2 | Isabella
I took a deep breath before walking inside the room. He was already sitting in his chair, his laptop open and he was typing away on it. "Good morning Sir," I said, placing down the coffee. Like every day I received no response. So I continued.
"Today you have four meetings lined up and one briefing about the new product with the Technology Department. Your first meeting is from 9 to 10 with Mr Jones about the deal we are supposed to make with their company. Then at 11, you will have a meeting with Mr Alexander about them investing in our company. You don't have anything lined up until 3. At 3 the Team will be in the conference room for the product discussion. At 5:30 you have a meeting with the London delegates and at 7 you have an interview with a magazine that you had requested," I finished.
He was still typing away on his laptop like usual but in the past three years, I had learned so much about this man I called my boss. At first, it was very frustrating that he wouldn't even look at me or pay any attention to me when I was speaking. But I was very wrong. He was a very sharp person and he always heard what I said or anybody said for that matter.
After the first few weeks of working here, I was very irritated and angry with him. His personality wasn't bad but it wasn't good either. He was in a business stance 24/7, I pitied his family very much. I had tried to google him and find out more about him but the more I dug up, the more confused I got. Every website had something different to say about him.
There was not much about his family. They seemed to be nowhere in the limelight like him. While he on the other hand had every rumor going on for him. From being the richest man alive to going bankrupt, from him being a player to him being a divorced dad there were so many interesting yet stupid stories I had heard about him, that I gave up.
In the words of my lovely sister, Vi, I was working for a mysterious man who could just be a ghost or a mafia. I had stopped searching for answers because I got none and I never will, and most importantly it was none of my business anyway. I snapped out of my thoughts as I looked down at the Ipad vibrating with an email. It was from another one of our investors who wanted to fix up a meeting for tomorrow.
"Excuse me, Sir, I need to call Mr Russo about your meeting with him tomorrow," I said leaving the office immediately and calling Mr Russo.
"Hello Mr Russo," I said as I stood outside the cabin since no one had come in yet I was free to talk outside without disturbing the others. "Ahh Isabella, I just emailed you about the meeting I am having with Nicholas Knight tomorrow," he said. "I know Mr Russo, I just read it and I am personally calling you to apologize, Sir won't be available tomorrow," I said looking at today's date on the iPad. 25th August.
"What Isabella, I am leaving for the UK tomorrow I won't be back for two weeks," he said irritated. "I can understand your discomfort Mr Russo, but Sir won't be available tomorrow for some personal reason. I am sorry on his behalf. If you can, would you like to meet up with Sir today?" I asked, trying to be polite. "Are you sure Isabella? This is very important that he can't shift to some other day?" he asked. "I am sorry Mr Russo but that cannot happen," I said.
"Okay, then he better come and see me at lunch. I hope you will arrange that?" he asked. "Yes thank you so much, Mr Russo! I will send you the details soon," I said, ending the call and letting out a sigh. I knew Mr Knight won't be coming to the office tomorrow. 26th August. For the past three years when I knew he hadn't taken even a single day off. Not even on Christmas or New Year. But this was the one day he never made it to the office so I didn't want anything lined up tomorrow.
Arranging the schedule and putting a reminder for me to book Mr Russo's favourite restaurant I turned around only to let out a short scream. Mr Knight stood there at his cabin door looking at me very intently. How long was he standing there? "May I help you, Sir?" I asked. He just stood there with no emotions on his face.
"Umm... You have another meeting to add to the schedule, with Mr Russo at noon," I said. He nodded going back to the office. I sighed. What the hell had just happened? I thought about going back into my cabin as I started on the monthly report which I needed to grab from all the departments.
When I received a call from Maria to tell me Mr Jones was here. At 8:54 I walked out of my cabin and knocked on his office door after he said to come in. "Sir Mr Jones, where are we having the meeting?" I asked. "Get him in here," he ordered and I left to wait by the elevator. We usually had the meeting either in his room or the cabin that was on the far end of the floor.
I waited as the elevator dinged and Mr Jones walked out in his regular attire. He was a 50-year-old man with his own textile company. That Mr knight wanted to take over and he wasn't willing to give in. His company was at a real loss and needed investors. "Good morning Mr Jones," I said, guiding him to the cabin. "Good morning Isabella," he said tiredly. I knew he wasn't capable of running the company anymore and he had no heirs but Nicholas Knight was hell-bent on taking the company. I felt bad for the man but I couldn't do anything about it.
We entered the office and both of them had a formal handshake. I sat in my designated seat from where I took notes on my Ipad. 45 minutes into the meeting Mr Jones finally gave in. "Fine! Knight, I will sell it to you!" he said frustrated. My head snapped up at them to see Mr Knight smirking in victory might I add. "My assistant will send you the deal papers to sign," he said, getting up to shake hands with Mr Jones who had a dejected face.
He started walking out and I walked out to catch up to him. "I am so sorry Mr Jones," I said. I felt bad for him. "It's okay Isabella, I had it coming. I wish I had someone like you, as my heir to run the company. But it's fine," he said walking into the elevator. I stood there frozen. Mr Knight shouldn't have been so cruel to him. I sighed going back in to find him working on his laptop again. For other people, he would seem like a workaholic monster but to me, this was normal now. People change with time. or so I have heard but I hadn't noticed a single change in this person.
Heck, even I have changed. My fashion, my style, my body language. My British accent is long gone, my American accent is now thick. I had been through so much pressure about work that now if I had to proofread even hundreds of pages I could do it. But I could see why he worked so hard. He had a multibillion-dollar empire on his shoulder. He had to maintain it. He had worked hard to increase their company's stakes every year by a remarkable amount and he deserved it. But at the expense of his life? I didn't think so. I got a weekend off. I could relax but he worked on weekends as well! I did get his emails and messages to send me documents sometimes in the middle of the night and that worried me as to if he slept or not.
But even if I tried to do anything even close to personal he would just lash off at me. So I learned to live it that way. "Sir, we need to leave for the meeting. It is in the conference room downstairs," I said. He closed his laptop and stood up as I followed him in pursuit.
We walked into the restaurant where we were supposed to meet Mr Russo. I didn't want to meet him alone right now. I knew he was very angry about shifting the meeting. He hated his meetings being moved and most importantly because he is not a fan of Mr Nicholas Knight.
We walked into a very fancy Italian restaurant and sat down at the table waiting for Mr Russo to come in. I grabbed the Ipad to check if I had any emails to answer. "Isabella?" I heard a loud voice that made me jump in my seat. My eyes snapped to the owner only to find Kevin standing there in his business suit with a wide smile on his face. Kevin Langford. He was best friends with Mr Knight or so I was told. His file clearly said the same thing so I agreed to it.
He was a regular at the office coming to see Sir every week if possible but he was usually ignored by Mr Knight so he would come and sit in my cabin till Sir talked to him. He was the same age as me. And he considered me his 'girl bestie'. I didn't approve of it entirely for the fact that he was my boss's best friend but he was very sweet and we had grown closer.
"Hi Kevin," I said standing up to hug him. He engulfed me in a bear hug letting me into his scent. "It's nice to see you more excited to meet my PA than me," Mr Knight snapped. "Oh Shut up!" my eyes widened at Kevin's reply and Mr Knight just glared at him. "You are just grumpy that I didn't hug you," he said, going forward to do so when Mr Knight pushed him off. "Don't touch me," he deadpanned. I just stood there looking at them.
"What are you doing here, mate?" he asked Mr Knight but was completely ignored. "We are here to meet a client," I replied, giving him a small smile. "You are a nice girl, Bells. I am sorry you are stuck with him," he said apologetically. "She chose this job," Mr Knight snapped. "You bribed her, And I wasn't talking to you," he said. Mr Knight just continued typing on his phone. "You know what, I have a hot date. I will see you guys around," he said mockingly. "Bye, Bells," he said as I waved back.
I smiled, going back to work. "Nicholas, Isabella," said a voice making us both stand up. Mr Knight shook hands with Mr Russo while I just gave him a small smile. "I knew he would bring you," he said, smirking. "She is my PA, that's her job," Mr Knight replied blankly. "That's true but you know that you will not lose control in front of women and neither will I, your strategy is good," Mr Russo said sitting down.
I was ready to roll my eyes but kept in place. "I will leave you two to discuss the business," I said getting up but one glare from Mr Knight and I stopped in my tracks. "You better sit back down," he ordered. I sat back down ready to listen to an argument and stop it before it went out of hand. This happened every time they met.
A few minutes into the meeting, their voice started to rise. "Not Nicholas-" "It's Mr Knight to you" Mr Knight snapped. "I don't care. If I want to invest I need more shares," he said. "Then keep your money to yourself, it's not like I am dying to have you invest," Mr Knight spat. Okay, my time to swoop in.
As if God was on my side today, Mr Knight's phone rang and he excused himself to take it, still angry. "Mr Russo..." I started, but he stopped me. "There is nothing that, can convince me, Ms Kingston," he said. "Just listen to me once before you have to say anything. It's still your choice in the end. I am not telling you this as Mr Knight's assistant but as a CA and Business major.
Mr Russo, you are getting to invest in one of the leading companies in the world right now. Our stakes and shares might be high but imagine the price they would reach just in five years, I ran the numbers they will triple if not more. Apart from that you will be working with Knight and Co. your reputation in the business world will skyrocket and you know that.
We cannot offer you more stakes because you know you aren't the only investors. This is not our profit here, it's yours. Also apart from that, you know the services we offer to our investors are much more different than the others. You are only seeing the money here. There are so many other factors," I said. He looked at me shocked. Mr Knight walked back and took his seat next to me.
"Look Russo I don't care if you don't want to make this deal," Mr Knight said. "I'll do it," he said. I smiled. "What?" Mr Knight asked. "Yeah... Send me the contract," he said, getting up. "You have a great PA Mr Knight. Keep her around," he said, walking away, giving me a nod. I smiled. "What did you say to him?" he asked me, finally talking to me.
"Nothing, just what our company has to offer other than finance, the fame.. services to our customers..." I said, getting up and placing some money as a tip on the table. He looked at me blankly before he started walking as I followed.
We both got in the car and his driver and bodyguard sat in the front. I placed a reminder to send him the contract as soon as I reached the office. Mr Knight was busy on his phone. I let out a small sigh before looking out the window. Suddenly my phone started ringing and I smiled looking at the caller ID.
"Hey Vi, I am at work can I call you back?" I asked, looking at Mr Knight who was still unbothered. "Are you with your mysterious boss?" she asked if only I could see her smirk. I laughed a little before whispering. "He is not mysterious, but yes," I replied. "Cool, call me back and tell him I said Hi!" she shouted before ending the call. Yeah, even I am not allowed to say Hi, to him.
"Ms Isabella?" I turned around to the sound of shock evident on my face. Did he just? I looked at him wide-eyed. "Yes Sir?" I spoke, more like whispering. " I would appreciate it if you stop talking about me to your family," he said glaring at me. I gulped. He heard the conversation, didn't he? "Sorry, Sir," I said, putting my head down in embarrassment.
The rest of the ride to the office was silent. When we reached our floor, I dashed into my cabin, going back to work, trying to forget what had happened. Today was the most normal conversation we had had in three whole years. I sat at my desk starting the work again. This is going to be a long day.
I finally stretched in my chair as I looked at the clock, 8:50 pm. I sighed as I packed everything and walked out the door to see his lights still on. I sighed before grabbing my bags and walking to his room. I knocked, and he said come in.
"Sir?" I said. "You are not going to be here tomorrow, right?" I asked. "You already know the answer, don't you, Ms Kingston?" he asked, not looking up. I sighed. "I am leaving now. You can give me a call, if you need anything, I will make sure no one disturbs you tomorrow, sir," I said. He just nodded.
"Good night Sir," I said, walking out of the room with no response as usual. I took out my phone and decided to call Vi.
"Hey, Sis!" she said. "What do you want, Vi?" I was amused. "Well... you see, there is this party..." she started. "You need my permission? Since when are you that respectful?" I asked. "No, I want you to join..." she trailed off. I laughed at her as I waited for the elevator. "I am serious," she said. "Vi, I will see you this weekend," I said, ending her call.
Me and a party. I walked into the lift, and I called for a cab. Going downstairs, I waited for 5 minutes before sitting inside and going back home to finally sleep.
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