The first thing Christine Wheeler awoke to was the sound of a car engine, her head immediately starting to pound again. She grunted a little bit, her eyes flickering open as she did so, before they open wide, the girl letting out a terrified little noise.
"Who's driving?!" She surprised everyone in the car, the girl turning her head to look at a still very unconscious Steve Harrington.
"Sit back Christine. Billy blunt force trauma'd you and you went out. Cold." Dustin said, reaching over Steve and trying to push the girl back to a more comfortable position. It was then that she finally caught sight of who was in fact driving, her stomach turning as she started to shout.
"Pull over! Pull over!" Steve started to stir, his eyes fighting to open. The first thing he caught sight of was the can of gasoline that Mike was gripping. And then he heard Christines incessant and terrified shouting, but his ears were ringing to loud for him to figure out what she was saying. He could see the blood that was under her nose and mouth, his eyes reclosing as he tried to stay awake. He groaned, his hand lifting to his nose, but Dustin quickly pulling it down.
"No, don't touch it. Hey buddy..." Dustin shushed him, his voice echoing around his head. "It's okay. You put up a good fight. He kicked your ass but you put up a good fight. You're okay buddy."
"Max pull this goddamn car over right now!" Christine said, Steve finally able to make out what she was saying. Their legs were tangled together all over the backseat of a car.
"Christine we don't have time!"
"What's going on?" Steve finally noticed Max in the drivers seat, his eyes widening as he realized the enw apparent danger in his life. "Oh my...oh my God!"
"Steve relax she's driven before."
"Yeah, in a parking lot."
"That counts."
"Pull over!"
"They were gonna leave you two behind but I promised that you'd both be cool okay? Christine you need to chill out!" Dustin said, getting the girls attention. Steve was now gripping the back of Christines shirt, pure fear in his eyes as he stared at the 13 year old who was driving the car. Max hit the gas, both Christine and Steve yelling for them to stop the car.
"I told you they'd freak out!"
"Everybody shut up! I'm trying to focus!" Max screamed back at them.
"Oh wait, thats Mount Sinai. Make a left!"
"Make a left!" Max drove into a mailbox, Steve screaming in pure terror as she swung the left, all of them screaming out as Steve scrambled to find something to hold onto. He gripped Christine who was still leaning forwards, trying to convince them to let her drive. The rest of the ride was them all screaming and arguing, Christine hitting Mike a few times as Steve just kept his arms around her stomach. After what felt like an eternity the car finally stopped, all of them cheering for Max as she got out of the car. They all scrambled out, Christine crawling through the drivers seat and running around the back to the kids.
"What in the fuck is going on?! What part of 'we're not going' do you not understand?!" She said, grabbing some of the things from their hands and throwing them back in the trunk, the kids only reaching and grabbing them again.
"Well the people who told us we couldn't got their asses beat. So we figured we'd take matters into our own hands." Mike said, pushing a pair of goggles into Christines stomach. She looked at him in near disbelief, the girl shaking her head as Steve rounded the car.
"Guys. Oh no Guys! Hey, where do you think you're going? What are you, deaf? Hello? We are not going down there right now. I made myself clear. Hey there's no chance we're going to that hole all right? This ends right now!" Steve said, grabbing a bag out of the trunk and throwing it on the ground.
"Steve, you're upset, I get it. But the bottom line is, a party member requires assistance and it is our duty to provide that assistance. Now I know you promised Nance that you would keep us safe. So keep us safe." Dustin said, pushing Steves bag and bat towards him. Christine scoffed as he grabbed the bag, shaking her head in disbelief as she spoke.
"You're kidding? We're actually going in there?!" Christine asked, watching as Steve pulled a pair of goggles out of the bag. He gave her a look, the girl letting out a groan and then pulling her own protective gear on. Christine walked towards the hole where the kids were already gathered, most of them already in the hole. Lucas went in next, dropping down onto the ground below and giving Christine a thumbs up to come down. She let out a dreadful groan as she lowered herself into the hole, her head pounding as her feet connected with the ground.
Steve was the last one in, both him and Christine looking around in a strange awe. There were strange white particles floating everywhere, and it was extremely cold, not a single source of warmth around them.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure its this way." Mike said, making Christine shake her head as she realized they were most likely going to die down here.
"You're pretty sure or you're certain?"
"I'm 100% sure. Just follow me and you'll know."
"Whoa whoa whoa. Hey, hey, hey I don't think so." Steve said, stopping the kids from running off.
"Any of you little shits die down here I'm getting the blame. Got it, dipshit? " Steve grabbed the map from Mike's hand, turning back to look at the rest of them. "From here on out, I'm leading the way. Come on, lets go." They all followed after him, Christine in the back so that the kids were between her and Steve. The more they walked the more the pain in her face and body were evident. Christine was almost 90% sure that she was concussed after Billy had kicked her in the head, and she could argue that she had a bruise rib from where his boot had connected with her stomach. Every step she took the pain worsened, Christine had never been beat up like that, and this pain felt a bit unimaginable. Her hands trembled as Steve beckoned them to go faster, the girl keeping up the best she could. The ground squished beneath them as Steve led them into a new place, Christine getting an overwhelming stench once again and almost throwing up. She leaned over to heave, her blunt force trauma to the head catching up with her. Aside from the fact that she hadn't eaten anything in over a day, she didn't throw up, the girl standing back up and continuing to walk.
Dustin stopped, pointing his flashlight up at the top of the tunnel and at what looked like an intergalactic butthole. It sprayed out some kind of juice, Christine and Dustin getting sprayed with it, the boy screaming and falling to the ground and Christine screaming and immediately running off.
"Help! Help! Help!" Dustin screamed, getting up and running off. He fell, screaming about the juice being in his mouth as Christine used her sleeve to wipe off her goggles.
"Shit what happened?"
"It's in my mouth! Some got on my mouth! Shit!" They all looked at him worriedly as he coughed, spitting out whatever it was that had gotten them and then looking up at the others. "I'm okay."
"You serious?"
"Very funny man."
Christine and Dustin followed closely behind the group now, the girl keeping her flashlight aimed at the top of the tunnel as they walked. After a few more moments of walking Steve led them into the hub, his flashlight shining around it as Christine pushed past to not have to stand in the back anymore.
"All right Wheeler. I think we found your hub." They looked around with their flashlights, the beams resting on the big giant thing in the middle of the room. Everything looked slimy, Christines stomach turning as she heard a small ringing in her head.
"Let's drench it."
They all got to work, Christine pouring her gasoline around the place, making sure that she thoroughly covered the areas. After only a few minutes they were all empty, Steve rounding up everybody and putting them behind him.
"Alright you guys ready?" The group answered with an array of agreements, everyone seemingly ready as Steve pulled the lighter out of his jacket.
"Light her up."Dustin said.
"I am in such deep shit." Steve said, flicking the lighter open. He threw the lighter, the place immediately erupting into flames as it landed. They all leaned as it burst into a gigantic fire, the vines seeming to screech as they burned up.
"Go,go,go!" Steve yelled, Christine leading the pack this time. They ran as fast as they could, all of them running for their lives. Mike was grabbed by a vine, the boy tripping and yelling for help. They all scrambled back to help them, Steve yelling for them to stay back as he started to hit the vine with the bat. It let him go, all of them asking if he was alright. Before they could escape there was a ominous growl behind them, all of them gasping as they turned to look at it.
"Dart." Dustin said, the boy taking a step towards the Demo-dog. They all beckoned him to come back ,Dustin shushing them as he kept getting closer to Dart. "Trust me. Please."
Dart moved towards Dustin, not pouncing or maiming him yet, making them all think maybe whatever he was doing was working.
"Hey. It's me, it's me. It's just your friend, its Dustin. It's Dustin all right?" The boy said, pushing his goggled up and revealing a friendly face to his pet. He leaned down in front of him, Christine holding her breath and gripping Steve's jacket sleeve. "You remember me? Will you let us pass?"
Darts face opened up, the hundreds of teeth showing as he snarled in Dustins face.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the storm cellar. That was a pretty douchey thing to do. You hungry? Yeah?" Dustin reached into his bag, Lucas making a comment about Dustin being crazy and everyone shushing him. "I've got out favorite. See? Nougat."
Dustin sat the Three Musketeers in front of Dart, the boy beckoning for them all to go past him as he ate. He gave him more, Dustin standing up and pulling his goggles back on. Christine watched as Dustin looked over his murderous pet one more time.
"Goodbye buddy." He finished, all of them escaping further into the tunnels. They ran as quickly as possible, Steve shouting for them all to hurry. The ground began to shake, Max and Christine tumbling down as roars were heard behind them.
"What was that?"
"They're coming." Mike informed them. "Run! Run!"
They all ran, turning a corner and seeing the rope. Steve yelled for them to hurry again, the boy immediately starting to lift the kids through the hole. Christine helped him, Dustin pushing her towards the rope as well. She protested but Steve was already lifting her through the hole, the girl pulling herself up by the rope as the screeches got closer.
"Dustin! Come on!" All of them yelled, Steve pushing Dustin behind him as he lifted the bat to the oncoming demo-dogs. Christine yelled out Steve's name as the dogs caught up to them. She felt real genuine fear grip her heart as they did, a pain panging in her chest. her breath stopping as she watched them run past the two. Steve grabbed Dustin, pulling him into his arm and watching as all the demo-dogs ran off into the tunnels.
"Send Dustin up!" Lucas yelled into the hole, Steve looking back up at them and then picking Dustin up and helping him out of the hole. Steve was last, Christine pulling him up by her hand and helping him out of the hole. She had pushed her goggles and bandanna off, the girl watching as Steve pushed off of his knees.
"Is everyone alrig-" Steve was cut off by Christine pushing him, an angry look on her face as he looked at her in utter confusion. She pushed him again, the confusion mounting as everyone looked at the two.
"Don't ever fucking scare me like that again! Don't do that shit!" Christine said, the girl pulling Steve into an embrace. He just stood there at first, confused about what she was angry about and then hugging her back, the boy feeling thankful that they were alive. Christine was referencing the fight with Billy, along with the tunnel and the demo-dogs, her body flooding with relief as she realized they were officially in the clear. "I thought you were gonna die."
"I'm sorry." Steve said, pulling back and looking down at her. They looked over each other for a moment, the adrenaline and the angst making them both see each other in a new different light. Steve reached up, his fingers tangling into her hair as he looked at the blood on her face, the pain and relief in her eyes. Before Steve could do what he thought was 100% the right move for this moment there was a honk from the car horn, the two of them jumping apart and looking towards the car where Mike was standing.
"You guys can make out later okay? Right now we have more important matters." Mike said, a tension building between the two teens as they glanced at each other for only a moment. Christine stepped towards Mike, shaking her head as him and speaking.
"Shut your mouth Mike."
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