Male Terror...
This will be another double pov but mainly Sans;
This is a rather long chapter too...
Warning: this chapter including triggering topics Reader's discretion is advised...
Sans was still admiring Frisk's beauty when he heard his brother call out to him. He knew he had to hide Frisk but it was already too late...
"Ah Sans there you are I've been looking for you all morn-... Sans... What that in your arms?...", Sans was never good at liying to his little brother... And he saw no point to seeing as Papyrus could clearly see Frisk infront of him... "Well Paps' I found a.... Injured human and just taking it home to uhhh.... Nurse it back to health...", well... He wasn't fully liying... She was hurt... "But humans have to go through the puzzles before they reach town...", Paps' wasn't very happy but Sans' knew exactly what would happen if Frisk went through the puzzles... She'd set them off on purpose... And Sans' wasn't going to allow that! "Yes I know Papyrus but not only is this human asleep but I worry she may hurt herself even worse if she went through your puzzles... Maybe the next one ok?", He could tell Papyrus was sad about this... but he was also happy to see that his lazy brother was showing an interest in something... Or someone... "Alright Sans, but your in charge of it... I'll still make you both food..." Papyrus then muttered under his breath, "The human definitely looks in need of it... And he'd probably try to feed it nothing but grease and ketchup...", "Hey!" Sans yelled softly in protest as to not wake Frisk who was begining to stir in her sleep... 'A nightmare maybe?', "But your in charge of everything else including bathing and picking up after it!", Papyrus seemed to think that Frisk was like a dog... And the thought of Sans bathing Frisk just sent a rush of blue blush to Sans cheekbones... "Alrght bro... But lets continue this at home before she catches a cold...".
Frisk found herself back in the park.... She couldn't move... It was so quiet... Then suddenly her ears were ringing and she could taste copper in her mouth... There were hands all over her... In her mouth... On her cheast... And under her pants... Suddenly she was naked... One of the men was on top of her choking her as another man hit her face... With every punch she was transported back to her foster home where her foster brothers were in the same position as the men at the park... The only difference was her brother's were taunting her, "If you Scream no one will come, if you Yell no one will hear, if you Call For Help... We'll Kill You...", the words echoed in her head... She couldn't breathe... Suddenly it stopped... But before she could catch her breath... A tall boney man with a skeleton mask appeared out of left view with his hands out stretched towards her!
She woke up on another couch but this time with 2 skeletons starring at her, startled Frisk jumped behind the couch like she did the last time but this time instead of running she dove under it. "Wooh! Hey everythings ok kid there's nothing to be scared of!", Sans the skeleton from before called out to her but she wasn't budging... "Holy what the hell was that! Sans Explain Yourself!", she heard a higher pitched voice... Curiosity got the better of her and she peeked out from under the couch's front flap... She saw Sans over by the t.v. and a taller skeleton not to far from where she was peeking... Her heart was pumping a mile a minute making it hard to breathe... She closed her eye to calm her self... Finally calmed down she opened her eye to see the same skeleton staring at her from under the couch. If she could scream she was but all the came out was a painful squeak as she backed away further under the couch... She'd of gone further but she had gotten herself stuck...
"Papyrus Stop That Can't You See Your Scaring Her!!!" Sans yelled to his little brother, he didn't often yell so seeing as he did Papyrus did as he was told... "Oh sorry its hard to tell... I've never meet a human before...", Sans knew this wasn't true but Papyrus wasn't aware of the resets so he let it go...
Sans slowly made his way to the couch as to not scare her futher... "Hey Frisk it's me remember... Sans... I'm just gonna take a look under at you ok...", he lifted the couch flap to see the scared girl underneath... "You ok doll face?", he could almost hear her heart beating and since she was so thin he could see it... As a skeleton he couldn't really understand the need of such a thing but he could tell that in this situation it wasn't a good thing... "Hey think you could come out from back there?", Frisk simply shook her head no...'What is she still scared of Papyrus?', "Hey if I have Papyrus back away you think then you could come out?", again Frisk shook her head no but this time her face showed the neutral face of displeasure... 'For only having one eye she pulled it off rather well...', then what was it why was she not coming ou-... "Are you stuck?...", finally he knew what was wrong... Well... Slightly..., "Yo Paps help me lift this for a sec? Ok Frisk we're gonna lift this ok, if your still scared feel free to hide behind the t.v. ok... We don't want to see you get stuck under more furniture... Alright Paps on 3, 1... 2... 3!".
As soon as the boys lifted it Frisk got up and run behind the t.v. like she was told... She was always weary of those taller then her... especially males... But her mama had taught her not to be rude so she sign back to them after they placed the couch down, *T-thank y-y-you...*, her hands were shaking so it was hard to form the words to do it properly... "No problem Frisk we shouldn't of scared you like that... So we're both sorry for that... Right Paps!", "Y-Yes! The Great Papyrus should of known better then to enter a woman's personal space without her knowing!"...
The tall skeleton... Papyrus? Was kinda loud... But he reminded her of the kind boy that live down the street from her foster home... He was the one to gift her the sweater she was currently wearing... He was a sweat boy and had difficulty with volume and personal boundaries...
"Hey how you feeling? You look a little pale... Not that I'd know being a skeleton and all...", Frisk giggled at this even though it was painful... Still being weary of Papyrus she slowly made her way to Sans... She felt like a baby deer... Any slight movements would send her running... And Paps learned that the hard way while watching her slowly move across the room he moved his arm, sending her back behind the t.v...
After seeing this Sans slowly made his way to the t.v., it seemed like she trusted him so he slowly held out his hand, which she took and lead her back over to the couch which she sat on her legs on, still holding Sans sleeve... 'Baggy clothes make her feel safer... Good to know...', "Hey Paps? Could you grab her some water?", Papyrus finally feeling useful almost ran to the kitchen until he hear a small skeak behind him, after that he slowly made his way over with the water. The closer he got the more Frisk seemed to shrink down... She wouldn't take it from him... 'Guess she's still scared of him', Papyrus also seeing this handed the glass to Sans to give to her. After receiving it though she took her time to look it over first...
He was confused untill he remembered the time he was at Grillby's and saw another monster girl do the same thing, "What you doing?", he'd asked her at the time, "Oh I looked away from my drink for to long, so I'm checking that no one put anything in it...", later that night he'd seen her leave with some guy... And he couldn't remember if he ever saw her again...
After remembering that he took the cup from Frisk and took a sip, "Sans What Are You Doing That's Her's! If You Wanted A Drink Too You Could Of Asked!!!", "Nah it's ok bro, see.", he handed the drink back to her and she began greedily gulping it down as tears ran down her face.
She felt so bad that she had even thought of them doing something like that, they'd both been so nice to her and she was freaking out over a bad dream! *Thank you... I-I'm sorry... So sorry...*, she signed to them as she cried... Her left eye still stung but it only made her cry more...
"Hey, hey it's ok, it's ok to be scared in a new place with people you don't know.", Sans lightly pat her head as she rubbed her eyes, but suddenly Papyrus ran into the kitchen and then practically jumped across the room towards us! "Sans Hold Her Down Ok!", "Huh Papyrus What Are You Doing We Just Calmed Her Down!", "Just Do It! Hold Her Arms Down!", she was still crying and rubbing her eye while this all happened but Sans decided to do as his younger brother said, Frisk was now scared again and tryed to run but Sans had her tight.
"Hey everything is ok, I'm just going to take this off ok.", at hearing this Frisk tried even harder to get away, and it was at this point Sans saw what his brother did. Frisk was crying blood under her eyepatch, she must of reopened it while rubbing it. "Hey dolly it'll be ok you can trust him...", Sans whispered in her ear... Normally Frisk would be terrified... She still was terrified... But for some reason she trusted them... For the first time in 7 years she trusted a man... She just hoped she wouldn't regret it later...
Frisk calmed down once again and Papyrus was able to get the patch off, Sans could see why she didn't want them touching it... "Damn kid what you do...", from under his arms Frisk signed, *Hit it in the fall... Doesn't matter now...", remembering that she fell on purpose really pained Sans... What kind of past did she have where falling to her death was the only option...
"Well I think the bleeding is also inside... Do you think you could open it so I could place some cotton inside to stop the bleeding?", she was hesitancy to do this... however she did as they asked... Blood spilled out of her eye socket onto her sweater and floor, but now wasn't the time to worry about that... They could be cleaned later... Papyrus placed and replaced the cotton as it soaking up the blood... Sans finally being able to let go of Frisk who seemed to finally be calm with the taller skeleton helping her, got up to dispose of the used cottons and clean her now bloody eyepatch... It was beautiful made and as he turned it over in his hand, he found an inscription that read,
*No matter where you go, No matter what you do, No matter what happens... You will always be welcome home. -Toriel*
It brought a smile to his face as he cleaned off the wet, goopy eye blood, which was rather easy to do...
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