The truth
"Miss L/n some one wants to adopt you" the doctor says "I'm 15 ok I understand if you want to get rid of me just don't send me back to them" I say "no it's a nicer family" "ok then"
"Barney I go you something" I say it was Christmas now and I go Barney something "Barney turn around I got you something.Barney" I push him a little and he falls into a pool of blood "BARNEY . MOM. DAD HELP"
-Max's POV-
"She's not my sisters" "what do you mean" I say "she was adopteds " he says "Barney tell me she will be ok" I say "I'm sorrys I can't do that's" then alesa walks in "guys I got here as quick as I could how is she" she starts but i stay quite "s-she's f-fine" i manages to chock out
-Y/N's dreams-
"She told you everything didn't she" i asks "Yeah but the thing I don't get is that if your family is gone what's Barney" I just crys more "I know this must be hard but-" "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING DO YOU HAVE YOU. EVER BEEN IN A WAR, TORTURED FOR ANSWERS THEN WATCHED YOUR WHOLE FAMILY BE KILLED IN FRONT OF YOU " i yells "n-no but i thought-" "what did you think, that you know more than me it's hard for me harder than you could ever imagine" i yells again "Y/n I-" "Just go" I says "Fine be that way" He says and walks home "ouch that's gotta hurt" a man says "what's his problem" he ask "nothing just scary boyfriend skills I guess" I say and earn a laugh "so what's your deal war hero or just a normal person" "neither...UG this sucks" "how so" "well I feel like this whole thing is a dream him you me....and when I wake up I'm still in that chair.. I just wish it would be over" I say "I can make that happen" "w-what do you mean" "Choice get thrown of the hill or stabbed" he says "I choice NEITHER" and I try To run but he grabs my arm and throws me down the cliff "AHH" and I scream. "Y/n your gonna be ok" I hear.
-Max's POV-
Y/N's arms are moving frantically up and down her legs are moving to "NURSE" I yell. "Mr Max (what ever his last name is)" "yes that's me" "so there was a problem she's ok but her brain has a bit of damage " "so what are you saying" "we don't know if she will wake up" and everything goes black never wake up......
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