3 | Nimue | Coronation Hall
"Zeus." The professor spoke.
"What is something that makes Zeus so special in Greek mythology?" She walked between the desk. I didn't make eye contact with her, but instead I was writing whatever she was saying out loud.
"Anyone?" She'd uttered. She was at the front of the room, and turned on her heel to face the class.
"How about Odin? What made him so special?" She says. The class fell silent.
"Ammon? Izanagi? Lugh? Nimue." She'd turn to look at me. I launched my head up with confusion.
"Huh? I'm not the king of Gods." I was flattered as I held my writing quill up in the air.
"No you're not. But you did know the answer." She'd smile. The students in the class chuckled and laughed as I stare at my desk with embarrassment.
"King Of Gods is our focus of study this week since well.. Today is Genesis Day.. Your Regiment will be Nominating your own King Of Gods to represent you all.. A week after Genesis Day a duel will be held to choose your Regiment's King Of Gods." She placed her arms behind her back. Everyone in the classroom looked around, staring at one another.
The bell rang and class was dismissed.
I left out the classroom. But the professor had stopped me just as I was about to leave.
"Professor..?" I questioned.
"Your grades. They surpass even the gods of the past. Yet, when you have an answer to the question. You keep it to yourself." She says to me.
"I don't see how that's an issue." I spoke.
"Your mind is extraordinary. Always thinking, questioning and making sense of it all." She hands me a flyer.
"What is this?" I asked.
"A lab study. I'd like for you to join me and a group of other philosophers such as myself." She asked.
"I don't know about this. I'm quite busy with my studies and I take them so seriously." I said with sarcasm.
"Oh of course, but if you change your mind." She tapped the flyer. I nod my head.
"Will do." I backed up, and turned around. Then I left the classroom. I saw my sister hanging out with Akal and Erasmus. I was going to approach them but my friend Innessa steps in front of me immediately.
"Today is our coronation day!" She'd held my hands and spun in the hall, and it seemed as though we were dancing. I had completely forgotten that today was our coronation day.
"Wait. Are we supposed to go to classes on coronation day?" I asked her. Innessa shook her head. She had noticed the bruise on my neck.
"What happened?" She reached out to touch my neck with her cold fingers. I quickly pushed my hand away.
"Nothing to worry about." I said.
"Did you and Akal finally.." She muttered. My eyes went large at that comment.
"Innessa! Wow!" I punched her shoulder gently as she laughed.
"I was only joking! You need to be brave and just jump into his arms one of these days or someone else will!" She told me as now held both of my hands. I rolled my eyes at that comment. But she did have a point. We walked down the halls together. Mostly talking about our coronation day. I watched as students used their powers. There was this girl who is the goddess of wealth and fortune. She had four arms and had so many wealthy items that appeared inside of her locker from random dimensions. One time she found a green paper with what looks like a man with long hair on it, except there was exactly one hundred of those.
I watched as people fly to class or use their powers for themselves. But I've never seen anyone use their powers to help others. Ever.
"Isn't it weird that everyone uses their powers just for themselves but not for others?" I asked.
"Well, we're still in school. Once we're done with school that's when we really have to use our powers to help others anyways. I say let them have this." She says and nods her head.
I slowly nod my head, but it still didn't seem right to me. I take a deep breath. Then the thought of classes crossed my mind again.
"Classes?" I turned to Innessa. Her brows went up.
"I mean we don't have to go to classes! We should be getting ready in the coronation room. I heard that they already picked out our apparels!" She said with a smile.
She was so excited and filled with joy. But for some reason, I wasn't as joyful as I thought the day would be. Especially since Grey. He might do something awful. He's dangerous and I'm the only student who really knows. I don't know if I should say something or not.
I place a hand on my neck. Me and Innessa turned around, and walked in the direction of the coronation room. We passed Akal, Erasmus, and my sister. I kept my stare on Akal as he laughed and conversed with my sister and Erasmus. Despite my worries. I deeply greed for what they had. If only my birth were simultaneous as there's. But of course I had to be 5 years behind them.
Of course I had to be seen as a child.
Me and Innessa walk to the coronation room. It wasn't even a room, more like a museum. So many dresses and suits hung up everywhere. Many of them were placed behind glass and said to be worn by complete legends.
Like Athena from Greek mythology and Thor from Norse. There was a bunch of other students standing around in the middle of the hall beautiful hall that had a large chandelier hanging from above. They were all talking, making the hall echo.
"I can't believe this is happening." Innessa squealed with excitement as she squeezed my shoulder.
"Right? I wonder what our titles will be." I held a curious tone.
As everyone was talking an large eye Angel swoops down in front of us as gust of wind caused some of the women in skirts to fly and hairs to redirect.
"Welcome to your coronation day." The Angel had this drawing voice which made the whole rom quiet down in a instant. It's Halation was so ethereal, causing the whole room to glow.
"In a second here. You will be given an angel from different dimensions to aid you through this glorious time!" Her voice remained soft but loud.
And just as said. Creatures in dresses and with large wings phase through the wall, dancing and spinning, grabbing a persons wrist and spinning off with them.
"What's happening?" I begin to panic. It was happening so fast, some people screamed and others laughed as one by one Gods and Goddesses were taken through the walls. I don't know if this was supposed to happen or if we should be running. One second Innessa was by my side but the next second she was gone.
"Innessa?" I was startled by this.
But the next thing I knew someone had hooked their arms with mine, and spun me until I wasn't able to see what was in front of me. It seemed as though we were dancing, as I felt myself being pulled somewhere. Somewhere cold. I kept my eyes closed out of fear.
"Open your eyes darling, nothing here shows any means of harm."
I continued to take these deep breaths, as I heaved in. It was cold; icy cold. Almost tempting to do it again.
I open my eyes now.
I was surrounded by stars, and I was floating. My dress slowly risen and it was as though I was floating underwater.
It was a beautiful sight as my hair floated, while unraveling out of the cornrows and watching as the seeds float away. The seeds bloomed into a sunflower and immediately withered afterwards.
Holding the strangers hand. I looked over at her. She herself was beautiful. She looked like a jellyfish. Her hair was glowing, and her eyes were large and black.
She carried a smile.
"Welcome to the stars of the dimension." Her voice was luminous.
"We will be heading to the dressing room pretty soon." She'd turned her head and her jellyfish like features would just float gracefully as if she was in underwater.
She guides me across the stars until we reached a room that oddly enough was there. It didn't belong in these stars but the room was just there. Like 3D square except you could only see the inside of it.
The moment we entered this square room, the world became brighter. I turn my head and the stars were gone.
We were just in a normal dressing room now.
"That was a rush." I uttered as I looked around with a puzzled expression. I turn to the Angel. She was wearing a blue puffy dress and her arms were folded in front of her, and she seemed comfortable as she stood.
"I'm Salara. I'm from Dimension-12. In our dimension, jellyfish represents the angels." She'd smile.
"You are very pretty." I said to her as I went to sit down on a stool in front of one of those dressing mirrors.
"My dear..."She'd spun me in the stool as I now face myself in front of the mirror.
"You're the beauty in this room." Shhe kept her smile.
"You're going to shine brighter than any star during your coronation." Salara was so confident about it.
"If only a special someone seen me that way as of you do." I muttered. The expression on Salara's face changed into a stern one as she looked at me now.
"A beautiful woman asking for my help? I was waiting for a day like this to come!" She'd said with excitement. I watched as she launched herself up in the air and her jellyfish features caught her, as she now glides gracefully down onto her feet. She spun on her heel to enter a closet that was filled with dresses. She brought out a whole line of dresses now, searching and looking.
"My mission isn't only going to be to make you a star it will also be to play Cupid!" She'd said as she takes out a bunch of dresses, flopping them onto a designer counter.
"These dresses matches everything about you, but none of these exceeds expectations.." She said with an awe tone.
"It's fine.. Really." I am only grateful that she cares enough to help me.
"I will have to design one on my own!" She'd point her finger into the air.
"No! No! You don't have to! I don't want you working so hard—plus we will be horribly late." I waved my hands and shook my head like a mad woman. I really didn't expect her to do all of this for me. I just thought she would choose a dress so I can have the night of my life. But it seems like she has different plans. Turning me into a star.
"Today you will be.. Fashionably late!" Salara protest before letting out a deep laugh and spins around, holding two more dresses, placing them onto the counter and cutting them up with scissors.
"This woman is ludicrous.." I murmured through my pursed lips.
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