Eyes The Passage To The Soul...
Frisk woke up in bed alone, she put it off as her just still being sick and Sans just let her sleep in. She got dressed into a forest green turtle neck and a pair of black fuzzy legging, they felt so comfy and warm... And yet something felt... Off?... She left the room and looked into the living room, Sans was watching t.v. as Papyrus chased a dog around with a wooden spoon. She smiled and watched them for a bit, Papyrus asking Sans for help but only getting dog puns in response. She was enjoying it, 'Her boys', she thought happily... But that nagging feeling that something was... Wrong?... No... Just different?... She couldn't place it... 'What is it?'...
Frisk sighed as her eye socket became itchy, distracting her from figuring it out. Rubbing her eyepatch she walked to the bathroom, maybe she'd figure it out after she delt with this ... ITCH! 'God it's getting irritating!'... She walked in and looked at the mirror... 'Wait... What's this... Something's different...', even though Frisk hadn't seen herself recently, she still registered that something on her face had changed... Her hair was still white, her eyebrows were still brown... For some reason, her nose and mouth were the same... And her eye was... Green? Huh... Wait... What!!!
Frisk's eye which had been green but a moment ago sudden changed to a dark blue and then a bright yellow! What was going on?!? Frisk took a deep breathe and as she calmed herself she watched as her eye went to a pale white. She looked at the still open door and closed it slightly, she didn't want the boys to see this, she was making them worry over her too much... Her eye turned a dark blue and then pale green. She couldn't tell if the colors were tied to her emotions or if it just liked changing random colors on their own... Her eye turn brown just before she made the neutral face of displeasure... Whatever but now she had to deal with this itch. She pulled off her eyepatch and...
Sans had been watching his brother run circles around the living room, when he noticed Frisk was up, he would of called up to her, but she had turned toward the bathroom. He'd talk to her when she'd finish and come down, "Yo Paps, Frisk's up.", "Oh Ok I'll Get Breakfast Ready... AS SOON AS I GET RID OF THIS CANINE!!!! NHEEEEY!!!", and off he went again... If anything Sans would just pop by Grillby's and grab them somethin-
Suddenly there was a loud thud upstairs, with Frisk being known to get injured easily, Sans was already on his way to the bathroom. Frisk hadn't closed the door all the way, so he opened it to find Frisk dent over the sink, "You ok kiddo?", Frisk tried her best to pull a fake smile but Sans looked right through it... "Come on kid... Don't pull that with me. I can tell somethings wrong."...
Frisk look back down and sighed, she knew she couldn't keep anything from Sans... But she had to try... She had gotten better at talking around the boys... Even though it still hurt sometimes... "I'm fine... Honestly... It's nothing serious...", but Sans wasn't taking it... "Hey listen... All I wanna do is help you, ok? And I can't do that if you keep hiding things from me... So please Frisk... No more secrets..."... Frisk looked over at him through her hair, then turned her head into her shoulder away from him...
Sans sighed and was about to leave the room, "Fine...", he stopped and looked back at her as she stood up straight... "But... one thing at a time, alright...", she placed her eyepatch back on and then looked toward him, her eyes now closed. "Ok... Deal, now please tell me what's wrong?...". Frisk took a deep breath, "I-It's my eyes...", as she opened her eye to reveal that it was now light blue. Sans knew it was white before and light blue wasn't too far from that so-.... But then it turned pink... Sans' nonexistent eyebrows went up as Frisk's eye stayed pink and a light blush rested on her cheeks. "Ok yeah that's new!...", he was trying his best to stay calm as to not scare Frisk but even he didn't understand what was happening. Frisk looked at the mirror, "Aww come on it's pink now.", but as soon as she said that it turned brown. "H-how do you feel right now?", Frisk looked back at Sans as she gave his the neutral face of displeasure. "Ok umm... Think of something? Happy?", this confused her, making it now green, until she realised that he was just testing what she was about to before he got there, so she thought of the time she and Papyrus made snow angels while Sans made a skeleton..., yeah he didn't move...., her eye turn a light hazelnut color. "Ok now think of something... Embarrassing?", Frisk looked at Sans as she processed this newest request... Embarrassing... Embarrassing... Embarras-! The image of her sitting on his lap popped up... Her whole face turned a bright red as her eye turned pink once again.
"Ok so the color is tied to your emotion... Which could be handy in the future if I think about it... It'll help us figure out how your feeling and let us help you better.", Frisk didn't like the idea of everyone knowing how she felt all the time, but there was nothing she could do about it so she put it out of her mind... "Now what's this about your eye socket?"... Frisk's eye suddenly turned black at the mention of it, it kinda spooked Sans for a moment, but as he remembered it was just an emotion he calmed down. Frisk looked down, "Fine but... Let's go back to the room...", she said something under her breath as she walked past him to their room, "It's too bright in here...".
Sans followed Frisk into their room, he could hear Papy still chasing the dog down stairs, as he closed the door. When he turned around her saw Frisk sitting on the bed, she was looking everywhere but him... Sans made his way over and sat down in front of her, Frisk closed her eye as soon as he got close, she was clearly waiting for him to remove the patch. He sighed and carefully pull it free, "Ok it's off... You can open your eyes now...", but she couldn't... She was terrified... The what if's were overwhelming her again... She didn't want to but she was already close to tears..., "Hey, hey it's ok, it can't be that bad... Come on Dollface everything will be fine... Nothing's gonna change alright... I promise. And you know how I hate promises.". She was still hesitant but she trusted him...
She slowly opened her eyes and looked around the room, she hadn't been able to before because of how bright it was and Sans had showed up not seconds after she found out... Sans watched as she did this in amazement... He sort of understood what might of caused this but wasn't 100% sure... "Since your monster side was dormant for so long, many of your monster traits never surfaced... So now that your magic has been released those traits must be manifesting... My guess is that since your eye was missing at the time this took it's place...", Frisk looked at Sans when he mentioned her eye, "The hair makes sense now too, it's most likely related to the same species as the Dreemer's, while your new eye is skeleton... How's that working for ya by the way?".
Frisk closed her good eye to try out her new one... "Its... Weird... I don't really like it...", "Weird? Weird how?"... Frisk looked around again, "I can't necessarily see with it... It's more like I can make out shadows and-... Woah...", she paused as she looked toward Sans, titling her head slightly... She looked around once more but then looked at him again... "What, what is it?", "Blue... Your blue.", Sans was still confused by this, Frisk was still looking at him when suddenly her face turned red and she quickly looked up, "OK! OK OK OK!!! Um yeah I know what this is now!", Frisk said as she fell back on the bed and hid under the pillows... "Um... What is it then?", Frisk stayed silent a moment as she desperately tried to calm herself... "Um... Ok... So!", Frisk sat up still hidding behind a pillow. "Um...", "Frisk calm down it can't be that bad-", "IT'S LIKE SOUL X-RAY!"... back behind the pillow... "Huh... Um what's that mean? So you can see my Soul? What's the problem with that?"... "It's like I can see your Soul and it's energy... I can see how the magi-", Sans now blushing a deep blue covers Frisk mouth, "OK! OK, I GET IT NOW!!!! So how about we just keep this eyepatch on for now until we can figure this out more..."... "Agreed..."
They sat in silence for some time until they heard a loud bang down stairs followed by a, "AND STAY OUT!!!"... They both began laughing as Papyrus continued to scream about the time and how his spaghetti was burning. But it didn't last long as Frisk began coughing, Sans left to get her a glass of water... But Frisk knew it wouldn't help... Her lungs were crapping out on her... Most likely this black liquid had made it's way into them... She knew there wasn't much anyone could fix... If she did get out her genetic code was too mix up and spliced to even get a replacement and the magic down here had no effect on the stuff... She knew her days were numbered... But she didn't care... Sure she wanted to live... Yeah she didn't want to die anymore... But what could she do... At this point... She was just glade she didn't have to do it alone anymore...
And that's all that mattered...
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