The Ruins
the pain that you feel,
but cant touch.
a pain you know of,
but cant explain
a pain so feirce
you go insane
the unknown pain
that clutches your heart
and burns in your soul
the pain
in your life
to strong to carry on
the unknown pain
that clouds your mind
and devours your every thought
the pain of broken promises
broken dreams
the pain
thats unheard of
the pain that's
not seen
by rhiannonm franklin
Butter cups. A field full of small yellow flowers. I look at them and couldn't help but feel pain. Hurt and sorrow. For a moment it felt as if I had died.
I lay there, and then, something clicked into my head. How can I get back? This makes me start to panick as I look up and see brian looking down. Tearful eyes. "Brian?" I yelled to him. He didn't respond, maybe he can't hear me. So I yelled louder. "BRIAN!" But again he didn't respond. Why can't he hear me? Is it because he feels guilty? I knew I couldn't stay here forever. I had to go soon to find a way out.
"Brian, I'm gonna be back soon ok? I'm gonna look for a way out of here!" I yelled to him. As I moved on I couldn't see a thing, It was very dark. But then, I bumped into something. A door! I opened it and, I seen a tiny flower. A purple one, that thrived in the little sunlight it had. I got closer to look at it. I kneeled down to see the tiny flower and then I heard someone spoke. "I haven't seen another human in a long time." The voice echoed all over. "Who's there?" I asked. Now it feels like ima bout to get raped. "Hi, im flower. Flower the flowey." The small flower turned to me and smiled. "God damn it! I always say the phrase wrong!" Flower said. "Let me do that again, I'm flowey! Flowey the flower!" They said in a creepily cheery voice. To be honest I didn't know how to respond. I mean, there is a TALKING flower, right infront of me who is named flowey. "You're new to the underground, aren't cha?" Flowey said. All I did was nod. "Let me teach YOU how things go on around here." Flowey said. An orange heart popped out of my chest. "You see this? That is your soul. The very cumulation of your being!" The tiny flower said. "My soul? This is too crazy to be true. Last time I checked, tiny little yellow flowers don't talk!" I exclaimed. "Well, maybe I'm not a flower, but a monster?" They said. That book that I found, maybe it has something to do with this. "But, monsters aren't real." I said, but now I wasn't sure. "Oh you better believe it." The flower said. "Right anyways! Other monsters may want to fight you to get more LV to get stronger, others just want to be spared." It explained. "What's LV?" I asked. "What's LV? Why, it is love of course!" Flowey said.
"You do want some LOVE don't you?" Flowey asked me. This just got real awkward. "Here touch these...... 'friendliness pellets' to gain love!" Flowey said. That sounds sketchy as hell. The tiny red heart flew back into my body. "Here, move around and touch all of them!" They said. White things started to race towards me. I dodged them all. "Looks like you missed all of them. Here, this time, remember to touch all of them!" It said, getting angry. Again, I dodged the white friendliness pellets. This time flowey was pissed. "You know what's going on here, don't you?" They said in a demonic voice.
A circle of their bullshit "friendliness pellets" surrounded. "Who cares? Who would pass up an opportunity like this???" Flowey asked. The pellets drove closer and closer. I went into some weird block possition. Then, someone comes, and they threw a fireball at me. "Oh my! Are you alright?" A man with a nee Jersey accent said. "Yeah, I'm fine it's just that flower. He gave me a spook." I said in disbelief. "Yeah well, flowey isn't the nicest monster." The guy said. The guy came into the sunlight. It was a skeleton. With a black cloak on and his eyes were cut. "Yeah, i know you didn't expect a skeleton, as I didn't expect a human to fall down here." He said in a disprded voice. "What's your name?" I asked. "Ghaster the skeleton." Ghaster introduced himself. "I'm craig, but please call me mini." I said. A few moments later and sans is bursting out laughing. "Mini?.. oh my gahahahahad." Ghaster was chuckling to himself. "Few, well crai- i mean Mini, why do you call yourself that?" Ghaster said with a smile. Then again he is a skeleton so he always smiles. "Basically, it is my... nickname somebody gave me a long time ago. It just sorta stook." I said.
"Yeah, I can understand that, somebody gave me my name a loOOOOOng time ago aswell." Ghaster said, looking down. "Well, come on, it isn't safe here in the ruins." Ghaster said.
We entered another place, the walls were purple brick. I don't question it since it is the most normal thing I have seen so far. "Sometimes, in the ruins, you may run across a puzzle. Now, some of these puzzles are hard, others, not so much." He explained. "Why is there puzzles?" I questioned. "Well, way back when, monsters where afraid that humans would come back, so we made puzzles, complicated ones to trap them telling them to turn back incase they were here to, finish the job." Ghaster explained. "Well, then, if I'm a human then why don't you just kill me?" I asked him. "Because, I know you mean no harm." Ghaster said. "Now, with the puzzles, this one is very dangerous. But dont worry, hold my hand." He said giving his hand to me, i took it. What we were going to was a bunch of spikes. Just trust him. I thought to myself. The spikes went down as we walked across them. When we made it across I let go of his hand and we continued. "This next one I will let you do. All you have to do is flip the right switch." Ge said with a wink. If it wasn't obvious enough, there was a label saying 'this one ->' with an arrow pointing to it. As I flipped it, a door opened. "Good job." He congradulated me. We stepped into the next room wich had red leaves and a bench.
Ghasters phone rang. "Excuse me for one second." He said. I nodded. "Go." He said. There was a bunch of blabbering on the other line but ghaster looked down in disappointment. "Very well, I'm on my way." He said and put down the phone. "What's up?" I asked him. "Something's happened with a project of mine, I must go. Please stay here. I will be back in a bit." He said. As he left I thought to myself "there is absolutely no way that I am staying here for god knows how long. I need to continue, with or without him to find a way out." And that is just what I did. I continued, through the ruins.
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