Chapter 8
When I woke up the next morning, Lisa was still sleeping. I got out of bed, careful not to wake her. Getting my phone to call the Doctor I noticed that I have a message from Lisa, reading it I started smiling. At least she made an attempt to tell me where she was going, I would have preferred that she just woke me up but I guess her reasoning makes sense.
"Doctor Thompson speaking."
"Morning Doc, it's Wayne."
"Everything okay your majesty?"
"We had a small incident last night involving glass, I was wondering if you could come here or we can come to you?"
"I'm just about to head to the office, I'll come by, it's easier for you."
"Thank you Doc."
"Any time Prince Wayne."
We said goodbye, turning around I found Lisa looking at me, "Morning my Princess."
"Morning, who was that?"
"The Doctor, he is on his way."
She jumped up but fell back on the bed when she felt pain in her foot, "Why did you jump up?"
"I need to get dressed before he comes."
"Here, let me help you."
I picked her up again and walked to the bathroom, "What do you want to wear?"
"Well I have a full day so something formal."
"You don't have a full day, in fact, you have a day off. I'll bring you something comfortable."
I know my definition of comfortable and hers might be different, but that's okay. As long as she gets dressed without moving around too much. Looking through her clothes, I realise that I haven't seen her wear half of them. I took out a tracksuit and a blue T-Shirt that I recognise as one of our school's T-Shirts.
"Here you go."
"Call me if you need help."
I walked out closing the bathroom door behind me, instead of just sitting around I got dressed. As soon as I'm sure Lisa will be all right I have to go on with my day. Once I was done dressing I sat on the bed waiting for Lisa to call me, she didn't. Hearing the bathroom door, I look up, she was hopping out of the bathroom. Jumping up I walk to her, "Lisa, I told you to call me."
"You told me to call you if I need help, I don't."
"How's your foot?"
"Sore, I'm too afraid to take a look."
"How are you feeling?"
"Better, but I'm insanely cold all of the sudden."
"The air conditioning isn't on... I think you have a cold fever."
As if I'm not worried enough already, "Should I get you another jacket?"
"Maybe, or no wait, I'm just going to get back in bed."
"You sure?"
"Yes, now please stop looking so worried."
"I am worried!"
Knocking interrupted her, "Enter."
I half expected it to be one of the staff members, it wasn't, instead it was Doctor Thompson.
"Morning Doc."
"Prince Wayne, Princess Lisa."
"Morning Doctor."
I know it's super awkward for Lisa, she hates that everyone knows who she is so she never officially gets introduced to anyone.
"Shall we take a look at the wound?"
"Sure Doc, where would you want her?"
"Let her sit on the bed for now, let me just get a first view."
When he said bed, Lisa started hopping, I stopped her by picking her up and carrying her to the bed. Doc smiled at us while Lisa was blushing. I placed her on the bed and took a step back to allow Doc to take a look. He took off the bandage that Ian had wrapped around her foot yesterday after he cleaned it. He looked at the wound before pulling his face, "Maybe we should move to the bathroom, just in case it starts bleeding."
I didn't answer, instead I picked her up again and walked to the bathroom, Doc followed. She sat on the bath edge while Doc took another look at her foot.
"There is still some glass in here, Princess, this might hurt."
She tried to keep her face natural, I can see she is not looking forward to it, I wish I could take all her pain on myself. Once again there was a knock on the door, I know it's no use saying 'enter' from the bathroom, no one will hear it. With a heavy heart I walk to the bedroom door, pulling it open I see my father.
"Morning Dad."
"Morning, I hear there was an incident last night, may I come in?"
"Of course."
Before closing the door, I made sure that Luke and Ian were both in the hallway, Fred was also there, my father's body guard.
"How is she?"
"Doc is with her now."
"What happened Wayne?"
"She went to the kitchen, Zane surprised her and she dropped the glass. She didn't think and took a step forward, stepping in the glass pieces."
"Zane? What was he doing in the kitchen?"
"See that's the part I don't know, I only know what Ian knows, I was planning on talking to you after I talked to Lisa."
"Come see me as soon as you have the information."
"Will do Dad."
He walked to the bathroom, "How are you Lisa? Morning Doc."
Walking closer I heard Lisa's answer, "I'm fine, I just feel incredibly stupid."
"Don't, we all do stupid things every now and then. Doc, how does it look?"
"Whoever cleaned it, did a great job."
"It was Ian."
I answered, my dad looked a bit confused, he said goodbye to Lisa and Doc before he moved back the bedroom door.
"Please come see me, I want the whole stories."
"I'll come as soon as I can."
"Great, take care of her."
"Of course."
I open the door for him, he walked through and then stopped when he got to Ian, curious I waited to see what he is doing.
"Thank you, the Doctor is impressed by your skills. Please keep a close eye on her today."
"Yes Sir and thank you Sir."
He nodded at him and walked off, calling them closer I waited till my dad and Fred was gone before speaking.
"Ian, like my father just said, thank you. She is going to be here the whole day, please check up on her regularly and keep Luke updated. I want to know the moment anything happens."
"Yes Sir." They responded simultaneously.
"We are done, your majesty."
Nodding at the two I walk back inside, Lisa was hopping out of the bathroom, this girl just doesn't give up.
"Don't give me that look Wayne, I can walk."
Instead of answering her I walk to her and pick her up, "Wayne..."
"Never mind, you're not going to put me down are you?"
I carry her to the bed, after putting her down, I made sure she was covered before turning back to Doc, he was busy studying us.
"I'll have some medicine sent over for her fever and also something for the pain."
"Thanks Doc, if you give me a few minutes I'll walk out with you."
I quickly brushed my teeth and tied my tie before joining Doc.
"Lisa, Ian is just outside if you need anything and I'm just a phone call away."
"Thank you, have a nice day."
"You to."
Doc and I walk out together, once outside the room Doc spoke, "May I talk freely your highness?"
"Of course."
Doc has been the royal family's Doctor for years, he and my dad are good friends.
"There is nothing wrong with falling for your wife Wayne."
" did you know?"
"I have known you from birth Wayne, I know you and I can read you, what I saw in there was a guy that wanted to be close to his wife."
"Of course, she's hurt."
"It's not that Wayne, everything changes when you're with her, I have never seen you act this way with any girl."
"Okay, so maybe carrying her around in the room looks suspicious..."
"Why are you trying to deny it?"
"It's just that, what if she doesn't feel the same way?"
"That girl in there loves you, she just doesn't know it yet, give her time and continue winning her heart. I have a feeling that you guys will realise your feelings sometime soon. I know one thing for sure, the whole country is waiting for you two be a real couple."
The whole country, maybe, but I am the one that is the most excited for that day.
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