"Trusting You"
Part three to "Falling For You" Please like! Thank you!
Fuji's P.O.V
UGH! I was so mad at my grandmother, I could just...just...SPIT! Give me some slack OK. Now what am I supposed to tell Yoshi?! I sighed as I got out of class. Ugh. I saw Yoshi as he was talking to some of his friend's in his class. I wish I was in Yoshi's class. I sighed smiling as he laughed. Probably at a joke. Yoshi glanced over and saw me. I blushed as I tried to pretend I hadn't been looking. "Hey Fuji!" He said as he pulled me into a hug. Ahh. He's wearing the cologne I got for him at Christmas. Cinnamon and hot chocolate. Perfect. He laughed. "You like? I put it on so I could smell good for our date! Wanna go now?" He asked. I cringed and pulled myself closer to him. "Um I-I think we should just stay here for a while." I said. He looked down at me concerned. "Is something wrong Fuji?" I shook my head. "N-no! Nothing is wrong!" He smiled. "OK sweet! I think I'll go home and change actually. Don't wanna go on a date with my beautiful girlfriend in my school uniform!" He kissed my head and waved as he went out the school gates. Wait! I didn't get to tell you I can't come! I sighed. Ok whatever. I'll just call him. I pulled out my phone and remembered Yoshi doesn't have a phone. Oh shoot. What do I do now?!
"Hello Tsukino-San! I finally found you which I don't usually do on school days. Is something wrong?" My butler, Tatsuo, asked worried. I shook my head sadly. "No nothing is wrong Tatsuo. Thank you but could you go home without me?" "Of course Tsukino-San. Please get home safely." He said as he got into the limo and drove away.
As I walked home, I thought of what to do. In the distance, I heard someone scream. It sounded familiar and it was getting closer. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!" I heard the voice scream. I turned around and saw a flash a black before the person swerved out of my way and crashed into the grass. I rushed to his side making sure he was alright. "Hey! Oh my gosh! Are you alright?" I exclaimed as I turned the guy so he was right side up. I opened my mouth and stared. It was that guy from yesterday! Kouichi I believe was his name. "Kouichi-Kun?! Oh god! Are you ok?! Wake up!" I shouted shaking him desperately. Finally, he coughed up some grass and dirt and opened his eyes. "Hey didn't anyone tell you not to shake a person who could be seriously injured?!" He coughed out and opened his eyes more until he adjusted them and saw it was me he had crashed into. He sat up with a worried look. "Oh my god! I am so sorry Tsukino-San! I didn't mean it! I was skateboarding and a dog rushed in front of me and I lost my balance and" I put my hand on his mouth. "Ok ok I get it. Shut up. But seriously, anything hurt?" I asked. "N-No. Thank you though." He laid back down and looked at the clouds. "School is over today for you right? Why didn't you go home with your limo?" He asked. I looked up and blew my bangs away from my eyes. "Well I wanted time to think on what to do. You see, the important meeting I had to go to today was a date with my boyfriend. I was supposed to meet him at The Grand Sakura Park." In the corner of my eye, I saw his shoulders droop a little and his eyes close for a second. Oh god don't tell me he thought he had a chance with me. "I mean you're a nice guy and all but I have a boyfriend..." I said. He opened his eyes and laughed. "No it's ok actually. I've never really liked girls anyway. Well I do but when I get close to a girl...things...happen..." Here, he closed his eyes again. Then he opened them and I saw there was a curious look in there. "Wait. If you have a boyfriend, then why do you have arranged meetings?" I sighed and looked down suddenly interested in the grass. "Well...my boyfriend...he's a commoner...my grandmother loved him and thought of him as a son. But...when we got together...she disapproved and wouldn't allow him near me and he couldn't come to the mansion anymore." I said crying as I thought of that horrible day where my relationship with my grandmother was shattered all because I fell in love with a commoner. "I-I'm sorry...I don't know why I'm telling you this..." I said. He glanced over and then sat up. He leaned over and wiped my tears away. "H-hey...don't cry...everything will be alright...here! We'll come up with a plan! How did you get rid of your other suitors?" He asked softly. "Well...I just ignored them for a while and then took back their proposal marriages." I said. He perked up. "Perfect! Then you ignore me and then I can take my marriage proposal...even though it wasn't my idea..." He said. "Not that easy. My grandmother said that if you also took back your proposal, I'd be disowned." He looked down and then perked again. "But if you're disowned, you're a commoner and then you can marry your boyfriend!" He exclaimed. "As much as I'd like that, I don't want to ruin the reputation that my parents have built up just because I'm a rebel child." I said. "Oh...well then...why don't I ignore you and then when your grandmother sees, I'll bet that no matter how much she disapproves of your boyfriend, she'd rather have a commoner that loves you then a rich boy who thinks money and your name is more important than you!" He said. I thought about that. Hmm. It might actually work! I nodded enthusiastically. "Great! It's perfect! One condition though. Don't fall for me ok?" I said. He laughed. "Of course! Same goes for you ok?" "I-I'd never cheat on my boyfriend!" I exclaimed. "Ok well I best be going home! My mother will worry her little money maker wont make in time for his 'date' with famous legend Tsukino-San!" He joked. I laughed. "And my grandmother will be furious if I miss my 'date' with rich boy Yukimura-San!" We laughed and then said good bye as we headed home ready to put our plan in action.
Kouichi's P.O.V
"Mother! I'm home!" I shouted. My mother came rushing down the stairs. "Kouichi! Where have you been?! School let out fifteen minutes ago! You were supposed to be here getting ready for your date! You CANNOT mess this up! You hear me young man?!" She shouted. I sighed. Same as usual. She didn't even notice there was dried blood on my face and grass and dirt stains all over me. I shook my hands away. "Don't worry mother. I got this." I said climbing the stairs. "You better!" She shouted at me.
I got to my room and slammed the door. I fell onto my bed, tired. Ugh. I just wanna sleep. I hurt all over and I don't wanna go anywhere. My mother knocked on my door. "Dear? Fuji's grandmother called and said that the date will be in a beautiful park. Dress nicely now!" She called as she left. Park huh? Why did that sound familiar? Oh well. Can't worry now. I looked into my closet trying to find something suitable for the park. I found a nice blue t-shirt and then got my blue jeans from the back. I looked in the mirror. Hmm. Not too bad. I grabbed my beanie and my black hoodie. Ahhh. That's better. I stepped out of my room to find my mother with some clothes. She looked me up and down and smiled a small but approving smile. "Well it's about time you actually dressed nice for a date." She noticed my beanie and then frowned. "Do you have to wear that atrocious looking hat?" She asked. I smirked. "Of course mother." She sighed. "Fine. Come on let's go! Don't wanna keep Tsukino-Sama waiting." Then she walked down the stairs, handed the other clothes to the maid, and went outside to the limo. I sighed . Oh well. Lets get this over with. I rushed down the stairs and went outside to the limo.
Fuji's P.O.V
"Fuji sweetheart! Guess where the date will be! At a beautiful commoner's park!" My mother said as she twirled into my room. I looked up surprised. "The park? Why there?" I asked. "She thought it would be nice for a change! Itsn't that great?!" She exclaimed. "T-The park..." I muttered. Suddenly my phone rang. "I'll let you get that dear!" She said walking out the door. I grabbed my phone and answered it. "Hello?" I said slowly. "Fuji-San? Its me! Koichi! I just found where the date is!" Kouichi said. "Kouichi-Kun? How did? Never mind. But I already know where the date is. The park." I said confused. Why was he calling me? I already know. "No no! Well I mean yes. But which park do you think?" He asked. I thought about it. "Well my mother said it was a small commoner's park..." "Yea! The 'small commoner's park' is The Grand Sakura Park!" He exclaimed. I gasped. "N-No! It..It can't be! Sh-she did this on purpose!" I cried out agonizing over this. I can't believe she would do something like this! She must've known somehow that I was supposed to meet Yoshi-Chan there! "Yea. I know..." Kouichi said understanding me. "Oh god what to I do now?! I don't have any way of contacting Yoshi-Chan to tell him I can't come!" I said. "Yoshi-Chan? I'm guessing he's your boyfriend huh? Yoshi? Wait do you mean Moto Yoshi?" He asked. "Uh yes...why? Do you know him?" I asked. "No...no...I-I was just wondering..." He said getting quieter. I was suspicious but didn't say anything. "Well I guess you can just hide behind me so he won't see you..." He suggested. "Yea but then that would ruin the plan of you ignoring me..." I said. He sighed. "OK well we'll just figure it out as we go. Just wear something that'll hide your face and we'll wing it." He said. I nodded. "Ok...bye...see ya..." I said and hung up. I sighed. Ok. Time to get dressed. I found a nice red dress with a knee length skirt and silver sandals. I paired them a gold necklace that my mother gave me for my thirteenth birthday. I looked in the mirror. Ok. Ok. I look ok...I glanced over to my dresser and saw a golden comb that Yoshi-Chan gave me that had been handed down to him from his grandmother to give to a girl he liked. I put it on and smiled. Now I'm ready. I rushed out the door to meet Kouichi-Kun for our 'date'.
Done with this chapter. I'll be updating soon! Thanks!
~Jason( @KenAndJason )
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