2- "She's Just Going to be Lost for a While."
Farkle's POV
Lucas and I didn't even bother to bring anything but our phones and some extra cash. We are now riding the subway, trying to get Riley back.
I mean, I took Maya's death pretty hard, but Riley is becoming paranoid. She thinks that Maya is still alive, and that she's a witch, with magical powers. But, magic doesn't exist. She wrote herself a note, signed it with Maya's name, and fled somewhere she thinks that she's going to find Maya, but she's not. Maya's dead. I lost the love of my life, for a reason that should be unknown forever. The only girl that I've ever loved, killed her self weeks ago. And I haven't been myself ever since. Now, Riley is going to bring out a side of myself that I never wanted out. Just because she can't get over her best friend's death.
I run my fingers through my hair, and sigh. Lucas has his hand interlocked, and resting on his knees while he is leaning over.
"I can't believe that Riley would do this." he says softly. The subway stops, and everyone but us gets off. I take a seat next to him.
"I just can't imagine what she's going to do when she finally realizes that Maya...is...gone." I say slowly.
"I can't either. She's already going crazy. She wrote a note to herself, said that Maya wrote it to her, and fled to where ever she thought that Maya was. But, she's going to walk through those doors, and see no one. I can't imagine the pain she's going to go through." Lucas sighs, and runs his hands through his hair.
"Lucas, it'll be okay. We're going to find Riley, and sort everything out." I say, reassuring him.
He nods. "Yeah, you're right. She's just going to be lost for a while." he sighs.
"I know, but that's why you're here. So you can help her find her way again." I softly smile. He smiles slightly. "Thanks Farkle."
The subway then stops, and after hours of riding, we finally get to get off.
Riley's POV
I've been walking for hours. My feet are killing me, but I'm not stopping until I reach my destination.
Finally, I decide to rest, because if I don't, my feet will literally fall off.
I turn into an empty alley, it's a little dark, but enough light is coming in that I can see. I sit down against a broken down wall, and sigh. Only a couple miles left. I look in my bag, and take out an apple. I eat in in basically two bites, and throw the core in a rotting trash can. I sit for a while, just thinking.
I'm following my best friend, who faked her death because her mom died of cancer, and she was sent a guy who abuses her everyday, and she thought that college would be an escape, but he's looking for her, and she is a witch with magical powers, and made her drawings glow, and told me that I'm a witch too, and my boyfriend and other best friend are probably following me, thinking that I'm going insane because of my best friends death- that she faked, but they don't know that, and I can't tell them because I promised my best friend. Fun...
Wait, I'm supposedly a witch, with magical powers. So, lets see. I stand up, and hold my hand out. I stare at my hand, not knowing what to do. I stare at it for a while before sighing, and trying again.
"Come on, do something." I whisper.
All of a sudden, a spark emerges from my hand, shooting up to my face. I stare at it for a second, amazed. I did that. Then, I move my hand in a circle, like a tornado. The spark follows my lead, spinning in sparkling golden circles, lighting up the alley. I gasp, and smile. She's right.
I decide to try out my powers some more by moving things with just a swipe of my finger, creating endless things with a thought, and I even flew a little. I smile, grab my bag, and start walking again.
I walk for an hour, admiring the buildings in New York. The sun is starting to set, and the buildings light up as the dark over takes the light, leaving a trail of colors behind it. The buildings glow as people get in and out of taxis, hoping to get home for dinner with their families. I smile at the thought of my family, memories flooding my mind.
My thoughts are interrupted by my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pick it up, and the number is unknown.
"Hello?" I ask, pushing my way through the crowd.
"Riley!" I hear Lucas' voice perk up.
"Hi, Lucas."
"Riley, you need to come back. I know that your best friend leaving you is hard, but you're going crazy." he says.
"What? I'm confused." I shake my head, turning the corner, almost bumping into someone.
"Riles, I'm sorry, but Maya is gone. You need to come back. You're not going to find her." he says. Damn ring power.
"What makes you think that I'm looking for Maya?" I ask, trying to sound as casual as I could. But, my voice cracks.
"The letter that you wrote yourself? And signed it from Maya?" he says like I'm stupid.
"What are you talking about?" I take a left, and start to recognize places. Almost there.
"The letter that said that Maya wasn't dead, and that you guys are supposedly witches?" I can hear his sarcasm through the phone.
"Shit." I mumble.
"Riley?" I hear his voice. Quiet, soft, calming. I miss it.
"Lucas, I have to go. I love you." I say quickly, and hang up.
I sigh and slip my phone back into my pocket, ignoring the calls that I get. I turn the corner, and see my destination down the street. I smile, and start sprinting. There's almost no one in my way, leaving a clear path to where I need to be. I stop in front of the door and pause.
I've been walking for fifteen hours to get here. To see my best friend.
I take a deep breath, and open the door slowly. It's already closed, but I know that the door would be unlocked anyway. I breath in the familiar smell, and smile. The lights flicker on, brightening the place up. I look over the bar, and see a sign that reads 'Topanga's'. I smile.
"Maya?" I say softly, but loud enough that she could hear me.
"Maya, it's Riley." I say, walking to the back of the cafe. I can faintly hear the sound of a guitar, and someone singing. And I can recognize that voice anywhere.
I follow the voice to the very back, in the supply closet that no one ever uses. I take a deep breath, and slowly open the door, trying not to make a noise.
Sitting on a stool at in the middle of the supply closet, is a girl who's back is facing me. Her hair is a dirty blonde, reaching her mid-back. Her plaid flannel is torn up, and her jeans are covered in dirt. Her hair is a little frizzy, but still beautifully curled. Her combat boots are beaten up on the bottom, slowly tearing apart. There's a bag next to the stool, which probably holds her clothes and necessities. She's holding a guitar, and softly strumming on the strings while singing.
Tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet?
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day?
And head back to the milky way?
Tell me, did Venus blow your mind?
Was it everything you wanted to find?
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?
She strums the last cord, and takes a deep breath. I smile.
"Maya." I breath.
She perks up, and turns around with a smile on her face.
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