6- "Woah."
Lucas' POV
Riley has wind screeching around her, and a spark comes from her hand. And, as she screams, it grows, spinning harshly, untamed and out of control.
"Riley?" I try to yell over to noise, but only Farkle can hear me.
Riley aims the spark at Terry, and shoots. He flies back, running into the wall, and falling back, unconscious.
Riley's POV
He falls back, unconscious. I put my hand down, and step back, shocked at what I just did. My legs give out, and I collapse. "Woah..." I breathe.
"Woah is right. You've been training for two days, and you can do something pros can't do! Riles, that's amazing!" Maya kneels next to me, and rubs my back. I look at her and smile. She smiles back. "Go untie everyone. I need a minute." I say as Maya rushes over to the others.
Before I know it, Lucas is squeezing me, holding me tighter than he ever has before. "Hey, Lucas." I laugh. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for ever doubting you and telling you that you were wrong. I guess women are always right." he says, holding my chin. "Lucas. It's okay. I know that it's kinda outrageous, and hard to take in." I laugh as he kisses me. Our foreheads touch as he pulls away, and hugs me again.
"Riley!" I hear Auggie's voice, and see him running towards me. I hold my arms out, and he jumps into them, knocking me over. I sit back up, and Auggie hugs me again. "Who was that man?" he asks, confused. "He's a mean guy who wants what Maya and I have." I say, messing with his hair. "Does he want that cool spark thing that you do?" he asks, jumping. I laugh. "Yeah."
"Oh my gosh, Riley!" Mom and Dad run over to me, and suffocate me with hugs. "Okay guys, I know a lot has happened, but I can't breathe!" I say as they let go.
"Look, we were going to tell you about being a witch and all, but we asked Maya to, since she's your best friend." Mom says, smiling.
"Wait-how'd you know that I was a witch?" I ask, confused.
"When we adopted you, the woman that was keeping you, said that you were...different. And we know what different she was talking about. We're witches, too." she continues. "That means...Auggie?" I ask pointing to Auggie, who's sitting in Lucas' lap, laughing with him. I smile at the sight. They nod. "Auggie is, too. We just can't tell him until he's 13. Unless he goes insane and uses his powers accidentally." Dad laughs. "Does that mean that my children will be witches, too?" I ask. They nod. "It runs in our blood. Even though you're not technically our blood." Mom says. "But that means that my birth parents were witches." I say. They nod. Huh.
I look behind me, and see Maya kissing Farkle.
I clear my throat. "FAYA FOR LIFE!" I yell, causing them to break apart, and Maya glares at me.
I stand up, and walk over to them. Lucas and my family follows. Then, Maya turns to her mom and Shawn.
"M-Mom?" she stutters.
"Uh, Maya? Isn't she supposed to be dead?" I ask, pointing to Ms.Katy.
Ms.Katy hugs Maya, and Maya gladly returns it. "H-H-How-" Maya starts.
"I guess that I have some explaining to do..." Ms.Katy says. "I did exactly what you did, Maya. I faked my death and said that I had cancer. I had to get away from Terry." she says.
"But, I never met him until a week after you died." Maya says.
Ms.Katy nods. "I know. But he found me a couple years back, and hurt me. He told me that I had to do what he said, or else he'll hurt you. And he used his magic on me." Ms.Katy explains. Maya nods.
"I'm just glad you're alive." they hug, and Shawn joins in this time. I send a message to Maya.
Goals. Goals af.
Maya laughs and pulls away. "Shut up, Peaches." she laughs and I laugh, too.
"But she didn't even say anything..." Farkle says, confused.
"Wait, Maya, what happens now, that they...know?" I ask, referring to our powers and her being alive.
"Well, we got lucky. Other witches, which Shawn, my mom, and you're family are, can know. And, we can tell two people that are close to us." she smiles, and we look at the guys, who look as confused as ever.
"Wait-so you're saying that Riley was telling the truth...the whole time?" Farkle asks, looking embarrassed. I put my hand on his shoulder. "It's okay guys. I know that I sounded kind of insane back there." I laugh.
"So you guys have like magical powers and stuff?" Farkle asks excitedly. Maya and I look at each other, smile, and open up our hands.
A gold spark forms from our hands, and swirls around the guys, leaving a trail of sparkles behind it. It settles back into our hands and we laugh.
"You really think that a little magic can stop me?" Our heads jerk over to the wall Terry was lying unconscious at, yet, now, he's standing over us.
"It's gonna take a lot more than that."
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