Last time on Fallen-
In vision.
"I am very sorry. But, for the monster race, this has to be done." Some guy with a crown and pitchfork said. We battles but then he killed me. And trapped me in a cylender. And then he left, as I decended into darkness.
Vison end.
As I snapped back to reality I noticed I was getting the floor wet. I whiped my eyes and then got out of the shower.
This rime on fallen-
I got into bed thinking that it was some sort if crazy daydream. After all, I was real tired. Tomorrow im going to ask ghaster a way out of here. For now, I will chill and thing of how to ask ghaster. Brian's probably crying his eyes out. Poor thing.
Brians P.O.V
I can't believe I pushed craig down the hole, I seen him lying there unconscious or even dead because of me! But, next week I will save him. After the police claim they found no body down there but still went down to check my heart stoped. "God damn it craig please be alright." I said to myself in the middle of the night laying down. I'll save him, because a long time ago I made a promise to him. I cant afford another broken promise.
Mini's P.O.V
The next morning, Ghaster made strawberry pancackes for the both of us with maple syrup. It was soooo good! "Hey, ghaster? I need to get home, some time soon. The person I said who accidently pushed me down here is worried sick!" I said. "Yes, I sappose you did say you were a star. Like metaton." He said. Who? "Well, if you do, then prove to me that you can survive out there." Ghaster said. He brought me down to where the door to the other monsters are.
He turned to me and threw a flame at me. "What are you doing???" I asked. "Prove to me, that you can defeat me! Then I will let you go." He said.
A pannel cane infront of me as my orange heart popped out of my chest. Everything was black. "Oh I almost forgot! So, act means to spare. And fight means to kill!" He said. "Items are to heal and mercy is to flee/spare." He explained. Another round of his attacks came and i doged all of them. I promised a froggit I wouldn't kill. So i wont kill. I hit act and begged him to slow down his attacks.
*Ghaster's defense dropped 12
*Ghaster's speed dropped 10
The next attack was hard, I got my hand burned. 3rd degree. I went into my items and ate some doritos. My hand completely healed!
*Your HP was maxed out!
A few more atacks and I finally convince him to stop. His attacks became less and less powerful until finally he gave up.
"You can't go! Asriel will kill you! The monsters will destroy you!" He said. "I defeated you. Hold up your end of the bargend." I said sadly. "Yes, mini. But what your looking for is the barrier. It's what keeps monsters in. If you go past it then you will be free. But, asriel has declaired that all humans shall be killed by him. And that their sould would be trapped." Ghaster said. "So, that's why you wont let me leave?" I asked. He shook his head. "Well, like in videogames, its hard to kill me. The easiest way to kill me is if i accidently kill myself!" I said, then realising what I said. "Well. Off you go Mini, but please, come back? It gets lonely here." He said and went back upstairs. He paused at the top step and looked back at me and then left. I opened the door and it was instantly cold.
*Play song at top(optional)*
I walked along the cold pathway, it was REALLY freaking cold. Then a thought came to mind. How the hell can it snow underground? But I was snaped out of my thoughts when I stepped on a twig, which scared the living Jesus out of me. I shooked my head and laughed at me sillyness and continued on. I had the feeling somebody was watching me, but then again I am always having that feeling.
As I got to a weird looking bridge, somebody stopped me. "Don't you know how to greet a stranger? Turn around and shake my hand." A guy with a british accent said. I did as he ordered. "Pppppppppp" a fart noise came, which made me laugh historically.
"Heya." The guy said. I looked at him, he was another skeleton. This time they smelled like greesey cheese burgers and had on a hoodie. "Hi." I said to them. "Im sans. And right now im sapposed to be on sentury duty for humans." Sans explained. "But dont worry, It's papiris you wan't to look out for." (Yes I know it is actually spelt papyrus, you'll see why soon.)
"Come now, let's go across this trap my sister made too big to retain anybody." Sans said. I almost laughed at the creation. We crossed the rickety old bridge. "Oh no, my sister is comming! Quick, behind that conviniently shaped painting!" He said. The painting was the exact cut out of my body. I quickly hid behind it, right before his sister found him. "There you are lazy bones! Ehat are you doing out of your station? You are sapposed to be looking for humans!" Papiris yelled at her brother. "Heya, just got a little bone chilling out here." Sans said. Me and papiris both cringed at the tarrible pun. "SANS!" papiris yelled. "What?" He asked. "Get back to your station! There could be a human comming at any moment!" Papiris yelled at her brother again.
"On it." Sans said, and Papiris left him at that. I came out of cover, and had a goofey smile on my face. "Thanks." I said. "Yeah, anytime!" Sans said, giving me a forceful grin. "Well, I got places to be but it was great seeing you." Sans said, and quickly ran out of sight. What a weird skeleton. I thought abd continued. I kept going and then my phone rang. "Hello?" I asked. "Uhh, h-hello? Is this the p-p-pizza place? Can I-I get a pepperoni pizza? With, oh dear I have it on my note. Give me a sec." The said. She hung up and texted me a photo of an anime girl head. I laughed at the girl's sillyness.
"Adorable." I said out loud to no one in particular and left off.
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