◄ Pacifica Pines ►
"Uh.. Hey, Gids, what's up?" I said, shifting from one foot to another. The feeling of being watched crept up my back, and it made me feel unsettled. I don't know who other than Gideon was watching me and so my stomach started twisting into little knots.
"And what, may I ask, have you been doing? Frolicking through the sunset with one of the Gleeful twins!" spat Gideon in a fit of rage. His usually pale face was fuming red, and I could only imagine smoke coming out of his ears.
"Look, Gids, I'm tired, can we talk about this in the morning? Please?" I asked, sighing and pressing my fingers to my forehead. My heart was still thumping from a weird satisfaction of excitement. Maybe it was because I stayed up late. With a guy. Who's special.
That thought made my cheeks burn red.
"Fine," groaned Gideon, unclenching his tiny fists and stomping back upstairs. I took a deep breath of relief and took off my bag and threw it on the couch, walking into the kitchen. My throat felt like the Sahara Desert, parched and dry.
Grabbing a glass and filling it up with water, I gulped it down my sand-paper like throat. That was, until a dark figure moved. I immediately spit water out and choked, and the dark figure moved towards me and laughed a little.
"Hey, Paz," grinned Grendon, the dark figure.
"It's you!" I choked.
"Yeah, it's me," said Grendon, rubbing the back of his neck.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, setting the glass down and wiping my mouth with my sleeve.
"Gideon let me come over," shrugged Grendon, turning around and walking towards the entrance of the kitchen, "I'll see you tomorrow, I guess. Goodnight, Pacifica," nodded Grendon towards me.
"Um, yeah, okay, uh - goodnight!" I chirped back, awkwardly. A billion thoughts were running through my mind, like one for instant was; ARE GIDEON AND GRENDON GAY TOGETHER OR NO!? But that's just me.
I took another deep breath, and began to clean up the mess I made. After that, I began to check if everything was locked, and made sure the front door was locked so no burglars would rob this rip off. As I reached the front door, I decided I'd catch fresh air and then go back in, so I went outside and closed the door softly.
Rubbing my hands together as the winter air drifted by, chilling me to the bone, I saw tufts of smoke in the air. Curiosity shot through me and I walked forward, hugging myself through the bitter air. As I got nearer to the cause of the smoke, I could hear soft breathing.
I turned to the corner, only to find Acid leaning against a tree with a cigarette in hand. His eyes seemed to be bloodshot and never stayed in one place, nervously glancing at everything. His eyebrows were furrowed together as though in thought, and his mouth in a small frown.
His usual laid-back demeanor was gone, and his shoulders were slightly hunched up and the cigarette loosely held within two fingers. His hair looked like a mess, as though they were run through many times.
"Acid!? A cigarette? Are you mad!?" I hissed at him, marching up at him indignantly. He turned his head slowly, completely unalarmed at my presence.
"Heya, Paz," he nodded at me, bringing the cigarette to his lips and inhaling it. He then lifted it off of his mouth and blew the smoke the other way, only to look back at me with a gleam in his eye and a smirk that could only spell trouble.
"Acid, you're wasting your life doing this," I tried to reason.
"So?" he said shrugging, taking another whiff of the cigarette.
"Acid, it's bad for you!"
"It can kill you!"
"I think I knew that already."
"Acid, this takes away lives!"
"Oh, really?"
"You're so young, why would you even do this to yourself?"
"I can't make you stop, can I?"
"I'm afraid so," he said, shrugging nonchalantly.
"Alright," I sighed, wrapping my hands around myself. I felt as though I failed to do something.
"I could stop for like, a month, on one condition; go on a date with me," murmured Acid.
"You drive a hard bargain," I muttered sarcastically, except my cheeks burnt otherwise. "And I can't, I've just been on a date with Dipper."
"Has he asked you to be his girlfriend?"
"Are you two dating?"
"No.. But it doesn't matter, it feels wrong, anyway. From jumping one date to another," I cried angrily.
"Just you wait and see, tomorrow he'll tell you that he'll be busy for the week, and sometime then, maybe we can go out," said Acid, wagging a finger at me while the other was raking his hair and the cigarette hanging loosely from his mouth.
I wanted to ignore Acid, but it had began to plant doubts in my head. What if Acid was right? What if Dipper was going to see another girl? Does he do this to everyone? Is he doing it for the Journals? I tried to shake these thoughts out of my head.
"We'll see, Acid, we'll see," I murmured.
"So, from a scale of zero to America, how free are you this Saturday?" he said, grinning at me.
"North Korea," I snapped.
"Wow, nice," he nodded at me, "So, d'you have a map?"
"Why the heck would I have a map with me right now?"
"Because I'm getting lost in your eyes," snickered Acid, throwing the cigarette on the floor and stomping on it. He shoved his hands in his pockets and smiled at me sideways, which made my heart thunder and race. My cheeks burned with embarassement and I glared at him.
"So, Pacifica, are you religious?"
"No, why?"
"Because you're the answer to all my prayers," he said, winking at me, which made me blush even more and made me look like a blithering idiot.
"Stop with the cheesy pick up lines, stupid," I hissed at him, crossing my arms together and glaring at him.
"Okay, okay, so do you want to know what my shirt is made of?" asked Acid in a genuinely nice tone. The shirt had was black and hug to him perfectly, outlining everything.
"Sure," I said shrugging, not knowing what to expect next.
"Boyfriend material," he grinned.
Published: May 17, 2016 | Reads: 9.2k | Goal: 9.6k
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