"Try telling the truth this time, yes? It will make your visit with Dr. Zharkov less painful." The general said to Steve, pushing some hair out of his face and then pressing in on one of his bruises. Steve winced in pain, Christine breaths heavy as she heard it. The man chuckled, looking towards the 'doctor' and giving him a nod. He took a few steps towards Steve, a syringe gun in his hand as he stopped in front of him.
"Wait a second. Wait. Hold on. Okay! Wait! Wait, wait! What is that thing?!" Steve started to yell as the doctor approached him, Christine seeing the gun and feeling a lump buildup in her throat. Confined spaces and needles.
"It will help you talk." The doctor grabbed Steve by the hair, titling his head and pushing the needle into his throat.
"Did you even clean that thing?!" Steve screamed as the doctor inserted it into his neck, the man soon pulling it back and giving Steve's head an extra little push. The next in line was Christine, the girl shaking her head in fear as the long needle got close to her face.
"Oh my god." She whimpered out, closing her eyes as he stuck her in the neck. She let out deep breaths when he pulled the needle out, immediately doing a self assessment to se did she was feeling anything. Robin was last, the girl hardly putting up much of a fight as she realized there was no way out of this. The doctor stood back when he had injected all of them the General giving him another nod and then all of them leaving the room.
The second the door closed, Christine turned her head to the left, her breaths frantic as she looked at Steve who was trying to calm himself down.
"Steve, Steve are you okay? Do you feel anything?"
"No. No not yet." Steve answered, the boy turning his head to try and look at her too. He caught a glimpse of her battered face, the boy quickly averting his eyes from the terrible sight, not being able to not feel guilty about it.
"Robin? You alright?" Christine asked now, the girl in question laying her head back against Steve's and letting out shallow, nervous breaths.
"Yeah I'm-I'm okay." She said, her tone surprisingly calm considering the situation. They all sat there for a few minutes, waiting for the affects of the serum and not quite knowing what to say. There was no way out of this, and they all knew it. The only hope they had now was Dustin and Erica. Steve kept replaying the image of Christine hitting the guard in the face with the metal tray, a small smile crossing his lips as he thought about how proud he was of that.
"Honestly I don't really feel anything. Do you?" Steve said, Robin gulping as she realized it was a little harder to hold her head up. Steve's voice seemed to activate Christines serum, the girls eyes growing very heavy as she turned her head in Robins direction and waited for a reply.
"I mean I...I feel fine. I feel normal." Robin said, the pain in Christines face starting to diminish as she started to kind of sway.
"Yeah I feel—feel fine. I kinda feel good." All three of them laughed at Steve's remark, the laughter feeling like it would never stop as they did so. Christine felt like she was in about five different dimensions, her eyes taking in every single detail of the wall in front of her and the door. She figured she could solve the question of how the entire door system worked in the room if someone asked her.
"Wanna know a secret?" Robin asked, Steve immediately replying.
"What?" He asked groggily, his lips turned up into a semi smile as he turned his head in her direction.
"I like it too!" They both laughed again, Christine quickly butting into the conversation and speaking.
"Guys the door is opened by a manual system and a man runs it. A man opens the door and then the buzzer goes off when the door opens. That's how they keep getting in. When they put the keycard in a light flashes in the mans room and the man opens the door." Christine rambled out, the laughter stopping between the other two as they heard what she said. It was only a second more before all three of them burst into laughter, Christine wheezing as she rethought her explanation.
"Morons. They messed up the drug." Steve laughed out, his head nodding as he could barely hang onto a thought.
"They messed it up!" Robin agreed, her chuckles getting stronger as Christine just continued to wheeze. "Morons! Hey morons!"
Steve and Robin continued to call for the Russians, Christine gripping her stomach from where she was laughing so hard. She leaned forwards as much as she could, her eyes widening when she noticed her shoes and then her face reddening as she sat back up.
"Guys I think it worked." She laughed out, Robin and Steve both nodding in agreement.
"Something is definitely wrong with us."
"Somethings wrong." Steve said just as the door buzzed open, Christine gasping as she looked at the Russians who were entering the torture room.
"The door. The door buzzer man." She whispered lowly to herself as the doctor walked in, the men walking past them all and to the back. Christine couldn't see what they were doing, but she could feel the other two shaking in some kind of fear, making her nervous. The General stood in front of Steve, the boy not looking at him as he looked at the doctor. Christine tried her hardest to see what he was doing, but she couldn't turn her head enough, instead her eyes just settling on the man in the red hat.
"Would now be a good time to tell you that I don't like doctors?" Robin said, her eyes wide and frantic as the doctor put down the bone saw.
"Let's try this again, yes?" The General said, his eyes glued to Steve who was pushing his tongue around his mouth, trying to make sure he could still feel his teeth. "Who do you work for?"
"Scoops. Scoops Ahoy." The three of them laughed, the General not seeming to find it funny at all as he looked Steve in the eyes.
"How did you find us?"
"Totally by accident." Steve laughed again, Christines laugh dying in her throat as he said it. She could practically feel that the man didn't believe him, the humor dying out in her body as she realized what lying would do for him. He said something in Russian, the doctor nodding and grabbing something from the table.
"What is that shiny little toy?"
"Where you going with that doc?" Robin asked, the doctor quickly reaching for Steve's hand and making the boy panic. Christine started to get antsy, her eyes widening as she called for the doctor to stop as well.
"There was a code! We heard a code!" Robin revealed, the doctor stopping and making both Christine and Steve breathe out in relief.
"Code. What code?" The General asked, rounding the chairs and standing in front of Robin now.
"The week is long. The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west. Blah, blah, blah. You broadcast that stupid spy shit all over town, and we picked it up on our Cerebro, and we cracked it in a day. A day! You think you're so smart, but a couple of kids who scoop ice cream for a living, cracked your code in a day, and now, people know you're here." Robin said all in about two breaths, Christine nodding along as she said it. The floor was blurring or melting every time she looked at it, so she worried about keeping her eyes up instead of down so that she didn't melt with it.
"Who knows we are here?!"
"Uh well...Dustin knows." Steve chimed in, Christines entire body going cold as he said his name.
"Steve shut up." Christine wanted, the boy not listening and confusing on.
"Yeah, Dustin Henderson knows."
"Steve!" Robin and Christine shouted at the same time, both of them wondering how he could be so dumb as to just give up his full name like that.
"Dustin Henderson. It is your small, curly-headed friend?" The General asked, Christine groaning as she momentarily closed her eyes.
"Oh, curly haired. Great hair. Small. Kind of like a 'fro. Yeah." Steve laughed out, looking up at the General with humor all over his face.
"Where is he?"
"We don't kno-" Steve cut Christine off, the girl groaning again as he continued to incriminate them.
"Oh he's long gone, you big asshole. And Christine already called Hopper and now Dustin is calling him too and Hoppers calling the US Cavalry." Steve laughed, Christine feeling like he said something incriminating towards her in that sentence. "They're gonna come in here commando-style, guns a-blazing , and kick your sorry asses back to Russia. You're gonna be two pieces of toast." Steve wheezed after the fact, Christine still not feeling the ability to really laugh at what he was saying.
"Is that so?" The General asked in a condescending tone, leaning in front of a hysterical Steve.
"Yeah." This time Christine could find it funny, the three of them bursting into hysterical laughter together. The guards started to laugh too, but not in a funny way in more of a evil way. The alarm started to blare a moment later, everyone's heads turning towards the door as it did so. The General looked back at Steve with a strange look, the boy giving him a look that had 'told you so' written all over it. The man left the three alone with the doctor, the shouting making Christines eyes widen as she realized perhaps Steve was actually correct. The door burst open a moment later, Dustin running in and using some kind of electricity to knock the doctor out. Christine cheered as they all watched the man fall, Dustin looking at him in pure shock and then turning towards the three in the middle of the room.
"Hey! Henderson! That's crazy I was just talking about you."
"Oh my God!" Robin said, Christine continuing to cheer as Dustin undid their ties.
"Get ready to run!"
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