Flowers Slowly Falling...
Ok so I've been listening to a song and I'm trying to use it to get Sans to do something I ment to do a few chapters back but I fucked up and it didn't fit XD so here it is, if ya wanna hear it I'll put an (AN:) with the song title before it starts;
Sans was a little stunned by what he just learned... On one hand Frisk's mental health was getting better... But on the other he had to now find out who the other person in her dream was because....?
Why did he need to know this... It's not like he had to know and... What would he do if he did learn this... It's not like he was Frisk's father... Or anything so why... What was Frisk to him... A Human... A Friend... Or... Something more...
Just then there was a loud crashing sound in the kitchen, Sans got up to check it out to find that a Good Dog had gotten in through a window and had tipped over Papyrus' spaghetti sauce all on the floor, some had gotten on Frisk's arm. Sans quickly move toward her as he grabbed her now burnt arm and shoved it under the tap running cold water on it, as he did he looked back as Papyrus chased the dog out the front door and then went to get the first aid kit... But something didn't look right... The sauce on the floor looked... Wrong... Sure some of it looked normal, all chunky like sauce normally looked but... Some of the color and viscosity looked... Wrong... Finally it hit him...
That wasn't sauce...
He looked back to Frisk to see that she was clutching a knife with her other hand... But she wasn't holding the handle... He quickly move his grip from her burnt arm to her now blood soaked hand, causeing her to drop it as Papyrus entered the room... "We're Gonna Need More Bandages...", Sans now had both of Frisk's arms under the tap, this time how ever Frisk made a sharp *hiss* as her cut hit the water. She began squirming to get away from it but Sans had a firm grip and Frisk wasn't very strong to begin with so it wasn't much to keep her there... It wasn't until she lost her footing when he released her fearing he'd break her arms, he quickly picked her up as he moved her back to the living room couch. Sans had helped the bleeding subside a bit as he went to take the first aid kit from Papyrus.
Frisk held up her now bleeding left arm and watched as the blood slowly fell down her arm... It rippled over and soaked her old scars and it made its way to her elbow, "Hey don't do that.", Sans told her as to took a rag to her arm cleaning it off the best he could. He then looked at the new deep cut on her hand, "Well it might need stickes but for now we'll focus on stopping it, since it's too late to go see the Doc...". But Frisk didn't seem to care... It was like she was numb to it all... Sans glanced at the numerous scars on her arm fulling knowing that there were just as many on the opposite...
Frisk could feel herself slip back into that dull place she'd always find herself in when she felt pain... It was the reason she survived for so long... And she hated it... She hated the numb feeling she got as the world around her seemed to turn different shades of grey... The way she it kept her from communicating her fellings... It always made her remember the first time she felt this way... The first time she was scared... The first time she Bleed...
It scared her... More then anything... Even more then death itself...
The thought of the white room... The screams from those in the other rooms... The mirror shard it her hand... The pain in her arm as the strange colored liquid fell from her arm and turned red against the soft white floor... The sound of the door being ripped open as they ripped it away from her and placed her in that jacket, wheeling her down the hall... The feeling of her hair being lifted up as the men were thrown against the walls... Nothing left but inpacts of red on the walls and crumpled remains around her... And the wind rushing past her ears as she jumped out a window into the cold snow... Running... Always running...
Sans started shaking Frisk's shoulders as she snapped out of it, worry was plasted on both the Skeletons faces, "You alright Kiddo you just started crying...". Frisk felt her face and sure enough found it wet... She turned to Sans and smiled, *Yeah I'm fine*. The boys looked at each other... "Ya know what Ima give the Doc a call... Maybe she could come b-", "No!". Sans looked back at her, " N-no Doctor's, I-I'm f-fine!", the memory was still vividly replaying in her head. Frisk tried to get up, but stumbled causing Sans to catch her. Her quickly shook him off as she made her way up the stairs and go into Sans' room... Sans went to follow but Papyrus stopped him... "Let's Give Her Some Space For A Bit...", Sans look back from his younger brother to the door that was now closed... "Alright...".
It had been an hour since the accident in the kitchen, Sans had helped his brother clean up and restart dinner, when her heard the door upstair open. As he went up to check it he found the room empty and the bathroom door slightly open with the light on... As he made his way to the door he found Frisk begining to take off her sauce stained shirt, *Hiss!*, Sans blushed a deep blue as he said, "Ummm... Need any help?". Frisk's exposed ear turned bright red with the rest of her face... She didn't like the idea of excepting help from other's when she felt like this... She had too many bad experiences like this... But at the same time... It was Sans... The Cute Dorky Skeleton! He wouldn't do anything to her... Right? Plus with her hand and burn it was hard to do much of anything... So she nodded her head.
Sans made his way over, still blushing he realised she had gotten the shirt mostly over her head, but it was now stuck on her arms... He chuckled at her and pulled the shirt off carefully, he then went to start the bath up and put in the bubbles. Frisk couldn't get her left hand wet and her right arm burn limited her movement so it seemed he need to help her with that to... He turned in time to see her get her pants off leaving her in nothing but her undergarments. He quickly looked back and turned off the bathwater only to hear, "Umm... S-Sans...", "Y-yes...", "I-I can't-t reach the c-clip.". Sans looked back once again only to realise she couldn't take off her bra with only one hand... He slowly walked over and helped her take it off as he closed his eyes, Frisk then took off her underwear and got in the tub.
Sans hearing the water splash looked back to see only bubbles and Frisk's hand stretched up... Oopes not again... He walked towards the tub only to hear, *AHH CHOO!*, as bubbles were sent everywhere including him... Frisk sniffuled as she began to giggle at Sans' new bubble beard, "Oh yeah!". Sans began tickling Frisk as water and more bubbles went everywhere, only soaking Sans more... "Well looks like I'll need a shower after this..." Chuckling to himself... Frisk started blushing like crazy as she mumbled something... "I'm sorry, I didn't catch that?"... Frisk was silent for a few minutes and Sans decided to ignore it, but then Frisk slumped futher into the bathwater "O-or you c-could join m-me...".
Now both were blushing like crazy, what should he say to this! God was she cute, she had bubbles in her hair and was hugging her knees in front of her, her hand had already gotten wet so they'd have to redisinfect it after, but god was she tiny... 'Ahhhg!!!! What do I say!!!'...
"Are you sure?", Frisk flinched at the sudden sound, it had been so quite a moment ago while he was thinking... Frisk didn't move for a few minutes but then slowly nodded her had 'yes'... Sans now realising he'd backed himself into a corner felt defeated... He had hoped it had been a joke or something... But did he really?... God Papyrus was gonna kill him if he found out but it was too late now...
Frisk turned away as Sans got up to get undressed... They were both blushing so hard, Frisk felt like her ears would pop off from the heat. Sans went to make sure the door was locked, he didn't want Papyrus to bust in on them, after doing so he walked over and got in noting that Frisk had covered her eyes with her hands. This made Sans chuckle as unless his magic built up there really wasn't much to hide, sure it was embarrassing, but not as embarrassing as being in the bath with her, but the bubble hide practical everything so there wasn't much to look at other then her face and shoulders. Sans chuckled once again, "Hey come over here, I'll wash your hair.", Frisk uncovering her eye looked and made her way over. She sat between his legs as he grabbed the shampoo they'd gotten for her and slowly began massaging it into her hair.
Frisk clearly uncomfortable began humming a toon, which made Sans pause... "What's that song? It seems familer... Could you sing it?", Frisk fell silent and Sans continued to shampoo her hair...
(AN: Song; [Undertale] Secret Garden by; Empathp, this is only the last lyric and final chorus cuz I'm going for more impact, San is bold, Frisk is italic)
"Scattering petals down the road without an end..."
"Road without an end..."
"Left on the battleground for one I called my friend..."
"One I called my friend..."
"Maybe he loved me as he took me by the hand..."
"And tried to understand..."
"I said..."
"Oh Mary, contrary, how does your garden grow?..."
"Stay with me, I can't see, anywhere that we could go..."
"Their answer, Was laughter, As darkness swallowed them up..."
"One more time, I'll be fine, Sometimes kindness is enough..."
"Oh Mary, contrary, how does your garden grow?"
"Don't leave me, please don't be, the seventh maid in a row"
"My answer, a whisper, soft as he lowered his head..."
"Set them free..."
"I'm sorry..."
"This flower's already..."
Frisk had a soft smile on her face... Happy memories of he parents singing her to sleep filled her head... It was her mother's lulaby that her father, when home from the military would help sing to her... It was also the last thing her mother sung to her before they both passed... Frisk watched as a tear fell into the bathwater... But it was strange... The water where the tear fell turned a murky black as it dissipated into the rest of the water... It scared her a little, but with Sans right behind her she simply whipped her face and ignored it for now...
Sans on the other hand had forgotten how the song went and felt sorry for those that were part of it... His Soul ached for them... Almost like he had been a part of it... But the feeling was soon replaced with shock as he rinsed Frisk's hair to find something that wasn't there before......
A single streak of white through her dark brown hair...
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