Chapter 5
What a day, who would have thought a day that was scheduled to be laid-back would turn into a busy day where I barely got time to breath. Falling on the bed I wonder how Wayne's day has been, I haven't seen him today, when I woke up he was already gone. I did however found a note saying that I should be ready for our date by five-thirty, I still have an hour before then. Getting up I went to the kitchen, I need coffee and fast. Zane was alone in the kitchen when I walked in, the moment he saw me his face lit up.
"What can I get you, your highness?"
I hate being called your highness, even your majesty is just too much. I just want to be plain old Lisa, if I really have to be called on a title I prefer Princess but not really since it's what Wayne calls me.
"Coffee would be great thanks."
He went to work while I sat down at the counter, I know I should actually be sitting at the table but it feels so formal and alone.
"Here you go your majesty."
If I didn't need to keep up a good imagine I would roll my eyes, "Please don't call me that."
"What would you like to be called?"
Thin water, I can't let Zane get too comfortable with me but I also can't stand hearing 'your majesty/highness'.
"Princess is fine."
"Okay, can I get you anything else Princess?"
"No thanks Zane, I almost have to go anyway."
"If I may, you look tired."
'Ice is melting Lisa' ignoring the voice inside my head I smile at him, "Long day but nothing a good cup of coffee won't fix."
"I'll leave you in peace then."
"Thanks for the coffee."
"Anytime Princess."
He went back to doing what he was busy with when I walked in, I know I should just leave but that means having to wait to drink my coffee. It took a couple of sips for my brain to registerthat I am drinking coffee and started to react to it.
"That looks good, Zane, may I please also have a cup?"
"Of course your majesty."
He went to make the queen coffee, she sat down next to me, "I see I'm not the only one that needs coffee, how was your day Lisa?"
"Busy, how about yours"
She smiled at my correction but didn't comment on it, "Same, glad it's over."
Zane came back with the queen's coffee and some of his cookies, "Thank you Zane, will it be possible for the kitchen staff to bring our dinner to our room tonight?"
"Of course your highness, I will go arrange it."
After he left, the queen spoke, "We missed you at dinner last night."
"I fell asleep, by the time Wayne woke me it was too late to eat."
"You are welcome to come down here, the staff usually leaves some stuff out in the event that we need something."
"I didn't know that, thanks for telling me."
"Anytime, now if you would excuse me, I'm going to go take a long warm bath."
"Oh, Lisa, we were thinking of maybe inviting your parents for dinner sometime this week, would that work for you?"
"Of course, I would love to see them."
I don't get to see my parents a lot, my dad being a well-known heart surgeon works insane hours and travels all over the country. My mom being a school teacher, likes taking weekends easy, just like I do. I missed them at the beginning but for the last few weeks this has started to feel like home, not because of where we are living, rather the fact that Wayne has started to feel like home.
"I'll let you know what they say, we have only talked to them a few times before and after your wedding, they were very friendly."
She took her coffee and a cookie and left, I should also get moving but I just want to be for another few minutes. When she opened the door I could see Ian as well as Paul, the queen's body guard in the hallway. I didn't even notice that Ian had followed me to the kitchen, as far as I know he stops following me when I get to the castle. It is possible that he doesn't stop and just gives me space, I have never really given it much thought.
I didn't even notice Zane coming back, "Yes Zane?"
"May I speak freely?"
"Go ahead."
"You didn't eat last night."
Not him too, it's just one meal, it's not like it's the end of the world.
"I know, I fell asleep."
"We always leave some stuff outside for cases like that."
"Thanks, I just heard."
He nodded his head and walked away, I hope I'm handling this whole Zane situation correctly, I'm trying to remain friendly but suddenly being friendly to him just feels wrong. While finishing my coffee I played with my ring, I have never really looked at it. I wonder who picked it out? How did they even know what size it needed to be? There is so much about my own marriage that I don't know, but what I do know is that our marriage is heading into a new direction. A direction that I'm excited about.
Standing up I took my cup to go put it in the sink, the kitchen is huge, it has three parts. The part where the table is where we eat breakfast, then the counter and then the rest of the kitchen. At the back two maids were busy washing the dishes, when they noticed me they stopped, I hate when people do that, I'm just human after all. Besides the two girls, only Zane was in the kitchen, I wonder where everyone else is?
"Don't mind me, just putting my cup away."
They all looked a bit confused, guess it's not normal for a Princess to do that. Zane was the first to recover, he walked over to me.
"You shouldn't be doing this Princess, it's our job to keep the kitchen clean."
Why is he upset with me?
"I'm able to do it, so I will, please excuse me I need to go get ready."
He still didn't move out of my way, "Please step aside."
Nothing, "My wife said to move, you better start following orders."
Everyone turned to Wayne, he didn't look very happy. Zane stepped out of the way to let me pass, I walked pass him as fast as I could. When I got to Wayne he took my hand and led me out, in the hallway was Luke and Ian.
"Ian, we are going to have to have a talk."
"Yes Sir."
We walked to our room with Luke and Ian following far behind.
"What happened in there Lisa?"
"I don't know."
"Okay, please don't go into the kitchen alone if Zane is the supervisor, if anyone else is there that he has to listen to you may go or take Ian in with you."
"I'm not trying to be over protective, I just, I don't want anything to happen to you."
"I know Wayne, thank you for caring."
I walked to him, kiss him on his cheek before grabbing a dress for our date and going to the bathroom to change. I just started changing when there was a knock on the door, "Yes?"
"No make-up, Lisa. Oh and I just quickly have to go do something, I'll be right back"
Thank goodness, I can wash my face and feel clean for once today.
Wayne's perspective
Walking out of the room I was tempted to go down to the kitchen and tell Zane what I think of his behaviour, I can't believe he disobeyed a direct order.
"Yes Sir?"
"I know we said to give the Princess extra space when she is inside the castle, but whenever she goes to the kitchen or any place where Zane is I want you there with her."
"Yes Sir."
"I also give you permission to get her out of any situation that you deem unstable, use your judgement, if Zane does or say something you're not comfortable with, get her out."
"Yes Sir."
I can see the determination in his eyes, he has always been trustworthy and takes his job very seriously.
"Everything ready for tonight Luke?"
"Yes Sir, we have everything in place."
"Great, thank you, both of you for going through so much trouble for tonight."
"Anytime Sir, we want you both to be happy."
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