Christine would admit that it was weird going back to doing normal things after she had fought otherworldly monsters and witnessed a young girl with telepathic powers. But when Steve asked her to go watch a movie with him she did not decline, because she figured getting back to normal would be a good thing. The funeral of Barbara Holland had been only days before, Christine extending an olive branch to Nancy and asking her if she needed her support. The girl had told her thanks but no, and ever since then there had not been a word shared between the two cousins.
Critics had been buzzing about The Nightmare on Elm Street, and how good it was, and when Steve saw the reviews he knew he had to go. He considered his options of who he wanted to invite, Dustin and Christine, but when he asked Dustin he said he was busy that night. Christine on the other hand was on board with the idea, telling Steve that she could 'hold him when he gets scared'. He had of course laughed it off, but was glad that she had accepted.
It wasn't until he was on his way to pick her up from the Wheeler house that he started overthinking, his mind racing as he thought about the fact that the two of them were going to a movie together, alone. He knew it wasn't a date, because they had hung out alone a lot but he also thought that the outing was giving the air of a date, making his stomach turn with nerves as he pulled up outside of the house.
Christine Wheeler was sitting on the hood of her car, the girl fiddling with her bag as she turned her head up to look at an approaching Steve. She gave him a dazzling smile as she walked towards the car, the girl opening the passenger side door and getting inside. She gave him another smile, her eyebrows raising as she clicked her seatbelt on.
"I don't know about you Steve but I love horror movies." Steve would be lying if he didn't say his palms weren't sweating, he had done too much overthinking and now he was just genuinely nervous. "But I kinda hope it's not one of those jump scare movies because I don't really like those that much. Like I like scary movies but I don't like the jump scares that much. So maybe I don't like horror movies? No I definitely do I just— are you gonna drive?"
Steve gulped, nodding his head and looking away from the girl who was giving him a confused look. He started off, wiping his hands on his jeans as he glanced back over at her.
"Is that my sweatshirt?" He asked, his eyes catching onto the design that he had been familiar with for years. Christine looked down before letting out a short laugh, her lips turning up in a smile as she started to explain herself.
"Yeah I get cold in movie theaters really easily so I figured I'd wear this because it's big and warm and know?"
"Yeah I get it. Are you cold now? I can turn on the heat. Or if you're too hot just let me and know and-"
"I'm alright Steve. Thanks." Christine filled the silence for the remainder of the ride, the girl talking out loud and Steve agreeing with her from time to time but not really putting in any input. He was nervous to be with her like this, although they had hung out so much before, this was the first time they had really ever went out. He parked the car outside of the movie theater, letting out a short breath before turning to look at her.
"How much time do we have?" Christine asked, looking him over with s curious look, the girl wondering why he was acting so weird.
" 10 more minutes before we gotta go in." Steve said, Christine seriously concerned as to why he was acting like this now. He was making a regular situation really awkward, and she was starting to feel it.
"Dude why are you acting like that?" She asked, her lip curling up in disgust a little bit as she pondered why he was acting so shy.
"Like what?" He asked sheepishly, hoping she didn't catch onto his nervousness.
"All nervous and shit." She had caught on, Steve letting out a sigh as he tried to think of something to say.
"I don't know...I guess you just make me nervous sometimes." He spit out, the words not being the ones he originally planned on saying. Christine furrowed her eyebrows at that, trying to hold in a laugh.
"I make you nervous? Look Steve—" She dropped a hand on his thigh, this action not making Steve feel any less nervous but actually making him start to sweat a little. "—you have nothing to be nervous about around me. We're good friends. It's time to start getting comfy." Christine finished, her hand lifting from his thigh and making him let out the breath he was withholding. He gave her a nod, his stomach twisted into knots as he tried to act cool again.
"Let's just go in now and get our seats early." Steve said, turning the car off and unbuckling his seatbelt. As soon as the fresh air hit him he let his nerves fall away, Steve trying to forget the feeling of her hand on his thigh and instead focusing on the fact that they were good friends and that it was time to start getting comfy.
She caught up to him, Steve getting the tickets at the window a bf the two fo then walking inside. Steve paid for some popcorn and a drink for them to share, the two of them bumping shoulders as they waited in the line to get their drink. Finally they got to the fountain, the two arguing over what drink to get that they both would like. They finally settled on a pink lemonade, Steve not entirely happy with the decision but figuring that it wasn't worth arguing that much over.
When they got to their seats Steve settled in beside her, his arms tucked at his sides as he realized how uncomfortable the seat was. He looked over at Christine as she took a sip of the drink, his attention on her catching her own attention.
"You want a sip?" She asked, holding the straw out to him. He leaned forwards, taking a sip of the lemonade and then giving her a half smile. It wasn't too long before the previews started, Christine saying that she wanted to see just about every movie that came up on the screen.
Finally the movie began, the opening sequence making Christine start to squint her eyes as the guy chased the girl around. Steve couldn't really find the movie that scary yet because he figured he had seen scarier things in real life. However, by the time the first jump happened, Christine was dug into Steve's side, her fingers gripping his shirt as she hid her eyes. He almost laughed, thinking it was funny that she had insisted on not being scared and loving scary movies, but she was already horrified. Steve dropped his arm around her shoulders with a small chuckle, shaking his head as he ate some popcorn.
Every few minutes he would look down at the girl, watching as she stared at the screen with wide eyes and staggering breaths. Every time something would pop up she would retreat to her place in Steve's side, the guy not even hardly watching the movie anymore but instead watching the comedy show that was her. His stomach stirred as she gripped his shirt, her eyes glued to the screen as she waited for what was going to happen next.
After an hour and a half of the movie it ended, Christine looking as if she was about to be halfway in Steve's lap, Steve having finished most of the popcorn and all of the drink. He had his arm around her shoulders, this position more comfortable than the cramped position he had been in before he decided that he didn't need to keep his hands to himself.
"That movie was scary."Christine said as the credits rolled, her eyes turning up to Steve as he turned to look at her as she spoke. "Good thing I was here to protect you." She joked, Steve letting out a laugh as he looked over at her. He didn't mean to do it, his eyes dropping to look at her lips before looking back up at her face. Suddenly the nerves were back, his mouth opening to speak as they looked at each other.
"Yeah whatever. Say what you want but I'll always protect you, and I'll let you take the credit for it."
"Oh you'll always protect me?" Christine asked, her own eyes studying his face as everyone started to file out but them.
"Well yeah of course. I'd never let anything happen to you." Steve said, giving her a nod. A silence started between them, Steve wanting to take a leap and kiss her, the urge coming out of nowhere as he hadn't really felt like this with her much before. It felt right in the moment, and he decided on doing it.
Steve leaned forwards, their faces getting dangerously close, the boy going in for a kiss. Christine almost let it happen, the girl turning her head and letting out a laugh.
"Were you about to kiss me?" She asked, Steve pulling back and shaking his head. He withdrew his arm from around her, his face falling as he realized her had unsuccessfully tried to make a move.
"Oh you totally were. What?!" She said, grabbing some popcorn and throwing it at the side of his head. He stood from his seat, ready to leave now and grabbing the empty drink cup. He walked out rather quickly, Christine realizing she had hurt his feelings as she followed after him. She started to feel bad, the girl following behind him as he walked all the way out and to the car. They got in, Steve starting the car and putting it in drive.
"Steve." Christine said, regretting embarrassing him. He didn't look at her, the girls lips tightening into a thin line as she said his name again. "Steve."
"I'm sorry, you just really caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting it."
"I'm sorry, I'm just so used to kissing the girl at that part of the movie."
"It's alright. It was a mistake and it's fine." Steve stared down at his hands for a moment as she finished, wondering if it was a mistake or if he had actually meant it. Christine still felt bad, the girl pushing across the middle and grabbing his chin. She pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth, Steve getting a hint of the intoxicating girl beside him and immediately wanting more. However he just gave her a half smile, the man starting the car to give her a ride home. It was silent for most of the ride, Steve thinking about whether he meant to try that kiss or not, his mind coming up repeatedly with the answer he didn't exact like all that much.
"You know I appreciate the kiss, but I was telling Dustin the other day that you shouldn't feel obligated to kiss someone if you don't want to. So I'm sorry if I made you feel like you were obligated to give me something because I was upset. And it's not that I was upset, I was just a little embarrassed. I just really-"
"Steve I didn't feel obligated, I did it because I wanted to. It's-its not that I wouldn't kiss you I just—we've got a really good friendship thing going right now." Steve felt those words hit him in the chest, the friendzoning hurting him a little more than he expected it to. His fingers tightened on the steering wheel, the guy wondering what he had done to get such bad luck. "But it's good to teach Dustin things like that. Valuable lessons. You're a good guy Steve."
Steve's heart completely dropped at the end, his lips tightening as he gave her a short nod. Friendzoning heart almost as much as getting dumped and he literally wasn't sure how he could get out of this one. He pulled up outside of the Wheeler house, Christine looking over at his still slightly bartered and bruised face, her eyebrows furrowing as she felt another round of guilt. She was very aware that she had just friendzoned him, and yet she wasn't lying when she said she didn't want to lose their friendship. She had no other friends.
"Goodnight Steve." She said, reaching up and grabbing his cheek. His eyes showed his hurt and she felt another pang of guilt before he lifted his hand and held hers in place, giving her a nod and some furrowed eyebrows, the boy accepting what she had said. Finally Christine let out a sigh, dropping her hands and opening the door. "I'll see you tomorrow."
Steve watched as she closed the door, retreating towards the house and disappearing into it. The whole drive home he contemplated what had happened, if he had meant it, and also what it had meant if he had. Steve laid in bed that night, thinking about how much he did actually mean it. He let out a serious sigh, closing his eyes and forcing himself to sleep, the boy falling asleep and dreaming about Christine Wheeler.
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