Nightmares Wake...
Even with the eyepatch on it was difficult not to catch glimpses of the magic auras of others, she knew it was rude to look at them... But she couldn't help it... They were all so beautiful she couldn't help but take peaks at them... That is until Sans caught her... But she was able to convince he to let her as long at she never looked below the belt. Which she never wanted to do in the first place. She simply enjoyed the colors and the different ways monster's magic moved...
Sans had already brought Frisk to Alphys to get her eyes check, she confirmed that Frisk's eye's were tied to her magic, her right eye allowed others to see how she feels, while her left eye allows her to see a monsters Soul wave length, though see didn't have much else to say about it... Her and Sans spoke about how she could do so with a skeleton eye, while Frisk had gotten distracted by a Whimsun that floated by. She followed it for a bit... Until she got lost...
Frisk had never wondered off on her own at Alphys before, she couldn't even remember which way she'd come from... She tried to find a sign, but then remembered she couldn't read monster text... She could do nothing but continued on and hope she'd make her way back. So that's what she did, she kept on walking until she found an elevator... Had she taken the stairs? Not knowing if she did or not she stepped in and pressed a button as the door closed...
She stood in the elevator as she tried to remember which way she'd came... But once the elevator opened she simply found herself more lost... She found herself in a new area of Alphys lab that she'd never seen before, it looked old and it had papers littered everywhere. She giggled to herself thinking, 'If Papyrus saw this he'd have a field day.'. Even though it was dark and spooky looking Frisk didn't really mind, she knew that it wasn't, but something here made her feel safe... She removed her eyepatch and continued down the winding halls, when her eye catch something... It was a giant mass of colors heading straight for her, as her other eye finally caught up to it, it was already on top of her... Literally... It was like a giant dog made of liquid... Or dogs she corrected after counting the multiple colors that emerged from it... Even though the mass of dogs looked scary... it was like they had a strange bond, she softly pet their head and sat down with it... Just enjoying eachother's company.
Soon more came out from their hiding spots... She had already figured out that they all had something in common... It was sad... But nice not to be alone... She even felt comfortable talking around them, she even taught them some of her favorite songs, but she knew she needed to find her way back soon... "Hey pooch I really enjoy hanging out and giving ya belly rubs... but think you could help me? I'm lost...", the dogs got up and lead Frisk back the way she'd come, but before they reached the elevator they stopped... And began growling at the shadows... Frisk looked and saw nothing but black staring back at her... She looked at the dogs and then back to see the teal and orange eyes staring back at her... Now she was scared...
The face that emerged from the shadows was familiar to her... It was the same man she'd see in her nightmares before getting sick... Her breath caught, as she began having a coughing fit... The black liquid hit the floor in front of them... This seemed to interest the figure as it quickly came after them. Having caught her breath again Frisk began running down random corridor and doors, she didn't know when, but she had lost the dogs along the way... But that didn't matter for the figure was after her. Frisk could barely breath as she ran but she knew if she slowed even a little shed be a gonner... Frisk didn't want to be there anymore, she was scared... And then... She was cornered... All she could do was close her eyes and cry...
She wanted to get away...
She wanted her parents...
She wanted to go home...
She wanted Sans!!!
"Frisk?!?", and suddenly he was there... Or was she here... She opened her eyes to see Sans kneeling infront of her... She wasn't in the room she was in and the scary figure wasn't there... It was only her, Alphys and Sans... And no one else... "Honey don't scare me like that! Where wer-", Frisk threw her arms around the Skeletons neck, as she cryed into his shoulder, Sans picked her up and held the crying girl close to him. Alphys moved them into another room where she could calm down and they could all sit, but Frisk was not letting go of Sans...
It took a few minutes for Frisk to calm down before they could ask her anything... "Frisk don't worry I'm not going to leave you, but can you tell us what happened?...", still hugging him she began mumbling to them, "I saw a Whimsun... And got lost... Tried to find way back... Met a big Dogs... And new friends... Nightmare man came back... Lost Dogs, got cornered... Scared... So scared... Then you came...". Frisk's heart was still pounding in her chest, and she still couldn't breath... Alphys gave her a once over... She found exactly what Frisk had already known, she could see the sad understanding in her eye's, she carefully signed to her, *Don't tell him... Please... I'm not ready...*, Frisk began softly crying, Sans gave her a hug to let her know he was still there for her... Alphys gave Sans some medication and told him when she was to take them... But she didn't tell him what they were for. When he tried to ask, Frisk pulled on his hand for them to leave, Alphys told him they'd better get going, and that Frisk needed to rest her heart for a few days. Sans gave up and continued with Frisk, picking up some nice cream and taking a 'shortcut' home.
Sans found himself in the hall of Judgment, but couldn't remember how or when he got there. But when he turned around he was met with a familer seen...
A human child in a blue and purple stripped sweater... Holding a dusty knife... It'd been a long time since he last had this dream... "Hey kid... It's a beautiful day outside... Birds are singing... Flowers are blooming... On days like today... Kids like you... Should Be Burning In HELL!!!". The fight begins... He knows there's only two out comes to the dream... He either gets killed and wakes up... Or he kills the kid and then starts over until he eventually wakes up... *sigh...* 'Let's get this over with...'.
The Kid dives into the fight, they dodge Sans' bones left and right, they even got past the Gaster Blasters, but like all the other repeat dreams the Kid jumps off the middle bone... And like always he has spear bones hiding in the corner of the room, and like always they get hit in the back... Now he just waits for the dream to reset like it does in real life...
... But somethings different... There should of been a reset by then... He looks back at the battle floor... The bones had all disintegrated except for the ones sticking out of Frisk...
His Frisk...
He runs over to her and gets down on his knees as he pulls her into his lap, "Oh God No! Oh Frisk! I-I Don't Understand! How! Why!!!", her black blood is spilling everywhere, tears fall from Sans eye's, as Frisk lifts her hand up to his face one last time befor-
Sans wakes up from his nightmare as Frisk jumps out of bed and runs out the door, "Frisk?... Frisk!". Sans runs out after her in time to see her close the bathroom door. He runs over and knocks before trying the door to find it locked, "Frisk!?! Frisk Honey What's Wrong!". But the only sounds from the bathroom are of her coughing and throwing up...
Frisk was in a golden room with very large doors and stained glass windows. It was beautiful, she couldn't stop looking at it... Until she heard someone familiar... "It's a beautiful day outside... Bird's are singing... The flowers and blooming... On day's like today... Kids like you... Should Be Burning In HELL!!!". Frisk was confused... Why had Sans said that... But suddenly bones were flying everywhere, Frisk was lucky and didn't get hit by any, but she had to get to him. Something was wrong! She knew it! Sans would never do this to her! She ran closer to him and was just about to reach him when...
A sering pain entered her back... And she was staring at the ceiling... She couldn't breath... And couldn't move... She... "". She continued to call his name...
But no one answered...
Frisk felt the hot tears as they fell down her face... It was getting even harder to breathe... But... She continued calling out to him... Even after her vision when black... She was scared... So scared...
Frisk couldn't breathe. She woke up coughing, but still couldn't get any air in... She jumped out of bed and out of the room. She could hear Sans calling her but she didn't want him to see her like this... Especially after a nightmare like that... She got to the bathroom before he could catch up to her, and locked the door... She still couldn't get any air, 'Where Did Sans Put The Medicine!?!', Sans was banging on the door now, but she couldn't answer him. Her lungs burned from the lack of oxygen and all her coughing had triggered her gag reflux.
She couldn't...
Sans could only hear her coughing, although she'd never coughed like this before, "Frisk Please Open The Door!", but only coughing emerged, "Ok Ya Know What?!? Frisk!?! Sorry For This!", Sans teleported through to see the same seen as his dream, minus the bones, Frisk was coughing as black liquid seeped from her mouth, and everytime she puked in the toilet more came out.
"Frisk! Oh My God! Sweety What's Happening!", Frisk looked over at him, but couldn't answer through her coughing and hyperventilating, she tried signing, hoping she could stay steading long enough to get what she needed but, *m-e-z-i-n*, was all she could manage before she collapsed into another fit. Sans read out the letters and figured it out, as he teleported to the kitchen and back with a small bag. He spills out all the bags contense not knowing what she need. But Frisk zones in on the inhaler as she reaches for it, Sans seeing this and grabs it rushing over to her. He helps her hold it to her mouth as she inhales it twice, she holds her breath, which causes Sans to panic thinking he grabbed the wrong thing and now she's stopped breathing.
Frisk takes in her first real breath of air she'd had in the last 10 minutes as she falls back to sleep in Sans arms.
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