"Hurting You"
Fuji's P.O.V
As I waved good-bye to Kouichi and Yoshi, I could swear that I felt a little tension. Please tell me that was my imagination. I got into the back of the limo while my parents and grandmother were in the front. Well technically, they had their own compartment in the limo. Same as me. So whenever I rode in the limo, I was always by myself. It made me feel a little lonely but sometimes I liked being by myself with no one but my thoughts. Anyways, back to that tension. It was so thick, I would've had to use a jackhammer to slice through it. Is there something going on between those two? Could it be? That Kouichi-Kun...no way. Kouichi said that he didn't like getting close to girls. No way. He couldn't. Could he? No! I shook my head. Where were these thoughts coming from?! Could I be...falling for...Kouichi? No! Right?
I sighed. These thoughts were exhausting me. I laid back in the the couch that my parents had insisted on installing. I was about to fall into a nice and well needed sleep when my phone rang. I quickly jumped up and grabbed my phone. I was pissed. I was so comfortable too! "Whoever this is will feel the wrath of the Tsukinos!" I yelled into the phone. What? I get mad if someone interrupts my sleep. The person at the other end of the line chuckled. "I hope not. I'm already feeling the wrath of your grandmother." Said a familiar voice. I looked down at my phone to see the caller id. Oh shoot. "Yoshi-Chan?!" I exclaimed in surprise. "Where did you get a phone?" I think he hesitated before answering me. "I uh got enough money from my part time job to buy one." I crossed my arms, a little suspicious. "You work at a surf shack at the beach..." I said slowly. "Um yes well there was a big sale last weekend!" He said, laughing nervously. "It's the end of the fall season..." I said. What is going on? "Yoshi? Is there something you're not telling me?" He paused, then he laughed his usual happy-go-lucky laugh. "Oh don't worry Fuji! I'm just messing with you! Kouichi-Kun gave me a phone. He understands our situation and he gave me one so I could call or text you!" He said happily. I raised my eyebrow at this. Kouichi-Kun just gave Yoshi a phone? I know that Kouichi is a pretty nice guy but just giving him a phone? Considering that Kouichi probably didn't like Yoshi, this was gonna need some investigating. I laughed trying to make Yoshi a ease, thinking that I got his story. "Oh! That's pretty nice of Kouichi-Kun! You know, Kouichi-Kun is a really great guy! Be careful! I might leave you for him!" I said jokingly, trying to see what he'd say. To my surprise, there was a long pause. I sat there awkwardly, not knowing if I should say I was kidding or... "Don't fall for that pimp! He's nothing but a loser!" He yelled. I held the phone a few inches away from my face. "Yoshi! Yoshi! Calm down! It was just a joke!" I exclaimed, hoping really hard that it would calm him down. I swear i heard a growl before he calmed. "I-I'm sorry Fuji...I just..I don't want you to leave me..." He muttered quietly. I sighed a little happy. He's never really talked about his feelings and hearing him say that made me so happy. "Oh Yoshi-Chan...don't worry...you're the only one for me..." I said softly. I heard him sigh, relieved. "Well, I'm glad to hear that. I have to go to work now. I uh l-love you..." He muttered quietly. I laughed. Yoshi had never been one to say 'I love you' and if he was here, I could swear he was blushing. "I love you too...I'll see you later ok?" I said. He laughed. "Yes of course! Bye Fuji!" "Bye Yoshi!" I said and then hung up. I laughed cheerfully as I got out of the limo and flopped onto my bed.
As I was about to try and sleep again, my phone rang. "Oh come on!" I exclaimed loudly as I picked up my phone. "Yoshi-Chan? I told you I wouldn't leave you for that loser, Kouichi. You don't have to check on me." I uttered, a little mad, thinking that Yoshi was a little protective as I answered the call. "Um...I-I'm Kouichi..." Said the voice awkwardly. I sat up. "Oh my god, Kouichi-Kun? I'm so sorry! I just got off the phone with Yoshi-Chan s-so I thought h-he called me back..." I declared trying to clear things up. There was a long pause. What's up with all these long pauses? I really messed up this time. Finally, he said that he understood and hung up. "Kouichi-Kun?!" I slapped my head. What is wrong with me?! I threw on some jean shorts, a meme t-shirt with a cute dinosaur, and some knee-high boots. No way was i running to his house in a dress. I slipped my phone into my pocket and ran out the door. I didn't want him thinking that I hated him!
Kouichi's P.O.V
As I hung up with Fuji, I stood there for a second. Then I collapsed on the floor. I dropped my phone and hugged my chest. What was this and why did it hurt so much? I thought over our conversation again and hugged myself tighter. As I replayed her words, my chest felt heavier like someone had taken a knife and stabbed my heart repeatedly, leaving me to die. Silently, tears fell out of my eyes and I didn't say anything, only hoping to stop this feeling. I've never felt this before. Why did I hurt? I didn't even care about her that much. Did I?
I cried to myself when suddenly the door burst open and Fuji was there. "Kouichi-Kun?!" She cried out and knelt down beside me. I was still crying so I turned my face, not wanting her to see. She noticed and took my face in her hands, forcing me to look at her. "K-Kouichi-Kun? I-I am sooo sorry. I-I totally didn't mean it. I-It's just that Yoshi was afraid I'd leave him for you and..." She tried to explain but was having trouble finding the words. Oh...so Yoshi was behind this. Ugh he didn't even deserve her! That hurt me even more thinking about it and tears spilled out even harder. She looked up at my silent crying as looked so sad. She looked like she was about to say something but stopped. Suddenly, I felt a nice warmth as she hugged me and pulled me closer. "Kouichi-Kun...I'm sorry..." She whispered quietly. I felt something wet hit my hair and I moved my head a little. I noticed her eyes and saw that they were crying. I turned my body so that she was hugging me sideways, and I gently wiped away her tears. She opened her eyes and I looked at her beautiful, chocolate eyes. I smiled and got up. She laid her head on my shoulder and sighed. Knowing that she was right next to me made me feel better. I took her hand and gently kissed it. "I'm sorry you had to run all the way here just to comfort me...thank you..." I whispered. She smiled and looked at me. "It's fine...I wanted to come..." She mumbled. Something felt different around us. Something that I didn't mind was there. Understanding? I looked at her hand again and noticed a rusty, silver ring with a tiny, blue stone. I smiled at it. "This is cute...where did you get this?" I asked, curiously. She smiled. "Oh this? I got it from Yoshi. He got it from his grandmother because his grandmother wanted him to give to a girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with." She said. i looked at her face and saw that there was definite bliss on it as she was probably thinking of him. I sighed and just held her hand. We sat there for a few more minutes in silence wither head on my shoulder and my head on hers. It was...nice. No. Ok I'll admit that this was probably the best moment that I'd shared with her since I'd met her. The brief moment in the Sakura garden topped second. I sighed and got up. She looked at me, confused, but I just smiled sadly and offered my hand. She returned my smile and accepted my hand. I pulled her up gently. I had to tell her of her two-timing, no five-timing jerk boyfriend. I didn't want to see her hurt. I realized that I did care for her. She was my only friend.
I took her hand and led her out to my secret balcony. Sure there was lots of balcony's around my house, but this one was my secret one because it was in the back of the house and covered with vines. No one noticed it even if my mother had garden parties out back. I looked at Fuji and laughed when I noticed her reaction. She gasped in awe as she looked around. Since the vines were so thick, the daylight was hidden and it looked like it was night time. What was even better was that there were little holes in the vines and the light came through as little stars. She gushed as she noticed my tiny sakura trees. "Oh these are just adorable! Where did you get these? I didn't know sakura trees grew this small!" I laughed nervously. "Uh ha um no. I-I grew these..." I muttered. She looked at me in disbelief. "No. Way. You?" She laughed. I blushed. "I-I really did! We had a different gardener before and he was my best friend. He taught me how to grow them real small so I could fit them in here. He grew the vines for me too so that whenever I needed to be away from the world and my mother, this could be my retreat. He also knew that I loved Sakura...I-I mean Sakura trees so he taught me." I explained. She looked at me suspiciously. "Who's Sakura?" I sat down on a little marble bench and sighed. "It's a long story that I'm sure you don't wanna hear." I said. She sat down next to me and I glimpsed a curious look in those chocolate beauties. I sighed. "You wanna hear it, don't you?" I said, already knowing my answer. She nodded excitedly. I laughed. "Ah ok why not" I said. I really didn't want to think about her again but I recalled the special and not-so-special memories for Fuji. I knew I could trust her. Now wasn't the time for the truth to be revealed.
Sorry this one was short but Kouichi's past is in the next chapter! Stay here and I'll be right back! Thanks!
~Jason Hibiki; KenAndJason
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