
A scenario passes through Shinsous head once he looks at his teacher.
Shinsou didnt know what to do. They were able to escape the shipwreck zone but were now hiding behind some rocks.
"The one with the hands looks to be in charge." Tsu whispers quietly.
"I thought the same thing. Im more worried about figuring what the fuck is that thing." Midoriya whispers in response.
Said thing was a gigantic bird mutation and it was crushing their homeroom teacher. Just from their current restricting view, all three teens knew Aizawa was badly injured.
They could see the hand guy speaking. Slowly, the villain turned to face where they were hiding. Walking towards them, the villain spoke. Voice raspy causing a new spike of fear to enter the heroes in training.
"Before we leave, lets make sure the Symbol of Peace is broken. Lets wreck his pride."
Before they could blink, the villain stretches his hand towards Asuis face. As if in slow motion, Shinsou and Midoriya turn to watch. Both trying to intercept, both knowing what the villain's quirk is and not wanting their new friend to be on the receiving end.
"-and Shinsou. You need to practice paying attention. No one needs to lose a life or get injured due to your problem with focusing. Understood?"
"Yes sir." Shinsou responds to Aizawa, coming to terms that there are no villains in the building, once again.
"Good, go to the next station." With that group one (1) walks away from their teacher.
Time skip: The end of class (30 minutes or something like that)
Everyone was gathered at the front of the building once again. The rescue training was over and they were just waiting for the bus to come.
The entrance of the USJ was in chaos. Police, Heroes and students of 1-A were all gathered there. There were also some small petty type criminals in handcuffs from the attack. The so-called League of Villains had escaped, leaving behind two severely injured and a few slightly injured students.
Some of the police were interviewing the teens and teachers alike. 13 and Aizawa were already sent to the hospital. All Might and Nezu were talking to a detective. Class 1-A were huddled up in groups, just now realizing what really happened and wondering what will happen next.
"You sure you're okay, Hitoshi?" Midoriya asked while they were walking back to their house.
School had ended an hour ago and the three teens were walking together. They had finished the rest of their classes after going to the USJ. All three were tired and took a detour to one of their favorite ice cream shops before taking the trip home.
"Yeah, I dont know what happened, it was weird." Hitoshi responded, looking at the ground.
"t really was weird, Toshi. Are you absolutely sure you're alright?" Himiko asked just in case. As they were reaching their house, which was near the beach, they all stopped walking.
"I think, I think I just need to rest so...Izuku, punch me before you head out tonight. Are you heading out tonight?"
"Hmm? Oh yeah, something came up and I wanna check it out. So I might not be back on time." Midoriya responds, looking at their home. A small smile starts to creep up his face, when he starts to talk once more. "Wanna race?" He said, turning to face the other two.
"You're on!" Himiko yelled, already taking a head start.
"Hey! That's cheating!" Shinsou screamed, racing after her and Izuku, who also started running ahead as well.
Authors Note: Sorry I didnt upload last week, I got stuck in a writers block and had no motivation. Hope this makes up for it! Other than that, have a good day/evening/night!
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