Angels and Loyalty
It was time.
They'd held it off as long as they could to help Izuku get accustomed to life with Monsters, and they'd done exactly that. However, knowledge of Izuku's existence was already circulating around the Underground, and with Izuku's acceptance of his role, his new place in the family would be announced to the public. There was only one last thing they wanted to ask him before it was made official.
They were all seated in the living room for a family meeting. This was the final task they needed to get done. To decide where exactly Izuku saw himself in the family and what he wanted to be to everyone, he needed to make this decision now while they still had the chance. "I know it seems a lot, especially since you've only just gotten used to living here, but we've all been thinking about this for some time and would like to give you a choice to decide," Asgore said, his tone soothing but serious. Toriel joined in the conversation, "Izuku, we care for you--all three of us. And not just in the way that we do for close friends or trusted colleagues. Since the day you fell, it felt like you were meant to be a part of this family. Regardless of whether or not you accept it, we will always feel that way about you. You are family, Izuku. And you will always be loved here, no matter what."
Asriel was smiling at him now. He was practically glowing with excitement, and combined with the tears in his eyes, he was having trouble looking at him--or any of them really. They wanted him here, as more than just a friend or honored ally. He wasn't just an Angel to them, he was family. And didn't that just make him all warm and fuzzy inside? Family. A word he hadn't heard that word used to describe him since the surface. It was a word that resonated within his very soul, one that felt so distant and yet so very close. And as he looked at the papers in his hands, he knew exactly why. He wanted this. He wanted it more than anything. Izuku wasn't just Asriel's best friend anymore, he was his brother.
Izuku held out his hand as he blinked away his tears, "... May I have a pen, Miss Toriel?" Toriel smiled as tears threatened to spill from her own eyes. "Of course, little one," she said as she placed the slightly larger-than-average writing utensil in his hand, "And feel free to call me whatever you like, my child." Izuku smiled softly as he carefully wrote his signature on the dotted line... Izuku Dreemur. It had a nice ring to it.
No sooner than he handed the paper back, Asriel tackled him in a big fluffy hug and whooped with joy. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I can't wait to tell everyone I have a brother now!" he cheered with a laugh. It sounded like bells somehow, ringing in his ears so pleasantly. Izuku was sure that this was the best decision he would ever make in his entire life.
Asgore chuckled with mirth, "Well, then you'll be happy to know that we'll be doing that sooner rather than later, son. After all, it was only a matter of time before the kingdom would hear the good news of his presence in the Underground. But I'm glad you chose to stay with us as well, Izuku. We all love having you here, and it means so much that you trust us to care for you as our own." He joined the hug, and Toriel joined in not long after. Izuku smiled at the trio, happy to be in their arms.
He finally had a family again, and he couldn't stop smiling.
. . .
Two days later, the date of the ceremony arrived.
Monsters of all sorts arrived at the venue; all of them awaiting the wonderful news from their King. The Dreemurs walked into the awning as a roar of cheers and clapping washed through the crowd. Everyone celebrated their arrival, all curious about the green-haired child standing beside them. "Citizens! I thank you all for coming and hope you are doing well. I'm certain many of you have seen the new face staying within our home, and I have called you all here to both establish his place here with us and deliver good news. This is our newest child, Izuku Dreemur!"
"For centuries, we've hated humans for being the ones to drive us into the mountain and trap us here. We've all spent many nights dreaming of seeing the stars once more and blaming them for their cruelty which stole those lights from our sky. But see here... our fear-filled past shall not define our future!" he proclaimed with great joy. Asgore inched to the side and moved Izuku and Asriel closer to the edge for all to see. "My son found this human injured, and his kindness toward Izuku has brought forth a great friendship. One that will set an example for future generations! Monsters and Humans, living together in peace once more!"
Asriel noticed Izuku getting nervous under all the attention and offered his hand. Izuku took it gratefully, squeezing tightly and trying to focus on the soft fur beneath his fingers. His brother (brother!) was always good at making things better. "This, citizens, is what our future will be! These two are what represent our hopes and dreams! Together, they shall bring us freedom! Together, they will bring us peace! At last, my people, our Angel has come for us! Rejoice, for freedom is within our grasp!"
Cheers rang through the air, the whoops and shouts of joy deafening poor Izuku's fragile ears. Ah, it seems that loud speeches were something else he needed to train for. He can't very well be a good knight and advisor to his brother if he keels at the slightest shout. Though... maybe today could be an exception. "As- er... Father, if my presence is no longer needed, would it be alright if I went inside now?" Izuku requested, his subdued voice doing a bad job of hiding his nerves. Asgore's bright smile fell a bit but bounced back fast enough to hide the change, "Of course, young one, I won't hold you if you don't wish me to. Asriel, why don't you go and join him?" he conceded. His voice was calm, but the hint behind his words made it to its intended target as Asriel nodded and rushed to catch up to his brother.
. . .
Asriel felt terrible for dragging him out here. Izuku was already easily upset and would cry at the drop of a hat, so it really should have been obvious to them all that he'd have stage fright. Izuku wasn't good at hiding his emotions--he was good at holding them. He acted smart because he felt stupid. He acted strong because he felt weak. He acted tough because he felt vulnerable. But no matter how he acted, he was always such a crybaby. He'd cry if he was angry. He'd cry if he was scared. He'd cry if he was sad. He'd cry if he was upset at all, really. It was good that he cried a lot--it showed what mood he was in and made it that much easier to help.
That's why when Izuku left the awning--shaking and swaying--he knew he had to be there for him because Izuku hates being alone, especially when he cries. Asriel peered around the corner, turning his head both ways, and saw a door to his left that was cracked open. Asriel crept up to the door, peeking into the darkness. Short hiccups and gasps echoed from a corner with a ball of shadow in it. Asriel knew that specific ball of shadow.
"Izuku? Are you in here?" the strained breaths turned into hiccuped sobs. "Um, I'm coming in..." Asriel warned, his tone soft and gentle so as not to scare Izuku. Asriel slipped inside, slowly closing the door behind him but leaving it cracked to let in some light. Izuku became more disheveled the closer he got, but Asriel knew better than to stop now. Asriel sat next to Izuku and placed a paw on his shoulder, rubbing his thumb in a circle. Izuku leaned into the touch but didn't go for a hug. "I'm sorry for ruining this... it was just.. really loud," he confessed.
Asriel carded his fingers through Izuku's hair--which had grown enough to frame his face and cover his puffy red eyes--and pulled him in. Izuku sniffed, burying his face into Asriel's shoulder. It wasn't a hug, but it wasn't a rejection either. Asriel continued to pet him, careful not to get himself caught in the tangled mess of green fluff. "Hey, don't worry about it! Big crowds can get pretty loud. Heck, my ears were practically bleeding the first time Dad announced me to everyone, haha. But don't worry, you'll get used to it eventually. I promise!" he assured.
Izuku nodded mutely as he wiped away his tears. Asriel smiled, releasing Izuku from his hold, grabbing his hand, and helping him up. Izuku allowed the assist and followed the other out of the closet. The two then walked hand in hand back through the halls of the kingdom to wherever Asriel decided he wanted to go today. Izuku hid his face behind his bangs all the way there to not let others know of his momentary weakness. Yeah, his hair was definitely getting longer.
"Hey, Izuku, have you noticed how long your hair has gotten?" Asriel pried. Izuku nodded back, "... I like it." Asriel hummed in thought before shrugging it off with a smile, "Well, as long as you like it then it's fine. And hey, if it gets long enough you could probably braid it. Actually, you could probably braid it a little now. It would certainly get it out of your face if you need to see better. Hey, since we have time to kill, let's practice some different styles!" he said, dragging Izuku to a patch of grass hiding in a small nook. Izuku smiled at the offer and sat politely on the green foliage, allowing Asriel to play with his hair.
Yeah, this was nice.
. . .
Later that night after Toriel wished them goodnight, Izuku thought.
An awful lot was happening right now and it was kind of overwhelming, but fulfilling at the same time. He felt as if his duty as the Angel was suffocatingly heavy, but wasn't it also exactly what he wanted? Everyone was relying on him to set them free, putting all their hopes and dreams on his shoulders. But he also made a promise. Asriel was a prince, so taking the role of his knight and advisor would be a big commitment regardless of whether or not he was the Angel of the Prophecy. He also wanted to be a Hero, which held its own level of responsibility that he would have to manage. He had a role to play in all this and he'd fulfill those expectations to a tee, but it still felt like so much, and it was stressing him out.
Izuku shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut.
Now wasn't the time to think about that. He had lessons and training tomorrow and he needed all the energy he could if he wanted to give a good performance. Besides, Asriel had already had to pull him out of one breakdown today, he didn't want to make him pull him out of another... but maybe Asriel wouldn't mind sharing a bed tonight? Asriel still snuck into his bed at the first chance he got, so Izuku doubted Asriel would mind if he returned the favor. Maybe just for tonight...
A soft rustle of sheets followed by shuffling feet had alerted Asriel of Izuku's approach, which may as well be a request in and of itself. Asriel lifted his blanket and Izuku quickly scrambled in. There were no words exchanged, merely a silent understanding. An unspoken agreement that accompanied a wordless comfort. They both went back to sleep without a fuss.
Dreamless sleep overtook the brothers with the soft warmth of fluffy fur and the lullaby of a beating heart.
(Hooray! Another chapter is out.
Trying not to pressure myself into writing more than necessary in my chapters so I don't get stressed but I also remind myself to add just a little bit more because it feels too short and there aren't nearly enough details.
And yes, I'm still gonna add a little angst with my daily dose of fluff. Izuku might be super smart and stubborn, but he's also super sensitive and a total crybaby. I kinda want Izuku to be saying what Asriel does at the end of the Undertale Pacifist Ending, "I always was a crybaby, wasn't I?" While Asriel is the one who has to be strong. Of course, Asriel is a crybaby too so he'll have his moments where Izuku is the one comforting Asriel, but Izuku's entire character in s1 is just-- so many tears. All the tears. Boy does not stop crying.
Asriel might be a crybaby compared to other kids, but Izuku is the walking definition of the word. He makes Asriel look mature in comparison.
Izuku has a lot riding on his shoulders rn and it's pretty stressful for a soon-to-be seven-year-old. But his dream of being a hero like All Might also has its own brand of high expectations due to how strong and amazing the Number One Hero is. So, in Izuku's mind, if he can't handle giving these people their freedom, then what chance does he have at giving them hope for peace? What chance does he have at being their Hero if he can't even be their Angel? So yeah, he's gonna take his new title with as much grace as any kid with big dreams can.
And with the Dreemurs being as supportive as they are, he'll have a better chance at achieving it than he would without them.
But anyway, thanks for reading and I'll see you next time.)
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