After a short deliberation of where exactly they were going to talk , the two of them decided they'd just go to Steve's house because going to Christines was out of the question. Steve commented that his parents were in fact home, but they could probably sneak by. The ride there was almost completely silent, Christine gripping the door handle due to the fact that Steve was driving really fast. He promised her he'd take her back to get her car later, but she was starting to wonder if she would even make it to Steve's without dying. He finally pulled into his driveway, Christine quick to jump out and close her door, letting out a short breath of relief that she was in one piece.
Steve made a beeline for the door, waiting for her at the front and giving her a tight lipped smile and a nod. He pushed the door open, his hand dropping to her back as he pushed her inside, Christine immediately seeing someone she didn't know, and the person seeing her, meaning they probably were definitely not going to be able to sneak by.
"Steve! You're finally home. How was school? Whos this?" The woman came into the foyer, Steve letting out a groan as he closed the door behind him. He reached up and grabbed Christine by the arms firm behind, holding her in place almost as a human shield as his mom approached them.
"It was fine. This is Christine, she-"
"We're working on our Spanish project." Christine cut him off, hoping that she could end the conversation quickly so that they could escape upstairs. Christine was never one for meeting the parents, she always made a bad first impression with most people so she tried to avoid meeting parents so that she could continue with the kids.
"Well you're rather gruff huh? How's Nancy?" Christine took the verbal hit, cringing internally as she realized she had blown this interaction too, just by telling her they were working on a project. Steve shook his head as his mom mentioned Nancy, wondering how she could say Christine was gruff.
"She's not gruff, and I don't know...I don't know." Steve said, using his grip on Christine to push her towards the stairs. The girl made her way through the familiar house, heading into Steve's room at the top of the stairs before his mother could say anything else. She let out a relieved sigh in unison with Steve as he pressed his back against the bedroom door. He looked at Christine, feeling like he needed to apologize for what his mom had said.
"I'm sorry she said that. She's not very good with meeting people. She just...doesn't think anybody is good enough for me."
"It's alright. I've been called worse." Christine brushed it off, ensuring him that it was alright. Steve locked the door, crossing the room and sitting on the edge of the bed beside her. He leaned forwards, putting his elbows on his knees and letting out another sigh, his hands running over his face and through his hair. Christine dropped her hand onto his back, giving it a short run before speaking.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Steve did want to take about it, how every time he thought of Nancy his heart felt like it was being literally ripped out and stepped on. How Billy had gotten into his head, given him a reason to hate the girl he loved so much. He wanted to talk about it, but the first thing he said was this.
"Is Nancy skipping with Jonathan?" He asked, turning his head so that he was looking up at her.
"He was in the house yesterday. And then this morning they left together. Before school." Steve nodded at her words, taking in a deep breath through his nose as he realized Billy and Tommy were right.
"Wow. They were right." Steve mumbled, Christine still picking up on it. She looked at him with confusion, Steve sitting up now as he felt his stomach drop. They were right.
"Who's they?"
"Billy and Tommy. They said Nancy was skipping and screwing with Jonathan. They were right." Steve said, trying not to get too upset. He knew that if he was vulnerable around her that she wouldn't judge him, she wouldn't make fun of him or berate him but he still couldn't do it.
"Okay fuck those guys. They don't know anything." Steve let out a humorless chuckle at that, Christine giving him a confused look as he did so.
"Fuck those guys? Really?" He said, shaking his head in disbelief as he blinked. "You would fuck Billy. That's literally- Billy said some gross shit about you."
"Like what?" Christine was wondering when Steve and Billy would've had the time to talk about her, but she decided not to ask, not caring about the time frame that much.
"Saying how he was going to 'slide right into you' and how we could share you and shit. It was gross. You gotta- you need to drop that guy. He's psychotic." Steve said, sitting up and looking at her, his eyebrows furrowed as he gave her a disgusted glance while reminiscing.
"Thanks for the advice." She deadpanned, the girl pushing a hair behind her ear as she spoke. Steve grabbed her by the wrist, getting her full attention as he spoke to her, a serious look on his face.
"I'm serious Christine. No guy should talk about you like that. He's disgusting and he's never going to treat you the way you deserve. And you know that." Steve said, his voice clarifying the you in the sentence. She nodded slightly, Steve letting go of her wrist and letting out a sigh. "What do you think they're doing? We break up a day ago and she already out with him. She couldn't even wait."
"I don't think that it's anything like that right now. There was something off, like they were plotting or planning or something." Christine recalled, being truthful even if it made Nancy look better in Steve's eyes. Steve had a single thought cross his mind, one that he couldn't share because she didn't know about the demogorgons and whatnot.
"What makes you think that?"
"I don't know... very dodgy and Nancy bought...she went to the Radio Shack. Said she was replacing something but it just—it sounded like a lie." Christine said, nodding her head as she said it.
"What do you think they're doing?
"I don't know." Christine shrugged, her eyes on the floor as Steve and her stared at the same spot.
"What should I do then?" Christine thought about it for a moment, wondering what exactly Steve should do. She settled on an answer, turning to look at him with a convincing look.
"Apologize. Try to win her back maybe?"
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