The Past Can Haunt Us...
Again this is both povs and same warning as before;
Papyrus soon entered the kitchen, "Well the blood stopped but she's passed out after all... That... I suggest you bring her to your room and change her out of those clothes so I can wash them... I'll start to make supper for all three of us... I was thinking her stomach might not be able to handle to much so I plan to make 'Chicken Spaghetti Soup'!", Sans laughed at this, "Sounds good bro...", it wasn't till he reached the living room he realized what he'd asked him to do... His skull turned dark blue with blush as he made his way over to the now sleeping Frisk...
He pocketed her eyepatch for the moment as he lifted her carefully not to wake her, not that he would... She was passed out from blood loss so nothing was waking her up... He made his way up the stairs up to his room and placed her on his bed... Her tiny body curled up and practical sank into the covers... She looked so... Peaceful... But he had to change her out of her wet bloody clothes before she caught a cold... He knew she wasn't going to be happy... But it was for the best...
He searched through his drawers for something that'd fit her but all he had was very baggy hoodies and turtle necks... He pulled out an old wool blue knited turtle neck... Good thing he never threw away clothes...
He walked back over to her as the heat in his cheekbones returned... He decided to take her pants off first since it was going to be the easiest... So slowly as not to wake her Sans unbuttoned and pulled her pants down... As he did her could she what her black skiny jeans had been hiding... With the color that is... The large scrap on her leg had reopen but seemed to of stopped bleeding for the time... Sans made a mental note to rewrap it when he was done...
Now for the sweater... He carefully grabbed the bottom of the purple blue knitting that was well past her waste and hid not only her figure, but her cute galaxy print underwear as well...
He would of taken a moment to admire them if it hadn't been for the brown and purple bruises that could be seen all aroud them and her thighs... 'What had this girl been through...', Sans didn't want to see anymore then he had to at this point so he looked away as he quickly but carefully took off the sweater and replaced it with the turtle neck. He had difficulty pulling it down all the way, but he managed to do it. He had notheing for her lower body but she hoped the turtle neck was long enough and just threw the covers on her...
As he looked over at her he placed her eyepatch back on her and admired her peaceful sleeping face before he left the room and returned back downstairs to check on Papyrus...
It was going to be a long night...
Frisk had woken up to yelling downstairs she was still very drowzy, so without thinking she made her way down the long stairs to the source of the yelling... She rubbed her right eye and yawned as she stretched her arms out... It wasn't until she realized a breeze, that she'd noticed the yelling had stopped that she looked around the room... The two skeletons were looking at her with wide eyes... Papyrus in shock, and Sans had turned... Blue?... She looked down... She had no pants on and a sweater that didn't cover her shoulders, was too small for her large cheast... And barely covered her underware... And she had just stretched her arms up... And just like that Frisk grabbed the hem of the sweater let out a high pitch squeak and ran back upstairs slamming the door...
"SANS WHEN I SAID CHANGE HER I DID NOT MEAN THAT!!!", Sans was on the floor... the whole ordeal had given him a nose bleed, "Sorry bro... I kinda dropped the ball on this one...", Papyrus just sighed... "Sans go get her some pants and apologize. Later your going to the seamstress with her to get some new clothes made for her alright...", "Sounds good bro... I'll do that as soon as the room stops spinning..."
A few hours later Sans and Frisk made their way to the semester... Frisk was still nervous walking around in public, but they couldn't help it so she held his hand the whole way there... A few child monsters would run up to Sans eveny now and then... Frisk was still werry of them but she wasn't as scared of them as she was the adult monsters walking about.
Sans knew Frisk was scared and so he did his best to send people away as fast as he could until they reached the semester...
As they entered the bell rang out and a spider woman came out from around the corner... Frisk stopped in her track's... Pulling Sans to a stop too... He looked back at her in confusion... Frisk had many fears... Among the top was, men, being alone for to long, tall men, claustrophobia, big men, arachnophobia, and being alone with multiple men is a closed space with spiders... Etc...
Her breath quickened and Sans knew she was having another panic attack like when she met Papyrus, he had ro do something quick before she broke something or hurt herself. "Hey! Hey look at me! I'm right here... I won't let anything bad happen to you ok... This is the best and fastest semester in town... Just close your eye and let me do the talk ok... They'll take some measurements and then we're back at the house ok...", this seemed to calmed her down a bit and after she closed her eye he turned his attention to the semester... "Thanks for the compliment Sans, I understand the situation lead her back and have her change into the gown back there and then I'll take her measurements.",
Sans slowly lead her to the changing room where she took off her pants and sweater then changed into the gown mentioned, she came back out and grabbed Sans welcoming hand. And just as they said it was over in a few minutes... She changed back and Sans besided it'd be best to teleporte them back rather then walk through town again. "Ehh, close your eye for me?", for some reason she did as he requested without protest... She was still scared but she still trusted Sans for some reason...
And just like that they were back in Sans room, seeing the soft comfy bed made her just fall onto it, as she quietly giggled to herself so as to not hurt her throat... Again...
Seeing her do this made Sans both smile and blush a little as he had full view of her ass before she rolled up in the blankets... He was confused... He left her in the room for a bit as he thought to himself... 'Two days ago I couldn't stand the idea of a Frisk and now there's one... In my room... Rolling around in my sheets...', he was a little mad at himself for smiling at that last part... Why... Why was he ok with this... Frisk could just snap and kill everyone he'd ever cared about and then reset and continue like nothing ever happened... He knew this and yet he was smiling and blushing and helping... HER! WHY!!! He couldn't understand until it suddenly hit him... This version of Frisk looked so broken and damaged that it just seemed impossible for her to hurt any one... Hell she was more of a risk to herself then anyone else...
And with that he rentered the room and laid down next to her... She found it difficult to fall asleep with out him there with her... Almost as if he wasn't there then someone would hurt her...
And for the first time in what seemed like years they both fell asleep without nightmares...
Side by side...
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