The ride home from the mall was an interesting one, the kids deciding they didn't want to ride their bikes home and Steve deciding he wanted to take Christine on a drive. She instructed him to meet her at her house in approximately 40 minutes, giving her time to drop everybody off before he picked her up and drove her around.
They had argued for awhile outside the car on who would get the front seat, moments like these reminding Christine that they were still 14 year olds. Finally she told them to pick a number, this system ending up with Lucas in the front seat, Max glaring at him from the back as she was squeezed between Will and Mike.
"So what's your plans tomorrow?" Christine interrupted the bunch of arguing teenagers, all of them immediately springing into conversation about Dustin coming home. Will was talking the least, Christine glancing in the mirror and seeing that he looked a little pale. She brushed it off, pulling into Lucas' driveway.
"Alright Sinclair out!" She said, pushing his shoulder. Before he was even fully out Max was climbing into the seat beside Christine. The rest of the ride was the kids spoiling the movie for her, Will getting out after Lucas and Max being the last stop. When it was just Christine and Mike she reached over, one hand on the wheel and the other pushing his head, a smile on her lips as she looked at him briefly.
"Where you been Mike? I feel like I haven't seen you in years."
"It's summer. Every time I'm home you're with Steve and every time you're home I'm with El."
"How is El? I haven't seen her in a couple weeks." Christine asked, the girl looking in the mirror and fixing her hair. Mike was giving her a halfway disgusted look, his eyebrows furrowing as he answered her.
"She's fine. Is Steve picking you up?" Mike asked, his face dropping as she stopped fixing her hair and looked over at him.
"Yeah he's probably at the house now. Why?"
"Gross. God you make it so obvious when you're fixing your hair and stuff." Mike groaned in disgust again, the girl shaking her head as she rolled her eyes at him.
"Make what obvious? Shut up Mike."
"I can't believe you guys haven't just gave in yet. It's like watching a terrible movie where the people are like in love with each other and it's so freaking obvious, but they don't just get together. It's worse that you won't just get together." Mike said, making the girl swallow as she punched him in the shoulder.
"Me and Steve do not like each other."
"But I bet you've kissed before." Mike said, searching her face for the answer.
"No. We haven't."
"You answered that awful quick." Mike said, giving her a knowing look. "Come on, you're telling me it's been almost 8 months since the mind flayer and you guys haven't kissed once? You're lying. And I know you're lying."
"How do you know I'm lying?"Christine asked, giving him a raised eyebrow as she pulled into the driveway.
"I just know." She snorted at that, shaking her head and getting out of the car before shooing him off. She walked towards Steve's car that was parked on the street, the girl looking back for a moment as Mike walked back inside. He mouthed the words 'I know' to her, the girl shaking her head and flipping him off before opening the passenger side door of Steve's car. He gave her a smile, his Scoops Ahoy hat resting on the dashboard and his blue outfit making her grin. It wasn't funny to see him in the outfit until she saw him in it outside of his job, Christine always fighting back a laugh when he picked her up.
"Okay haha I know. You think it's hilarious. I don't really think it's that funny it's company pol-"
"Company policy is hilarious. I think I should apply, maybe I can get my own hat." Christine reached forwards as he put the car in drive, grabbing the hat and putting it on her head. He rolled his eyes as he took off, the girl twirling her hair as she looked at him, batting her eyelashes. "Hi I'm Steve Harrington, look at my hair, you can thank Farrah Fawcett for it because she does the brunt of the wo-"
"Okay what?! Who told you about Farrah Fawcett?" Steve said, snatching the hat from her head and putting on a whiny face. She laughed as she answered, Steve liking when she acted like this instead of her moody self.
"Steve I found the hairspray in your house the first time I'm stayed over. So if that's your best kept secret then you need to work on hiding it better." She reached across the center, messing Steve's hair up, the boy slapping her hand away as he spoke.
"Would you- it's not my best kept secret. You need to stop touching my hair. Seriously stop touching it!" Steve whined, the girl only laughing louder as he smacked her hands away.
"Whatever." She said, giggling as she dropped her hands. Steve pulled into a gas station, flipping the girl off as he got out and pumped some gas. He ran inside to pay, Christine looking through his glove compartment while he was inside. She sifted through the contents, finding a piece of mint gum and unwrapping it. She pushed it into her mouth as the other hand pulled a suspicious box from the compartment, the girl gasping as she looked down at it.
"Here I got you a candy bar and- hey! Get out of there. Jesus you're like a raccoon!" Steve said, reaching across and replacing the box in her hand with the Three Musketeers. She widened her eyes as she looked at him, Steve closing the compartment but not quick enough, the girl grabbing the box out again and holding it up.
"Condoms! Steve Harrington are you telling me that you've been getting some tail! You-"
"Stop I'm serious give them to me." Steve said, trying to reach for them but the girl moving her hand back, a questioning look on her face as she laughed.
"I'm shocked! I wanna know who these are for. Is it someone from the mall? Is it that sexy little sailor Robin?" Christine said, lowering her voice seductively as he groaned.
"Ew shut up! No it's just-" Christine pulled her arm back again as he reached for them, Steve rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest.
"Not Robin? Okay let me think...oh—oh my god. Steve! Is this why you've been taking me out on all these secret late night drives? Are these for me?" Christine asked as a joke, the joke going away as she watched Steve's face turn red and his jaw clench. Her mouth dropped open as she realized she was right, Steve shaking his head as she gasped. "Steve!"
"I don't know what mood you're gonna be in anymore! You're having constant mood swings and I can never tell so it's in there just in case." Steve defended, finally snatching the box from her hand and throwing it into the backseat. She was looking at him with a wide mouth, smiling as she held in a laugh at the boy who was now completely avoiding looking at her.
"What do you think my mood swing is gonna swing to me wanting to have sex with you?" She asked in a overly humorous tone, Steve feeling a pinch of hurt as she said it. He looked over at her, shrugging and giving her a knowing look, the girl punching him in the shoulder as he put the car in drive again. She scoffed now, opening her candy bar and taking a bite of it.
"I'll have you know that I think you missed your chance Steve."
"Uh huh, and why's that?" He asked, smiling a bit at the fact that he had gotten to her with his gesture. Christine raised her eyebrow at him, giving him a evil looking grin as she spoke.
"I'm glad you asked. I have a crush."
"A crush?" Steve felt his confidence waver and his mind scatter as she said it, his face scrunching up as he felt some jealousy mount in his stomach.
"Yes, a crush." Christine said, thinking about it with a dreamy smile. Steve noticed the dreamy smile, his lips parting as he looked at her with a dumbfounded look.
"Who is it?"
"It's somebody from work." She said, not wanting to give the full details. Steve became even more confused at that, his mind rifling through everyone she had ever mentioned at work, his head shaking as he spoke.
"Everyone you work with is old though." He said, his tone sounding a bit defensive. She let out a short laugh, turning her body to look at him as she spoke.
"I'm 18 years old. If I want to like someone older than me then I can." She said, running her fingers over her hair as she thought about who it was. Steve had no idea or clue who it could be, the only person from the police station he could think of being Hopper.
"Oh my you like Hopper?!" Steve asked, totally convinced that that had to be it. Christine punched him in the arm again, looking at him like he was stupid as she shook her head.
"No shut up! I don't have a crush on Hopper. Gross." She gave him a disgusted look, thinking about the man and then fake gagging.
"I mean you're pretty so he would probably go for you but-"
"Steve stop! I don't want to think about Hopper like that." Steve chuckled, trying to play his jealousy off by putting humor behind it. He really wanted to know who it was though, his mind reeling trying to think of everyone she worked with.
"It's not that Callahan douchebag is it?" Steve asked, his eyes going over to look at her. She shifted in her seat, nothing coming out of her mouth and making him give her a disgusted look. "You're kidding! That dude is like 40!"
"He's 30 okay? And he's not a douchebag! He's really funny. I wouldn't expect you to understand." Steve continued to gag, shaking his head at her and giving her a stunned look.
"Understand what? Humor? I'm the funniest guy you know so that argument is trash and so is your taste in men!"
"Tell me about it." She murmured as Steve continued to drone on about why she shouldn't like someone who was so much older than her. Christine felt a small stir in the pit of her stomach when she realized he was jealous, the girl pushing it away due to the fact that the two of them had no chance together. Steve had shut it down, and there was nothing she could do anymore but move on.
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