Fame and Misfortune
Now, these are just my opinions through the best S7 episode M.A. Larson had made. I know it isn't part of my original Equestrian Tale fanfic yet but it will be put in there once I reach S7:
Malibu and Twilight both went on their daily walk in Ponyville, both in bright spirits until they felt splats of ice cream hit their faces.
The gargoyle clone turned, wiping it off of him, seeing a little filly there, a glower on her face. "Oops! Sorry Prince Malibu and Princess Twilight. That was meant for her!"
"Huh? What do you...?" Malibu asked, until he saw some more ice cream come his way, ducking, Twilight holding up her wings. She looked in disappointment at the two foals. "Toola Roola, Coconut Cream, what are you doing?!" She demanded.
Malibu nodded. "Why are you throwing ice cream? It's a waste of food." He added in. Coconut was looking rather angry. "That was meant for my ex-friend."
Toola Roola shook her head. "I'm not your ex-friend—you're my ex-friend!" She steamed. They kept up their ice cream throwing contest until Twilight had enough. She conjured up a big shield. "Both of you, stop!"
She and Malibu looked to each other, nodding, then began to talk some encouragement into the fillies to being friends again. "...So you see, friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt, it's worth fighting for." Twilight concluded. That sparked up a memory inside Malibu's head from their earlier days, recalling that when they defeated Discord, hearing the two fillies awwing and hugging one another.
"That was really familiar, Twi." Malibu pointed out. She smiled, agreeing. "C'mon!"
The two flew back to the Friendship Castle, looking through the library section for something they thought they forgot about for a long while, Starlight Glimmer arriving too, eyebrows raised at what they were doing.
"No... aha! Here it is!" Twilight pulled out a musty smelling familiar book, Malibu holding his nose from the scent. Starlight stared in bewilderment. "What is that?"
Malibu grinned. "It's not what's on the outside, but what's inside Starlight. This was a journal me and the others used to write down our friendship lessons in."
Twilight nodded. "It has things inside like 'friendship isn't always easy but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for." When tapping a page, the papers fell out, Malibu flinching. The book had seen better days, and he felt guilty for not putting an age protecting spell on it.
Starlight grinned much too smugly for his liking. "I'll judge a book by its cover just this once." Twilight understandably grumbled until she had an idea. "Come on, let's have a magic lesson on how we can restore the book!"
Malibu knew this was gonna take a while so he offered to gather up their friends while they figured it out. They all gathered by the Friendship Map on their throne seats some hours later. Twilight addressed them all. "Thanks for coming, everypony. I've got a surprise for you."
Fluttershy flittered her wings. "What is it Twilight? Do I need to prepare myself?"
Twilight zapped the old book from thin air. "It's this!"
Malibu saw Rarity wince. "Ugh, what is that thing? Why is it so smelly?" She pinched her nose with her hoof.
Pinkie Pie grabbed it. "Wait a minute. Is this our old friendship journal? I haven't seen this thing in forever!"
Applejack cringed now. "Hoo-wee! It's lookin' a little, uh... overripe." She pointed out.
Malibu watched his special somepony take the book. "I'll say." She flipped the pages. "There's a smushed apple in Applejack's lessons." Dash went through more. "Fluttershy's lessons are so small, you can barely read them."
Fluttershy turned a hint of pink. "I, uh, wanted to leave room for all of you." She said, Malibu feeling grateful at her thoughtfulness.
Rainbow turned more pages until coming across some fancy text. "I-I don't even know what this is!"
Rarity fluttered her eyes. "It is called Calligraphy, darling. If you're going to make words, at least make them fabulous!"
Malibu huffed. "As long as we can read them," He said jokingly. Applejack had her turn in reading the book. "Looks like you got a little aggressive with your friendship lessons, Rainbow Dash." She pointed to the scratched paper inside.
The rainbow Pegasus took the book back. "What can I say? When I learn something, I learn it hard!" When opening it again, confetti exploded. "I found Pinkie's page."
It caused the gargoyle clone to chuckle, wondering how Pinkie even got confetti inside. "Well, I am surprised!" Pinkie chuckled, Rainbow then coming across Malibu's lessons with a small smile, pointing to the one where he rescued her from the Changelings then proposed.
"My most favorite lesson not written by me I think." Rainbow said with a wink at Malibu who felt butterflies again. Twilight then spoke up again. "That wasn't the only surprise."
Malibu watched Starlight zap the book with a spell, transforming the old book into several new ones but leaving the original copy, placing the new hardcover into his hands. "Ta-da! Starlight and I decided to make one for each of you!"
Applejack was stunned. "That's amazin'! A perfect copy!"
Starlight Glimmer smiled shyly. "I learned the spell years ago when I needed to make copies of a certain... manifesto." She said awkwardly, Malibu knowing she was talking about the time spell.
Rarity sighed, smelling her book. "Ahhh! Even better than a perfect copy!"
Fluttershy giggled. "Oh, I'd forgotten all about this lesson." She didn't need to rephrase it to remind Malibu of the golden days of their friendship. Rainbow Dash laughed louder than her. "Remember this one, from when I met Daring Do? Never underestimate the power of friends who always got your back."
Malibu nodded. "Now that was an adventure to remember." He said, remembering Ahuizotl.
Pinkie had tears in her eyes. "Aww, Cheese Sandwich! Party cannon! Ah! Birth-iversary!" She squealed, reading her lessons.
Starlight spoke again. "After Twilight remembered the journal, I had so much fun reading all the stuff you've all learned, I just had to have my own copy." Malibu now knew she read about his romance with Dash, making him swallow, despite their relationship being pretty open now.
Twilight then had her idea. "And that brings me to the second part of the surprise. My idea. How would you all feel about making our journal available for everypony? If we can get these lessons into other ponies' hooves, maybe they'll benefit from them."
That caused Malibu to stare, wide eyed. Having every pony out there read about his love life? He didn't exactly feel thrilled about all that. But Fluttershy looked happy to do it. "Well, I think that's a great idea."
The others wound up agreeing as well minus Rainbow who was distracted by reading her own lessons, Malibu laughing silently. "I'm awesome..." Dash said out loud, noting the rest of them staring. "Oh, yeah. Uh, good idea."
Malibu had offered to help Twilight sell the journals into several bookstores which soon overnight became rather popular. The young alicorn himself didn't think that it would but now felt like he was walking on glass, eyeing anypony who may have read the part about how he wrote his love to Rainbow.
He, Starlight Glimmer and Twilight were both walking about, just enjoying some relaxation after selling them all until familiar voices of the fillies they met a while ago could be heard. "No! I don't wanna play with you anymore!" It was Toola Roola.
Malibu spotted her with Coconut at a hopscotch game, both arguing. "Why not?! You love playing hopscotch!" Coconut Cream argued back.
Toola Roola shook her head. "No, you do because you always win!"
Twilight pulled out an extra copy while Malibu calmed them down. "Hey, easy, let's not get into hysterics." He assured them. His friend handed the fillies the book. "And we couldn't help but overhear. You might want to take a breather. Maybe read Rainbow Dash's chapter on Rainbow Falls? It might help."
Toola grinned sheepishly at the two royals. "Sure Prince, Princess." They both opened the book together to read.
Applebloom with her friends suddenly appeared, Malibu turned to them. "Thanks Mal and Twilight! The friendship journal's makin' us super popular!" She said in excitement.
Malibu's ears fell from those words. "Er, really...?" He asked in sadness.
She nodded. "We were thinkin' of puttin' together a cutie mark summer camp. Now, everypony's definitely gonna sign up for it! This is gonna be awesome!" Applebloom laughed in excitement, walking off with the others.
Twilight sighed in melancholy. Starlight did her best to cheer them up. "A cutie mark camp is a great idea."
The alicorn princess didn't think so. "Yeah, but the purpose of the journal isn't supposed to be marketing." She walked off in dejection, Malibu following. He had a feeling it was only gonna get worse from here.
The three went back into town. "I just hope that they actually learn things from the journal," Malibu spoke up, looking back where the school is.
Starlight nodded cheerfully. "They will Malibu! I'm sure ponies all across Equestria will— whoa!"
To their shock; a bunch of ponies from other cities were suddenly in front of them with their own copies, grinning in too much excitement for Malibu's liking.
Twilight grinned nervously. "Uh, hello! Can I... help you?"
The first stallion was looking quite giddy. "We're here all the way from Fillydelphia because we got copies of your friendship journal!"
Hearing that made Malibu feel happier after earlier. "That's great! What is..."
He was interrupted. "Will you two sign them?!" The stallion asked, levitating the book into his face. Groaning, Malibu consented, using the quill to put his name in along with Twilight.
"So, what did you think of the lessons?" Twilight then asked.
Another stallion shook his head. "Oh, we haven't read them. These are keepsakes. We gotta keep them in mint condition!" He placed his book into a plastic covering.
Malibu's stomach felt rather hot from hearing that. These stupid ponies haven't even read what he and his friends have been through to protect this world?! They finished the signing in a few minutes.
"Wow, that was worth the trip!" The last stallion said, the others agreeing as they went back to their town, leaving the friends in sadness.
Starlight's ears were low too. "Don't worry, guys. I'm sure lots of other ponies are being inspired to be better friends." She said while they continued through Ponyville.
At that moment a new voice came from the cafe. "Well, I for one found the journal terribly illuminating." Malibu spotted a couple sitting there, the three quickly hiding behind a bush to listen.
The mare said her piece. "I agree. I'm seeing sides of these ponies I didn't know were there." Malibu grinned. He hoped this was a cheerful fan who just liked the stories. "I only wish they'd left Rarity out. She clearly doesn't belong in that book with the rest of them!"
Those words crushed Malibu's heart. Just when he thought he'd get a break, they had the gall to attack his best friend?! The stallion kept going. "Oh, I know! Who does she think she is? Certainly she did a fine job setting up the Ponyville Days celebration, but does she really believe it was a success just because of her?" He gave out a rather mean spirited laugh. "The nerve!"
Familiar crying came along, Malibu having a hoof over his mouth at the sight of Rarity bawling her eyes out from the mean comments, running away. Twilight tried reaching out to her. "But that's not what she was saying! Rarity!"
Rarity kept up her uncontrollable bawling, running as fast as he could. Twilight watched her running. "Oh, poor Rarity. She overheard all the mean things those ponies were saying. She must be devastated. Me and Malibu are going after her."
Starlight glared. "Go ahead. I'm gonna have a chat with these two!" She snapped. Malibu felt nervous, knowing her anger can still get out of control at times, following Twilight in her wake.
They had a hard time keeping up with Rarity until Pinkie tackled the friends. "Twilight! Malibu! Isn't it amazing?! Our journals are everywhere!" She shrieked.
Malibu glared. "Not amazing. Not for us at least." He grumbled. Before they could keep talking she interrupted.
"Ponies keep stopping by to tell me my entries are hilarious!" Pinkie exclaimed, signing another book to a smiling fan. "I even had somepony come all the way from Las Pegasus to say how much she liked my lessons!"
Twilight breathed a sigh. "I am so glad to hear some ponies are being inspired by the journal."
Malibu then saw a familiar pony, Cherry Berry call out. "Hey, look! It's Pinkie Pie! The funny one!" They all laughed around the four like at a sitcom show.
The mulberry alicorn laughed awkwardly. "Well, at least you're getting a positive reaction. I just saw Rarity, and I'm afraid this whole journal thing really upset her."
Pinkie frowned from that. "Aww, that's too bad." To Malibu's surprise and anger; the ponies around them laughed at that too. The party pony tapped her chin. "Wait, that wasn't even funny." Only to have more laughs.
Twilight had her tail tucked in. "O-kay. Well, I guess we'll catch you later..." She eyed the rest, thinking they would laugh. Malibu smirked a little as Cherry Berry coughed.
The two soon walked off. Pinkie Pie waved. "Yup! Bye, guys!" Her eyes rounded as the laughs echoed in her head, backing up slowly.
Another mare cackled from her laughter. "Hah! Classic Pinkie! Oh, she's even funnier in real life!" Pinkie turned in fury. "YOU'VE KNOWN ME FOR YEARS!!!"
More laughs confirmed to Pinkie that they only saw her as the comic relief, tears coming down her face from the realization.
Malibu felt more worried about what his other friends were now going through; suddenly feeling paper falling on his and Twilight's heads. "Maybe it's time to call it a day." That was Rainbow now. He flew up, ready to defend her.
A filly was standing right in front of Dash, ripping the pages out of the journal much to Malibu's shock. "I wipped out all of the Twilight Spawkle lessons 'cause they were getting in the way of the good ones!" She said quite meanly.
Twilight frowned. "What do you mean you skipped the lessons? We've all had valuable experiences."
Malibu watched how stressed looking his mare friend was. "Hey, here's a great idea! Why don't you guys talk to Twilight for a while? So I can get back to things like working and napping and, well, pretty much anything else."
The filly gave a groan. "Aw, we don't wanna hear her bowing lessons! Come on! Tell us again about when you met Dawing Do!"
It caused the teal alicorn to freeze. They had accidentally revealed AK's real identity to the whole world, and it made Malibu feel terribly guilty, as did Twilight, Rainbow Dash looking now rather upset about that idea. "Again? Haven't we already covered that one? A couple dozen times?"
It made the filly hop up and down with her wings. "We can't get enough of it! Come on, you don't want to disappoint your fans!" She grinned almost evilly, pointing to the other foals that Malibu never even noticed were there, afraid now for them harassing his future mate.
Rainbow gulped from the sight of them. "Uh... it's just that I, uh, really need to get those storm clouds back in their... pens."
"Cool! We'll come along. You can tell us the story there!" The others began chanting Rainbow's name, flying after Dash who was struggling to get away from them.
Malibu glared after the 'fans'. "Guys, you go on without me." He said, Twilight looking sad, nodding, flying back down to the ground. Malibu flew hard after Rainbow, outflying the fillies and approaching her side.
"I'll get you out of here. C'mon." He said gently, Rainbow smiling gratefully at him, the two flying right into the cloud for coverage at first. The fillies wondered where they went. After waiting for a while, soon the crazy kids were gone and the young couple flew quietly down into town.
Rainbow Dash gave him a huge hug. "Thank you so much Mal. I couldn't get rid of them. They wouldn't stop harassing me." She said in a scared voice, afraid they would find her again. Malibu gave her a kiss. "I'll always be there for you. Now let's catch up with our friends."
The two ran through town together until hearing a large crowd gathering around somepony. And to Malibu's horror; it was Fluttershy. Pushing through the crowd, he, Dash, along with Starlight and Twilight saw Fluttershy shaking in the corner, shutting her eyes. "Please! Just leave me alone!" She begged tearfully.
Twilight reached with her hoof. "Fluttershy, what's wrong?"
Malibu heard the couple from earlier shout out; "We want answers!"
His wife shouted out as well. "Yeah! We're entitled to know!" Malibu huffed under his breath. Entitled, my butt.
"And what could be bothering you about the book now?! You wanna insult more of my friends?" Malibu snarled, stomping his hoof on the ground. The wife was unfazed. "We wanna know why Fluttershy keeps learning the same thing over and over again! Be assertive already!"
Malibu's eyes glowed at that until Rainbow pulled him back gently. A second stallion with glasses spoke his piece. "Even I've learned more than she has. Why can't I be in the book?!"
Starlight lifted the guy with her magic out of the way. "What? Really?! Are you attacking our friend because you want to be in a book?!"
Fluttershy however stood up bravely. "It's ok. I got this." She took a deep breath, Malibu watching, wondering what she was gonna do. "Listen up! I am more assertive! And yes, it took me a while to get there. But can you honestly say that you could learn something one time and completely change who you are?!"
The mean mare shook her head, backing away. Fluttershy smiled. "I didn't think so!" It caused pride to surge through Malibu until the mare's husband ruined it. "Wow. You're way different from the Fluttershy in the book."
Fluttershy perked from his words. "I don't know how I feel about that." The husband finished. Malibu felt really ready to punch this guy in the face, seeing his friend walking off in dejection, Rainbow going after her.
Twilight gave him and the others a sad look. "It feels like everypony in Equestria is missing the friendship part of the friendship journals."
After that little moment, the trio made their way to Carousel Boutique to make sure Rarity was doing alright, opening the door to find themselves in darkness. "Hey, Rar, are you— ah!" Malibu yelped, ducking from a spool hitting his head and Twilight's. He spotted Rarity at her sewing machine.
"What are you doing?" Twilight asked in shock, Rarity turning about showing a crazed smile on her face, her cheeks stained with tears and makeup mixed. "WHY I'M CREATING A GOWN, DARLING!!!"
Malibu jerked back from the sudden insane version of Rarity. Boy was this whole thing slowly making her lose her mind. "Uh... for what?"
Rarity turned back, sewing further, whimpering. "I don't know! I'm stress-sewing!" She quipped, rushing back and forth getting more material.
Twilight raised her brow. "Stress-sewing?"
The white unicorn gulped in her tears. "When I overheard those two at the cafe, I suddenly understood why I've been getting cancellations for days!" She wailed.
That shocked Malibu greatly. He couldn't believe that Rarity had gone from being the most popular dressmaker to being hated. He really felt bad for his generous friend. "Why are they even canceling?" He asked her.
Rarity gave him another crazy look, twisting the head on one of her mannequins. "Because, nopony likes me anymore! They're boycotting me!!!" She shrilled, continuing to run about, looking out the window and Malibu could see a crowd there holding signs that were saying cancel Rarity. It made him flinch, hoping nopony out there were thinking about doing that to him.
Twilight made her way to the door. "I'm sure if I go and talk to those ponies, they'll see they're being unreasonable... agh!" The door opened at that moment, slamming her against the wall. It turned out to be Applejack.
She panted heavily. "I need a hundred blankets, and I need 'em now! Sorry, Twilight." Malibu watched the door close a little, Twilight frowning from being pinned against the wall.
Rarity grinned manically. "Right away, pony who still likes me!"
Applejack was shaking, taking some pink blankets. "I don't need nothing fancy."
Twilight looked concerned. "What's the matter, Applejack?"
The farm pony's eyes were all stressed out too. "I'm popular, Twilight! I'm popular and I don't like it one bit!"
Starlight glanced over at Rarity. "You two go ahead. I'll stay here." She offered, wanting to help calm down Rarity which Malibu felt grateful to her for, having appreciated Starlight's friendship even further since facing Chrysalis in the Changeling Kingdom.
The two raced over with Applejack to Sweet Apple Acres, and to Malibu's horror; saw his second home was overrun with complete strangers both Earth Pony, Unicorn, and Pegasi. Everypony had covered their cutie marks with pictures of apples too, wearing cowboy hats.
"A-Applejack... who are all these ponies?" He gasped in surprise. Applejack handed out the blankets, her hair all messed up. "They call themselves the Sweet Apple Admirers. They say they read my journal entries, and they felt like a part of the family. And now they actually wanna become part of the family!"
That disgusted Malibu quite a bit. He experienced bonding time to help become part of AJ's family, not just from reading a few lines in a book. There was more to it than that. "Your journal entries?" Twilight asked.
Applejack nodded. "Yeah, you know, all the stuff about how friends are like family and what not?"
Malibu himself didn't want to say this but he had to. "Can't you get rid of them then?" He asked reluctantly. Applejack hugged two random foals.
"And kick out my own family?!" AJ yelped out. Malibu hoof palmed himself in the face. That wasn't even family! They were just some strangers. "Granny Smith, hold on! Let me help!" She called, running to Granny who was struggling to hand out food.
Some others behind a fence spotted Applejack. "There she is!" Everypony then let out her classic cheer. "Yee-haw!!"
Malibu's stomach was flooded with both stress and anger, wondering how they were gonna get rid of them all. Twilight moaned, turning away. "I wish we'd never released that journal." She said, sniffling and flying away back to her castle. Even though he wanted to stay and get rid of these strangers, Malibu knew Twilight needed help the most. He flew off after Twilight, before soon he nearly ran into 5 pegasi there, mostly of mares.
"Agh! W-What do you want?" He gulped, seeing them all holding journals too, lust in their eyes. "It is so cute that you and Rainbow are a couple in this friendship journal! We love having romance be represented in the most accurate way possible!"
Shaking, Malibu did his best to avoid them. He didn't want to write his love life into these journals and kept them out but it was too late for it since it had both a friendship lesson and love lesson.
Clear Skies, a pegasi he encountered before, shoved the book into his face. "C'mon! Is there gonna be a sequel? Tell us! We want to see your adorable babies!" He screeched.
The others all cheered as well, flapping around and asking uncomfortable questions. Malibu covered his head. He at first was fine with being out in public with Rainbow in his relationship but this was now giving him flashbacks of the newspaper incident, heart beating hard against his chest, flying as fast as possible to the castle. "Get away from me!!" He sobbed, the harassers not stopping at all. Malibu's eyes saw the other 5 friends, quickly running to hide among them, his wings over his head and a magic shield conjured too.
Rainbow Dash knocked on the door quickly and Twilight opened it up, yelping in shock from the sight of her friends in disguises and Malibu with a red magic shield around his body. She beckoned them all to come inside and finally catch a break, Malibu more than happy to do so.
The crowd wanted to get inside with them, waving Twilight Sparkle cutie mark signs everywhere, Twilight slamming the door shut, breaking one.
After the magic shield from Malibu disappeared, he struggled with his might to calm down from the paparazzi having swarmed all over him, watching his other friends doing the same thing.
AJ trembled. "I didn't know where else to go! I've got so much cookin' and cleanin' and family-in' to do... I ain't got time for anythin' else!" She slumped to the floor in exhaustion.
Pinkie Pie popped out of a jar. "At least ponies aren't laughing every time you talk! Not even I want to be funny all the time! I'm telling you, my days of hilariosity-ness-ness are over!" She zipped back inside again.
Rainbow Dash scoffed. "You think you've got problems? I know I'm awesome, but I can't even go to the bathroom without somepony trying to tell me how cool I am!" Her eyes then trailed to Rarity wearing a weird dress, somewhat disgusting Malibu from the design. "Uh, Rarity? What are you wearing?"
Rarity pointed her nose into the air. "My emotions, darling! Stress couture!"
Fluttershy to Malibu's understanding was rather angry. "I don't know what I'm gonna do if I have to defend myself one... more... time!!" A measuring tape appeared, courtesy of Rarity. Flutter turned with a small snarl to her friend who yelped, backing up. "Oh, uh, sorry darling. Force of habit."
Twilight opened the curtain seeing the hecklers still outside, quickly closing it again. She watched her friends including Malibu having their mental breakdowns.
Malibu took a breath, standing up and walking to her. "What will we be able to do about this Twi?" He asked in sadness. "I don't think I can live like this!" The young gargoyle clone stressed.
His alicorn friend just turned away from him. "I don't even know. But... maybe we can try to fix this problem." She opened the doors to face the mob, everypony else standing next to her. "Everypony, please stop!" She yelled.
Starlight herself had left after that to see if she could find at least one pony who wasn't a crazy fan, leaving the others to try and explain themselves.
A reporter walked up, a harsh glare on his face. "Princess Twilight, I'm with the Canterlot Chronicle. Quick question — what would you say to the ponies who wonder why you moved to Ponyville in the first place?"
Twilight breathed before speaking. "Malibu and I moved here to learn about friendship. That's why the journal even exists. It took some time for me to get the hang of it, but it was each of these ponies standing next to me who taught us the lessons in those journals. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy too. Then it was all of you. I've learned so much from—."
To Malibu's irritation, the reporter interrupted. "What I mean is, some ponies would argue that it doesn't seem believable that the seven of you would be friends."
"Believable?" Twilight repeated in shock. The reporter nodded. "Well, sure. I read this journal cover to cover, and I have to say your character would have been much more interesting if she'd stayed in Canterlot. And him..." He pointed to Malibu who flinched. "How come he is the only male Element of Harmony? And why is Love one of said Elements of Friendship?! Seems very suspicious."
It made Malibu's eyes glow. "My Element is real. And I was sent from my world to live a better life not under Thailog's control who is still out there by the way! We saved your lives multiple—."
The young clone got cut off when a fan wearing his red cross cutie mark as a hat spoke up. "Why did you have to be an alicorn? I would've preferred you as a gargoyle! It would've made the love story between you and Dash more interesting!"
Another, who wore both a Applejack and Rainbow Dash shirt, stomped up looking rather furious. "And another thing. Why is it that Rainbow Dash gets paired up with you at all? I've read this journal 100 times and I only see her and Applejack have more chemistry as a couple!" She hissed.
Just from that, Applejack and Rainbow Dash both blushed, Dash quickly standing next to Malibu whose anger was threatening to attack them all. How dare they try to fantasize any of his friends being sexual together when Rainbow had chosen him only?
The stallion who criticized Rarity had the gall to speak up again. "What about Rarity? Are we supposed to believe she wrote anything she wrote in there?!"
Malibu saw the filly who ripped out Twilight's lessons. "That's why you wanna be Team Dash! She's the only one that didn't weally need to learn anything, because she is alweady so cool!"
An elder mare pointed harshly to the book. "Twilight was better before she got wings!" She complained. Twilight and Malibu looked at each other in sadness, knowing there were those out there who wished she didn't earn what Celestia had given her.
The mare who hated both Fluttershy and Rarity said more on her end. "Fluttershy is just so painfully shy, it's hard to relate! I mean, come on!" Malibu saw a fan of Fluttershy lower her ears, backing away which was somewhat of a humorous moment to him but this was getting out of control.
But it just got worse, as two mares argued back and forth between them and him. "I only ship Rarijack! They had the most screen time and have you noticed how they flirt?!" The first shouted, while the AppleDash fan growled. "Nuh Uh! Applejack and Rainbow's competitiveness is the one that spells love! That male doesn't deserve somepony as beautiful as Rainbow! There are other kinds of romantic love you know!" She hissed, glowering at Malibu, whose chest heaved badly again. Why did they have to bring a subject like this out?
One more stallion had the biggest question; "Are Pinkie Pie and Applejack related or what?!" He screamed.
Malibu after that had enough, eyes glowing red, and giving out a loud shout. "ENOUGH!!!!" He bellowed in his Alicorn voice, which echoed everywhere, everypony turning in shock at what happened. The teal alicorn knew it was time to stand up to these ponies who were taking this all too seriously. "Listen... we wrote this journal, for friendship. Not for fantasizing about my friend's private lives. Only they can choose what they do with it, which is why Rainbow Dash and I are together." He wing hugged his special somepony who smiled at him.
Twilight nodded. "And we aren't born perfect. None of us are. Which is why we even wrote the journal, to describe what we've gone through as friends. Without our flaws, there probably wouldn't be any friendships at all."
It was silent for a few moments until the crowd kept up their endless arguing, holding up signs of their cutie marks continuously until eventually, the Mane 7 had enough, Malibu stalking inside in his frustration, Twilight slamming the castle doors. So much for that.
Rainbow Dash groaned as Malibu sat there, unsure how to handle them all out there. "So, that just happened."
Starlight at that moment appeared with to Malibu's surprise the two fillies Toola Roola and Coconut Cream. "Everypony! I found these two who have something to say I think you all should hear."
Toola Roola gave a smile, Malibu inclining his ears to listen. "Um, we just want to say thank you. To all of you." They all blinked in surprise from that.
Coconut Cream nods. "Yeah, our friendship? Well, we were having trouble until we read your journal. It showed us that friends can go through all sorts of tough times, and made us stronger than before!"
Toola Roola hugged her friend. "It's made us better friends than we've ever been!"
Malibu couldn't help the tears that came, feeling he needed to hear that after everything, Twilight crying as well. "Really?"
Both fillies nodded in unison. Twilight sniffles before speaking again. "Oh, I can't tell you how much it means to hear that. Thank you for telling us. We've been through a tough couple of days. But knowing that we've helped fillies like you..."
Applejack continues. "...makes everything we've been through worth it."
Rarity agrees. "Fads come and go. Friendship is forever."
Malibu gives Rainbow Dash a kiss as well. "Real love lives forever too." He said, making her smile at him. "There are worse things than not being able to do without being told I'm awesome."
Fluttershy speaks next. "And we can't change the way other ponies think about us, but we can change how we let it affect us."
Pinkie had a pie in her hooves. "Or how we not let it affect us!" She said, splatting the pie in her face. "Go ahead, laugh!"
Malibu eventually lets out his laugh with the others, grateful for his friends and mate every time these things happened to them, but still heard the crowd outside. "Guess we still have to deal with them, huh?" He grumbled.
Twilight shrugs as they all grouphugged, not wanting to ruin this tender moment.
So, yeah. This is in response to someone calling me a fake My Little Pony Fan all because I don't support every pairing in the show. I had been watching this since I was in high school and watched every episode and movie.
These days I feel like we idolize sexualizing characters in film for 'representation' way too much. And yes, I know I ship Malibu and Rainbow Dash mostly because Malibu's element is love, and it made sense for the story.
I hate Rollercoaster of Friendship with a passion because of the Rarijack nonsense, and I don't partake in it so that's why Rarijack or Appledash won't be shown.
I understand there are different lifestyles out there but I don't want them to be shoved into my face 24/7. This is what happens when we rely on corporations to display these lifestyles too much, especially when a show like MLP is supposed to be about friendship, not fad shipping.
And one more thing, it is hard to be myself a lot of the time on Wattpad because whenever I meet new writers they think I support the most popular ship in any fandom and I get afraid to tell them I don't, making me walk on eggshells to not say the wrong thing.
Just something I needed to get off my chest. And again, please no flamers or spammers because I worked really hard to make this.
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