Wanda's POV
I met him more times, almost every day he was always running in front of my house and we alwaya spent time talking. He was very nice and kind, I loved spending time with him. Jasper was always so nice with me and he always smiled, making me smile too sometimes. It was like a light in my dark world.
A couple of months later Jasper was again in front if my house but from his look I could sense something qas wrong.
-Hi, is everything ok?- I asked exiting the house.
-Hi- he said -I was wondering, are you busy tomorrow evening?-.
What? Why would he ask me that?
-Why? Do you want to go on a date with me?- I asked smiling -Isn't it a bit early?-.
He laughed, understanding I was being sarcastic.
-No, I... Well I would love to go out with you one night but... the fact is that...- he said.
I looked at him, waiting for him to finish talking but it was as if he couldn't speak anymore.
I approached, smiling.
-I would love to go out with you- I said -It is what you wanted to ask, right?-
-I... Yeah- he said smiling.
And that's how, the next evening, I found myself doing a pic nic in the middle of the forest with him.
-You told me you don't like being in crowded places so I though a pic nic just you and I would be nice- Jasper said smiling.
-I love it- I said.
How did I end there? Two months before I was being an evil witch and now I was there having dinner with a guy and felt... felt as if I was human.
-Aren't you eating?- I asked.
-No, I... I'm fine- he said -Just not hungry-.
We, well I, started eating and talking. It was good feeling human again, it seemed as if nothing happened, as if everything was normal.
-What?- I asked noticing him staring at my hands.
-Why the gloves?- he asked.
-Well... I hate my hands- I said -They don't look good-.
-Can I?- he asked.
He took my hand and slowly removed the glove; his hands were cold, as if they were frozen.
-Your hands are cold- I said.
-Yeah, I... I have always had them like that, I don't know why- he said smiling -What happened to your hands? Your fingertips are dark-.
-Yeah... Long story- I said and tried to hide them but he kept my hand in his, removing the glove from the other one too.
-I guess we both have a dark past- Jasper said -But I don't want to know yours if you don't want to tell me-.
-I did bad things- I said -Killed people-.
-Me too- he said.
I looked at him. I was suspicious about him being human, my powers sensed he was different. But was I ready to know the truth?
-What ia the real reason why you asked me out tonight?- I asked.
-It was... Dangerous where you live tonight, there was a hunt- he said -I want to keep you out all of this-.
He looked again at my hands and closed his more around mine, as if he wanted to protect them, heal them.
-I'm dying- I said and he looked at me -That dark on my fingers, it is dark magic slowly devouring me-.
-Magic?- he asked.
I nodded and on my hand a red hex ball appeared.
-I am a witch, I have chaos magic- I explained -I'm... I'm dangerous-.
I stood and walked away from him. -You should be scared of me, I... I could hurt you-.
I turned around, tears in my eyes. It was better this way, if he stated away from me he would have been safer.
I expectes hin ti leave, instead he approached smiling.
-You won't hurt me- he said -I trust you-.
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