After The Cold Set In...
Once Frisk had stopped shivering and Papyrus had gotten home, he helped Sans get Frisk back to bed. It took them a while to get her to even consider going back to sleep... Whatever she saw scared her bad... And no matter how much the boys asked she wasn't telling them anything... Papyrus soon went back to his bed and Sans brang Frisk close to him, he wasn't going to let her run off again. Soon they fell into a deep dreamless sleep...
Frisk woke up in the Skeleton man's arms, no matter what she did she couldn't get out of he's grasp... 'Great...' She thought as her claustrophobia crept in... She couldn't move and she was scared to wake him after last nights venture... She began making small noises of discomfort and once again Papyrus came to her rescue, 'He must have very good hearing?', he lifted Sans arms and lifted the small girl out of bed like she was a small child. They then left the room and closed the door, *Shhhh*, this made her giggle as they made their way down the stairs for breakfast.
Flashes of her dream and her memories suddenly fleed her head causing her to fall to the ground, Papyrus was at her side in an instant but she waved him off as it really wasn't anything, *Just a head ache...*. She giggled as he went back to his now flaming stove as she sat on the couch, she was hit by another flash back, she decided to lay down as the memory and pain surged in her head.
When she reopened her eye, Sans and Doctor Alphys were infront of her. 'When'd they get here?', Sans was talking to Alphys, she tried to sit up but slipped, luckly Sans caught her before her head hit the coffee table, "You ok Dol~fa~? Ya r~ h~ P~...", the ringing in her head made it impossible to hear what he was saying, all she could feel was heat and the surging pain that now radiated through her body... Something told her she had to get out of there...
Sans had been woken by screaming, he looked up to realize that Frisk wasn't next to him. He ran out the door to find her and his brother in the living room, Frisk was laying on the couch screaming in pain. He ran down and took her in his arms, tears were running down her face as she continued to scream, "Paps call Alphys something is clearly wrong...", Papyrus followed his brothers instructions and got his phone out. Sans pulled Frisk's hair out of her face in an attempt to comfort her, he began softly petting her head, he could feel the heat radiating off her head, 'Shit I should of know she'd catch a cold or something...'.
It took a few hours for Alphys to get there, but Frisk had stopped screaming at that point. She looked her over and deemed it was most likely an infection of some type from her hand and the cold from last night, but Sans felt like it was something more... Suddenly Frisk was awake and trying to get up, he rushed over to her as she almost fell, "You ok Dollface? Ya really had Paps and I worried...", but Frisk didn't respond all she did was get a serious look on her face as another wave of pain hit her. It was almost like Sans could feel as the heat waved off of her.
Suddenly Frisk was up and ran towards the door, they had forgotten to lock it back up when Alphys came in, "Not again!". They all ran after her as she once again ran into the woods, for a small barefoot human girl she ran fast, it didn't take long for them all to loose her... "Damn It! Frisk!!! Come Back Please! FRISK!!!", Sans kept calling out to her but got nothing in response... Until he heard her screaming and the sound of trees breaking and falling...
Frisk ran at full speed she knew she had to get away from them... She just didn't know why... Bits and pieces of her forgotten past filled her head with each wave of pain, her in her parents house, her in the white room looking at her parent's through the glass as they cried, her and her parent's on Mt. Ebbot, her at her parent's death bed... Her being ripped from their sides... Her crying and screaming in the white room... Her having needles and tubes constantly plugged into her... Her as she held the mirror shard and the black liquid spilled from her arm... Turning red on the floor... The men ripping her from the room and geting ready to stick one final needle in her, "Just one more time... Then you'll never feel pain ever again..."... Her surrounded by there bloodied broken bodies... Her running through the woods... Then and now melted together... As she fell to her knees and let out a pain filled scream as the world warped, broke... And burned around her... And then faded to black...
When Sans finally found the she was surrounded in flaming broken trees, Sans almost questioned if the girl laying infront of him was Frisk, her clothes were seared on the ends and her hair was as white as the snow fulling around them... It wasn't until he saw the blue rose eyepatch on her left eye that he knew it was her... 'What happened here...'. Just more questions... It seemed that everytime he thought he knew the girl infront of him, more questions just seemed to pop up....
He walked back to the house with Frisk still in his arms... Papyrus and Alphys were already at the house when they returned, the fever Frisk had was almost completely gone... But the fact that her hair had completely changed had her worried... She told them that she'd be staying at the inn in Snowdin if there was an emergency and that she'd come by tomorrow to check on her again.
Sans had just moved Frisk back up to their room when, "", Frisk had woken up from the movement of traveling from the couch... "H-hey Kiddo... How ya feeling?"... Frisk looked at Sans as he sat down next to her, placing his boney hand softly on her stomach and rubbing it in small circles... "Ya gave us all a real scare back there, ya know?", Frisk looked at Sans, he could see the confusion in her eye... "Listen kid... Is there anyway you could tell me a bit more about your past... Like back in your childhood... It might shine some light on this whole situation...".
Frisk looked away from Sans and in doing so caught a glance of her now pitch white hair, a look of pure terror flashed across her face, 'I Have To Make Sure!!!'. Frisk once again bolted out of bed, making her way out the still open bedroom door and down the stair with Sans quick on her heels, "Kid what's wrong!?!", he yelled to her as she reached the kitchen.
Sans as well as now Papyrus watched from the opening to the kitchen as Friak dug around from kitchen drawer to kitchen drawer, but she was clearly not finding what she was looking for, "Um Kid?... You alright?". It suddenly hit him what Frisk was searching for, but it was too late she had already given up on finding a knife, as she placed her hand flat against the counter and broght the fork down hard on top of it driving it into the back of her hand.
"Holy Shit Frisk! What Have You Done!?!", Sans yelled as he ran towards her, too late to stop her, he could only help to fix the damage that was now done. Papyrus had run off to get the Frist aid kit once again, "Alright so now we just leave it in to keep it from bleeding, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!", Sans yelled as Frisk ripped the bloody fork out of her hand, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?! PAPS HURRY UP WITH THAT FIRST AID KIT! THE KIDS MAKING IT-.... worse...".
Sans had stopped yelling as he looked back at Frisk's injured hand... As the blood turned black...
"Kid... You got some explaining to do... A lot of explaining..."
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