Christine, Steve, and Dustin had been walking for a good while, the sun having been out for a few hours now and the three of them dropping meat on the train tracks as Dustin lead the two of them to wherever it was that he said they were going to trap Dart. Christine and Dustin were walking side by side, the girl listening as Dustin explained his reasoning behind even having Dart in the first place.
"All right so let me get this straight. You kept something you knew was probably dangerous in order to impress a girl who...who you just met?" Steve asked, looking at Dustin in disbelief as he walked behind the two. He had insisted on being in the back 'just in case' and Christine and Dustin agreed because neither of them wanted to be the first to go if Dart snuck up on them.
"Alright that's grossly oversimplifying things."
"I mean why would a girl like some nasty slug anyways?" Steve asked, making Christine want to laugh.
"An interdimensional slug? Because it's awesome." Dustin had a decent point, the girl giving him as nod as he spoke.
"Well, even if she thought it was cool, which she didn't, I...I just...I don't know I just feel like you're trying way too hard."
"Well not everyone can have your perfect hair, alright?"
"In your defense Dustin...I think that an interdimensional slug is pretty cool. As long as it doesn't look like Jabba the Hut." Christine said, giving the younger boy a half smile as he started to return it.
"It's not about the hair, man. The key with girls is just...acting like you don't care."
"Even if you do?"
"Yeah exactly. It drives them nuts." Christine scoffed at this, rolling her eyes at his very untrue words.
"Then what?"
"I'm sorry what? Thats terrible advice. Dustin the key to girls is not to act like you don't care , Steve's an idiot. The key to getting a girl is to put an effort in. To try. Hell, last time a guy ignored me I moved states." Christine said, shaking her head at Steve.
"Can you just uh, walk ahead or something? We're trying to to man." Steve said in an almost humorous tone, his lips slightly turning up as he 100% showed Dustin an example of what he was talking about. Christine groaned in disgust, the girl rolling her eyes as she sped up a bit so that they were out of ear shot. "Anyways as I was saying. You just wait until, uh...until you feel it."
"Feel what?"
"It's like before it's gonna storm you know? You can't see it but you can feel it, like this, uh...electricity, you know?" Steve couldn't think of the right way to explain it but he had felt the feeling numerous times before.
"Oh like in the electromagnetic field when the clouds in the atmosphere—-"
"No, no, no,no, no,no,no. Like a sexual electricity." He cut Dustin off, trying to get the explanation right.
"You feel that and then you make your move."
"Do you feel that with Christine?" Dustin asked, knowing damn well that there was some thing between the two of them before even they seemed to realize it.
"What? Dude, no! What?" Steve said, shaking his head as he looked up at the girl in question who looked extra irritated. Dustin gave him a sideways glance as he noticed the way Steve was now looking at her, not believing the guy for a second about the 'electricity' between Steve and the Wheelers. "But you feel that and you make your move."
"So that's when you kiss her?"
"No! Whoa whoa. Slow down Romeo." Steve said, shaking his head as he dropped meat from his hand.
"Sure okay some girls, they want you to be aggressive. You know, strong, hot and heavy, like a lion. But other you gotta be slow, you gotta be stealthy like a ninja." He said, Dustin staring down at the tracks as he spoke.
"What type is Nancy?"
"Nancy's different. She's different than the other girls."
"Yeah she seems pretty special I guess." Dustin said, making Steve nod in agreement as he looked down at the meat bucket. "Well what about Christine? What type do you think she is?"
Steve thought about it for a moment, remembering what she had said about guys needing to put an effort in and to actually try. He took into consideration what he knew about her from being around her, which wasn't really all that much considering they had only known each other for about a week. However, he had spent a lot of time with her in that week, and had found himself looking forwards to seeing his friend when they weren't together. He gave Dustin a pat on the shoulder, handing him the meat bucket and then leaning down to his ear to speak.
"Let's see." Steve said, jogging towards Christine who was talking to herself, going over the story that Dustin had given her in her head and trying to piece some questions together.
"Hey Christine." Steve said, the girl turning her attention away from her meat bucket and to Steve.
"Yes?" Steve looked over her, trying to find out what to say next, in order to find out what kind of girl she was. He noticed how she was lightly shivering, finally seeing that she had nothing but a thin long sleeved shirt on.
"Are you cold?" Steve asked, already taking off his jacket as he gave her a concerned look. Dustin arched form behind them, wondering if Christine would take the jacket, wondering if she would fall for Steve's cheap tricks.
"Steve I'm fine. Steve...really I'm okay." She said as he put the jacket over her shoulders. She would admit that the warmth from the jacket was nice , her lips slightly turning up as she gave him an appreciative look.
"It's fine. Listen, we can't have you dying from hypothermia." Steve said, giving Dustin a look before making a dramatic show with his hand, taking it up the girls back and resting it on the small of it. Dustin could barely believe it, whatever it was that Steve had done had worked.
"So are you still lying to that poor kid about women?" Christine said, making Steve shake his head. He was about to object but she quickly cut him off, a laugh forming in her throat as she spoke. "You're telling me that you know more about girls than I do? I am one Steve. I could probably bag more girls than you could in a week."
"Yeah but you don't like girls." Steve said, slightly chuckling as he looked down at her with slight uncertainty. She raised an eyebrow at him, trying not to smile as she spoke.
"How do you know that?"
"Do you like girls?" Steve asked her, a bit unsure now to what her answer would be. She gave him a questionable look before finally shaking her head, Steve letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"No. I don't. But if I did I'm sure I could get more than you. I mean what is this bullshit about pretending you don't care? Steve that's the kind of stuff that gets your heart broke, not the type that gets you girls. Plus I don't think Dustin needs to be taking advice about picking up girls from you. He wants love, not whatever it is you were talking about." Christine said, being truthful as she bumped shoulders with him. He furrowed his eyebrows, his face falling at the mention of love.
"He's too young for love. Plus all that girl is gonna do is break his heart." Steve looked down, a certain seriousness in his tone as his hand dropped from her back. Christine stopped, her arm reaching out to stop him as she shook her head at him.
"I know you're hurting Steve but maybe you shouldn't give up on love so quick. What's meant to be will be." Christine said, her voice dropping to a whisper as Steve looked up at her now. She could see his eyes through his hair, the glimpse of hurt behind them breaking her heart as she saw the effect this break up had on him.
"I don't know if we really have much time for this you two. You can have your moment later. But for now we need to go." Christine let go of Steve's sleeve, the girl clearing her throat as the tension broke between them. She nodded, walking on as Steve stayed put for a second, his face holding some sort of confusion as he thought about what she had said.
"So what type is she?" Dustin asked, Steve snapping out of his little Christine induced trance. He took his bucket back from Dustin, looking at the girls back as she dropped meat and thinking for a moment.
"I have no clue."
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