Part 57
Theo's POV:
We walked in the common room. The only ones there were our friend group.
Draco: "I don't know..."
Theo: "YOU JUST TOLD HER TO DIE.... did you mean it?"
Draco: "what?"
Draco: "no... no I didn't mean it... I love her... she's my little sister... I would be broken if she died..."
Theo: "then why- then why did you tell her all that?"
Draco: "I don't know... first reaction...."
Theo: "I would think about how your gonna fucking make it up to her!"
Draco: "I'm trying to..."
Pansy: "what happened?"
Theo: " Y/n tried to kill herself again... she's alive but she wants to be alone because this ferret told her that he hated her and that he wanted her to die!"
Draco: "I don't know..."
Blaise: "you really fucked up mate..."
I saw tears roll down his cheek like it just hit him.
Draco: "we have to stay with her... or she's really gonna end it! You have to go back!"
How didn't I think about it... she wants to end her life... I have to go back! I ran out as fast as possible! I arrived at the hospital wing. I didn't saw her there. Where could this girl be?! astronomy tower! I ran up there as fast as I could!
Y/n's POV:
I was sitting on the side of the astronomy tower when I heard someone run up. I didn't bother watch who it was. I was just peacefully watching the stars while feeling a little breeze brush on my cheeks making me shiver a bit because it was a bit cold out here. I had some earphones in and listened to Try form pink. I focused on the text:
Where there is desire there is gonna be a flame
Where there is a flame, someone's bound to get burned
But just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna die
You've gotta get up and try, try, try
Gotta get up and try, try, try
Gotta get up and try, try, try
I was listening about it when I felt these familiar arms wrap around me. These tiny small arms. Draco's arms. I took out one of my earphones and turned my head to see him crying.
Draco: "I'm sorry... I didn't mean it... I'm just so scared of losing you that I didn't think anymore... not a single word of it was true... nothing was meant. The only thing that is meant is that I love you..."
Y/n: "it's okay... I freaked out to the news and I didn't think and thought this was the best option but I remembered that I had to keep trying for you guys. Draco placed one of the earphones in his ear and just like when we were young we watched the stars while we just stayed in silence listening to the song. We did go a bit back so we didn't fall.
Theo's POV:
I ran up the stairs as fast as possible. When I was finally there I saw 2 people. Draco and Y/n. They were sitting a few steps from the edge. They were just sitting with earphones in and looking at the stars in silent. It was a happy silence tho. I was relieved that they were both okay. I walked towards them and sat down next to Y/n. She looked at me and smiled a bit. She took the earphones and unplugged them. The music was now blasting thru her phone:
If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you
Drive highways and byways to be there with you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you
(This town-Niall Horan)
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