Dream girl
» [Show me how] «
Men I trust
1:11──〇──── 3:35
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
Bucky sat alone on the bench, sweat dripping down his whole body as he gripped the dumbbell in his right hand, lifting it up and down. He heard the ding of the elevator ring throughout the training room. The bench he was placed on was in the area next to the elevator shaft, therefore his presence could not he seen by anyone inside it.
To his suprise and subtle satisfaction, Lucina stepped out, her dirty trainers leaving mud on the grey floor of the training room.
"You know, you should wipe your shoes before coming inside"
The second it slipped his tongue he cringed at the condescending tone he'd accidentally delivered it in.
Lucina slowly turned around to face the voice's possessor, her overgrown fringe once again blocking her emerald stare yet still visible behind the platnum strands like a secret cabin in among a forest of trees.
"Hi" her soft voice carried to his ears, though he didn't see her lips move much.
"Hi" he matched her polite tone, placing down the dumbell and getting to his feet. He allowed himself the smallest smirk as her bright eyes followed his movement.
He approached, grabbing the towel from next to him on the bench and putting it around his neck. He towered over the small woman, their eyes back in an eternal stare off of attempted communication. She's couldn't of been very tall. Maybe 5'0, possibly an over estimation, Bucky thought, but held some believability.
Before his brain clocked the words he said "How tall are you?" in a blunt tone.
He noticed how her eyes crinkle around the sides, how her rose coloured lips purse into a slight pout, how her fingers wrap around the furthest falling curl as her confused taints her facial features.
"5 ft 1" the uncertainty started in her tone but faded as she finished. Her face turned back to it's usual stoic look and her hands dropped into the pockets of her maroon hoodie "Why?"
"J-Jus' asking" Bucky choked over his words a little, hardly noticeable,he hoped. He couldn't tell if the reserved blank-faced woman standing infront of him sensed his nervousness "I'm 6ft"
"Okay" her tone flat as usual as her eyes scanned the room once more but Bucky's stayed fixed on her face, once again admiring her ghost freckles and blush lips. Anxiety held the air in his throat as he waited for her to speak next, but both stayed in an uncomfortable silence until Bucky cleared his throat, making her eyes snap up to meet his.
"Uh so how's your first day?" The awkward tension clung to the air as both people engaged in more social interaction than they are used to.
Lucina looks back to the elevator once more before staring down at her muddy trainers "It was okay"
"Good" Bucky puts his hands in the pockets of his jogging bottoms and leans his weight on the heel to the balls of his foot as he scoured his head for conversation.
Sweat glistened down his forehead, both from the workout and the uncomfortable tension haunting the room but eventually Lucina finally says something.
"Uh, do you know where my room is? I forgot" the unfamiliar earnest tone of the woman's voice brought butterflies through Bucky's stomach before he nods.
"Yeah, the only spare room is on the fifth floor so I guess that's yours" He attempts to smile, a crooked lift of the lips but a smile none the less.
Lucina nods, looking up to meet their eyes before snapping her head away, looking back at the elevator doors.
Bucky sighed, taking the subtle hint, and strides over to the elevator, holding out his vibranium arm in an attempt to seem welcoming as he wordlessly calls her over.
She took small, feeble strides towards him, her face turned down slightly and her silvery locks surrounding her head and shoulders, reaching down to her elbows where Bucky noticed the curls had noticeably loosened from the tight curls.
Bucky presses his finger to the button and the two wait in an increasingly tense silence.
Lucina releases an exhausted sigh, leaning her head against the frame around elevator door and shutting her eyes.
As Bucky watched her, he felt the burn in his stomach of an unfamiliar feeling rising to his chest. His heart beats at a slow pace but the longer he stares, the more he notices the shape of her lips, the more he sees of her tshirt lifting to show the top of a tattoo that he couldn't work out on her upper hip, the more he thinks about how soft her hair would feel around his fingers, the more he hears her heavy breathing and imagining making her breathe heavier and knowing exactly how he would, the more he watched her, the more his heart sped up and the more the burning in his chest grew into a wild fire around his heart.
Can you really fall in love with someone in less than a day?
The elevator dings and it opens, the two agents stepping inside ad the silence continues.
Lucina keeps her eyes shut as the elevator rises, her hand stuffed into her hoodie pocket to hide the shakiness of her movements.
Bucky watches her in her tense stature. He isn't sure of how to react so he keeps his mouth shut and resorts to watching her in silence until the doors reopen.
Lucina steps out as fast as she could, followed by a more calmly stepping Bucky. The two take a few steps into the small hallway and Lucina takes her time to examine the area.
The door in the far right had a doormat out the front reading 'welcome' over the American flag, a pair of running shoes neatly places next to the door and a dying plant pot on the other side.
Bucky see's where she's looking and explains "That's Steve's, Tony got him the mat as a joke but Steve being the polite patriarch he is, he kept it"
Lucina nods and takes a few steps towards another door with some running shoes outside but unlike Steve's they look like they've been thrown at the door and now lay messily beside the frame. She points to it, a questioning look pointed at Bucky.
"Sam's room" He takes a step towards her "Pietro's is the other one and this one-" He puts a hand on the side of her arm and guides her to the other door "is your room"
Lucina nods,opening the door and stepping inside. Bucky takes a step to enter behind her but the door shuts in his face.
A sigh escapes his lips, he knew he shouldn't of tried to follow her but her presence was intoxicating, he'd known her less than a day and all he wanted to to be with her every second of his life.
He takes a few steps back, considering for a moment to knock at the door but changing his mind and going back into the elevator and up a floor to his room.
Lucina steps into the room, closing the door behind her. Her eyes scanned the room, it was bigger than her old one back in sokovia, definitely better than the HYDRA cell so she'll take it. A dark oak wardrobe built into the wall was beside the door, when Lucy opened it she saw the mirror on the inner side of the door and a rack currently bare of any clothing. She looked at the bed, already neatly made but far bigger than she needed. Other than that, she room was bare, the walls pearly and plain.
With a flick of her wrist the room shifted into what it was in her mind, the blue magic scouring every corner until the room was precisely as she wanted.
The wardrobe was now gone, no need for one when she could fabricate any clothing she wanted with her powers, and now in its place was a wooden bookshelf, adorned with plant pots, books and four empty photo frames, waiting for something to be put inside.
The bed was pushed against the window opposite the door, the curtains falling just above the blue bedspread, two white pillows sat against the headboard with a smaller dark blue one inbetween.
A bedside table of the same wood colour as the bookshelf sat beside the bed, nothing sat atop aside another empty photo frame.
A sad but comfortable looking armchair occupied the other corner of the room, a painting of the ocean hung above it simply to make the walls look less plain with a shaggy dark grey rug stretching around the room.
The roof was unseen due to the movie posters and fairy lights all stuck up there, the biggest poster though, was of the 1996 Romeo and Juliet in the centre of the room, the two kissing faces just about visible between the shelter of fairy lights strewn around the roof.
^^the poster^^
Collapsing onto the bed, she snapped her fingers and her clothes turned into a white vest and plaid green pajama trousers as she got ready to sleep. Pulling the covers over her and drawing the curtain shut with another snap of her fingers the lights turned off and the door shut, leaving her in darkness.
Bucky lay on the cold floor of his bedroom, waiting for sleep to visit him but no hope was there. He begged for her to leave his thoughts but she plagued his mind no matter how hard he tried to stop thinking about her.
A soft knock at the door brought Bucky to sit up, grabbing a tshirt and pulling it over his head to cover the scars left by the HYDRA soldiers, he hesitantly stepped over to the door.
He opened it, finding Lucina standing in the doorway, dressed in a silk black robe that enveloped her torso and thighs, covering most of her.
"Hello" She smiled, her voice more confident than he remembered and she stepped into his room. She shut the door in haste before guiding Bucky to the bed, making him sit down as she stood between his man-spreading legs.
"Can I help you, Lucy?" He felt the colour and heat rise to his face as she stepped closer and closer to him, her soft breath pressing against his cheek.
"Yes you can" slowly she pulled her robe away, leaving nothing to cover her.
His mouth hung open in shock and excitement, not sure of how to process this. His eyes looked to her hip. No tattoo. His smile faded as he realised it wasn't her.
"My subconscious couldn't even make me believe this, eh?" He sighed and pulled her towards him before he would wake up. He pressing a kiss against her neck, wishing he could feel her soft skin but his dream could only bring him so far into his fantasy.
She wrapped her hands up in his hair and smiled a sweet smile he was sure he'd never see the real her do. She pressed a kiss to his lips and whispered in a sweet tone "It's all your fault."
His heart dropped, his breath picking up and he stepped away from her.
She pulled the robe back on, stalking faster towards him but when he moved to take her outstretched hand she dissolved into a pool of blood at his feet.
He tried to scream in fear and horror and grief but his throat made no sound as he tried to walk away from the pool of blood but it only spread wider, crawling up his legs and hips and covering his whole body as Lucina's voice screamed 'its your fault!' in high pitch over and over and over until he collapsed to his knees in agony and tears.
Two pairs of footsteps from his open window made him sit up, infront of him stood himself.
One of the Bucky's was a smiling soldier, all dressed in his uniform, standing to attention. He held a bouquet of roses in his hands and his grin and eyes held such happiness.
The other Bucky, wasn't Bucky. The winter soldier stood there, arms crossed and metal arm shone in the light. His face covered by curtains of hair and a black mask and his body wore a black suit, holders for knives and guns strapped to his legs and hip.
The two stood infront of him, both with an arm outstretched as he got to his feet. As he scrambled to touch the hand of the 1941 soldier, he slowly faded away, leaving no trace behind. Bucky turned to look to the other Bucky but he'd gone too.
He was alone.
A beeping if an alarm made Bucky blink awake, reality setting in as he sits up. He rubs the sleep from his eyes as he stretches to see the time on the alarm clock on his bedside table. It was around 9am, most avengers would be up and about-so much for a morning run like he'd planned.
Lucina was awoken by a soft knocking at the door. She sat up as if she hadn't just been asleep, and got up to open the door.
Stood km tne doorway was an ecstatic Wanda holding a tray with three bowls and three teacups atop and an exhausted Pietro, rubbing his eyes while holding a pot of tea.
"Morning, Luce!" Wanda beamed, stepping past her sister and sitting on the bed.
"Hey" Lucina's flat tone brought a tension that Wanda hadn't sensed in her excitement.
Pietro grinned sleepily, messing Lucina's hair up before putting the teapot onto the beside table and slumping into the arm chair.
Lucina shut the door, creating a blanket with her hands and pulling it around her shivering arms as she sat with Wanda on the bed.
"We got coconut yogurt" Wanda held the tray out to her "with cinnamon, like Mama used to do. And Pietro got pepperment tea, the same Dad used to get. He ran all the way to Serbia, that's where it all ended up I guess"
Lucina nods, attempting a believable smile as she says "Thank you, I appreciate it"
The three take their bowls of yogurt and all move to sit on the bed. Pietro eats pretty fast, devouring his bowl in a few spoonfuls. Wanda takes her time, her smile only widening with each spoonful and Lucina eats a feeble amount, leaving most of the bowl full.
"I'm not too hungry" She explains, handing the bowl to Pietro who shovels more yogurt into his mouth.
Wanda smiles and in sokovian says "Remember when Mama used to make us this? When we were sick?"
Pietro places the bowl down on the floor and responds in sokovian "She always said cinnamon makes you better"
Lucina nods in silence. The tears in her eyes threatened to fall down her cheeks but she sighed and listened to them continue to talk in sokovian.
"I need to change" She interrupts them with a harsher tone than she intended but once she'd spoken, it was too late.
Wanda's smile faltered, seeing her sister was such coldness that was unfamiliar with the memories in her head "Oh, okay"
And with that, she hurries out the room and to the hallway.
Pietro, looks to Lucina, giving her an unreadable look before following Wanda out.
Bucky stepped into the elevator, pressing the up button but when he stepped in,it went down a level, opening on two of the three Maximoffs.
"Hey Pietro, Wanda" Bucky greeted in a tired tone and the Wanda just gives a half smile and Pietro pats Bucky's back, giving him a fist bump and a grin.
The elevator goes up a few levels and Bucky steps out, giving the two a half wave as the elevators door slides shut.
The top level of Avengers compound wasn't as large stretching as the other floors but it was the least used. It had the roof access(which felt useless in a house full of several people who could fly or climb falls) and the barely used file room.
Since Ultron, the avengers kept a hard copy of all the files, Bucky had volunteered to organise it. After all, he wasn't quite used to the whole Internet thing and paper files reminded him of the 40's.
He stepped into the fileroom, a room filled with boxes, some dustier than others, all stacked on shelves in neat rows. Bucky searched the shelves for the box labelled 'Personal Profiles no.1' and heaved it off the shelf.
Out of the box he pulled files containing information on all the Avengers and associates of Avengers. In this he found Tony, Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Thor and Clint's files so he assumed these were the earliest.
Lifting the box back onto the shelf, he looked for the highest number labelled, he assumed what he was looking for would be there.
He found 'Personal Profiles no.11' and took it off the shelf. The Avengers had too many associates, he thought, eleven boxes felt extensive.
He lifted the lid off and looked through the box. Most of the files where tattered and foxed around the edges, not used alot so discarded into this box.
He saw 'sgt J.B.Barnes' along the label of a file and pulled it out. Opening the file and scanning the words.
Name: James Buchanan Barnes
Alias': Winter Soldier, white wolf
Country of origin: United States of America
Date of birth: March 10th 1917
Parents: Winnifred Barnes, George Barnes
Siblings: Rebecca Barnes
Other information flooded the pages but he didn't want to read any of it. Two photos were contained in the file, one taken when he came out from when he joined the avengers and one from 1941. He picked up the photo of himself, taken as he enlisted. He looks at the photo, wondering how he went from that man to who he is now. From just a kid from brooklyn, to a monster. He felt like he was a monster. That's why he knew, no matter how much he felt for her, he could never act on whatever these strange feelings for Lucina were.
He couldn't hurt her, he wasn't sure what she'd been through, who she even was really, but all he knew was he'd protect her with his life, with his soul. He could never let her feel the same, though the idea of the feelings being reciprocated felt like wishful thinking.
He tucks the file away, back into the box and a new file grabs his attention. Along the label it reads 'L.N.Maximoff'. He pulls it from the box, flicking it open and his gaze falling on the green eyes in the picture. When he properly looked at the photo he realised it was a mugshot of the unsmiling Lucina, who looked like she was in her late teens. The other photo must have been taken the day before when she arrived. His eyes turn to the information.
Name: Lucina Natalya Maximoff
Alias': none listed
Country of origin: Sokovia
Date of birth: February 10th 1989
Parents: Natalya Maximoff, Django Maximoff
Siblings: Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff
This time Bucky read further, to a section labelled 'Other:'.
Other: Went to jail age 19 for murder, got out age 27 after 8 years due to sokovia being destroyed. Powers include invisibility, sleep inducing, creation.
Creation? Bucky wondered to himself what that meant and it finally clicked what had happened in the hall later that day. But the main thing that grabbed his attention are the murder charges. Nothing more was said in the file and asking her was out of the question. Bucky looks around at the files and thinks to himself, there has to be something on it in here, right?
A/N-Hope you liked this chapter!! :) happy reading
This is an idea of the compound layout btw:
Floor 1: kitchen, common room, Wanda+Vis, Peter, Morgan, Billy+Tommy
Floor 2: Lab
Floor 3: training
Floor 4: party floor,Tony+Pep, Bruce
Floor 5: Lucina, Pietro, Steve, Sam, meeting room
Floor 6: Thor, Loki, Natasha, Clint, Bucky
Floor 7:Roof access, file room
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