Fallout FanFiction Auznzd S02 Part 25
As the others made it abord the ship the One who escaped the Trap Bow made for them. The rainbow Serpent was her mother. But she looked human and with the others safety abord the Space craft. She had to find a way to lead the Seccond in command of High-Guard away from the Steel tower.
When Joeseph 19 was ordering the other Reks onboard, he felt a voice in his mind, but from a far distance away. "One of the High-Guard escaped, you have to leve now," she used her mind to warn the others.
"Their shapes and minds looked and felt like the Reckulorian High-Guard. But the ship was hard to stear, Michael was looking like a shorter engineer. But he maned the ships' control's like a true REK.
Soon after, he ordered the control's to take them back to base. But a plasma pulse hit the outer hull. Lucky the others dident catch on. As they watched a window open. The ship passed through the base and was on the other side of the moon. A place where no light ever reached. But when they left the atmosphere, the Rainbow Serpents Daughter Bow could maintain their shape. Keeping them invisible to the others. But for how long she dident know.
"The ship landed next to a huge grey steel wall that appeared to be in landscape with the reat of the moon, if they dident land here, it would look just like any other crator, or moon formation.
"After the Engineers and Low-Guard left the ship, the others regrouped. "Jonathan was standing in the skin of the general he had to be like them, and to be like them meant to be ruthless.
He has been away from the Quazarum Spear for a long time but felt its power here on the moon. He kept looking off into he distance when he felt it pulsate.
"Jackson and Ava, you must go find out who is controlling these aliens. While we, Michael me, Joe, and Michael, capur and Salazar Greyborn, will attempt to find the Scientist who is responsible for the Omnimon. When Michael said this, joeseph looked off and then back at them.
He raised his Reckulorian voice, Epek tek, doretek "did you hear that" as he turned back to them. He felt it rather than hear.
"It's the Alpha Omnimon. It is still kicking!" Joe was
Voicing his stress, as Michael answered
"But we used the Quazarum Spear to destroy it." Michael was the only one who knew what they really were. But held on to the idea that there was no normal way to destroy the omnimon. And thats why he is here, Salazar was mutated with the same serum that created the abominations that roam the Wasteback, the wild wasteland held many secrets, but they still dont know exactly where they come from.
"Salazar Greyborn pulled mikie aside."The others need to get to the 4th level. I will find the scientist. If im correct, I can find out more about the Omnimon from this one scientist. Mikie turned to Joe and back to Salazar, who nodded. They all look like Reckulorian Greens, but little did they know the Alpha was listening into their conversation.
"BOW," asked Joe."we have a problem. The Alpha finally revelled itself..."
She hears Joeseph and answers, "we must find it, and destroy it or the future i seen in a vision will come to pass." She was holding a claw ripped from one of the Craclaws she killed while tracking the Leutenant.
The steel tower was just in the distance. Riseing out of the foggy Blue mountains surrounding the Koziosco mountian.
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