Chapter 3
Getting out of church is always hard, we are stopped by people every time we try to make an escape. For someone who didn't grow up like this Lisa is handling it with grace, she is friendly with everyone, no wonder the whole country loves their new Princess.
"Lisa, or should I say Princess Lisa?"
Lisa smiled at the girl, must be one of her school friends.
"Mandi, how are you?"
They gave each other a quick hug, "I'm well, how about you? How is married life?"
This should be a interesting answer, "It's great, how is Tyron doing?"
Is that what she really thinks? Dare I hope that she is happy in our marriage?
"Oh he is well; I just hope he would get down on one knee already..."
"He will, don't worry about it, I don't think I have seen any couple who fits perfectly together like you two do, he loves you."
"You two also make a cute couple; I should get going, it was nice seeing you Li...Princess."
She thinks we are a cute couple? I also think so, I wonder what Lisa thinks about it.
"You too Mandy, say hey to Tyron."
"Will do."
She smiled at me and left, Lisa barely had time to catch a breath when the next person started talking to us. It went on like this for about twenty minutes when Donovan, Luke and Ian finally stepped in. Luke has been my body guard since high school, Ian was always my mother's guard but she decided that he would fit better with Lisa. She didn't like having the thirty-year-old follow her around all day everyday but soon got used to it. The moment we were in the car Lisa threw her head back and sighed, I took her hand and gave it a quick squeeze.
"Yes your highness?"
"What time is lunch?"
"One a clock Sir."
Looking at my watch I saw it was just before twelve, enough time to give Lisa a breather before the next set of people wants our attention.
"Please inform Luke and Ian that we are heading to the park."
"Yes sir."
"The park?"
Lisa asked with a puzzled expression on her beautiful face, "Yes, I think we just need to take a few minutes and not be surrounded by people."
"Thanks, I need it."
"I know."
As soon as we get in the park I'm going to tell her, tell her that I'm planning on winning her heart.
Lisa's perspective
I know I'm staring but I don't care, how does he know I need a break from people? I love people, I really do but so many at once who all want my attention is a bit overwhelming.
"Lisa, don't you think I can see when you are tired?"
"I don't know; I don't know when you look tired."
"That is because I'm better at hiding it, besides what type of husband would I be if I don't take care of you? When I promised to take care of you, to love, cherish and honour you, I meant every word."
"Me too."
I really want to keep the vows we made at our wedding, I'll make this marriage work somehow.
"We are here Sir."
Out of habit I reached for the door handle but Donovan was too quick for me, he opened the door before I could. When I got out both Luke and Ian was already there. The park was quiet, almost no one was around.
"Luke, Ian, privacy."
They nodded their heads at Wayne, I'm not sure what that means but it's clear they do. Wayne took my hand and we started walking. Luke and Ian followed but gave us a huge head start, guess that is what he meant with privacy.
"Lisa, I have something I need to tell you."
Should I be worried?
"I would like to get to know you."
"I'll like that Wayne; I think we can make this easier on both of us if we become friends."
"That's not what I meant, Lisa, I want a real marriage, I know I can't just have it so I'll work for it. I'm going to win your heart; I don't know how yet but I'm going to give my everything to make you love me."
I stopped walking, Luke and Ian was instantly alerted and looking around for a reason why I stopped.
"May I?"
"May you what?"
"Have an opportunity to win your heart?"
I just look at him, is he being serious? Everything in his attitude is telling me he is, I want to get to know him, I want a real marriage, I want to love him.
"Thank you, you won't regret this."
He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, "Ready to finish our walk before lunch?"
"Yeah, let's go."
Wayne's perspective
She agreed, but what now? How do I even start winning her heart? How do guys normally get girls to love them? They date them, get to know them, spoil them, show them they care. The last two is easy, the first two not that much. Surely a married couple can do dates, an idea immediately started forming in my mind.
"Lisa, would you go on a date with me?"
"A date?"
"Yes, we may already be married but that doesn't mean we can't get to know each other like normal couples do."
She smiled at me, it's clear she likes the idea, "Sure, what do you have in mind?"
I haven't thought it that far through but one thing I do know is that the first couple of dates is going to have to take place in private places. We can't let the whole country know that we are just starting to get to know each other six months after our wedding. Most of the country knows we didn't choose to get married but it was never revealed that we only met each other a week before the wedding. The nation might be assuming that we already knew each other well by the time we got married.
"I'll just have to wait in see, we should check in with Nella once we get back and see where we can fit it in our schedule."
"I can't wait."
"Me neither, it's going to be my first date."
"Mine to."
"I am probably the only guy in the world that is having his first date of his life, with his wife, after they have been married for months."
"Guess that makes us special."
"It sure does."
Luke signaled me that it was time to go, I don't want to but I know my responsibilities.
"We have to head back."
She sounded disappointed but allowed me to lead the way back to the car. Once back inside the car she made herself comfortable and placed her head on my shoulder. Today might just be the day that will change our entire marriage.
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