The Past That Changes Us...
Sans and Papyrus stood infront of Frisk who was now sitting on the couch... She knew they wanted an explanation but she couldn't really think of one... When she tried, memories would flood her head sending shocks of pain through her body... "Kid ya gotta give us something... Things were getting good and now... You run off in the middle of the wood... Your hair turns white... The trees around ya looked like they'd exploded... And now this whole black blood thing...", she had to agree with Sans... None of this was normal... "Please Doll just... Tell us something... We just wanna help...", she knew they did... But what was she to tell them...
..."Fine...", Sans looked back up at the small girl as she said the first solid word he'd ever heard her say... Even she looked shocked at how easy it was, but Frisk pushed it from her mind as this had happened in the past... Her Determination just had to be high enough for it to get out clearly, once it began to waver she knew it'd go back to how it was before. "I don't remember much of my life before my first foster home... And before you ask there is a significant amount of time missing from the when my parents died till then...", Sans was stund but persevered, "How much time?".... "Three... Maybe four years... But even then I don't remember much of my parents either... All I can remember of then is my mother's voice, my father's colon, the day I almost fell into Mt. Ebbot, and a white room at different points in time... But I tie that all with a sering pain... Maybe that's why I'm so resultant to pain..."
Sans was stund and it took a minute to process it all, but he only had two questions about it at the moment, "Wait what do you mean you almost fell into Mt. Ebbot?", Frisk looked up at him, "Oh well... A few weeks before my parent's died we all went camping near Mt. Ebbot... I was around... Six? Maybe seven at the time and was prone to getting myself into trouble so my Dad was keeping a very close eye on me... That's when I slipped and almost fell in... If he hadn't caught me I don't think I'd be here now... Although I jumped in not that long ago with the same mindset so who's to say really...", Frisk shrugged at this as she had put the whole ordeal behind her.
"Ok then what of this White Room?...", now Sans had Frisk's attention... "I... I don't remember my entire time there... Or when I started going there... Tibia honest I remember going there times with my mom... I'd be in the White Room as she watched me with some of her friends? Though now I'd guess you'd call them colleagues instead cause I'd only ever see them there... Back then all I knew was if I didn't cry I'd get ice cream on the way home... And I never had to worry about going there when Daddy was home...", the mention of Frisk's father sent tears to her eyes... But she simply sniffled and continued, "After mom and dad died I was taken back there... And I didn't leave for a long time... All I remember from that time... Was pain...".
Sans had already realized what the white room was, and it frightened him that those who lived on the surface did similar things as that of what they had done in the past, but he put it behind him, he knew the what but now he needed the why... "Frisk... Do you happen to know why you were there?...", Frisk looked confused at this question but then looked sad, "No they never told me... Some of the men in lab coats used to say it was because I was a bad girl... And that I was the reason my parent's died... But I never belived them...", Frisk looked away from them for a moment but then got up and ran upstairs... 'Did I push to far?...', *sigh*...
Suddenly there were loud thumping and crashing noises from Sans's room, as he used one of his 'shortcuts' to get up there faster, almost being beemed in the cranium as a result, "Uhgh where is it!", curious Sans asked,"Whatcha lookin' for Dollface?", Frisk paused her search and looked back at Sans, with a look of defeat she told him, her voice beginning to give as she did, "M-my m-moth-ther's n-note book... I think i-it'd have m-more answers t-then I would... B-but I've never b-been able to read the d-darmed t-thing..."... "Why's that kiddo?", "I-It's written in s-s-some s-stupid f-f-font and en-encrypted in s-some w-w-way... I had i-it w-w-when I fell in the ruins... I m-must of lost i-it there...". "Well kid how's this? I'll ask Tory tommorow to take a look for it and I'll see if I can figure it out for ya?".
Frisk looked very happy at this compromise, "Alright Kid think it's time you go back to bed before that fever resurfaces.". Frisk suddenly felling very tired, decided to take him up on his offer as she made her way over to the bed and layed down, Sans then tucked her in and gave her head a kiss before leaving the room... They both felt their faces flush with what had just happened, but Frisk was too tired to think on it more as her eyelids felt heavy, and she fell into a deep dreamless sleep...
Sans felt very embarrassed feeling like he needed to distract himself decided to use one of his many 'shortcuts' to the ruins. It didn't take much searching in the patch of buttercups before he found what he'd been looking for, a small leather bound Journal. He teleported back to the house and sat down on the couch, if the Kid wasn't gonna give him the answers he wanted then maybe this book would? He opened it to the first page;
To my darling Frisk,
May this lead you in times of need,
Sans then found out that the rest of the pages were written in an old form of monster language, one he was rather fluent in thanks to...? 'Huh I can't fully remember who...', he put it out of his mind for now and continued to read;
Date; XX, XX, 199X
Our first batch of test subjects all failed today... I don't know if its because we're missing a vital component or if it simply wont work... Doctor,(the names scratch out...) Says it's because we need a preexisting "live" test subject for it to work... But no one would ever volunteer for this type of experiment...
Sams flipped a few pages ahead since they all spoke about failed experiments and scientific mumbo jumbo... But then he stopped...;
Date; XX, XX, 199X
My darling Frisk was born a few hours ago... She's so small and precious... I loved her the moment I saw her... I feel bad for what I have to do now...
There was a message at the bottom that looked to be added later on;
Frisk I'm so so so sorry! I've made a terrible mistake! We never should of done this! I should of never subjected you to this... I wish you won't look at me in bad light for what I've done... I'm sorry... I'm-
It look as if the pen trailed off the page after this... Sans decides to leave the page and continued on as he flipped a few pages forward;
Date; XX, XX, 20XX
Frisk is finally old enough to join the trials... All the other's have fail and I fear for her safety... But it's too late to go back now, as with the others we had injected the subject with the specimen... It was discovered after the last test subject that an accumulation of different DNA samples kept the stability of the host together better then of that on their own... We took all of the samples and placed them surrounding the main catalyst specimen for this test... We all decided that the most humanoid option would be the best choice for this test... Frisk will be our last test subject before our funding is cut... So we're basically throwing it all on her... Why must interspecies DNA mixing be so hard...
Interspecies What! Sans couldn't believe what he was reading, it didn't make sense to him... What were the Human's trying to do... And what did it have to do with Frisk... He turned the page...;
Date; XX, XX, 20XX
I need to vent... So far Frisk seems to be stable... But I'm still stressed... I need to go over everything once more... Just to make sure I didn't miss anything anywhere... My name is ///////// ///////// I'm married to ///////// //////// and our daughter's name is Frisk ////////, I work at ///////// lab's where we experiment with that of which is long forgotten, such of that from the great war... Currently I'm working in the monster rejuvenation project... My daughter is now a part of this project as well... We had tried injecting our previous test subjects with single monster DNA samples but that was proven... Inaccurate... And would only fail... It was soon discovered that by mixing certain amounts of different DNA we could create a more accurate representation of our expectations... But still it wasn't enough... It seems that we can't simply slap together random DNA... So for our final test we decided to use the DNA that most closly resembled humanoid... Skeleton...
Sans practically droped the book after reading this part... Not only had they experienced on her... But they completely replaced her DNA... And with Skeleton of all things!!!... Maybe that's why she felt so safe around them... Her own race practically disowned her... He picked up the book and flipped through the pages... Most of them were her mother talking about how proud she was of Frisk... That is until...;
Date; XX, XX, 20XX
A lab assistance messed up while taking Frisk's blood today, she was already having a bad day... And this aggression of her's has just gotten worse lately... I don't know is it's the tests or just the fact that she's become old enough to start asking questions... But I'm not ready to answer them for her... After the assistance was finished, Frisk showed her first representation of using magic... As the assistance burst into flames and was thrown against the wall... He's alright now but has been forbade from entering Frisk's room again... For her first time using magic... It seemed too powerful for her age... Dangerous to her health even... It's been decided that we'd implant a small emitter into her arm to keep her from using it... It will need to be replaced in a few years but by the time she turns 12 it should make her magic go dormant until after she turns 19 but by then it should be safe...
And the pages stop after that... There were still some missing pieces such as what happened to her after her parents died, but other then that Sans had gotten more then enough to semi understand what was happening... Maybe with this Frisk could shine some more light on the situation as well... But for now... It was best to just head to bed...
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