Inside the kitchen the king and queen were already eating, even though it has been three months of doing this, every Sunday, I still don't feel all that comfortable with them. It's not that they are bad people, I just can't see them as my in-laws, to me they will always be the king and queen. We sat down opposite them, "Morning you two."
"Morning mom, dad."
I waited till Wayne greeted his parents before I greeted them, "Morning, Ma'am, Sir."
"Please call us mom and dad, Lisa."
"I'll try Ma'am."
"Morning Princess, here is your breakfast."
I smiled up at Zane, one of the chefs in training, he has been nice to me since day one, "Thank you Zane, it looks delicious."
He usually doesn't work on a Sunday; it feels weird to see him here today. Most mornings I have breakfast alone, he is usually the one serving me. He placed Wayne's plate in front of him and left, but not without smiling at me once again. The moment he was gone Wayne took my hand and said a quick prayer before we started eating. While all of this was going on the queen was busy studying me.
"What do you think of Zane, Lisa?"
Not thinking anything of the question, I answered, "He is good at what he does, he is always friendly and willing to help, why do you ask?"
"Just something I picked up, you know we were planning on letting him work for you two as soon as your wing is ready but I think that plan needs to change."
"Why is that honey?"
The king asked while studying his wife with a curious expression on his face.
"I think our chef in training is in love with our daughter in law."
Both Wayne and I chocked on our food, what is she talking about?
"Sorry Mom, did you just say he is in love with my wife?"
Where is all of this coming from? I have never once got that impression but then again I was never one to suspect people to be nice because they have other hidden motives. I know I'm too trusting when it comes to people, I just can't seem to think bad of people, even when there is proof.
"Haven't you notice how he looks at her?"
"No Mom."
"What about you Lisa? As a lady, you probably picked up on this? Most girls have a feeling when a guy likes them."
"No Ma'am, I have never once saw anything that gave me reason to think he was being nice for other reasons."
"Why do you think he is being nice?"
"Everyone so far has been nice to me; I guess they feel they need to be."
She smiled kindly at me, "I knew we made a good decision in picking you Lisa. It's clear you aren't easy distracted by handsome young men."
"Why should I be? I'm married."
"I sure am one lucky guy."
I looked to Wayne, he was smiling at me but not his usual fake smile that he has mastered over the years, there is something different about this smile, something special.
Wayne's perspective
Hearing Lisa say that she isn't going to be distracted by other guys filled my heart with so much gratitude that she is my wife. I could have easily gotten a shallow girl who just cared about being a Princess, instead I got this lovely lady. I knew my parents would choose wisely, I'm grateful for their wisdom in picking my wife. Sure, I would have loved to have been in a position to marry for love but that doesn't mean that this marriage can't be filled with love. I'm already falling for my wife, if I can only win her over and show her how awesome I think she is. I smiled at her, for the first time in a few years I showed her my real smile, not the fake one that looks real but holds no emotion. She smiled back at me, her own special smile. I might not know my wife like I should but I do know her smiles, just like me she has a smile that looks beautiful but is forced, the one she is giving me now is the one I usually just see when we are out of the public's eyes.
"We are heading off to church, your car is in front."
I forced myself to look to my dad, I don't want to take my eyes of Lisa, she looks so beautiful today. Not because of the make-up or what she is wearing, yes they add to her beauty but there is just something about looking at your wife and knowing that she is yours and that you get to wake up next to her each morning.
"Thanks Dad, we'll be heading out in a few minutes."
"Alright, tell Donovan to drive safe."
"Will do Dad."
Donovan isn't the kind to drive reckless, he has worked as a driver for the royal family for years now, not once has he been in an accident, I doubt he is going to change that record anytime soon.
"Ready to go?"
"Almost, let me just put the plates in the dishwasher."
"No need Princess, I'll take it."
Hearing Zane's voice I looked at him, he barely notices me, he only has eyes for one person in the room, my wife. I studied the emotion in his eyes, it would appear my mom read him right, he is in love with my wife and here she is totally oblivious to his feelings, poor guy not that I am complaining.
"Thank you Zane, breakfast was delicious as always."
He beamed at her compliment, bursting his bubble I got up and took Lisa's hand, "Shall we go?"
His face instantly fell; I really feel sorry for the poor guy.
"Thank you Zane, like my wife said, the food was delicious."
He barely acknowledges me, I grabbed our Bibles with my free hand and waited till Lisa had her bag before we walked out leaving Zane there staring after us.
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