Chapter One
"Hermione" Sirius smiled at her. She looked up from her book and smiled back.
"Hi Sirius, what's up?" Ron looked up to. He handed her a piece of paper.
It was a form.
Sirius Black has been approved to adopt Miss Hermione Granger.
Tears began to fall down her cheek, she nodded before hugging Sirius. He hugged her back. Since third year he's treated her like his daughter and she'd loved him like a father. Now since she'd had to leave her own family she was over the moon. Ron picked the letter up and read it before smiling, and hugging Hermione too.
"What's going on?" Fred asked walking in. Hermione smiled up at him.
"Sirius is adopting Hermione" Ron smiled hugging his best friend. Fred smiled back and walked over and hugged Hermione, she blushed and hugged him back.
Within a few weeks Sirius and Hermione were like a little family and Harry had become even closer to Hermione, not like either of them thought it was possible. They were now even closer than brother and sister. They were best friends and siblings. Both knew they could share anything. Sirius said he would always treat both Harry and Hermione like his children, even though Dumbledore wouldn't let him adopt Harry until he was seventeen.
Hermione walked downstairs to breakfast, Fred stood there smiling like a dork. The brunette blushed, the ginger leaned in closer to her. Smiling, the teenage girl bit her lip which sent Fred into a fit of blushing:
"Move away" Sirius said as he walked past them, Hermione laughed lightly and walked into the living room, Fred looked slightly scared but sat down next to her. Later that day they were going to Diagon Alley, and the day after that was Harry's trial.
"Come on!" Molly called, the teens all came rushing downstairs. "Right, Fred you take Hermione and Ginny. George take Harry and Ron. Let's apparate" Ginny held onto her brothers shoulder, blushing Hermione gripped onto Fred's shoulder. He blushed too and put his arm around her waist before apparating away, Sirius glared at them before apparating there too.
Positively beaming Hermione took Fred's hand and led him around the streets, Sirius followed them everywhere. Even though he'd only been Hermione's dad for a few weeks he was extremely over protective of her.
"Hermione, come see this" Sirius smiled, the brunette released her hand from Fred's and walked over. The man handed her a book, a huge smile formed on her face.
"Oh my! This looks fascinating!" She exclaimed excitedly, Sirius smiled too and fished some galleons out of his pocket.
"Here go buy it" the teenager smiled even more and hugged him, Sirius smiled too and hugged her back.
Happily Hermione bought the rest of her school supplies, gripping onto Fred's hand most of the time. Sirius glared at them, Hermione rolled her eyes and continued walking around with her hand interlocked with the gingers.
The next day Sirius took Harry to his trial, Hermione was waiting nervously at home. Fred put his arm around her and sat with her on the sofa.
"Hey, Harry's gonna be fine. Promise" he smiled down at her, she sighed and nodded. Her chestnut eyes met his sky blue ones, a blush escaped both their faces. A whirl of ginger hair approached and pushed their lips together. As they pulled apart a smirking Ginny came into view.
"Now Fred, you ask her out" Ginny told them, Fred blushed and took a breath in.
"Hermione will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, a blush escaped in the brunettes cheeks and she nodded before pushing her lips against his.
After a while Sirius walked back in and saw Hermione kissing Fred.
"What is going on here?" He asked, a look of shock showed on the teens face as she pulled off of him.
"Oh shit" Hermione mumbled under her breath.
"Hermione, I'll deal with this later. But Harry got off!" He smiled, a huge grin spread across Hermione's face and she ran to hug her best friend who'd just walked in. Harry smiled too and hugged her back.
Later that day Hermione and Ginny were chatting in their room.
"So how's Michael?" She asked, Ginny blushed.
"Michael is good, you haven't told anyone? Right?" Hermione shook her head, Ginny smiled.
"Anyway thanks for what you did" she smiled, Ginny smirked back at her.
"No problem"
"Gin, we really should talk about Harry" Hermione said, an even bigger blush escaped Ginny's cheeks.
"I'm over him"
"Sure you are, that's why you're blushing like a mad man" Ginny laughed.
"Okay I still like him, but I'm trying to get over him. But I probably won't"
"Gin, you love him don't you, but you also like Michael" she nodded and smiled.
"Hermione you really are the smartest person I know"
There was a knock on the door, "come in!" Ginny called as Hermione brushed her hair. Sirius walked in, Hermione cursed under her breath.
"Ginny you can leave if you want" Ginny shook her head. Hermione smiled at her friend.
"Well, what's this about you kissing Fred?" He asked her, Hermione blushed.
"I like him. I've always liked him, and turns out he liked me too"
"So your dating him?"
"Yeah she is" Ginny smirked, Hermione laughed and her head fell on Ginnys shoulder. The two girls fell onto the bed laughing.
"I don't understand why you're both laughing but I guess you can date him. But if he hurts you I'll kill him" he rolled his eyes and walked out, Hermione and Ginny continued laughing their heads off into the night.
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