Resets... Resets... Resets?
Sans' pov:
Sans had gotten used to the resets and the alternative timelines... They were always changes and he'd already realized that there was no stopping them... It didn't matter what he did... It didn't even matter if he killed the kid... They always came back like nothing happened...
The last few had all chosen the Genocide route... And he was tired of seeing nothing but dust... He was really hoping for a change...
So when he woke up to his "little" brother calling him for breakfast... He was so happy... But sad... He knew the kid would fall later today and he'd meet them by the bridge tomorrow...
So like always... He spent the whole day with his brother, and like always Papyrus was confused but happy to spend time with his normally lazy brother. Sans always enjoyed this day... He always saw it as the day before the end... Doom's Day Eve... if you would...
They spent the whole day training, fixing the traps and puzzles that never really matter in the long run... And making snow monsters, then going home for spaghetti, hot cocoa and ketchup...
It was a great day... Like always...
But it was now time for him to head to his post and then... The bridge...
'Wonder if it'll finally be a Pacifist run?' Sans thought on the way to the bridge... But... No one was there... So he waited... And waited... And waited...
*But no one came*
'Something's wrong... The kid should be here by now... And if not then where's the reset?', but he still stayed there in case the kid was just late... But still...
*No one came*
Hours passed... Then days... Then a full week... He didn't understand... He'd waited so long that it was already time to go speak with Toriel... Maybe she knew something... Or she was dead and the kid was just hiding...
So he made his way to the door to the ruins and knocked 3 times...
And he said, "Knock, knock", and waited for a response that might not come...
But... Instead of silence like he expected he heard a sweet woman's voice return, " Who's there?".
He was so happy to hear her voice, he was so sure she would be dead that he hadn't even thought of an actual joke... "Ugh... What's?".
"What's who?", she responded with a little confused.
"Nothin' much what's new with you?", the joke was terrible but he could still hear her snort and laugh like always in response to his jokes, whether they were bad or not.
"So is there anything new on ruins side of the underground?", he felt weird asking but he had to know why the kid hadn't shown up like they normally did.
There was a long pause and it occurred to Sans that Tory might not want him to know about the kid seeing as she always tried her best to keep them in the ruins...
Finally, the silence was broken by a long sigh from Tory's end... "A young woman fell into the ruins a little over a week ago... She seemed to have hit her head in the fall...", 'WAIT! So not only was the kid NOT a kid, and a female version which hadn't happened for a while... That I could tell of that is... But they might be DEAD! But Where's The RESET!!!', Toriel continued, "Poor thing she was all skin and bone..."
Sans' took that comment personally... There was nothing wrong with being all bone... Then again being a skeleton and a human he could see the difference...
"... Oh! And the bruises I saw trying to clean the mud and dirt off that sweet girl just brought tears to my eyes... I don't know what she's been through but it's almost like she's a scared, defenceless, caged animal..."
Hearing all this really shocked Sans... The very thing that had killed him and his friends countless times over... A defenceless animal... There was no way...
"... I honestly don't know what to do with her... She's so scared and yet she doesn't seem to react to anything...", Hearing Toriel's sad voice worried Sans... And he already knew what she'd say next... "Hey Sans?...", "Yes Tory?", he responded knowing exactly what she was about fo ask and not knowing he could actually fulfill her request... "If a human woman ever comes through this door... Promise me something... Promise me that you'll protect her from the other's...", there was a long pause... He could tell she had more to say even though this was normally all she'd ask of him... "... And themselves...".
Hearing this sent a shock wave through his body and soul... The thought of the kid potentially hurting themselves... And on purpose in any way... Made his soul ache... 'Why... Why would she ask me that... It-It's not like anyone would purposely do that to themselves!... Right?'...
"Sure, Tory... I... I'll do my best to in any way...", there was a pause followed by a, "Thank you, Sans... I knew I could count on you...", and then silence as Toriel made her way back to her home...
It was the end of the day... Sans was so confused now... He decides to go to Grillby's to take his mind off it and... Hopeful forget... But he had a feeling that this was just the start of something...
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