The Future Could Help Us...?
(I think some dust was flying around my room while making this chapter because I could not for the life of me stop sneezing... I'm on like my 12 sneeze already and I'm only 195 words in...)
Frisk woke up later then she normally did, but she simply blamed it on last night... Thinking back on it still left her cheeks slightly blushed, but she decided to put it behind her today. As she headed down the stairs and entered the kitchen, where she was greeted by a overly hyper Papyrus, "Ah! Human Frisk! My Brother Is Out On Important Guard Duty! But Will Be Back Later Today!!!".
Frisk didn't normally enjoy being far from the the shorter of the two Skeletons, but after last night she was glade she didn't have to deal with the awkward conversation she'd have to have when he inevitably came home... Papyrus saw the worry in her eyes, "Fear Not Human Frisk! For I The Great Papyrus, Has Decided To Spend The Whole Day With You!!! That Being Said Is There Anything You Wish To Do Today!?!".
Frisk hadn't really given much thought into what she wanted to do today, but before she even had the time to think, she was stopped by a small knock on the front door...
Papyrus made his way to the door and Frisk hid behind him as he opened the door. Normally she wouldn't dare get as close as she did to the tall Skeleton, but she was curious and was slowly starting to trust him more after teaching him the proper way to make spaghetti... You know... With water...
As they looked out they were met with the small gazes of the town monster children, "Papyrus come play with us! There's a brand new sheet of snow from last night and we need your help to build Snowman some new friends!", "Yah and we wanna practice our snow ball throwing!"... Papyrus paused... He was supposed to watch Frisk today, he was worried about her after hearing her muffled scream last night and his older brother put his trust in him to watch her as well, plus he knew Frisk didn't like leaving the house without Sans near by... "Oh Frisk!", one of the children practical yelled in their ears, "You Gotta Come Join Us Too! IT'LL BE SO MUCH FUN!!!".
Papyrus looked back to see Frisk shrug and then nod her head as she turned to get her boots on, she already had her favorite jeans and sweater on, plus she felt she needed to get out of the house anyway.
And so Frisk, the children, along with Papyrus went out to a near by clearing and built forts, igloos and various Snow monsters before they started having a snow ball fight. After everyone was hit and a winner was determined, Monster Kid... Yeah no one understood either... He has no arms so how?, they all decided that they would play one more game before heading home for suppers... Hide and Seek...
It was determined that Papyrus would be seeker since he was the one who wanted too, and began counting to 50 spaghetti! As to give everyone time to hide. Soon it was down to one person left... Frisk...
Frisk had been running through the forest, she could hear Papyrus and the children call out to her that she had won, but she didn't want the game to end yet. She could hear Papyrus' voice get lower and lower as she ran, she ran, and she ran until she couldn't hear him anymore, and even still she kept going. She ran until she couldn't no more... Not because she was tired... But because she ran OUT of places to run...
She had found herself a few meters away from the bridge she had originally met Sans at... She couldn't actually see the bridge, but she could see the canyon that it crossed... Thoughts of the last time she had found herself there started filling her head... All she had to do was take one step forward... It was what she had come here to do... Right?... And yet... She couldn't seem to move forward... All she could do was look down at her feet as the silent tears fell from her eyes... What was wrong with her... She had came there for a reason... And living there was not that... And yet she knew in the back of her mind... That was all she wanted to do... She wanted to live there...
With Papyrus...
With Undyne...
With Alphys...
With Grillby...
With the Monster Children...
With Sans...
Suddenly it dawned on her...
She wanted to live...
The tears began to flow out of her... Harder then they ever had before... It made it hard for her to breathe, to think, to stand... To do anything... It hurt her head as she fell to her knees, looking into the canyon that should of been her final resting place, crying till her eye socket filled up and became sore... But even still she couldn't stop... Not even after everyone had foumd her... She only seemed to stop as a familer boney hand began patting her head, as he pulled her into a hug and softly cooed to her, softly rocking her as he did...
Sans slowly picked up the small girl as she had begon to fall asleep, Papyrus gave his brother an apologetic look as he walked past him, but Sans wasn't angry. He had popped by earlier and had seen how happy Frisk was while playing with the children... She simply choose a wrong turn and gotten overwhelmed...
As they got home Frisk seemed to wake from she short nap, she had calmed down and now her eye burned as well as had a head ache... But she was happy to be in his arms as they sat on the couch, still holding her on his lap. Sans seemed to notice that she was awake, "Hey girly, you ok now?", Frisk took her head off his shoulder, and gave him the first genuine smile she had in a long time. Sans looked amazed at the face he could only described as, a four year old after scraping their knee and being offered ice cream. It was so cute that Sans had to look away as he couldn't contain the blue blush that appeared on his cheekbones...
Sans looked back at Frisk's face in time to see her begin to nod off, but before she did he lifted her eye patch as her eye socket began to flood onto he's shirt... -_-... But he simply replaced her patch and began drying her cheek with his sleave, as she fell asleep clutching the front of his hoodie... He had wanted to ask about what happened today and about last night's dream but... 'I guess I'll just ask her tomorrow...', as he too fell asleep on the couch still holding her...
Papyrus looked in and saw they'd fallen asleep sitting up, so he walked over with a blanket and layed them down, still holding each other in their arms... He dimmed the lights and then headed to bed as well...
When Frisk woke up she couldn't move and for a moment she began to panic as her claustrophobia kicked in, but then she realized why and instantly was taken over by a whole new version of panic as her face turned a bright pink... It was Sans day off and she knew that she could be stuck like this for the whole day if it came to it...
Then out of left field!!! Papy to the rescue! "Oh Frisk You're Awake. Here Let Me Go Get Your Morning Tea.", as he left and then soon returned with it, he helped her move Sans death grip of her... But they didn't account for the fact of how close she was to the edge of the couch as she fell backwards onto the floor, taking the blanket, hitting her head, and kicking both Sans and Papyrus all at the same time.... "Well... That's one way to wake up...", Sans said sarcastically over the edge of the couch at the now very dizzy Frisk...
Papyrus set down her tea and helped Frisk to slowly sit up, "That Is Not Funny Brother! The Human May Have A Concussion From This!!!", Sans finally realising the possible but less likely severity to the situation got up and helped get her to the couch, "Hey kid how many fingers I holden up?", it took Frisk a moment to focus, "None those are you thumbs...", she told back in a hoarse grumbly morning voice... 'Well at least she seems ok'...
Papyrus handed Frisk her tea and left the room as he went back to the kitchen to finish breakfast. Sans now sitting on the coffee table in front of her, "So pumpkin, we got some talking to do after yesterday...", Frisk smiled thinking back to her day playing and her latest discovery about herself, "... not to mention yesterday's dream.", thinking back on it cause Frisk's face to flush as she tried to hide behind her tea cup.
"Ok from that reaction I take it you don't necessarily wanna give me the details, so I'll just use trial and error questions to get a general idea of it, ok?", Frisk didn't like the idea but gave in to it since it was Sans...
"Ok so was it a bad dream?"
Frisk shook her head 'No'...
"Was it a shocking dream?"
"Was it an embarrassing dream?"
"Was someone else there?"
"Sweety ya gotta let me know so I can help you process this properly, so were you alone in this dream?"
"So someone was there?"
"Do I know this person?"
Frisk giggled and rolled her eye in response to this one, 'I hope so, but Yes'...
Sans sighed... So it was an embarrassing dream and she wasn't alone in it... Sans suddenly remembered that Frisk had to change after they got back from the bathroom and turned his head as a light blue blush crept up his cheekbones... "Ok well I think I got enough from that... Umm... Why don't you tell me about what happened yesterday?", Frisk's eye widened at this and then softened as a small smile formed on her face... *Well that's easy...*, Sans looked back at her confused... *I realised... That...*...
"That what?"...
"That I wanna live."
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