Lisa's perspective
"Morning my princess."
I open my eyes slowly, I don't want to wake up, besides it's cold. It's almost laughable that I'm cold in the summer, but that's what happens when your husband decides to put the air conditioning as cold as possible, meaning just before we freeze. I must admit it's smart of him, we don't have a normal marriage, meaning we didn't marry for love. I was picked to marry Wayne, or rather Prince Wayne. The small country we live in doesn't have many options for a suitable wife for him, but that doesn't mean I stood a chance, or so I thought. I can think of hundreds of other girls who would have been a better choice, but it was decided. I don't even know why they thought I'm a good option. My grades in school were average against some of the smarter students, and I'm not the prettiest girl in the country, yet I was still picked. So far, marriage isn't too bad, we just live together, other than that we each go our own way.
"I know you're awake Princess."
"Happy six-month anniversary."
"Happy anniversary."
Six months, already? We have only been living together for three months, I still had to finish school when we got married so I continued to live with my parents. Even though I could have been living with Wayne I chose not to. When I finished school, I was told that I didn't have a choice anymore, I will be living with Wayne as husband and wife. The first two months we tried to sleep as far as possible from each other, it worked for both of us. Then, about a month ago Wayne's parents decided to have a talk with us. One that basically went something like, they want grandchildren, it freaked us both out but that wasn't what got to us. They also talked to us about the people of the land, and how the people wants us to be happy and in love. The only way for us to start loving each other is, if we make an effort to get to know each other so we promised that we will. That didn't change our sleeping position, until one day about two weeks ago, when someone, we still don't know who, turned the air conditioning on and took the remote with them. Without the remote it can't be turned off, stupid I know. That meant that it was cold in our room, even though I was dressed warm and we had all the available blankets on the bed, it was still cold. If we weren't still living with Wayne's parents, we could have just moved to another room, but since it's not our home we can't do it. We should have had our own wing by now, but it's not ready yet so we live in his parent's wing. Wayne was the first to think of a solution, we need to sleep close to each other to keep warm, so we did. Since that night we use this tactic to force has to be closer together.
"What are you thinking about?"
His voice pulls me back to reality, because I was lost in thought, I didn't even notice that he is still holding me close. In the past, he has always let me go as soon as he wakes up, but not today.
"Just thinking about how our relationship has changed since our wedding."
"It's a good thing, isn't it?"
"Definitely, one day this might feel like real marriage."
"It is a real marriage Lisa, I'm confident we can learn to love each other just like my parents did."
His parents also married without love, but looking at them now, I would never have known it if I wasn't told. They are so much in love. It makes me worried that we won't be able to follow in their footsteps. I know I'll learn to love Wayne, it won't be hard. He is three years older than I am, I have seen him around school but never talked to him. The first time I met him was at my prom, by then it was decided that we would marry. His parents thought it might be nice to introduce us as a couple while we are both all dressed up. At first we were both stiff and didn't know how to act, but we soon relaxed enough to at least look like we will be able to make a marriage work. A week later we were married, much to my own shock and surprise. My first and only kiss of my life was on our wedding day in front of the whole nation, it was super embarrassing. Since that day, whenever we get in public and it's expected of us to show some PDA, Wayne just kisses me on the cheek. I know the nation expects so much more of us, but we both agreed to keep things simple until we feel more comfortable with each other.
Knocking interrupted my thoughts, "Yes?"
I waited for the person at the door to speak but nothing, Wayne chuckled at me and spoke, "Enter."
The door slowly opened, revealing one of the young maids that works in the castle. When she saw us still in bed her expression changed, it's clear she likes what she is seeing. I instantly felt embarrassed being in Wayne's arms, which is ridiculous.
"Her majesty asked me to come tell you that breakfast is in twenty minutes."
"Thank you."
She curtsied and left in a hurry. I have no doubt that by the time we get down for breakfast the whole castle will know that things are progressing between us. Wiggling out of his arms I got up, the first thing I did was put on my wedding ring.
"I love how that is the first thing you put on in the mornings."
I smiled at him, "Mind if I go first?"
"Go ahead."
I grabbed my clothes before heading to the bathroom, luckily I showered last night so I don't have to worry about it. It's all about getting dressed for church now, I don't mind having to dress fancy whenever I go out but what gets to me is the fact that I have to wear make-up. I have no idea what I am doing, every morning almost ends in tears because it is so frustrating to put on make-up. While brushing my teeth, I got my make-up out with my free hand. I don't have as much time as I usually do, so this has to go fast and without any hiccups. Yeah right, because I get my make-up right the first time. After I finished brushing my teeth, I start doing my make-up, I was just about to get frustrated when Wayne knocked on the door.
"Are you dressed?"
"Yes, you can come in."
He was already dressed, he smiled at me, "You look beautiful."
"Thank you, now I just need to get the make-up to work."
"You know you don't have to wear it, don't you?"
"I have to."
"Why? You're beautiful without it, I should know, I wake up next to you each morning."
"You have to say that; you're stuck with me."
"I can't think of anyone better to be stuck with for the rest of my life. Here let me, sit and close your eyes."
My heart melts, I know he has been positive about our live together, but this is the first time he made it sound like he wants to be with me. I did what he said, but with doubt, I don't think he knows more about applying make-up then I do. I guess I'll have to trust him. He started doing my make-up while talking, "This afternoon, after lunch with the prime minister, you and I are going to watch make-up tutorials on YouTube."
I have forgotten about the lunch with the prime minister, "You are going to watch them with me?"
"Yeah, we are in this together."
We were silent after that, until Wayne announced that he was done. I got up and looked in the mirror, he is actually good with the whole make-up thing.
"We should get moving."
"Yeah, let me just do something with my hair."
"While you do it, I'll finish up in here."
I moved out of the bathroom back into the bedroom, where I sat down and quickly tried to curl my hair with my straightener, but it isn't working. Instead of forcing it, I stop and allow my hair to fall like they want. It doesn't look too bad, so I will just leave it like this.
I grab my bag, bible and phone. Wayne also grabs his bible and phone and waits for me. The moment I get to him, he takes my free hand and open the door. Hand in hand, we walked to the kitchen. Lunch will take place in the dining room, but breakfast is always in the kitchen because we are usually in a hurry.
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